

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I did not walk yesterday and pretty much didn't do a lot. I was just too cold. We have a hard time getting baby girl to put on socks and shoes on her. I binged ate last night as well...stress took over. I knew I was not hungry and yet I still ate. LOL. I have done better today. Went for a walk, and baby girl is eating Mac and Cheese for the first time as I type this. LOL.

    @mswatson0777 Yea I don't miss the slush, black ice, what ever you want to call all of it. IL you had a plastic mat at the door, you took your shoes off and put on warm socks or house shoes. Here people don't see a need for it. But I go barefoot most of the time. LOL I hope your day goes well. Good idea for the walk. I always feel clears my head.

    @trooworld I am glad you have a manager that would rather you say you don't know that give a wrong answer. You can always find the answer and once you find it, you now have another "knowledge" piece in your brain. LOL Hope you get a lot done working from home.

    @TeresaW1020 I hope you get to have the party..maybe zoom him in? I can see you standing over the scale, say MOVE...MOVE...I have done my part now you do yours. LOL

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie My daughter wouldn’t keep socks and shoes on either when she was very little. She always ran hot and finally, I just gave up and let her be. Of course, the time I found her barefoot in the snow was a hard limit for this mama. :grin: I hope you have a good day and get your walk in and find a new way to handle the stress other than eating, which I know leaves you angry with yourself and that is more stress you just don’t need. <3

    @mswatson0777 What a good idea to switch to walking and even doing some yoga. With all the work stress you have, I think getting outside and breathing fresh air and clearing your mind is a great way to find some balance. What are your weekend plans? :)

    @trooworld I hope your migraine is gone and that you have a good day and weekend. <3

    @theslightedgeforever, waving hello!! :)

    Good morning! Well, we are having a party this evening and I am super excited! I spoke to my pastor’s wife yesterday and she says he is up to coming but that they might not stay very long. That will be fine. He can be here to eat with us and then after they leave, we can play our fun games and hang out. I have a busy day of getting the food ready and finishing up some last-minute cleaning. I decided to make frosted eggnog cookies and not sure why because I’m not a baker. :grin: I was also happy with the scale this morning. I lost what I gained over Thanksgiving and even lost a tiny bit more. I’m still determined to finish this year with a loss for the month. Have a great day! :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @mswatson0777 Oh that would be good if you didn't have to interact with them again. My head is better today, thanks. I got a little bit of work done but honestly, I was fooling around a lot, too! :D Doesn't your work realize how demoralizing it is to have back-to-back meetings? That's terrible. I'm glad you are taking care of yourself.

    @theslightedgeforever Good to see you even if it was just to say you'll check in today.

    @cbabie I hate the cold. Baby girl does NOT want to be restrained by your socks and shoes lol! I hope she cooperates soon. Are you tracking what you are eating? Yeah, I really like this new manager so far. I didn't get a lot done but it was my fault this time. ;)

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, it IS gone! I hope you have a good weekend, too. I'm so glad you are able to have your party. Frosted eggnog cookies sound good. That's great that the scale was down, congrats!

    Hi all. Yesterday was a lot better. I slowed down and took my time at work. I recently got a Cricut machine and hadn't set it up yet so I took a little break and set that up in a small area of my living room. I can't wait to use it. I have it set up on a tiny table I got off Amazon, it is so cute, it is about 2 feet long x 3 feet and doesn't stand very tall but it is perfect for my needs. I hope you all have a good day.

    Goals for December:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @cbabie Sorry to hear about the binge. I struggle with eating emotions too so I totally get it! I'm glad you were able to get out and walk today. And yeah shoes are definitely not allowed in the house, we track enough things in even with taking them off! Also, my heat is set at 66 degrees so I figured you'd get a kick out of that ;)

    @TeresaW1020 Sadly my weekend plans are reworking my dissertation for my advisor meeting next Wednesday so it doesn't feel like much of a break. My SO and I are going to order Indian food and split a bottle of wine tonight so that should be fun. Frosted eggnog cookies sound wonderful! I hope you have a great time.

    @trooworld I wish there were more breaks between meetings! Any meeting I run I've tried to end 10 minutes early so people can stretch and refresh before their next meeting, but that's not a common outlook sadly. I have no idea what a cricut machine is, but that sounds really cool! Glad you were able to slow down at work.

