Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 135

GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,289 Member
edited December 2020 in Challenges
Round 135

Please join us! Starting on 12/13 JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS, we will begin Round 135
Anyone can join us at anytime during the round.

Join us! If we stay mindful we can do this, you can do this.

Welcome back past members, welcome new members, let's keep each other accountable for another 10 days!

Here is what you do: Post your daily weight and add little comments along the way of how your day went. Post everyday to let us know how you're doing! Copy and paste the days in your response--tell us how much you lost and other non scale victories (NSV) you'd like to share.

FOR NEWBIES - I find it easiest to copy the dates to a document or note in my device and edit it each morning. Then copy and paste to the message board. MFP will return you to the spot on the board where you left off on your previous visit which is nice to know if you like to scan all of the posts.

- check in at least every other day
- Participate
- Low carb

SW: 170.1 (12/12)
GW: 166


👍🏼👍🏼 This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE. 👍🏼👍🏼

My goals are EARLY morning workouts and NIGHTLY YOGA


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    Thanks for setting up the next round.
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,069 Member
    edited December 2020
    Thank you, @GrandmaJackie !


    Revised 2020 Goal - <180
    UGW - 130
    HSW - 218.2 (Feb. 2015)
    Weight 218.2 in Feb. 2015
    R15 9/9/17 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4 (+.2)
    R17 end weight 151 (-.4)
    R18 end weight 150.4 (-.6)
    R19 end weight 149.6 (-.8)
    R20 end weight 149.3 (-.3)
    R21 end weight 149 (-.3)
    R22 end weight 148 (-1)
    R23 end weight 148.4 (+.4)
    R24 end weight 149 (+.6)
    R25 end weight 148.4 (-.6)
    R26 end weight 149.2 (+.8)
    R27 end weight 149 (-.2)
    R28 end weight 146.8 (-2.2)
    R29 end weight 146.8 (+/-0)
    R30 end weight 146.8 (+/-0); ave net calories 1411
    R31 end weight 146.8 (+/-0); ave net calories 1385
    R32 end weight unknown - traveling, no scale - ave net calories 1468
    R33 end weight 149.1 (+2.3); ave calories 1471 (after traveling/eating out for 3 weeks!)
    R34 end weight 149 (-.1); ave calories 1577
    R35 end weight 149.4 (+.4); ave calories 1592
    R36 end weight 149.6 (+.2); ave calories 1650
    R37 end weight 151 (+1.4); ave calories 1703 (154 over estimated TDEE, so no surprise I've gained)
    R38 end weight 149.8 (-1.2); averages-- calories 1420; carbs ~48%; protein ~21% ; fat ~31%
    R39 end weight 149.8 (+/-0); averages -- calories 1753.5; carbs ~47%; protein ~20%; fat ~33%
    R40 end weight 150 (+.2); averages coming later
    R41 end weight 150.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1792
    R42 end weight 149.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1432
    R43 end weight 150.6 (+.8): 10-day ave 1406
    R44 end weight 148.8 (-1.8); 10-day ave 1430
    R45 end weight 147.6 (-1.2); 10-day ave 1338
    R46 end weight 148.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1437
    R47 end weight 147.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1449
    R48 end weight 146.8 (-1); 10-day ave 1378
    R49 end weight 144.2 (-2.6); 10-day ave 1174
    R50 end weight 142.2 (-2); 10-day ave 1200
    R51 end weight 141 (-1.2); 10 day ave 1231
    R52 end weight 140.6 (-.4); 10-day ave 1192
    R53 end weight 137.2 (-3.4); 10-day ave 1134
    R54 end weight 136.6 (-.6); 10-day ave 1238
    R55 end weight 135.4 (-1.2); 10-day ave 1209
    R56 end weight 135 (-.4); 10-day ave 1263
    R57 end weight 134.4 (-.6); 10-day ave 1212
    R58 end weight 133.6 (-.8); 10-day ave 1372
