The Diamond Challenge: Round 5 (Week 3) - Town Hall Meeting!



  • I didn't realize there was a town hall meeting! I am so confused!
    I'm not sure whether I'm going to do a mile jog or 125 jumping jacks, I think the mile jog is safer for my back - but it means I have to go outside and run, HOW embarrassing.

    QOTD: My oldest friend is my husband - I have known him 17 years now (we've been married for 7). I met him when I was going out with one of his mates and fell in love with him at first sight although I couldn't tell him. So we became good friends after that.
  • I didn't realize there was a town hall meeting! I am so confused!
    I'm not sure whether I'm going to do a mile jog or 125 jumping jacks, I think the mile jog is safer for my back - but it means I have to go outside and run, HOW embarrassing.

    The Town Hall will normally happen on Monday; however, due to flooding where Jamaica is located she has been pulled away from MFP for a short period.

    Town Hall is designed for all of the Diamond Challenge members from every group (Little Diamonds, Shining Diamonds, and Diamonds In The Rough) to come together and get to know each other. The QOTD for Monday's will be posted on the Town Hall forum; however, Tuesday-Friday QOTD's will appear on the forum for your group.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    First of all - great challenge! Love it!

    QOTD: hmm...I am still in contact (over facebook) with a number of friends I went to elementary school with - who I would have met about 35 years ago....but my closest and longest friend would have to about 27 years strong - we met in grade 9. We don't talk often, but when we do it's like we have chatted every day.

    Now my hubby would be my best friend - we met just over 10 years ago.

    On another note, a couple weeks ago my 2nd son (he's 19) and I were chatting and laughing away one day, and he said "Mom, is it wrong that I talk to you more like a friend than my mom sometimes?" - hopefully, I am his oldest friend! :)
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Just did the jumping jacks think I'm going to collapse lol
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    I just ran 8 miles according to my Wii fit free run. Yay! Tomorrow I will tackle the jumping jacks. Great challenge.
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    i've known my longest friend for 26 years, met her through my cousin (she was in pre-k or kinder with her). wow, that sounds like an eternity!!
  • bbrwneyes
    bbrwneyes Posts: 45 Member
    I have 2 ladies that I have been best friends with for about 9 years. I met one at work, we were in the same office and I met the other young lady while doing ministry at our church, she was the leader of mime and after I joined, we became very close. I wouldn't trade these ladies for nothing in the world, they are the best friends a girl could have!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    I just ran 8 miles according to my Wii fit free run. Yay! Tomorrow I will tackle the jumping jacks. Great challenge.

    I think I'll do this today too. It's too hot out, and I can't make it to the gym today! Not sure if I can do 8 miles though.
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    I love the challenge this week ! I'll be sure to do it daily !

    I have known my longest friend since age 5 ...sadly I stopped being in touch with him after I got married .. just not appropriate to have a male friend so close to you once you're married :)
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    I've known Cristina since umm... we were kids and I'm trying to figure out how many years ago that was. I think we're close to thirty years now. She's actually moving back to the States this month and I'm excited to have her closer. I love her tons!
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Just a special shout out to my MFP BFF who I connected with straightaway when I joined. I know we're talking about friends we've known for a long time and it just seems like I've known her forever. It's really great to have someone by my side that I can talk to everyday. I'm talking about the fabulous Lustris aka Jennifer! Mucho love and admiration!
  • Just a special shout out to my MFP BFF who I connected with straightaway when I joined. I know we're talking about friends we've known for a long time and it just seems like I've known her forever. It's really great to have someone by my side that I can talk to everyday. I'm talking about the fabulous Lustris aka Jennifer! Mucho love and admiration!

    I could kiss you right now!!!:flowerforyou:
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    My oldest friend moved in next door when I was 1st grade. She was in kindergarten but we played together lived at each others house every summer and are still friends today. We live in different states but keep in touch and get together when we can. It has been 32 years. I have 5 kids and she has 4, so you can imagine how easy it is to get together. (NOT) Maybe when the kids all get older and move out we can get together more often and share war stories. :-)
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Loving the challenge again this week! I am going to do the crunches - normally do 60 - 100 a day so I will add an additional 25 to each day!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    75 crunches and 50 jumping jacks today. I hope to complete my numbers tomorrow!
    Happy Friday ladies!!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    I met my oldest friend in preschool in September of 1981. I can't believe it has been 30 years. Our lives are very different now, but we still stay in contact via FB. I saw her and her family last month at a baby shower for her younger brother's girlfriend.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    OMG! I have to share this .... I told my partner but I have to pat myself for this one!!! ...

    Not sure if you know what a tricep machine is? well you sit on the seat and they handles are at about chest height - when you push down you go just below your seat. So, I hadn't worked on that machine in about 4 weeks because when I would push the bars down my hand would brush my butt/thigh and that disgusted me . . . so I tried it today and there is like 1.5" room on each side! My hands dont touch my body when I push the bars down now!!!!! I don't care if I lost 1 pound or 10 pounds over the past 4 weeks . . . I most definitly lost inches!!!!

    Sorry . . . had to gloat for just a minute :bigsmile:
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Loving the challenge again this week! I am going to do the crunches - normally do 60 - 100 a day so I will add an additional 25 to each day!

    Did an extra 50 today - yay me :happy:
  • I didn't realize there was a town hall meeting! I am so confused!
    I'm not sure whether I'm going to do a mile jog or 125 jumping jacks, I think the mile jog is safer for my back - but it means I have to go outside and run, HOW embarrassing.

    The Town Hall will normally happen on Monday; however, due to flooding where Jamaica is located she has been pulled away from MFP for a short period.

    Town Hall is designed for all of the Diamond Challenge members from every group (Little Diamonds, Shining Diamonds, and Diamonds In The Rough) to come together and get to know each other. The QOTD for Monday's will be posted on the Town Hall forum; however, Tuesday-Friday QOTD's will appear on the forum for your group.

    Thank you for explaining, I didn't know this Town Hall forum was here either. :(
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Challenges for this week! Done!!!