    Happy Friday All! Today is also full of meetings, but they're more fun team check in type meetings which is way better than the last four days have been. I think this weekend I'm going to do a date night with my SO where we go to a popular neighborhood to take a long walk and check out their holiday lights, which I'm really excited for. We're also going to split a bottle of wine tonight and get some Indian food which will be delicious. I know I have to work on dissertation stuff this weekend, but I'm going to take a more relaxed approach to it. I have to remind myself I'm ahead of the game and I just need to continue to make progress towards the goal, I don't need to finish in record time.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited December 2020
    @cbabie I'm glad you got to walk. Are you journaling your thoughts and emotions? It helps instead of eating. You know what a sweater is? Something your mother makes you wear when she is cold. :D Maybe baby girl's feet aren't cold when she's inside the house. Of course outdoors no. So if she won't wear shoes, then she doesn't get to go outside.

    @teresaw1020 :waving back: just keep working your program and the scale will eventually move. I hope you had a fun party.

    @trooworld I got two days of 100% and one 50%. Tell me about your circuit machine. At first I thought it was an exercise thing but then saw you set it up on a tiny table and I was imagining you standing exercising on a tiny table. So we must be talking about two different things. lol

    @mswatson0777 I like your thought of " I have to remind myself I'm ahead of the game and I just need to continue to make progress towards the goal, I don't need to finish in record time." So true. Stress is your enemy. In one of my books I'm reading it said

    "If you don’t learn what makes you work best and repeat it, you’ll never get better. Think about a time when you accomplished something. What were you doing? What elements of that moment helped the most? Where were you? What music were you listening to? What did you do before? What did you do after?

    Perfectionism loves to stop you midway through a goal.

    If you’re unhappy with your progress, you have three different dials you can adjust. The goal The timeline The actions

    In personal projects it’s easier to deal with all three dials because you’re the one in charge. Instead of beating yourself up, instead of misremembering how easy it was in the past, instead of quitting, look at the three dials. Do you need to tweak your goal, your timeline, or your actions?" -Finish by Jon Acuff

    December weekly goals:

    # glasses of water 15/42
    # OP days 1/7
    # preplanned days 1/7

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I am still in my pjs and it's almost 11. LOL. I have been getting some office stuff done, planning for the new year, etc. I am wanting to get back into my sewing and crocheting. But small steps. I usually take too big of a bite. LOL. I did better yesterday with eating, kept myself away from the pantry/kitchen. LOL

    @TeresaW1020 Yea not sure how I would react with no shoes in the snow. yea on the are definitely changing your habits.

    @trooworld You are so creative. My oldest has a circut I think it might be a cricket, but I am pretty sure it's a circut. She makes labels and things for her etsy shop. I tracked breakfast and lunch..after that..NO. I hope you enjoy your new machine. I know my daughter does. She loves to create things.

    @mswatson0777 So glad your meetings are fun ones today. Yes I think a relaxed mindset is JUST what you need this weekend. Enjoy your date night. I laughed at your 66 degrees..we did set ours to 68..only because of baby. Before she was here...I would walk around in clothes fit for snow because I am so cheap...layer clothes, blankets.. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @mswatson0777 That stinks. A Cricut machine is a die-cut machine (it basically cuts vinyl, cardstock, etc to make crafts). I have to keep reminding myself that it is NOT a printer lol. It looks like one, though! You can make all sorts of things with it: iron-on T-shirts, home decor, cards, and papercrafts. I've been wanting one for several years and finally got one this year! Your date night sounds really fun. I love looking at holiday lights. I'm glad you are relaxing.

    @theslightedgeforever That's awesome! I've been getting 100%. See above for a description of Cricut machine, it's really cool. I can't wait to actually make something with it lol. No, definitely not an exercise machine, the anti-exercise machine actually because you sit a lot to design your creations. :) Wow, that passage you typed from Finish is soooo good! I need to adjust my actions.

