Just give me 10 days - Round 133



  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,891 Member
    @grandmajackie I'll be there for Round 134 as well. Need to think through those goals. :)
  • starrjulia8
    starrjulia8 Posts: 552 Member
    Age 39 Height: 5.8
    Highest Weight: 229.6 (March 2016)
    January 1st 226.5
    Ultimate Goal Weight 175 by August 2021

    Today I stand at 198.6. Current short term goal is 192 by December 1

    Round 115 SW: 223.1 EW: 218.1 -4.3
    Round 116 SW: 218.1 EW: 217.9 -0.9
    Round 117 SW: 217.9 EW: 215.4 -2.5
    Round 118 SW: 215.4 EW: 214.3 -1.1
    Round 119 SW: 214.3 EW: 212.7 -1.6
    Round 120 SW: 212.7 EW: 211.0 -1.7
    Round 121 SW: 211.0 EW: 207.1 -3.9
    Round 122 SW: 207.1 EW: 206.4 -0.7
    Round 123 SW: 206.4 EW: 205.2 -1.2
    Round 124 SW: 205.2 EW: 202.6 -2.6
    Round 125 SW: 202.2 EW: 201.4 -0.8
    Round 126 SW: 201.4 EW: 198.9 -2.5
    Round 127 SW: 198.9 EW: 198.7 -0.2
    Round 128 SW: 198.7 EW: 199.0 +0.3
    Round 129 SW: 199.0 EW: 198.5 -0.5
    Round 130 SW: 198.5 EW: 198.6 +0.1
    Round 131 SW: 198.6 EW: 198.6 0.0
    Round 132 SW: 198.6 EW: 193.6 -5.0
    Round 133 SW: 193.6


    11/23 194.0 Not surprised had beef ribs last night. I was mindful about everything else I ate for the day. So It shouldn’t be I huge increase. I’ll take this. I am going to be very mindful all week.
    11/24 193.5 14041 1964 calories. I am trying to be mindful. Eat lots of fruit and veggies. 2 eggs, 1 sausage link and an avocado for breakfast.
    11/25 193.3 11759 steps 1874 calories. I had chicken salad last night with my babies. Light breakfast today. Having apple pie tonight is a tradition with my foster sister.
    11/26 194.7 There is apple pie. Yesterday 11956 steps 2365 calories no hugs required.
    11/27 195.8 I woke up this morning saying please don’t let it go over 196. I kept my portions small. Waited 10 minutes before I went back for more and small portions. Sweet potato pie. 9788 steps and1768 calories. Not bad. Plus I worked out last night for 15 minutes.
    11/28 195.7 Finished the pie, don't want it in the house. Drank lots of water. Plenty of leftovers.
    11/29 193.7 A drop back down to where I was approximately. Yesterday was a bit lazy only 7300 steps but today I made my attempt at the Turkey Trot. 2.93 miles average pace 19’20” 56 minutes. Saturday I had no leftovers. I ate tuna avocado salad and Sunday I had leftovers for breakfast.
    11/30 193.8
    12/01 194.7 I am very sore today. I haven’t done anything like the turkey troy attempt since late September. I ate lots of salty fries yesterday. It’s my own fault. Hopefully I can be under 193 by tomorrow. My November goal was 192.5 by December 1st and I did not make it. It’s okay. It is time to make a realistic goal for New Years Day. 189.9 is a reasonable to me. 194.7 to 189.9 is a difference of 4.8 pounds. I have got to keep my eye on the prize.(TOM is coming so I expect a drop in the 24 to 48 hours.)
  • starrjulia8
    starrjulia8 Posts: 552 Member

    Praying for your godson.
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,094 Member
    @CamandJarvis Sending healing thoughts and loving kindness to your Godson.
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,577 Member
    @CamandJarvis - Hugs and prayers to you for your Godson. 🙏💚
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,907 Member
    @CamandJarvis Praying for Godson and his medical staff! How old is he? I missed that.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,982 Member
    @CamandJarvis 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 for the little guy, his family and the medical staff.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,982 Member
    Welcome back @Steph_135! It’s nice to see you again! Here’s the link to the new round, too. It starts in a couple of days so we don’t lose you!

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,982 Member
    @globalhiker Welcome! Don’t forget to check into the next round, listed above.

