Just Give Me 10 Days - Rounds 134



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,212 Member
    Apparently, I am now the “date police!” OCD???
    @AR10at50 I think you skipped 12/8
    @MomLarisa You are going back in time 😁
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,084 Member
    kmort009 wrote: »
    Round 134

    12/9 - 135.6 - The Fitness app on my watch has been saying my average TDEE is about 2400 calories a day. That seemed really high to me, but I did the math last night. If I’m eating around 1600 a day (which is what I aim for but I’m not super precise) and burning 2400, that would put me at a loss of 1.6 lbs a week - and HappyScale has my rate at 1.5. Nice to know the numbers really do work out! 😂

    I use my apple watch my exercise daily. Where might I go to see my TDEE and/or is there an app that I need to purchase/download?
  • kmort009
    kmort009 Posts: 271 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    I use my apple watch my exercise daily. Where might I go to see my TDEE and/or is there an app that I need to purchase/download?

    @SModa61 - No purchase needed! It’s the Apple Fitness app - the one with the three rings. I’m sure you can download it if you don’t already have it on your phone.

    If you open the app, you should see the main summary page with the day’s rings and “Activity” as the first section. Tap on the rings and it brings you to the more detailed page for the rings. On that page, under the “Move” section is a bar chart showing how many calories you’ve burned toward your ring over the day - and right below that on the left side in red letters is “Total.” That’s your TDEE for the day up to now. If you tap on the calendar icon at the very top of the screen you can look back at previous days which will give you the best idea of your average TDEE. Sorry, I’d include pictures but I have no idea how to do that.

    The TDEE will change from day to day, of course - mine ranges from 2200 to 2600 but it’s mostly right around 2400. I can’t vouch for the accuracy, but clearly for me it seems to be pretty close!

  • playhardkf2017
    playhardkf2017 Posts: 875 Member
    29 yo female
    5’2” Small frame according to my wrist circumference
    SW 126.2 (April 14th, 2020)
    Highest lifetime weight: 138 lbs. August 2011
    Goal Weight: 110 but also happy with where I’m at right now.
    Previous rounds: 125.2 -> 122.8 -> 121.6 -> 121.2 -> 119.8-> 119.4 -> 117.8 ->116.6 -> 117.2 ->117.2->114.8 ->116.8 -> 116.4 -> 114.0 -> 115 -> 115.4 ->115 ->113 -> 113-> 113.8 ->114.6 -> 113.6 -> 115.8
    Goal weight for this round: Maintaining around 113 or dropping to 112 would be nice.
    Another goal: Embrace the scale fluctuations and not get flustered.

    Previous days
    12/3 116.0 Did not post.
    12/4 Did not weigh yet. My husband has his last final of OT grad school this morning, so I don’t want to bother him while he’s trying to fall back to sleep on the couch (I work from home in our bedroom). I’m so excited for him and we are going to North Conway, NH this weekend to celebrate him finishing the school part (he still has to work full time for free from January through June) and also celebrate my 30th birthday a bit more because we couldn’t go out anywhere for it last month. We’ll just hangout in the room and get take-out from a restaurant we love but it’ll be fun because the rooms are awesome and each one has a different theme.
    12/5 away
    12/6 away
    12/7 away
    12/8 Our weekend away was so nice! We celebrated and truly enjoyed the relaxation. We ate yummy food and enjoyed delicious beverages. It was a great weekend and I’m glad to get back on track today!
    12/9 115.8 Thanksgiving week has definitely stuck around on me, but maybe I dropped by Friday and it just blipped up from my weekend away. Oh well, I know what needs to be done and now I just have to do it. Food was pretty solid yesterday. Dinner last night was a pureed carrot ginger soup that I added broccoli rabe and potatoes to after I pureed the base. I also made a cashew cream sauce to go with it, which was so good! Today, I had the soup and grilled cheese for breakfast with some apple slices. Tonight’s dinner will be orange chicken and lots of veggies for me! Have a good night!

