
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member

    Hi Gals,

    I’ve been reading along but not commenting much, just a time thing so thought I’d do a bit of an update.

    It has been great to have Dylan (the coworker from camp) living here, he spends 2 ish nights a week with his girlfriend, Erica which works great for me as I get going so early (6-7am) and he is much more a 9-10 ish in the morning guy – so the 2 mornings he is with Erica are 2 mornings I start embroidery early and 1-2 mornings that I go do gardening jobs he has quiet mornings… so that just leaves a couple that we compromise on.

    We eat dinner together almost every time we are both home, and alternate who cooks – works out great. With his girlfriend and a mutual camp friend that is in our bubble - the 4 of us did friends-giving last Friday –a great success! Smoked turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn casserole and pecan pie. On official thanksgiving I will be zooming with my holiday group, and for me I am doing steamed clams, garlic bread, and salad. My holiday group would not appreciate steamed clams, but they are a favorite of mine, so this was a great opportunity.

    I am still embroidering at a crazy level and as it is California there is plenty of gardening.

    Enough about me –

    Suzi Q – glad to hear from you!

    Heather – I am glad you and Johnny are comfortable canceling Christmas, it would break my heart, I even bought some new outside decorations (just $10 worth) to try to cheer up the neighborhood.

    Lisa – keep taking good care.

    Rita – (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

    Machka – so excited for you to do the “big” graduation. Hopefully the right outfit appears.

    Allie – sending the best of thoughts.

    Sue in WA – your mom looks great, and seems to be tolerating the cat just fine!

    Smiles Kim
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Allie - glad you posted! What Beth said - in ICU, there's always someone if you need them. Rest and heal, girl.

    Machka - congratulations!

    The tornado siren woke me up about 20 minutes ago... so I got up and checked the weather radar (my office is an internal room, so the safest place anyway). It's largely already past us, no worries.

    :hushed: Lisa in Arkansas

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: So wonderful to see your post!!! I have been hoping to hear from you. :flowerforyou:

    Machka CONGRATULATIONS on passing all of your courses!! You have been working for a long while and have reached your goal. I admire your hard work and dedication. :star:

    Bwcetc: I have been very pleased with our Governor’s leadership and management of the pandemic. I am sorry that my gym is closed and yoga is suspended for now, but I think Governor Brown is doing her best to keep as many of us safe and healthy as she can. I’ve seen news today that there are three likely vaccines that are being tested. I hope vaccinations will be available for all of us as soon as they can be considered safe and can be mass produced. :heart:

    SuziQ: I’m glad to see you posting again! :flowerforyou:

    Sue in WA: Your mom is lovely!!! :heart:

    Kim: I am so happy to hear from you. :bigsmile:

    Lisa: Tornadoes are rare here in this region, but they do happen. We have a photo of one that occurred not long after we moved here. We didn’t have any damage, but we had a good scare. Several other tornadoes occurred in parts of the Willamette Valley that year. I’m glad your tornado didn’t cause serious damage to your home and property. :star:

    DH & I are sticking very close to home. I’m the usual grocery shopper, but he comes along sometimes. I have a short list of things I’ll shop for tomorrow—sparkling water is high on my list.

    Stay as safe and healthy as you can.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited November 2020
    Phew! So much going on with you all. Hugs to those with general health and covid worries. <3

    Congratulations to Machka. Enjoy treating yourself. You worked so hard!

    I'm awake in the night, so dropping in.

    Kim - I don't think DH is quite as happy as I am. We will have nice food and it wasn’t our turn to have the family anyway. We've often had a Christmas with just the two of us. He will miss the pre and post get-togethers though with his girls and sister. The government has decided that 3 families can mix for Christmas, but we are still isolating indoors anyway, and not mixing with anyone, so the morning beach meet up is still on, if the weather is kind. Crossing fingers. We will buy the grandkids their usual presents.
    I've sent my brother the AF Advent Calendar that my son designed, :D because he already ordered me something. Online it says it is a popular item! Very proud of my son who is working so hard. Not a good time to be promoting AF drinks to the leisure industry. All bars, restaurants etc are still shut until next Thursday.
    Still haven't tackled my SIL, because I don't want to tread on DH's toes. His daughters seem delighted not to be bothering. My younger son and I are exchanging small foodie items, so no pressure.

    If we get a sunny day we will probably try to get another pizza visit in outside.