    @cbabie If I didn't have to go to my WW meeting at 9:00 a.m., I would be in my PJs all day! LOL I'm excited you are going to get back into sewing and crocheting. I can't wait to hear about your projects. That's cool your daughter has a Cricut. If I get good, I might do an Etsy shop (I've got one now for jewelry but I haven't posted anything for sale for about 8 years). Well, tracking breakfast and lunch is better than none at all and it's something to build upon, so well done! :)

    Hello all. I weighed in this morning and lost a lb since last Saturday. I probably would have lost more but I had a mini-binge on potato chips: we had to do a lot of running around for my MIL after I picked up my husband and by the time we got home, I hadn't eaten for hours and hours and was so hungry. While we were running around at the stores, I thought it was a good idea to get a smallish bag of potato chips. Mistake. I couldn't control myself. :( But I'm glad it didn't totally wreck my weigh-in.

    Today, we are decorating for Christmas. Later, my friends and I are having another Amazon Watch Party (they loved the last one). I ordered Instacart to deliver most of my groceries, I didn't want to deal with Walmart and I had an Instacart coupon so why not?

    Below is a picture of my beloved (already) Cricut machine so you can actually picture it.

    Goals for December:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Yayy for your pound loss this week!! Yeah, potato chips aren’t something you can eat in moderation. At least the bag was smallish. :grin: Cricut machines are cool. I have a good friend that makes all kinds of things and sells them at different craft shows. She had made me several things.

    @cbabie Good job on doing better with your eating yesterday. I sure can’t say the same! :D I always wanted to learn to crochet but never did.

    @theslightedgeforever What a great excerpt from that book! I have to put together a challenge for my Fat2Fit group at the end of the month and I think I will totally steal that! :grin:

    @mswatson0777 What a fun date night you have planned with your SO! And yes to being relaxed with yourself and your dissertation. You will totally get it all done when it needs to be done. :)

    Good morning! The party was a big success and this morning I’m feeling all the effects of too much work and way too much sugar! :# It was great to have us all together and my poor pastor looks awful with his black eye, stitches above his temple, and arm in a cast but at least he was smiling. After the party, DH and I cleaned up all the mess so today my house is still spotless and I’ve got no plans to do anything other than sit and work my puzzle and watch TV. Today, we will eat up a bunch of the leftovers, and tomorrow, I’m going back on my plan to fast at least 23 hours and eat a 500-calorie meal. The plan is to do that three days a week so that I can still enjoy the treats of December. I’m really working on not having a diet mindset but instead learning that this is my lifestyle and I can have my cake and eat it too. I just can’t have cake every day. ;)

    Here is a pic of my charcuterie board! I think it turned out better than last years.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I walked and cleaned floors again yesterday. Haven't had ice cream in 2 that's a win. Not sure if I will lose any this week, but now headed back in the right direction. Cleaned my whole house and baby girl wanted to help mop. LOL. Trying to teach her make your bed, pick up your toys, read a book, work a puzzle. She isn't real good at finding the pieces, but "guide" her and she is starting to figure it out and put them together. I just feel better when my bed is made. LOL

    @trooworld I love your circut machine. I am sure you will get good at it and create lots of fun and good things. Being creative and able to be creative is healthy for mind and body. LOL. great job on the loss.

    @theslightedgeforever baby girl fights when I tell her to put shoes on when we go in the stroller. She is starting to understand outside = shoes. Yes she runs hot..and I run cold. LOL on the Jon Acuff quote, I probably need to adjust all 3. :)

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all...looks bright & sunny but still only 37 degrees outside & it is now up to 65 inside because I started the fireplace. Yup...our furnace is not working. Got up yesterday & I thought it seemed cold in house & so looked & it was 63. Dh checked the furnace (he used to do some furnace/ac repair at work) but couldn't get it going, so we had to call someone & guess we are getting a new furnace & ac for Christmas, going to be installed on Monday. We do have a couple little heaters so not too bad in the house until then. At least we have electricity, etc. Right before oldest gd was born, we had an ice storm & were without electricity & heat for 3 days (in town even). We are so much better than that now!!

    Dh & sil went out to the farm deer hunting, so I have the day to myself. I should be down sewing but decided to get on here first. When the gkids were little, dd & I & the gkids would make Christmas ornaments & usually go to "Lunch with Santa" while the guys were hunting. Now they are too big & busy, lol.

    @cbabie Hope you do get back to sewing & crocheting. I enjoy it so much. I also have a counted cross stitch picture I have started and would like to finish. Thinking of baby girl not wanting to wear socks on her feet reminded me of when the gkids were little & came over & it snowed & they didn't have mittens, so I put socks on their hands so they could go out & play. They still laugh about that!