    R59 end weight 130.8 (-2.8); 10-day ave 1125
    R60 end weight 132.2 (+1.4); 10-day ave 1384
    R61 end weight 132.6 (+.4); 10-day ave 1473
    R62 end weight 134.6 (+2); 10-day ave 1666
    R63 end weight 138.8 (+4.2); 10-day ave 2154
    R64 end weight 138.8 (+/-0); 10-day ave 1683
    R65 end weight 139 (+.2); 10-day ave 1654
    R66 end weight 139.8 (+.8); 10-day ave 1751
    R67 end weight 142.4 (+2.6)
    R68 end weight 145.6 (+2.8)
    R69 end weight 146.4 (+.8)
    R70 end weight 149 (+2.6)
    R71 end weight 148.8 (-.2)
    R72 end weight 150.8 (+2)
    R73 end weight 152 (+1.2)
    R74 end weight 153 (+1)
    R75 end weight 156.2 (+3.2) !?!??!?!?!?!
    R76 end weight 157 (+.8)
    R77 end weight 159.8 (+2.4 :p )
    R78 end weight 159.4 (-.4)
    R79 end weight 161 (+.6)
    R80 end weight 159 (-2)
    R81 end weight 158.4 (-.6)
    R82 end weight 160.4 (+2)
    R83 end weight 160 (-.4)
    R84 7/31/19 end weight - 161 (+1)
    R85 8/10/19 end weight 161 (+/- 0)
    R86 8/20/19 end weight 163 (+2)
    R87 8/30/19 end weight 163 (+/-0)
    R88 9/9/19 end weight 163
    R89 9/19/19 end weight 165.2
    R90 9/29/19 end weight 164
    R91 10/9/19 end weight 165.8
    R92 10/19/19 end weight 166.4
    R93 10/29/19 end weight 168.8
    R94 11/8/19 end weight 170.4 :-(
    R95 11/18/19 end weight 169.8.
    R96 11/28/19 end weight 171.6
    R97 12/8/19 end weight 172.4
    R98 12/18/19 end weight 174
    R99 12/28/19 end weight 175.6
    R100 1/7/20 end weight 177.6
    R101 1/17/20 end weight 177.6
    R102 1/27/20 end weight 177.2
    R103 2/6/20 end weight 178.6
    R104 2/16/20 end weight 179
    R105 2/26/20 end weight 180.2
    R106 3/7/20 end weight 180
    R107 3/17/20 end weight 180
    R108 3/27/20 end weight 180.8
    R109 4/6/20 end weight 180
    R110 4/16/20 end weight 180.6
    R111 4/26/20 end weight 181.2
    R112 5/6/20 end weight 181.4
    R113 5/16/20 end weight 181.8
    R114 5/26/20 end weight 183 ugh.
    R115 6/5/20 end weight 182.6. 10-day calorie ave 1554
    R116 6/15/20 end weight 181.8. 10-day calorie ave 1580
    R117 6/25/20 end weight 181. 10-day calorie ave 1341
    R118 7/5/20 end weight 182. 10-day calorie ave 1674
    R119 7/15/20 end weight 181.4. 10-day calorie ave 1651
    R120 7/25/20 end weight 181.2 10-day calorie ave 1695
    R121 8/4/20 end weight 182. 10-day calorie ave 1706
    R122 8/14/20 end weight 182.8. 10-day calorie ave 1747
    R123 8/24/20 end weight 182.6. (-.2) 10-day calorie ave 1624
    R124 9/3/20 end weight 182.2. (-.4) 10-day calorie ave 1493
    R125 9/13/20 end weight 182.2 (0). 10-day calorie ave 1612
    R126 9/23/20 end weight 181.6 (-.6). 10-day calorie ave 1580
    R127 10/3/20 end weight 182 (+.4). 10-day calorie ave 1821
    R128 10/13/20 end weight 182 (+/-0). 10-day calorie ave 1659
    R129 10/23/20 end weight 182 (+/-0). 10-day calorie ave 1552
    R130 11/2/20 end weight 183 (+1). 10-day calories ave 1856
    R131 11/12/20 end weight 183 (+/-0). 10 day ave cals 1776 ]
    R132 11/22/20 End weight 183 (+/-0). 10 day ave cals 1358. Walked 16.6 miles.
    R133 12/2/20 End weight 182.6. 10 day ave cals 1633. Walked ~29 miles.
    R134 12/12/20 End weight 182.6. 10-day ave cals 1547.

    R135 Goals — calories <1300. High-protein (20+ g) breakfasts. No daytime snacks, no food after 7 p.m.

    12/13 -
    12/14 -
    12/15 -
    12/16 -
    12/17 -
    12/18 -
    12/19 -
    12/20 -
    12/21 -
    12/22 - 🎂 Birthday
  • nedw3
    nedw3 Posts: 379 Member
    Female 50 yrs. 5'2"
    Long term goal 125

    9/23/2020 OSW 170.1
    Round 127 ⬇️ 5.0 lbs. 165.1
    Round 128 ⬆️ 0.3 lbs. 165.4
    Round 129 ⬇️ 0.3 lbs. 165.1
    Round 130 ⬇️ 1.6 lbs. 163.5
    Round 131 ⬇️ 1.1 lbs. 162.4
    Round 132 ⬇️ 1.6 lbs. 160.8
    Round 133 ⬆️ 2.0 lbs. 162.8
    Round 134 ⬇️ 0.9 lbs. 161.9
    Round 135