    It seems I can no longer edit a post!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,982 Member
    Female 5’0” Age 70 years
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel - no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    OGW 137 (set by WW 2008, WW goal 1985 was 126)
    UGW 125 (HS weight 1968)

    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5
    SW Rnd 10 167.5 AW 165.3 Start Keto
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5 AW 147.3
    SW Rnd 26 148.5 AW 145.4
    SW Rnd 27 146* AW 144.72
    SW Rnd 28 145* AW 145.5
    SW Rnd 29 146.5 AW 145.8
    SW Rnd 30 146 AW 145.65
    SW Rnd 31 146.5 AW 144.45
    SW Rnd 32 144.5 AW 143.3
    SW Rnd 33 141.5 AW 140.6
    SW Rnd 34 140.0 AW 140.75
    SW Rnd 35 139.5 AW 139.25
    SW Rnd 36 138.5 AW 138.85
    SW Rnd 37 139.0 AW 138.2
    SW Rnd 38 139.5* AW 136.9
    SW Rnd 39 137.0* No end/avg weight
    SW Rnd 40 ???.?* 5 day avg 137.6
    SW Rnd 41 137.5 AW 138.2
    SW Rnd 42 my 36 138.0 AW 136.15
    SW Rnd 43 136.5 AW 135.5
    SW Rnd 44 133.5 AW 134.55
    SW Rnd 45 134.0 AW 134.35
    SW Rnd 46* 133.5 AW 133.28 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 47* 133.5 AW 133.0 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 48 133.5 AW 134.05
    SW Rnd 49 134.0 AW 133.85
    SW Rnd 50* 134.5 AW 134.6 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 51* 133.5 No scale on ship
    SW Rnd 52* 134.0 AW 133.42 (6 Days)
    SW Rnd 53 131.5 AW 131.9
    SW Rnd 54 131.0 AW 131.6
    SW Rnd 55* 131.5 AW 129.66
    SW Rnd 56* 128.5 AW 130.7
    SW Rnd 57 131.5 AW 130.85
    SW Rnd 58 131.0 AW 130.6
    SW Rnd 59 132.0 AW 131.3
    SW Rnd 60 131.5 AW 131.85
    SW Rnd 61 130.0 AW 132.4
    SW Rnd 62 132.0 AW 131.6
    SW Rnd 63 132.5 AW 131.55
    SW Rnd 64 131.5 AW 130.65
    SW Rnd 65 129.5 AW 129.2
    SW Rnd 66 129.0 AW 128.75
    SW Rnd 67 128.0 AW 128.65
    SW Rnd 68* 129.0 AW 129.41 (6 days)
    SW Rnd 69* 131.0 (only 1 day left) AW 131.25
    SW Rnd 70 131.5 AW 129.5
    SW Rnd 71 129.0 AW 128.25
    SW Rnd 72 128.0. AW 128.8
    SW Rnd 73 129.5 AW 129.5
    SW Rnd 74 128.5 AW 127.9
    SW Rnd 75 126.5 AW 126.0
    SW Rnd 76* 126.0 AW 123.36(7 days
    SW Rnd 77 125.0 AW 125.7
    SW Rnd 78 125.5 AW 125.1
    SW Rnd 79 125.0 AW 124.0
    SW Rnd 80 124.0 AW 123.3
    SW RND 81 124.0 AW 124.65
    SW Rnd 82 125.5 AW 124.35
    SW Rnd 83 123.0 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 84 121.0 AW 120.95
    SW Rnd 85 120.5 AW 120.5
    SW Rnd 86 120.5 AW 121.15
    SW Rnd 87* 121.0 ended on travel
    SW Rnd 88* 122.0 on 9/1 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 89 120.5 AW 121.21
    SW Rnd 90 122.0 AW 121.35
    SW Rnd 91 121.0 AW 120.2
    SW Rnd 92 121.5 AW 120.9
    SW Rnd 93 120.5 AW 120.45
    SW Rnd 94 119.5 AW 121.45
    SW Rnd 95 123.5 AW 122.4
    SW Rnd 96 122.0 AW 121.6
    SW Rnd 97 121.0 AW 120.22
    SW Rnd **98 119.0 Travel NWIs
    SW Rnd **99(late) 126.5 😮 AW 123.79
    SW Rnd 100 121.0 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 101 121.0 AW 120.95
    SW Rnd 102 120.5 AW 121.05
    SW Rnd 103 121.5 AW 121.05
    SW Rnd 104 120.0 AW 120.9
    Rnd 105 SW 122.5 AW 120.8
    Rnd 106 SW 121.0 AW 120.5
    Rnd 107 SW 122.0. AW 120.6
    Rnd 108 SW 122.0 AW 121.0
    Rnd 109 SW 120.5 AW 120.4
    Rnd 110 SW 121.0 AW 120.3
    Rnd 111 SW 120.5 AW 120.6
    Rnd 112 SW 120.0 AW 119.2
    Rnd 113 SW 119.5 AW 120.2
    Rnd 114 SW 119.0 AW 118.3
    Rnd 115 SW 117.5 AW 118.25
    Rnd 116 SW 118.0 AW 117.55
    Rnd 117 SW 116 AW 118.11
    Rnd 118 SW 121 AW 118.3
    Rnd 119 SW 119.0 AW 116.75
    Rnd 120 SW 117 AW 117.2
    Rnd 121 SW 116 AW 117.3
    Rnd 122 SW 118.0 AW 116.55
    Rnd 123 SW 115.5 AW 116.35
    Rnd 124 SW 117.0. AW 116.6
    Rnd 125 SW 115.5 AW 116.5
    Rnd 126 SW 115.0 AW 116.5
    Rnd 127 SW 117.0 AW 116.2
    Rnd 128 SW 115.5 AW 115.65
    Rnd 129 SW 115.5 AW 116.85
    Rnd 130 SW 116.5 AW 115.9
    Rnd 131 SW 116.5 AW 116.4
    Rnd 132  SW 118.5  AW 116.95