    Last night we were watching one of our antiques programmes and Blue John was featured. This is a semi precious quartz stone, of a purplish, streaky nature, thst is only found in Derbyshire, in caves. We both love it, so I went online and ordered DH some silver cufflinks featuring the stone for his Christmas present! He only ever wears cufflinks on our cruises, but I'm not sure he has any decent dress shirts any more, so I ordered a white one of those as well for him. We will have to find an occasion to dress up! Roll on the vaccine! I must say, I do like a white shirt on a man. He doesn't know I've got them for him. :-)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Barbara and Debbie, turns out the fog free masks aren't quite as fog free as I thought they would be, but they are better than any other that I've tried so far! I just googled "easy 3D mask" and it came up, SeeKateSew is on the pattern. I will post photos, didn't get much done on them today, other stuff got in the way.
    Some of the other stuff that got in the way today was hubby's desire to unclog the shower and my sink in our bathroom. My sink had all but stopped draining, it never was fast, but had really slowed down. Well, you should see what we pulled out of there! On second thought, you don't want to see it! Looked some small rodent got caught up in there, really kind of gross, but it seems to be clear now. Hubby also blew out the shower drain (our vacuum has the feature where you can put the hose on the "exhaust" end of the vacuum and it turns into a blower.) It only took seconds! Hopefully the shower will drain nicely for me tonite! As well as the sink tomorrow morning.
    So good to see some folks we haven't seen for awhile, are the two that pop out at me! Also happy that your new living arrangement is working for you Kim!
    I went to my core strength class this morning and on the evening news found out that all group classes have now been cancelled. Very unfortunate. The Y has been doing such an excellent job with the spacing for group classes, the room has been divided up into sections, each section has a red dot in the middle. People stand on the red dots, and do the whole program on that spot. The instructor will put out the mats before the class gets there, everyone wears a mask until the class is about to start.... In other words, lots of care and thought put into trying to keep the place open, but sometimes that's not enough. Plus, while the Y is doing all of this, I have no idea what other gyms are doing. I am sad that I won't be able to go to that class for now, but glad the fitness room is still open, so far anyway! I have my appointment for tomorrow!
    Went grocery shopping this afternoon, when I started putting stuff in the freezer I was actually concerned that I might not get it closed! lol Fortunately, it did. I must refrain from stocking up so much! I'm not hoarding, I'm buying in relatively reasonable amounts, but there are only two of us! In any case, the freezer and cupboards are full, and I am going to do my best to limit my shopping to picking up fresh fruit, veggies and milk for the next few weeks.
    That's my past 24 hours in a small nutshell!
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited November 2020
    Evelyn - I was listening to the radio yesterday and it talked about the wonderful lichens on the rocky islands off BC. I thought of you. Have you noticed any lichen?!?! :p
    We have some colourful lichen on the roofs opposite us that I look at every day while I'm gymming. Apparently it is a sign of clean air. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx looking forward to her Zoom this afternoon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Brighton and Hove covid cases are going down fast, deaths are down to 3, and overall deaths are well below average for the time of year.
    Here's hoping!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Terri – Such a great idea supporting local business and trades/crafts people. We will miss them if they have to close because of their financial challenges.

    Flea – Sorry to hear about your pup. They become such a part of our family.

    Ginny – Big hug to you. Sorry about so many around you getting sick.

    Suzanne – It’s sad that so many are not taking this seriously. I know people are getting tired of practicing all of the protocols and some are in complete denial this exists. Sending positive thoughts.

    Barbara – One of my all-time favorite things is when my towels are fresh out of the dryer and I time my shower so they are still warm when I dry myself off. I have never been a robe wearer – I have tried, but robes are not my friends. LOL.

    Allie – Thank you for keeping us posted. It sounds like you are in good hands. TG the covid test was negative. Sending prayers and positive thoughts. So happy the first procedure went well and you are being sent to the best hospital in the area.

    Heather – Wow, that was a long blood test, if the nurse could go through four relationship stories. Happy 16th anniversary!

    Barbie – The History of TP. 😊 Love Jake.

    Katla – I so dislike the dark mornings and earlier sunsets. At least in Florida our rainy season is over and we get lots of sunshine during the day.

    Vicki – Happy belated 36-year anniversary! What a milestone. Crossing fingers you are able to find someone who is reliable and wants to work.

    Tracey – I so understand your frustration with friends and family. It’s amazing how many smart, intelligent people are caught up in the conspiracy theories. It does baffle the mind.

    Beth – I teared up reading about your son’s treatment. What is WRONG with people?! I think you are making the right decision. It’s time full legal action is taken. You may be the conduit that makes changes not only for your son, but for many others. Big hug and sending strength to you for the coming days ahead.

    Rori – It was good to see a post from you. I hope all is well and things are working out with your husband’s aide.