    Starting Weight 161.9
    Goal this round 160

  • 171lake
    171lake Posts: 894 Member
    edited December 2020
    Female, 33, 5’1”
    Original Start Weight 172.6 12/2018
    Ultimate Goal 120
    Round 134 SW 146 EW 145.3 (-.7 lbs)

    Round Goal: 144lbs

    12/13 -
    12/14 -
    12/15 -
    12/16 -
    12/17 -
    12/18 -
    12/19 -
    12/20 -
    12/21 -
    12/22 -
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,024 Member
    edited December 2020

    💟Thanks Jackie! @GrandmaJackie

    EMOJIS :smiley: 

    *link to: get emoji ~ copy and paste emoji

    •MFP Forums Emojis

    •link to: emojipedia

    •link to: Full List of BBcode Colors

    •link to: bbcode random hex color code generator


    link to: Waist to Height Ratio

    link to: Waist to Hip Ratio

    link to: Smart BMI Calculator

    link to: US Navy Body Fat Calculator


    Cucumber Detox Water Recipe

    All the CONS of Detox Water That You MUST Know 😉

    Parsley for Water Retention - Fresh Parsley

    Parsley for Water Retention - Dried Parsley

    The Benefits of BASIL
    Are you growing basil this summer? It grows like a weed. I can't use it fast enough!
    Dry Your Basil in the Microwave

    Add basil leaves to your water for a spicy drink or Make Basil Tea

    Do you drink dandelion tea? I drink it intermittently throughout the fall and winter months. I started drinking it four years ago to aid liver function.

    Dandelion Tea Benefits

    Monk Fruit Sweetener

    How to Fix Mineral Deficiencies on Keto

    Intermittent Fasting Patterns for Different Situations


    ●Infused water for fluid retention

    ▪1/2 gallon purified water
    ▪1 cucumber sliced
    ▪2 lemons, sliced or juiced added to water
    ▪10 sprigs of parsley

    ■ Let it steep overnight or for at least 2 hours and drink it throughout the day.

    link to: *Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Drink

    Flush, Cleanse and Detox Water Recipe from SkinnyMS

    1/2 gallon water
    6 wedges pink grapefruit
    1 tangerine, mandarin, or small orange,sliced
    ½ cucumber, sliced
    2 peppermint or mint leaves

    ~Rinse grapefruit, tangerine, cucumber and mint leaves.
    ~Slice cucumber, grapefruit, and tangerine (or peel).
    ~Combine all ingredients in a half gallon pitcher. Allow the ingredients to sit for 2 hours for maximum benefits.
    ~Drink throughout the day.
    •Stir & Enjoy!

    Give Your Liver Some 💝 Smoothie

    •1 handful ~ *raw kale, any kale
    •1 handful ~ *raw spinach
    •1 cup ~ cilantro or parsley leaves
    •1/2 ~ large avocado
    •1/3 cup ~ unsweetened organic coconut milk (I use Thai Kitchen brand)
    •1 scoop ~ your favorite raw greens powder
    •Stevia, if you need to make it palatable
    •Water or decaf green tea, enough to make it drinkable.
    *or your choice of bitter greens. You can also add turmeric, lemon juice, berries

    Castor Oil Packs
    How To Make A Castor Oil Pack
    Castor Oil Pack for Uterine Fibroids

    What is Berberine?

    Blood Sugar Busting ~ Berberine

    What I've been reading. Maybe it can shed some light on someone else's health and weight loss mysteries.

    8 Signs Adrenal Fatigue is Causing Other Ailments

    How Adrenal Fatigue Causes Weight Gain, Fluid Retention, Exhaustion

    Adrenal Fatigue Recovery

    Avoid This Type of Exercise if You Have Adrenal Fatigue

    7 Foods To Eat to Heal Adrenal Fatigue

    Suffering with knee pain? link to: knee pain explained


    ●This is my breakfast oatmeal replacement on Keto.

    **Keto Seed Porridge ~ 1 serving
    5.2 net carbs ~ 333 calories

    ~1/4 tsp madagascar bourbon vanilla bean paste
    ~1 TB hemp seeds
    ~1 TB flax seed meal
    ~1 TB flax seeds
    ~1 TB chia seeds
    ~cinnamon ~ to taste
    ~4 ozs purified water
    ~1 TB heavy whipping cream
    ~1 TB almond butter

    **Mix first 7 ingredients in a small mason jar. Store in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, pour into a small bowl. Stir in a little more water if necessary along with the heavy whipping cream and almond butter. Heat in the microwave or stove top. *Be sure to add a little more water if heating on stove top.


