Vegan, Keto, Paleo, & Carnivore - Which do you tend to lean towards or neither?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    I think it's informative and somewhat a trial and error to try out different diet choices. As these are the top trending diets, I've tried them all. I learned a lot from what foods I can tolerate and which foods I thrive the best on.

    Not to bash any of these lifestyle choices, but I'm curious of which ones have you tried, what have you learned, and what are you currently doing?

    I’ve tried them all. Felt deprived on them all. There just wasn’t any balance for me. They also demonize food ie carbs are bad, treats are bad, etc.

    I eat everything now that I will eat during maintenance, only less calories of it. Calories are all that’s required for weight loss.

    Although some plant-based eaters do demonize animal product foods, the message of veganism isn't that specific foods are bad, it's just that the impact of using animals for food is undesirable for the animals. But you'll find vegans making vegan versions of just about any sweet, fatty, carby treat imaginable. I saw a post yesterday where someone made a fried "chicken" sandwich with cashew cheese sauce and served it on a cinnamon sugar donut.

    My friend and fellow designer is vegan, I’m gonna have to tell her about that one. She and I eat pretty similarly, you wouldn’t even really know she was vegan if you weren’t paying close attention. Fortunately there’s a lot more options for vegans these days than before. It can definitely be just as delicious, especially since carbs and treats are still very much on the table 😊

    Haha, yeah, I can't stop thinking about that sandwich! I may have to try to make my own version. :)
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    I'm vegan, but it has nothing to do with dieting. I count calories to manage my weight.

    I have learned that I feel best when I align my consumption choices (including food) with my belief that animals deserve moral consideration.


    If I was eating plant-based for dieting purposes I probably would eat a lot healthier. 😅
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    Vegan, Keto, Paleo, & Carnivore - Which do you tend to lean towards or neither?

    None of the above.
  • bubus05
    bubus05 Posts: 121 Member
    edited December 2020
    LOL I am keto alongside my wife, my brother and his wife full vegan, the only thing we agree on is IF-how they can do vegan with IF is a mystery to me they swear it's great. Sadly family dinners are a rarity.
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    I've been vegan/Vegetarian for 15 years. It's not really a diet, plant-based would be the strictly diet end of veganism.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    For weight loss, I just focus on calories. For my health and for ethical reasons, I am mostly plant based. I tend to eat similarly to the Mediterranean diet. 2 years ago I gave up most animal products, except for sustainably caught, low mercury fish and pasture raised eggs.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Vegan, Keto, Paleo, & Carnivore - Which do you tend to lean towards or neither?

    I tried South Beach for less than a week and it sums up my experience with all named diets - the rules are unnecessary and annoy me.

    I've been involuntarily mostly vegetarian or plant based several times while living in community. While I did lose weight without trying at the second place, I can't and wouldn't want to reproduce the conditions and limited selection of food present in Costa Rico here in Massachusetts :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Here is a video collection of the Buff Dudes' experience with many different forms of eating, including Vegan, Keto, IIFYM, Carnivore:
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    None really.
    All foods in moderation, portion control, staying in a calorie deficit, and moving more. Works for me.
  • RashadLavelle
    RashadLavelle Posts: 46 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Here is a video collection of the Buff Dudes' experience with many different forms of eating, including Vegan, Keto, IIFYM, Carnivore:

    I love watching their channel.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,729 Member
    I eat what I like, in more appropriate quantities than before 🤷 and I'm also a bit more mindful of my protein intake.

    I've never tried any of those diets, nor do I care to. All foods are allowed, although I have a pretty balanced diet: I like veggies and homecooked meals as well as some 'junk'/treat foods and moderately precessed foods.
  • chuckle_bunny
    chuckle_bunny Posts: 496 Member
    I eat a plant-based diet and, honestly, I feel like I've unlocked the cheat code for life. I'm not gonna preach to anyone but if you want to feel good, come hang out with me for a day.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,792 Member
    I eat a plant-based diet and, honestly, I feel like I've unlocked the cheat code for life. I'm not gonna preach to anyone but if you want to feel good, come hang out with me for a day.

    Curiosity: Was your "before" way of eating just about the same as the way you're eating now (i.e., lots of plant foods) but with meat/fish/dairy in the picture? Or was it something different?
  • Mazintrov13
    Mazintrov13 Posts: 134 Member
    I accidentally started eating vegetarian/plant based when I first moved out of home at 18 and had no idea how to cook so I was basically living off oats/fruit, peanut butter sandwiches and frozen veggies with instant noodles. I started getting bad pain in my legs, trouble sleeping and lethargy so got a blood test which found I was pretty severely deficient in both iron and b12. I got some shots to get my levels up and was advised by my doctor to start eating red meat a few times a week so I asked Mum to teach me to cook a few meat based meals 😂 this was of course 100% my fault as I was ignorant but I would advise anyone thinking of going plant based to make sure you are getting some sources of iron and b12.

    I also tried keto once and hated it! I was already at a normal weight and just wanted to lean out a little and kept hearing it was great way to lose fat, gives you all this energy, helps you feel full etc. I genuinely believed there must be something wrong with me as I was losing no weight because I found it so hard to not over eat as my meals were so unsatiating, didn’t get all this clear headedness people are always going on about. Once finding these forums I felt a lot better about my experience as it seemed a lot of other felt the same way. Keto or low card Never again for me.

    Now I usually run cut (tdee minus 500-250 calories) bulk (+150) or maintenance cycles just with counting calories and focusing on protein and enough fat.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    bubus05 wrote: »
    LOL I am keto alongside my wife, my brother and his wife full vegan, the only thing we agree on is IF-how they can do vegan with IF is a mystery to me they swear it's great. Sadly family dinners are a rarity.

    Why is it a mystery how vegans can do IF?

    Exactly my thought when I read that! I’d love to know what the stumbling block would be?