    Heather – I am so glad you and Johnny had a nice anniversary. Oh, Crème de Menthe. So sweet. I have a friend who makes Grasshopper Brownies. The base is a brownie and it is topped with a layer of a cream made with Crème de Menthe and then a layer of chocolate. Devine.

    Lisa – I so agree with your “you should” assessment. In conversation a simple change of wording such as “I feel” or “I believe” could open up a meaningful dialogue.

    Betsy – Sending prayers and positive thoughts to your sisters. Praying this round of treatment stops the growth. Big hug to you.

    Up to page 60. Only 12 more to go according to the page ticker!

    Hugs to all,
    SuziQ – SFL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Kate UK - Love your flowers. :D Many of the front gardens around here still have roses blooming and the occasional geranium. Haven't had a real frost yet. I think the north is due to get colder.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: Your photo is the first I’ve seen of a Wombat. It has a cute face. Are they herbivores, omnivores or carnivores? Welcome creatures or pests? :huh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "Wombats are small marsupials that look like a cross between a bear, a pig and a gopher. They are built for digging, with short legs, compact heads, short broad feet and strong claws. Like kangaroos, koalas and other marsupials, they have a pouch. But a wombat's pouch is backwards [so they don't fill it with dirt when they dig]. And their poop is cube-shaped [so they can use it to mark their territory and it won't roll downhill]."

    Wombats are herbivores. And since they are diggers they can be pests in some areas. They dig massive burrows. On the other hand, those massive burrows have come in very handy for them and other wildlife during bushfires.


    There are several different varieties of them.

    Machka in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: take BP, coffee/stroll with C and T, dogs to powerline, shift burner grates to get last of gunk,
    Bonus: Post Office, Freddie’s, recycling
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, wipe down left side of Aunt Elsie’s stove with the last of the ammonia, hang out with repair guy, email info to grantwriter, watch STAS Day 18 (go sniff), submit grant pics and receipts, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, make experimental almond paste, make cookie batter for when Aunt Elsie’s stove is working, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), A Little Less Broken, One margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Sleeping with the Devil, Nothing but You, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick); finish mulching flowerbed; broadcast cover crop seed in veg garden areas, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove. Reward: inventory seeds, plan next year’s garden, wishlist replenishments
    New Ways November
    24 Share something helpful you’ve recently learned with a friend: “Obesidy code” with C & T. Thanks Lanette!
    25 use one of your strengths in a new or creative way: figure out those doggoned blood pressure monitor and blue tooth speaker, type hymns.

    Lisa sending you a virtual herbal heat pack hug for upper back and sinuses. “tornado siren” Just what you needed. Glad it was already gone.
    SuziQ relieved to see you popping in, you’ve been missed.
    Machka that wombat looks cute but OH those nails need trimming ;) Con VERY gratulations on the official passing, but we never had any doubt!
    Fae we had the same crazy drivers in Idaho. Saw more than one sail through an intersection when their 4wd had no stopping power. Grateful for my studded snow tires and living where I only need them a few days each year.
    Barbie :love: the “we already have…” sign. Truth that.
    Kay so sorry for your painful timing lesson. Timing has always been a challenge to me, tend to procrastinate, making things harder, more stressful, sometimes missing opportunities. And like you I really loathe dusting, mopping and vacuuming.
    Julie thank you for your perspective on “inlaw’s stuff” hadn’t thought of it that way.
    Tina Hope you get the help you need to heal quickly, whether in the ER or outpatient. HRT for migraines?
    Fae your winter walking look reminds me that today I caught sight in window reflection of me wearing watch cap, mask and dark glasses. Thought I looked like a short, pudgy, little old lady, stickup artist ;)
    Karen in VA good to see you popping in. What’s been going on with you and yours?
    Beth about your son’s care, words fail. :rage:
    “…who does not like cats” Your mom looks quite cozy!
    Kim I was just typing a “Kim, what’s up” when I got to your post. Delighted that things with your roomie are working out so well. I’m with your holiday group, would NOT appreciate your steamed clams. :laugh:
    Tracey fingers X’d your test results are negative. So disappointed about the sleepover decorating date, was looking forward to pics.
    Allie what Beth and Lisa said. ICU is the best place to be for now. Hang in there.
    Heather The AF advent calendar looks intriguing, and I see the company now ships to the US. Could your son get them to carry the AF red wine ?Torrero? that you like? None of the AF wines I got from Amazon were even tolerable.
    Kate gorgeous blooms!