    Flavor Profiles That Pair Well In Recipes


    Fall Soups and Stews To Keep You Warm

    Healthy Fall Soups and Stews

    15 Warm Salad Recipes

    Healthy Hot Drinks


    Love & Lemons Salad Recipes

    Bonappetit Summer Salad Recipes

    BBC Good Food~Summer Soup Recipes  

    Spoonful of Comfort~Summer Soup Recipes

    Taste of Home~Easy Summer Soup Recipes

    How The HECK Do I Find My Last Post?!

    When you want to find your previous posts on any of the MFP forums, at the top of the Community web page, there is a search link 🔍, tap it or click on it. Scroll down to Author, type in your username, scroll down to Search, tap or click on it. All Forums that you participate in will come up with links to your posts.

    Also, if there is something that you want to find within a particular thread, scroll to the bottom of the page. Under the last post you will see a box titled, Search discussion. Type in what you are looking for.


  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,060 Member
    I'm in yet again!

    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    29, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2
    GW: 135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69 EW: 158.1
    R70 EW: 156.5
    R71 EW: 156.3
    R72 EW: 156.3
    R73 EW: 155.2
    R74 EW: 155.4
    R75 EW: 156.1
    R76 EW: 155.6
    R80 EW: 153.2
    R81 EW: 154.3
    R82 EW: 154.1
    R84 EW: 156.5
    R89 EW: 156.7
    R91 EW: 160.1
    R93 EW: 159.3
    R94 EW: 156.1
    R98 EW: 154.5
    R99 EW: 155.9
    <3 R100 <3 EW: 152.8
    R101 EW: 149.7 (1/15)
    R102 EW: 149.0
    R103 EW: 149.0
    R104 EW: 146.2
    R105 EW: 146.6
    R106 EW: 144.6
    R107 EW: 146.8 (spring break, only 2 days weight)
    R108 EW: 147.7 (Moving out of state, starting new job)
    R109 EW: 148.1
    R110 EW: 150.1
    R111 EW: 154.3
    R112 EW: 152.6
    R113 EW: 151.7
    R121 EW: 153.0
    R122 EW: 154.8
    R123 EW: 153.9
    R124 EW: 153.4
    R125 EW: 155.6
    R126 EW: 152.3
    R127 EW: 151.5
    R128 EW: 151.0
    R129 EW: 151.0
    R130 EW: 152.6
    R131 EW: 153.9
    R132 EW: 150.6
    R133 EW: 151.2
    R134 EW: 149.3

    Last weight
    12/12 - 149.3

    Round Goal: Fast 16+hrs on weekdays, 14+hrs on weekends. Up the water! Water minimum: 75oz, Goal: 91oz.

    Day, Weight, Comment

    Previous Day's Comments

    y0w1f3xme3tx.pngCompleted: 5/15
    12/01 - :)What better way to beat anxiety than yoga. Today I'll try to get some meditative yoga to help me calm down after last night.
    12/02 - :/Yesterday I got halfway through my yoga workout and the dog started throwing up everywhere. I have a weak stomach so cleaning it had me gagging and running to the bathroom. Ruined the mood. Try again today to make up for it
    12/03 - :)Did get my yoga done yesterday. Yoga With Adriene has her December calendar up so I'm following those videos on the days I can practice. Yesterday was a 10 minute meditation yoga so I decided to get some movement as well by finishing the practice I didn't get to on 12/01. I just started over since it was also a pretty short one.
    12/04 - :/Started my yoga practice but was interrupted with BF waking up earlier than normal. The worst part about having a house a tad too small.
    12/05 - :)I realized I'm behind on YWA calendar. I did the meditation as day 2 instead of day 1! Oops. Hoping a short practice today since I'm not sure plans.
    12/06 - :/Didn't get a practice in and not sure I'll get one in today. Will have to focus on getting them done during the week and give myself slack on weekends since they're always spur of the moment.
    12/07 - :/No yoga. Couldn't even finish making coffee and BF was ready to go. I kind of figured that would happen. Hoping today I'll wake up a little bit more so I can get a practice in, even if its short and sweet.
    12/08 - :/No yoga, work has been crazy busy with meetings. Today is even busier! Almost back to back meetings. It'll be a miracle if I can get yoga in today. The remainder of my work week looks just as bad. Will keep looking for opportunities
    12/09 - :)Managed to squeeze in a really quick practice for gut health yesterday. Not sure I'll get to today, but I'll keep trying to squeeze something in whenever I possibly can!
    12/10 - :/Work got stupid busy so couldn't squeeze in a practice yesterday. Once my 630am meeting is over, I'll hop on the living room TV for practice since BF won't be up until 8 at the very earliest (plus I have an 830 meeting). I'm not as groggy this morning so I think I can push through to hopefully wake me up fully.
    12/11 - :)Right after my meeting I did a quick practice, but it was more of a morning wake up stretch to jolt some energy through you. It worked, I needed a good, over-the-top morning stretch
    12/12 - :/Didn't get a chance to, had to run errands early before the weekend flood of tourists made it in.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,935 Member
    Thank you @GrandmaJackie! I’m in!
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,557 Member
    Hi, I’m Karen, in my 50’s
    OSW Sept.
    2018 187


