Anyone else struggling to lose ANY weight on Keto?

I've done it for over a month and no loss. I combined it with 18:6 fasting as well. Seems a bit strange to have NO loss at all - am I alone in this?


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    To add to the above by @janejellyroll, if you are one of those that doesn't necessarily feel more satiated and you're guesstimating portions, it is far easier on a Keto diet to unintentionally eat more calories than you think since Fat is 9 calories per gram, where Protein & Carbs are 4 calories per gram. So even minor variances of actual intake vs estimated intake can add up quickly.

    Oh yes, if you go from primarily eating carbs and protein to primarily fat, then portions will have to shrink substantially. Plus you need a calorie deficit on top, which reduces portion size even more.

    Sateity of course plays a bit roll as well. If TO is one who thrives on carbs and remains hungry of fats, then keto won't be the right way of eating anyway. You can't change your genes.
  • bubus05
    bubus05 Posts: 121 Member
    I know the feeling. I have been on keto+IF for roughly seven months now and recently I kind of hit the wall too. Having said that I managed to lose 25% body weight to this point, but long gone the days when I was losing 5 pounds a week lucky if get a single pound off. But then I was fairly obese at 277 pounds. I think if this diet doesn't work there may be some miscalculation of calorie deficit on the OP's part as well as my part as it was stated by others, or keto is simple not the right kind of diet for the OP, keto is one of many strategies to lose weight. Just a suggestion, if you are comfortable with 16/8 IF, I would try to extend to a full day of fasting it might help with reducing the calories.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Dogmom1978 wrote: »
    In agreement with most the answers. I just don't understand why people make it so difficult on themselves with these FAD diets that have a higher long term failure rate than just normal calorie counting!?

    Because keto and IF are the new magic pill and a lot of people don’t track calories using them. They lose some weight initially and then the weight loss stops and they can’t figure out why the magic stopped.

    All diets work the same: eat in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Some people still don’t get that though.

    +1 CICO
  • bubus05
    bubus05 Posts: 121 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    And then, if the magic pill with unicorn decoration doesn't work people post here, and then don't come back if they don't get the answer they expect :(
    Well i am doing keto+IF and it did work just fine for months without focusing too much on calories. It ain't magic pill-who even said that-you have to be at least aware of your calories for this particular method, any method to work-long term- as I have come to realise. I also came back to admit I probably made a mistake to completely ignore the calories and I am working on it. What I dont understand is the seemingly total opposition to keto and IF, these are effective strategies and can work and do work for many people.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    The bolded is usually why. Some use these methods of weight loss because it's the fad now and forget that CICO is all that matters. 🤷‍♀️

    CICO is not quite all that matters. There is the critical issue of proper nutrition.

    So, you might say "CICO + proper nutrition are all that matters."

    Then, you could note that proper exercise is also critical to overall health.

    So, you might say "CICO + proper nutrition + exercise are all that matters."

    Then, you could note that mental health is also critical to overall health. Relationships are key to mental health.

    So, you might say "CICO + proper nutrition + exercise + relationships are all that matters."

    But, purpose is also key to overall mental health. Hey, maybe I've gotten there:

    "CICO + proper nutrition + exercise + relationships + purpose are all that matters."

    I'll leave the ordering to the individual.