    Lovely beach stroll and socially distanced chat with C & T at a picnic table overlooking the ocean. 50 degrees that felt like 60 with blue sky and sunshine. Comforting to be able to vent, we are all so weary of lockdown. T wants to travel, C wants to go out to a restaurant, I want to just hug everybody. But, we all believe our state’s two week freeze will be extended through the holidays. There was some talk of a possible Christmas get together at C’s house, just the 4 of us C and her DH, T and maybe me . . . if Joe’s surgeon releases him Monday, and if it the “max from 2 households” restriction is lifted. If not, I’ll zoom in.

    Time to snooze. Want to prep stuffing and sweet potato casserole before its time to hang out with the stove repair guy.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    November: better than October.
    daily: sit with Joe: 21, weigh: 24, steps>5491=7046  vits=24 log=24 CI<CO=21 CI<250<CO=12 Tumble & Shadow 5=24 mfp=24 outside=21 up hill=20
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3 =0 rx=4 dance=2 clean 30 mins=17.5
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=1 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=16 play=0 sew=0
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Tomorrow I have two medical appointments:

    1. Eyes - I was hoping to wait until next April before I got my eyes checked, but I'm having a terrible time seeing my computer screen. You're all blurry!!

    2. Teeth - yep, that tooth again. It's still not quite right. I really hope this time it get shaved down to the correct level. Yes, she's using that carbon paper stuff to check. Yes, she checked me lying back and sitting most of the way up. But last time, it just felt that much better than it had so I thought it was going to be OK, but it isn't.

    I'm trying to get all these in before Christmas and before we shut down again!!

    M in Oz

    1. Eyes - it turns out something has changed with my left eye so that it is seeing double through my desk glasses. My vision through my right eye is slightly blurrier, but my left eye is significantly blurrier and there's an extra set of letters halfway under the real letters when I look through the left eye alone. No wonder I've been having problems seeing!

    I should have new glasses in a couple weeks.

    2. Teeth - I have had that new crown trimmed again and it finally feels about right. My jaw feels much more relaxed now too! I actually ate dinner tonight and didn't notice the tooth!! :)

    M in Oz

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    I cannot believe it is the day before Thanksgiving. How time not only flies by but in a matter of a few weeks has made great changes in all of our lives. It will be a solo Thanksgiving for me. I bought most of my meal very early in order to avoid the last-minute rush. I still cannot understand how people go out and buy their meal a day ahead of time. I watch them every year buying 20-pound frozen turkeys the day before the holiday. I simply shake my head.

    Allie – I am so glad you are in good hands at Yale. Home by Thanksgiving – yeah!!!!!

    Tracey – The puppy is so cute. She looks a little sad that she is not with her family.

    Michele – Like many I question the safety of traveling regardless of method. I read an article this week regarding contact tracing and through contract tracing it provided ratings on the daily things we do and the level of risk. Gas stations and pumping gas were rated “red”. Please be careful while traveling. Also, you may want to check each State’s isolation rules. In NJ one must be isolated for 10 days prior to visiting someone in the State. My best friend missed her brother’s funeral because there was no way for her to isolate for 10 days and drive from FL to NJ and make it in time for the services.

    Lisa – So happy to hear your results were normal!! Such a relief.

    Heather – It sounds like your tests were mostly normal too. Not sure why doctor’s offices give such mixed messages.

    Machka – I am so happy you now have some time for yourself. I know the feeling of finally not having a paper to do or chapters to read. Enjoy!! Your strawberries look delicious.

    Annie – I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I sincerely hope she finds her way back to you.

    Beth – Big hug to you. I am so sorry about your son’s exposure.

    Okie – Love the tree!

    Rebecca – Oh, I love the story of your mom cursing while traying up cookies for the oven. Priceless!

    Christmas Decorations – It is my plan to put away Thanksgiving/Fall decorations over the weekend and pull out the Christmas decorations. It will be a small display this year. It seems every year I downsize a little more. I am still planning on being in a small cottage by the time I retire. 😊

    KJ – Happy belated birthday. Sorry it was a bit of a downer. I am positive I would not have the potty-training patience you have shown.

    Ginny – I agree men and women have very different communication styles. With Charlie I found it was best to phrase things as a decision for us to make. I would say oh, I was thinking about xyz. I would provide two or three options. I found he felt his value in the relationship was to feel manly and be included. It was a very tough for me because I am such an independent woman but it worked. He always wanted my opinion and would normally go along with what I felt was best. But, by including him in the decision process I believe it made us better partners and stronger individuals. I was so fortunate to have found him. He was such a romantic, smart, funny, challenging, and fiercely loving person. I miss him every day.

    Page 70 – I am getting there!! I am afraid to refresh the app. I am sure there are another 20 or so pages to go.

    😊 SuziQ – SFL
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    We had a beautiful hot sunny day today. :)


    M in Oz