Help keep losing muscle and gaining fat slow metabolism

I am at a loss here and not a good one. I was getting so annoyed at all my hard work and watching people stuff themselves with junk yet still look defined. Here i am watching every morsel and cant seem to change. So i spent every last cent of my savings and got a rmr test and a dexa scan well wasnt that an eye opener.
Dexa scan says im 40% bodyfat but im healthy bmi what??? I lift heavy i count every bit of macros i eat adequate protein but according to this i was over eating in protein. So i go get my rmr and find out my metabolism is god dam slow by -33% something is wrong here. My rmr is 994 calories it literally said to lose weight i had to eat 994 calories. All this time i have been over eating based on stupid calculators overestimating. I go to the doctor get every test under the sun. NOTHING THEY FIND NOTHING but guess what i dont tolerate carbs properly. I knew that. I bought a lumen device to test my rer to increase my metabolic flexibility. I change my workout to 3 days full body weights heavy last rep hard 3 sets/8-10 reps not to gain but to maintain and encourage my body to keep what im using. I do very short HIIT on same day after weights (only time i can do it no exceptions physically impossible to do on other days and or later in day, single mum to autistic child) other 2 days spin at home on spin bike dye to daughter being home cant go anywhere.

I spend 6 months working hard i adjusted macros and ate protein according to my dexa scan composition. I lost only 1 kg thats it over 6 months so i thought hey i must have lost fat and gained muscle due to proper nutrients and adequate plan. I decide to get another dexa scan to see my success and make sure im heading in the right direction. I got my results and cried for 2 weeks even while going back to the gym and still working hard. Wtf i had lost 900grams of muscle and gained 100grams of fat. How the hell is this possible???

I have no medical condition according to doctors my bmi is great they dont care im a walking sack of lard. Im so soft and squishy yet i can lift heavier that 30% of the guys in my gym. I cant eat more or i gain weight i cant lift more and more cardio seems counter productive and can cause high cortisol on the body. What is going on. How much do i eat? I mean based on my rmr a really high met workout for me literally uses barely any calories, my resting heart rate is 49 to 55 bpm depending on how hard i workout the day before if i go above 55 i know i need longer rest. I have spoken to a endocrinologist and no my rmr will never increase. The thermal affect is so minute from food it makes no difference and muscle gain will only add approx 100 -150 cals extra but as you know you cant gain muscle without gaining some fat. 40% already is to risky to gain more. So please what do i do. Im 161cm short, 61.3kgs 40yo female and workout 5 days but only very minimal on 2 of those days or i dont recover well. I just want my fat in kg reduced not just percentage. I mean yes you can gain 5 kgs of muscle and fat % goes down but fat mass hasnt therefore still unhealthy.


  • lisachmitchell
    lisachmitchell Posts: 28 Member
    How incredibly frustrating. I’m short (5’1”) and I’m finding it hard to get leaner and my doc said it was hormonally related as I’m 52. But I’m damn stubborn and keep pushing anyway. Running has helped me the most in terms of leaning out. But I hear your awesome dedication to health and fitness and your frustration as your body just isn’t cooperating. Not sure I have any words of wisdom. Just coming alongside to hear you.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok so to make things clear i did a professional dexa scan where i had to lay in a machine for 20 minutes that scanned my entire body. It has a 99.8% accuracy rate. No eating for 12 hours before. Yes i am 40% fat.

    Yes the rmr was not a calculation it was a machine i had to breath into for 28 mins no exercise for 24 hours before (i had not worked out for 48 hrs).
    I had to fast for 14 hours and was allowed water upto 1 hour before. No moving no talking.

    My rmr was 994 plus approx 298 for daily activities so cleaning making food etc. Add those together and thats what i have to eat to maintain wait. Now yes you are meant to adjust for exercise but according to my rmr test approx 30 mins if high mets only burns a whooping 114 cals for my metabolism. Now to create a deficit you are meant to eat a consistent deficit. Eg 500 cals a day less. For me that is ridiculously low cals based on test (i have had this test done 4 times now and it only changed once because i lost muscle so my rmr went down again).
    You can choose for your deficit to be entirely from your workouts (very inaccurate and risky did this for years but impossible to calculate what im burning if all calculators are wrong due to my rmr test).
    Or eat a deficit, it actually says on the sheet of paper maintance, weightloss, medically supervised weightloss. And under weightloss based on my clinical very expensive very accurate test i had to eat between 1000-994 cals to lose weight.

    Do not tell me its wrong because i have has this argument with multiple professionals and thats why i had the test done multiple times. Its not wrong.

    My reps and sets are in original post you just gave up reading. So is my height weight and age. Reread it. My workout was written up for me by s bikini comp trainer i make the decorated bikinis for comps so i have had lots of knowledge imparted to me, most believe i have a medical condition.

    My food is clean i eat mostly things you cant mess up in weighing and accurate calculating. I saw a nutritionist she said i eat very well but hates my rmr results and knows my difficulty. I do not undercount and i have s calibrated scale from said nutritionist.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    Argue with this clinical test where i had to breath into a machine. Lots of requirements before test could be performed.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    Sijomial just for you, because you misunderstand. I know what im talking about. SEE IT LITERALLY SAYS IT.
  • BlueDesire89
    BlueDesire89 Posts: 10 Member
    Clearly people here just want to argue. And when you have proof and documentation because their brain can't comprehend the unexplainable they immediately dismiss hard copy proof as “has to be *kitten*”. Dont you think i have had this talk with professionals. My endocrinologist was adamant i had something but she hugged me with absolute sincere shock when all tests said healthy as an ox. She said there are people who are just born like this and its not fair.