    @TeresaW wow, your food looks amazing!! Glad the party was fun. Hope your pastor heals quickly. Your plan seems to be fitting you pretty well. Crocheting really isn't too hard, I'm not sure how, but I taught myself to do it.

    @trooworld Have fun with the cricut machine. When we are at craft shows, I see a lot of boards with sayings, etc on them & think "wow, I could not paint like that" & most of the time, it turns out that they used a cricut machine to do it. I have often thought about getting one, but wonder if I would really use it. Chips are one of my downfalls, but at least yours was a small bag!

    @mswatson0777 Hope you had a fun date night. I love going out & looking at Christmas lights. Walking to do it is something I hadn't thought of. We have been going for a walk most afternoons. I enjoy it a lot more than the treadmill.

    @theslightedgeforever I love how you are always quoting something, helping us all do better. Hope your dd is staying safe at work. I need to be doing better with water, too.

    My next project after I get the Advent calendars done (I has already started..they will just get them late, lol) is I am determined to declutter. I was reading about a couple that died of Covid a minute apart, and it got me to thinking about that & would not want to leave things for our dd's to clear out. They are busy enough without that. We are not hoarders or anything like that, but definitely have stuff to get rid of. I follow a minimalist page & it inspires me.

    Well, time for lunch. Then I want to finish up my Christmas decorating so I can put the boxes away. I got some plugs at Costco that work with Alexa, so I can tell her to turn on my lights. Needed to download an app & hook it to Alexa...dd & gkids could probably do it in 5 minutes..well, 2 hours later they finally work! I am not very computer savvy, lol.

    Have a good weekend & stay safe!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! I'm really enjoying the Cricut so far. I am in the process of making Christmas tree luminaries right now. I'm glad your party was a success. I wish we could have cake (and other treats) every day but you are right. I hope you enjoyed your downtime yesterday. Your charcuterie board looks amazing! I bet it was a big hit.

    @cbabie That's good you walked and I would say mopping is exercise, too. I bet it's good for kids to do puzzles. You are so good with her. I agree with creativity being healthy for the mind and body. I've always done artsy or craftsy things and enjoyed it.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Oh my gosh that is cold! That's too bad about your furnace but at least getting a new one, you get new ac too. I hope you enjoy your day of solitude. Yeah I contemplated getting a Cricut for about 2-3 years before I actually got one. I decided I would use it enough. I need to declutter again, too. I just don't really have the inclination! LOL I just put up the tree yesterday and put the cord in an Alexa plug. It's very convenient to just say, "Alexa, turn on the tree" instead of bending down and trying to find an empty space on the extension box!

    Hello all. I'm partially done decorating for Christmas: I still have boxes in my living room with decorations in them. Today, we will hang the lights and create a mini-Christmas Village. I'll post some pictures when I'm done. I am making tree luminaries with my Cricut machine. It wasn't as hard as it looks, thanks to the machine. I'll probably give the ones I just made to my MIL and make more for me at some point before Christmas. We had deep-dish pizza last night for dinner and remarkably, my weight is down today by 6 ounces! I prepared myself for a 2 lb gain, but man, am I glad it's down.

    Goals for December:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    edited December 2020
    @trooworld I hope you have fun finishing up your decorating, can't wait to see a picture of the village! And a cricut machine sounds like a fun tool to play around with, I'm excited to hear all about your future projects!

    @RetiredandLovingIt So sorry to hear about your furnace, that is the worst! At least it was 37 and not -30 when it happened! It stinks that bill has to come right before the holidays. I hope your declutter project goes well. There are a lot of things I need to get rid of as well, I keep asking myself how I end up with so much stuff since I don't actually like to shop!

    @cbabie I love that baby girl is "helping" you with chores, she sounds absolutely adorable!

    @TeresaW1020 That charcuterie board looks fabulous! I'm so glad everyone had a wonderful time and that your pastor is healing well.

    @theslightedgeforever I thought about your comment about asking what you were doing when you accomplished something. Sadly the times I am most successful are also the times I'm the most stressed. I do extremely well under pressure so usually when I'm having daily breakdowns is also when my biggest accomplishments happen. I remember when I was 17 years old I was working 30 hours a week at two jobs and commuting one hour each way to attend full time at my university and I pulled off straight As. It sounds insane when I type it out...but in a weird way I guess it's how I function?

    Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I used the day as a mental refresh and just watched TV and read my book all day (I also got out for a dog walk so I wasn't completely lazy). Today I batch cooked for the week, got caught up on laundry, worked out, walked the dogs, and now I'm going to finally get some grad work in. I'm completely dreading work tomorrow...but I guess that's just my life now. Hopefully post-pandemic I start to like my job again.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    edited December 2020
    @mswatson0777 Can you believe I'm not finished decorating yet??? I'm so disappointed. My husband is on island time and takes his time doing stuff...sloth speed. :( I need him to help with the village. He "says" he'll work on decorating tonight but I know he'll be tired from work and won't! I'm frustrated. Your day on Saturday sounds perfect! I hope all that prep work for the week helps you have a successful week. I'm sorry you are dreading work today. I hope it's better than you anticipate.

    Hello all! I finished making some luminaries, see below. I really like how they turned out and plan on making some more. I was going to give these to my MIL but I think I will keep them and make her new ones because these aren't quite perfect. We aren't done decorating, hopefully, we get done before the weekend lol. Have a great day everyone!

    Goals for December:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    @trooworld I like your luminaries! I am sure you have seen the wine bottles with decorations & then put lights in them. My niece makes them, I am assuming with a Cricut & people really like them.

    Well, my furnace is being installed. I am not comfortable with people in the house (Covid), but cant go all winter with no heat either. They are wearing masks & if I am close to them I will, too. I am just trying to stay in a different part of the house, lol. Told dh we should open a window, but don't think he agrees with me, since it is about 20 outside.
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @trooworld I got a good laugh at your Island Time comment. My husband is the same way (I totally call him out on his procrastination!). I absolutely love your luminaries, they are beautiful!

    @RetiredandLovingIt I'm glad they are wearing masks, and I totally get the urge to air out the house after they're gone (and it would be one way to test out your new heater!)

    Happy Monday All! I'm in a much better frame of mind this morning after I actually used the weekend as a refresh. And while my week is busy it is nothing like last week which will hopefully also help me keep a positive frame of mind until I can leave early Friday to go see my Grandma.

    I got a fair amount of grad work in last night so I'm feeling better about the meeting with my advisor Wednesday. I feel like I have an outline plan to bring to her that she'll support (or possibly reject but at least I'm bringing something to the table).
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @cbabie Good for you for no ice cream and a walk.

    @trooworld Have Your cricut machine sounds really fun. I got 25% yesterday but working hard on it today. Island time, sloth speed......That cracked me up

    @teresaw1020 The charcuterie board looks wonderful. Makes me hungry.

    @retiredandlovingit Hopefully I can nudge myself to get to doing better. We'll work on water together. My ds is really enjoying his warm winter in Houston. lol Six of his friends from TX are going down for New Years. I want them to keep covid germs up in IA, I don't think anyone should be traveling and mingling at this point, but just my opinion my kids tell me to keep to myself. :D My daughter is going down to TX for 4 days on Saturday and then over to Oregon for 3 days just to sitesee. Can we not sitesee during a pandemic?

    @mswatson0777 I too function better and get more done under stress, but I think I do that because it's a habit and I keep telling myself Oh, I still have X amount of time so today I don't need to do as much or anything. It's all good. But the side effect of that stress is bad on my body. I do get my stuff done but at what cost? So now I'm learning to chip away at the mountain a little bit at a time. Plus I'm nicer to be around.

    Exercise still continues to go well.

    December weekly goals:

    # glasses of water 22/42
    # OP days 2/7
    # preplanned days 4/7
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Afternoon all, I didn't WI today, got an error on the needs a new battery I think. LOL. I went for a nice walk after lunch today with baby girl. We also we out Saturday night and walked the neighborhood looking at lights. Then came home and watched Rudolph...well parts of it. LOL. I don't expect a loss, but will find out when I get my scale up and running.

    @mswatson0777 I had to laugh at your remark about you work better under pressure. I always work just before the deadline is due. UGH. When I was 16 and working at McDonalds, (right across from my HS) on Friday nights after the was Packed out the door. My manager commented on how I worked so calm and got everyone taken care of and wanted to work with me to be crew chief..LOL.