    12/3 Did not post, but I did do 25 minutes of yoga
    12/4 Did a 30 minute yoga session from the Playbook app. I plan on working in a spin bike session today too at some point. I gave my body a break yesterday from the bike and I think it really helped. I’m loving the yoga because it makes me more aware of how not flexible I am. I know by doing it daily, it will help improve my flexibility and help strengthen my body in ways I hadn’t been working on with just the spin bike. We’re not leaving for NH until tomorrow late morning, so I’ll be able to work a spin bike workout into my Saturday too!
    12/5 away
    12/6 away
    12/7 away
    12/8 Started my day with yoga and plan on using the bike after work this afternoon.
    12/9 I wasn’t able to do yoga this morning but I’m about to go jump on the spin bike for 30 minutes.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,907 Member

    JGM10D Round 133

    Looking forward:
    You are not stuck at home
    You are SAFE at home
    One word can change your attitude
    ☠️One cough can change your life☠️

    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷

    December focus: improving stamina, strength, flexibility, which may impact the scale
    2020 Focus:
    • Stabilise weight under 150
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • Make sure I have prepared healthy snacks available
    • Cut down on eating between meals by keeping busy

    Never give up! Never give in!
    Recent Back Story:
    • 2018 goal: get back down to 160 ✅
    • 2019 goal: proceed down to 150 ✅ with 2 months to spare
    • 2020 goal: maintain below 150 dropping slowly down to 145 ✅ Working on it. Strength training has slowed progress, but that’s okay.
    • That's a WIN in my book!
    • 2020
    • Focus: maintenance! I might even manage to lose a bit more ever so slowly.
    • (One good thing about Covid is that I don't have to traverse the minefield of family celebration meals.)
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 134

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    🔹Age 74;🔹Height 5’2”🔹Female🔹
    🔹SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    🔹1 Aug 2019: 171.1
    🔹GW 2019: < 155 ✅
    🔹GW: 2020: <150
    🔹13 Sept 2020: 152.2
    🔹22 Nov 2020: 146.6
    🔹LW: 146.0 (Oct 2020)

    🔹Focus: maintain<150
    I am MINDFUL of making heathy choices
    to MAXIMISE the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    Round 133 EW: 146.7
    Round 134
    Goal: Maintain <150

    • 03/12: 146.6: Goals🌟
    • 04/12: 146.8: Goals🌟
    • 05/12: 146.4: Goal🌟
    • 06/12: 146.2: Goals🌟
    • 07/12: 146.6: Goals🌟
    • 08/12: 146.4: Goals🌟
    • 09/12: 147.0: Goals🌟
    • 10/12: xxx: Goals
    • 11/12: xxx: Goals
    • 12/12: xxx: Goals
    Last few Rounds
    • Round 127 EW: 148.4🌻
    • Round 126 EW: 151.2🌻
    • Round 125 EW: 152.2🌻
    • Round 124 EW: 149.4🌻
    • Round 123 EW 150.2🌻
    • Round 122 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 121 EW 150.6🌻 my
    • Round 120 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 110 EW 148.2🌻
    • Round 109 EW 147.2🌻
    • June 2017: Round 8 SW 162; EW 169.9 This was my first round!!! I faffed about for 2 1/2 years before I got back on track!!!
    Daily Goals
    🔹log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    🔹7,500+ Steps daily
    🔹30 + minutes intentional exercise
    🔹Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation
    🔹Practice Self-care
    🔹Positively reframe thoughts
    🔹Learn something new
    🔹15 mins Daily Declutter session

    Purple: #ff4968.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,084 Member
    kmort009 wrote: »
    SModa61 wrote: »
    I use my apple watch my exercise daily. Where might I go to see my TDEE and/or is there an app that I need to purchase/download?

    @SModa61 - No purchase needed! It’s the Apple Fitness app - the one with the three rings. I’m sure you can download it if you don’t already have it on your phone.

    If you open the app, you should see the main summary page with the day’s rings and “Activity” as the first section. Tap on the rings and it brings you to the more detailed page for the rings. On that page, under the “Move” section is a bar chart showing how many calories you’ve burned toward your ring over the day - and right below that on the left side in red letters is “Total.” That’s your TDEE for the day up to now. If you tap on the calendar icon at the very top of the screen you can look back at previous days which will give you the best idea of your average TDEE. Sorry, I’d include pictures but I have no idea how to do that.

    The TDEE will change from day to day, of course - mine ranges from 2200 to 2600 but it’s mostly right around 2400. I can’t vouch for the accuracy, but clearly for me it seems to be pretty close!

    @kmort009 Thank you so so much. I use that app for all my exercise. I have never seen those additional features. I will definitely be studying that. My range is solidly lower than yours, but I know there are many factors going into those numbers. Thanks again, I'll be playing with the data for sure!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,567 Member
    @antiderivative - have a wonderful birthday and really enjoy your meal and your Mom's company x