Pregnancy - September 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    We are now discussing having a ring ceremony of some kind in florida before we leave for nz, but this just dosent have the same meaning and without getting legally married during the ceremony it dosent hold the same weight. But i dont want to get legally married until our main ceremony in NZ, it would mean alot to me if we became legally married on this day.

    Ugh what to do :cry:

    My friend is doing a destination wedding that many people cannot attend and afterwards they are having a big party when they get back to celebrate. Basically a much cheaper reception! They won't have a full meal or an offical DJ but there will be food, drinks and dancing. they are going to have there minister to a blessing ceremony at the start.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Just got back from NST and US. Baby still doing well. Fluids are high, and they've asked me several times now if the GD test was normal because of it. :laugh: The baby is measuring "right on" with an estimated weight of 7 +/- 1.5 pounds. That freaked me out, because with 4 weeks to go I could end up with a 9 lb baby!:noway: But dr reassured me that he's probably not that big (readings are very inaccurate right now) and I should be fine. Still, with all that fluid and baby, no wonder there's no room for me!

    Soooo tired today....

    sorry about being tired! Yea for a good apt! You are getting close!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member


    YEA so excited for you!
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi my name is sandi and i just found out im pregnant with number 3 and very shocked but very happy. I just reached my lowest weight since before i had kids 2 weeks ago so this is going to be hard to get used to eating more i have been dieting for over a year and have lost 51lbs and im still considered over weight so I'm gonna try very hard to stay in shape and eat healthy. I gained 60lbs20lbs with my first, only 35lbs with my 2nd so im hoping no more than 25lbs with this one. Im still trying hard to workout everyday but im exhausted.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Today my Cali is one week old! I am sooo in love! The c-section went better than expected. I entered the operating room at 8am. The spinal was pretty much painless! The nurse compared getting the local shot to getting a shot in your mouth at the dentist. It felt exactly like that, and that was it! A few minutes later I was feeling some chest tightness, so they lowered the medicine and I felt much better. Then a minute later I got a severe hot flash that seemed never ending. The nurses fanned me and within a few minutes that had passed, and they let my husband in..which was such a relief! From then on it was smooth sailing. The surgery started at 8:20, and by 8:27 she was here! She let out the sweetest little whimper cry! And I started balling of course! They didn't let me see her right away which I wasn't thrilled with..but my husband went over to the warmer to take a few pictures for me. And to my surprise..she had a full, thick, long head of hair! I so wasn't expecting that! I was also pretty surprised to hear that she measured in at 8 lbs, 5 oz and 20 inches long! I had a feeling she would be big..but that is a HUGE baby in my family. Every other baby in our family has been about 6 lbs! Well, they finally brought her over to me and she was beautiful! She stopped crying immediately once I started talking to her, and they wheeled me out of the room with my gorgeous daughter on my chest!

    The first night was pretty rough. We had a hard time soothing her, and I came to find out that she wasn't latching on correctly so was not swallowing enough of the colostrum to stay satisfied. By day 2 I tried a better position suggested by my nurse (making sure she was tummy to tummy and squeezing my breat a little to help her) and since then breastfeeding has been going great! I have had some sore nipples from the first bad latches, but lanolin is helping as well as soothies breast pads. My milk came in on the third day..and it came in hard! I was very engorged for about 3 days. I finally learned that my pump is my new best friend and I pump 3 or 4 times a day which makes a world of a difference in my pain level, and her ability to nurse without killing my nipples! Since then, my milk supply seems to be great so far! Pumping 5 oz (both breasts combined) within 5 minutes!

    I've had a few complications.. (besides killer boobs) I've become VERY swollen and am retaining water everywhere! My pregnancy underwear are very tight and my feet, ankles, calves, thighs..pretty much everything are huge and very uncomfortable. I also had issues getting my digestive track going again and it took 5 days and many meds to get me to be able to use the bathroom at all. Lastly (and worst of all) I seemed to develop a very bad infection in my lady parts. You would think c-section would mean id be in the clear for any issues down there-well, so did I and man was I wrong! They think it has to do with irritation from hospital undies and pads in combination with my wearing nylon undies for a few days..but I am on 3 medications plus a powder. The doctor said it was so bad that she actually asked if I would mind her showing her trainee "such a bad case" yikes! So all that has been no fun, but I am on the road to recovery and mentally feeling wonderful (I just have to wait for my body to catch up!)

    So, overall. I had a pretty great birth. I am so happy and so blessed to have this sweet little angel who turns her head and puts her lips right to my mouth to "kiss" me everytime she is near my face! My husband and daughter are smitten with her! It has been amazing week being Cali's Mommy and I can't wait for more :love:
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
  • magenta4c
    magenta4c Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    i'm happy i can finally join the pregnancy section after trying for over 2 years and needing fertility treatment. :(
    our second IUI was finally successful and i feel confident enough now - after my second beta to join you. :)

    i would appreciate feedback on my diary, as i would like to to clean up my diet even further. i believe i eat really healthy already, but i don't eat organic.
    not sure if i eat balanced enough, as i am not a big fan of raw veggies and fruit (i have to make the conscious decision to eat more of it every day) but i love rye bread and dairy. i know that the bread part is not good, but at least it is not wheat, eh?