    @TeresaW1020 The food looks so yummy. I agree I want to snack all day on it. So glad Pastor got to come. Read up on lavender oil for his bruise...LOL

    @trooworld Your luminaries are awesome. BTW, my daughter had a circuit for a long time, she has now moved to the silhouette? She loves doing things with are awesome! I don't think I could do any of what you are doing. Glad you didn't have the gain. Deep dish pizza sounds yummy. I haven't had that in a long time. When I was first married we used to go to Godfathers pizza in pizza in town. (deep dish of course). LOL

    @RetiredAndLovingIt So sorry your heat went out. We had that a long time ago and we too have a fireplace and little heaters. I don't know I would handle that well now. LOL. My bones don't like the cold. My DH would love to go hunting again, but I won't eat the meat and in AZ you have to be drawn to go hunting. It's not like in IL where you just knew where to go and no he does't even go anymore. Love the mittens story. I think we have all improvised in our life time.

    @theslightedgeforever See someone on here loves your quotes. LOL. I can just see DD rolling her eyes at you. I think it's a learned behavior to get it all done at the last minute. Remember our brother saying " that's the plan" LOL

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie I love Rudolph! Mom used to make homemade hot chocolate and we would watch Rudolph. How did your girl like it? I’m hoping the scale is good for you! :)

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks but that board was a lot of work. I think I’ll do something different next year. Like, get another staff member to have it at their house. :D

    @mswatson0777 Glad that you had a good weekend and I hope that your week is less stressful than the ones you have been having. Does your grandma live near you? :)

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I’m glad you let people in to install your furnace. Where you live it’s not really an option to not have one! :grin

    @trooworld Ugghhh I hope your slothy (is that a word? :D ) DH helped you get the decorating done. Your luminaries are beautiful, but I get your need for perfection!

    Good morning! It’s grocery shopping day with mom. These weeks go by so fast! Yesterday, I had to get a grip on myself with all the leftover junk in the house. We enjoyed some and the rest got tossed in the trash. I made Keto cornbread to go with my low-carb chili last night. Mom loved it but DH wasn’t a big fan but is willing to try it again. I might try a different recipe and doctor it up with some cheese and jalapenos. All I know is that I have less than two months before I will be in Florida for my nephew’s wedding and I want to look as good as I can. That means I need to stay determined and focused! Food will still be here in two months. :grin
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt Thank you! I have actually done the wine bottles with lights in them, although not with any decorations on the wine bottles. You are inspiring me to do it again with decals, this time! :) I hope the installation goes smoothly and you get heat SOON!

    @mswatson0777 :D I used to try to hurry him up but realized quickly that it did no good to do so. Thank you re: the luminaries. They were fun to make! That's great that you are in a better frame of mind. How nice to be able to see your grandma! My grandma was my favorite relative. I miss the heck out of her! I hope your advisor supports your work.

    @theslightedgeforever It is so far! I got 50% yesterday. :/ Yeah, he's a total sloth. Oh dear about your daughter! I hope she will be okay. I'm glad the exercise is going well.

    @cbabie LOL...get yourself a battery, girl! How nice to go walk and see the lights, I bet she liked it. I've heard of the silhouette but I didn't until after I bought my Cricut. I don't regret getting the Cricut, but it's something to consider for the next time now that I know about it. Thanks, it was actually pretty easy to do. The pizza was totally delicious!

    @TeresaW1020 He did not! LOL It still needs to be completed on his time. ;) That was probably a good idea to toss the rest of your leftovers, although I'm sure you didn't want to. Yes, food will still be here! As always...

    Hello all! I woke up yesterday with a headache but it got worse and turned into a migraine and I went home from work early. :( It's better today, though (thankfully). I hate leaving work because of headaches but sometimes there is nothing I can do but go home.

    Goals for December:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good morning all. Been ages since I been on. Going to try to pop in daily. Been going alright. Been brisk walking on the treadmill 3 days a week and been doing cruch squats push up and plank 30 day challenge. Also while on treadmill every 10 min I jump off and do a quick 8 reps on the bench press. Hoping to up my weight this week. Weight has finally dropped below 160. But still have a good 20 lbs to go. My lowest weight a few years ago was 143. Would love to get back there and be more toned.