Women 200lb+, Let's Never Surrender in November!!!



  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm getting a bit discouraged. For the last 2 weeks I've been working out 6 days a week, with 5 of those days being 2x a day, workout video for 30ish min in the morning and 30min on the treadmill at night. Then Saturday is a rest day and I do 30-45 min on the treadmill on Sunday. I've also been weighing and logging everything I eat. I havent lost ANYTHING. I've stayed the same if not gone up a bit.

    I haven't been perfect in my eating (we had cracker barrel on Wed, but I logged it) and last night we had mcdonalds but I logged it.

    I'm starting to think maybe I'm not eating enough as I don't eat back my exercise calories, so think week instead of aiming for 1510, I'm going to aim for 1700ish, as that will be just under half my calories in exercise (roughly 235 on treadmill and 215 in morning workout). This will bring up my net calories to closer to 1200.

    Does this logic seem right? Its always hard to wrap your head around eating more to lose weight.

    I'm aware that I have way too much fat in my diet and will be working on reducing that too.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer for you but wanted you to know you are not alone! I do the same things for weeks and I don’t lose any weight. I sometimes lose hope but come back again to try to make it work.
  • brighteyed8331
    brighteyed8331 Posts: 6 Member
    My goal is to lose 2 lbs per week.
    To do it I will:
    Commit to meeting my step goal each day
    Complete at least one workout or walk per day
    Stay within my food goals.

    Any ideas on indoor workouts? I have a feeling we will be restricted to our homes soon and I normally walk outside in a park or around a track.
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member

    I haven't been perfect in my eating (we had cracker barrel on Wed, but I logged it) and last night we had mcdonalds but I logged it.

    I'm starting to think maybe I'm not eating enough as I don't eat back my exercise calories, so think week instead of aiming for 1510, I'm going to aim for 1700ish, as that will be just under half my calories in exercise (roughly 235 on treadmill and 215 in morning workout). This will bring up my net calories to closer to 1200.

    Does this logic seem right? Its always hard to wrap your head around eating more to lose weight.

    I'm aware that I have way too much fat in my diet and will be working on reducing that too.

    You my be underestimating your calories consumed. Also, mfp often (in my calculations) overestimates exercise cals, so I adjust those down a little. Make sure to measure and count add ins like spray, oils, butters. Weigh foods. Ensure you measure- it always reminds me just how small 1/4 cup is. When I don’t, I underestimate. When others prepare like Cracker Barrel , it’s a guess....different cooks, not exact sizing. Based on what you said you are prob burning 300 cals. See if you can get a medical assessment to find your current metabolism. I paid to get mine from a special trainer when I was on vacation last year....it was about what I thought but good to have it validated.

  • MaxCat1000
    MaxCat1000 Posts: 40 Member
    Happy NSV - I needed a pair of what I call indoor pants (usually lounging pajama pants!) and my usual go-to pairs were hanging to dry so I tried on a pair of capris that, last I tried them in the summer, were a bit too tight. Tight no longer - yay! Nice to sit in them and not feel squeezed. Now I have to try on the other, slightly even smaller, pair, and see how they fit. This will greatly increase my wearable indoor pant selection!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    Check-in: (Back to Monday weigh-in)
    11/11: 72.5 kg (159.5 lbs)
    16/11: 71.6 kg (157.52 lbs)

    Start weight 16/03/20 104.9 kg (230.78 lbs)
    Total loss: 33.3 kg (73.26 lbs)

    Checked my BMI, I'm still overweight for my height... I need to loose 6 kg to get into normal range which is just over 13 lbs, I'm aiming for end January 2021, because christmas is full of social gatherings (I will have to pace myself).

    Goals for the week:
    3 x 40 min runs
    walking and strength training (in my lounge) on the days I don't run
    Drink more water (been slack on that)
    Be present and committed (Been good with this)
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @uyister Thanks you were right! I love your SMART goals x And well done on the drop last check-in
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @pamiede OMW, drum roll on reaching your goal weight, that's amazing news, I've been looking up to you for so many months now and have loved following your journey. I hope your body heals completely and that you can work on your physical strength again, what happened to you is so scary x
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,287 Member
    Is this you @changeforeverlj ??wow, what a change!! Great work! You look so different!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @orangequilt Yes, it's me! My friend sent me the pic on the left it was taken in winter 2018, and the one on the right I got my son to take on Friday. I think its important to remind ourselves how we are progressing in our journey so that we remain encouraged to continue, the last few weeks have been hard for me mentally, this group definitely helps me be accountable!

  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,287 Member
    Your face is a completely different shape!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    I didn't realize how large I had become, to be honest, I avoided mirrors and photos! It took a new friend who was very frank this year and told me 'You really do need to lose weight' to shock me out of that comfort zone of not being present in my life! And then lock-down happened, which on one hand was a good thing for me. When she asked me what made me do it a few months later and I said YOU, she said she felt bad, but I loved her for it!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I’m back! 😂
    So basically I was doing well was down from 235 to 211 in June the august happened I regained 30 lbs in 2 weeks! And it took a minute but for last two months I been at it so I’m down to 219 neighborhood! So working towards my first goal weight is 211. I’ve been doing keto and intermittently fasting or omad. I did notice though I think I’m noticing a better change physically in size than when I was this weight last time. Weird ways how you change.