  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    It's a another precious baby boy! :happy:
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    It's a another precious baby boy! :happy:

  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    It's a another precious baby boy! :happy:

    Congrats on another boy :flowerforyou: Any names picked out?!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Congrats Lindsey- she's precious! I love the outfit you have her in!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Congrats on another boy :flowerforyou: Any names picked out?!

    Thanks! His name is Joel Isaac Mallory
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Okay ladies I need your help. Can you vote your rankings for the following names?

    Isabella Rose Marsh
    Isabelle Rose Marsh
    McKenzie Rose Marsh (not set on spelling There are 40 some ways)
    Anabelle Rose Marsh
    Madison Rose Marsh
    Madeline Rose Marsh

    Middle name Rose and last name Marsh are pretty much a set thing. As Rose is my moms and my middle name so we want to carry that on. Her older sisters name is Allison Hope Marsh.

    Thanks ladies!!
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Okay ladies I need your help. Can you vote your rankings for the following names?

    Isabella Rose Marsh
    Isabelle Rose Marsh
    McKenzie Rose Marsh (not set on spelling There are 40 some ways)
    Anabelle Rose Marsh
    Madison Rose Marsh
    Madeline Rose Marsh

    Middle name Rose and last name Marsh are pretty much a set thing. As Rose is my moms and my middle name so we want to carry that on. Her older sisters name is Allison Hope Marsh.

    Thanks ladies!!

  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Just dropping in to say hello!

    Baby life is good, just busy. But Edan is doing really well.

    Lindsay, congrats! She is beautiful, and wow look at all that hair!

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • pietilamichelle
    Any breast feeding moms out there? Since nursing burns 300-500 calories per day I am not sure how to account for this in my goals. My goal was to lose 2 lbs per week however I already lost 5 lbs last week and now half way through this week I lost 2 more. While I am very excited and motivated I am wondering if I should be eating more than 1200 calories per week. Any ideas?
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Any breast feeding moms out there? Since nursing burns 300-500 calories per day I am not sure how to account for this in my goals. My goal was to lose 2 lbs per week however I already lost 5 lbs last week and now half way through this week I lost 2 more. While I am very excited and motivated I am wondering if I should be eating more than 1200 calories per week. Any ideas?

    You can add breast feeding in your food diary. Type it in like you would a food and it will come up with multiple options. It will show as a positive number so you end up with more calories. You need to eat your 300 - 500 calories (depending on whether you are exclusively breast feeding or not) in addition to your 1200 calories a day. 1200 calories is the bare minium your body can survive on. For example, if you are exclusivly breast feeding your child and burning 500 calories a day doing that and only eating 1200 calories your body is only getting 700 calories instead of the 1200 it needs to function properly. For the same reason - if you are only eating 1200 calories and exercising at all you must eat back the calories you burned while exercising.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Okay ladies I need your help. Can you vote your rankings for the following names?

    Isabella Rose Marsh
    Isabelle Rose Marsh
    McKenzie Rose Marsh (not set on spelling There are 40 some ways)
    Anabelle Rose Marsh
    Madison Rose Marsh
    Madeline Rose Marsh

    Middle name Rose and last name Marsh are pretty much a set thing. As Rose is my moms and my middle name so we want to carry that on. Her older sisters name is Allison Hope Marsh.

    Thanks ladies!!

    #1 Madison Rose
    #2 Isabelle Rose
    the others are all about even.

    I love the middle name Rose - It's my middle name, too! :happy:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Okay ladies I need your help. Can you vote your rankings for the following names?

    Isabella Rose Marsh
    Isabelle Rose Marsh
    McKenzie Rose Marsh (not set on spelling There are 40 some ways)
    Anabelle Rose Marsh
    Madison Rose Marsh
    Madeline Rose Marsh

    Middle name Rose and last name Marsh are pretty much a set thing. As Rose is my moms and my middle name so we want to carry that on. Her older sisters name is Allison Hope Marsh.

    Thanks ladies!!

    Isabella Rose is my favorite. I like Madison but it sounds very close to her older sister's name (Madison and Allison).
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Add to my already confused state- I am off 24hr bed rest but I still need to be taking it easy and laying down during the day. I don't see how laying down is going to help put me into labor anytime soon though. I would think it would just prolong it instead. I'm ready for Avery to be here already- I am seriously in so much pain I can hardly stand sometimes and forget laying down. Thank God, not too much longer!