  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited December 2020
    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

    Female, 5’3”, 60
    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    GW: <200 in 2020 BMI 35.2
    UGW: 165 BMI 29.2 Overweight NOT Obese
    3 weeks (~ 2 rounds of 10 days) till 2021 🎉

    My goal for 2020 is to get into ONEderland and make it stick. Changing my life.
    🔹Find workout routine that works (walk, bike, planks, yoga, swim, take advantage of retirement to be more active); target walking 100 miles each month
    🔹Drink more water (target min 80 oz daily; start with 1 glass before coffee)
    🔹Journal Food Daily (tracking with MFP since 12/28/2018; basically skipped June-Dec 2019; recommit 1/1/2020; skipped out April-July 2020; recommit 8/6/2020)
    🔹Daily Vitamins (Dr’s orders; need to not ignore)
    🔹Drink less alcohol (3 AF days per week; ~12 AF days per month; limit 1-2 glasses per day)

    R63: 245 (1/2/2019)
    R64-75: notes in 2019 folder
    R76: 229.5 (5/12/2019)
    R77-99: notes in 2019 folder
    SWR100: 236.4 (12/29/2019)
    R100: 235.5 (-.9)
    R101: 235 (-.5)
    R102: 235 (+/-0)
    R103: 238 (+3)
    R104-105: skipped
    R106: 236 (-2)
    R107-111: skipped
    R112: 239 (+3)
    R113-R121: skipped
    SWR122: 241 (8/6/2020)
    R122 20200804: 234.8 (-6.2)
    R123 20200824: 231.4 (-3.4)
    R124 20200903: 229.3 (-2.1)
    R125 20200913: 227.7 (-1.6) Daily check-in but DNW 10 days @ fishing camp 🎣
    R126 20200923: 224.8 (-2.9)
    R127 20201003: 221.1 (-3.7)
    R128 20201013: 220.3 (-.8)
    R129 20201023: 219.6 (-.7)
    R130 20201102: 219.0 (-.6)
    R131 20201112: 216.8 (-2.2)
    R132 20201122: 214.6 (-2.2)
    R133 20201202: 214.4 (-.2)
    R134 20201212: 213.3 (-1.1)

    R135: Opportunity to lose a little more before the end of the year! Going for it.
    🎯Mini Goal: How close can I get to losing 15% (208)?

    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    I am in again! THANK YOU for this group!

    STARTING WEIGHT ON 12/1/2014: 338lbs
    ROUND 133 STARTING WEIGHT ON 12/13/2020: TBD
    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT: 122-125 lbs.

    Round 128: 138-139 lbs. (+1)
    Round 129: 139-134 lbs. (-5)
    Round 130: 134-137.5 lbs. (+3.5)
    Round 131: 137.5-134 lbs. (-3.5)
    Round 132: 134-136.5 lbs. (+2.5)
    Round 133: 139-138 lbs. (-1)
    Round 134: 138- 132.5 lbs. (-5.5)

    12/13 –
    12/14 –
    12/15 -
    12/16 -
    12/17 -
    12/18 -
    12/19 -
    12/20 -
    12/21 -
    12/22 -
    12/23 -
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Round 133 95.0
    Round 134 94.6

    13th 95.2
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    Here we go!
    This round includes the Solstice at the end, Happy solstice everyone <3

    133 = 205/93 - 200.6/91
    134 = 200.6/91 - 197/89.5

    SW: 198.4/90
    CW: 198.4/90
    Goal: Preplan my food every day
    Goal: Be under 200lbs on 22nd

    12/13 = 90
    Confused at my weigh-in results today I looked into how many calories I need to be eating (instead of just guessing :lol: )
    Thanks to @SheilaBoneham for posting the link to https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ so I could get some good ballpark numbers.

    12/17 Halfway