    We ALL have good rounds and bad but that is part of life. Don’t stay away, stay accountable. We don’t judge, we support.-Jpv,2/13/19

    What we need to succeed is a sustainable way of eating, not a DIET we go on and off.

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    **Comments apply to previous day**

    SW Rnd 133 117.5
    11/23 117.0 New restrictions start just after midnight tonight. Welcome to California Junior. The governor has effectively cancelled Thanksgiving gatherings for all. I had previously cancelled (last week) the one we were planning and my menu keeps shrinking!
    11/24 118.0 I know why. Need to take something!
    11/25 117.5 Bathroom success after weighing. YAY!! DH baked cookies last night (for DGD#3 and DSIL) today I’ll be baking pies for DGD#4 and DGSs#2&3. DD will pick those up along with silly place card holders I made this afternoon. Also keto friendly desserts for us.
    11/26 117.5 Happy Thanksgiving to the citizens of the USA! EVERYONE have a BLESSED DAY!
    11/27 119.5 Aaah, Thanksgiving. Totally expected-had small amounts of sweet potato and mashed potato, 3 small homemade dinner rolls, and lots of eggnog! Really, most of the foods we enjoy regularly. Dinner rolls and mashed potatoes as well as eggnog are the culprits! LOL I didn’t even taste the keto pumpkin pie I made. I was NOT stuffed but I was FULL. All things considered, a great day. I just wish we had been able to join family!
    11/28 120.0 Expected. This should be going down tomorrow. I plan to get my lazy butt out of the chair for “Kick 2020 to the Curb” AF
    11/29 120.5 Hmmm It’s okay. This is actually the typical high carb 3# gain. Eight months ago (on 3/16, the day before Nevada was shutdown) I was 121.0. I now know how even a lower carb (not keto) Thanksgiving will affect me. Today my gal pals and I are having a virtual sew day through Google meet up.

    Yesterday I went over the Garmin’s step goal. YAY!
    11/30 120.5 What a great day yesterday hanging out virtually with my sewing buds - about 7 hours!! I made and ate chicken jalapeño popper soup - YUM!
    12/1 118.0 My BFF is coming today and we’re going to lunch. At least that’s the plan. Hard to say where since restaurants are pretty much closed.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,982 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ Whenever people gather there is FOOD! LOL In my little sewing group (4-6 ladies) we bring our own lunch. I even did this last winter in a group of about 100 where lunch was provided. I eat low carb and so many people DON’T understand what and where carbs are. After almost 3 1/2 years and being 20# below my initial goal, people can stare or criticize but I don’t plan to go back.
  • nedw3
    nedw3 Posts: 379 Member
    If you're the praying type, can you send my Godson prayers? If not, positive vibes, helping reiki, etc are more than welcomed.

    3 days after the official call to be on the transplant list, this evening Fam got the call: they have a liver for littleman. They're about halfway to the hospital and will be there likely until after the new year.

    We were told 3-6mo on average. It took 3 days. We are all freaked out from the suddenness. The unexpected. The nerves are real. I'll give updates as we go. What I know now: surgery will be tonight most likely. After surgery, he will be in NICU (average is about 8 days). From there, they stay in the area for minimum 30 days after release from NICU to monitor as he heals.

    Sending good thoughts to your grandson and family.