Weight or Size Goal??



  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Honestly, I don't care what the scale says if I'm in a comfortable size for me - where I put something on in that size and it almost always fits without making me bulge anywhere. :tongue:
  • LeeLeeTunk
    I kinda do both...

    Im only 5ft 0in... the 'healthy weight' for me is 98lbs to 110lbs, so my goal is the upside 110-115lbs
    I used to wear a size 11 jean, and am down to a 7, my goal is a size 5 jean.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    I think its nice to see your work on the scale but the ultimate win for me is the size I want to fit in. You can lose WAY more inches than pounds too. I dropped a whole size in a month and the size I'm in now is kind of lose at the top but I only lost 7 pounds so far
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    My current weight goal is set to 140, but I care more about being happy with how I look and what size I am. Aiming for a size 8 and getting there; I am starting to like my body more than I ever have before.
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    My original goal was 120lbs but I just want to be a size 8 again.
    I'm starting to think that maybe I don't need to drop all that weight because right now I'm 183lbs but I'm a UK size 12... maybe I'll only need to drop like 2 stone....
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    It's really just relative to BF and weight. If a man is 250lbs and 10% bf or less, awesome dont change a thing. If another man is 250lbs and 25%+ bf the he has some weight to lose.

    In general based on what I see on MFP everyday women especially are far too concerned about weight alone.
  • marilyngrant18
    marilyngrant18 Posts: 59 Member
    Both ...

    My primary goal is a weight loss goal, because I have orthopedic issues and reducing my weight can help alleviate that problem.

    My secondary goal is a size goal. I am interested in getting back into Misses clothes, preferably a size 8-10 (U.S.) because there are many more nice styles in Misses than Women's sizes. I'm currently a 16W, and many of the Women's clothes are ill-fitting and/or fashionably unappealing.

    I am tired of carrying the excess weight and the INNER TUBES around my mid-section keep me from being able to bend over to tie or buckle my shoes! :frown:
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    For me its both really. My weight goals are based on fitting into my old colthes confortably. I want to be back to a size 6-8 but I know when I'm back down to 114lbs that I will be that size.

    This is for me too, I have all my smaller size 4s from when I was slimmer and size 6s from when I started gaining weight, plus the size 8s I was busting out of when I started this diet and a few 10s I tried to pretend didn't fit me, and I know which weights they all correspond with. I want to get back down to being comfortable in my cute size 4s, and I know those will fit when I hit about 105.
  • perne11
    perne11 Posts: 46 Member
    I have a weight goal of 135. I'm about 141 now and wear size 6 (sometimes 4). I'm guessing at 135 i will be a solid 4. Ultimately, I want to feel and be comfortable in my skin, and a healthy weight for my height.
  • CindyWarner
    My doctor is more concerned about my weight. I'm more concerned about being able to at least fit a woman's regular large. If I get rid of my muffin top, my big belly or thick thighs then that would be a big bonus. I've set a goal to loss 50 pounds if I lose more I'd be in heaven.

    Coles Notes version = both weight and size!
  • sandhillcrane
    I don't go by the scale. When I look and feel good, then that's is a good weight regardless of the actual number. So, my answer is, size!
  • CindiBryce
    My primary concern is my health. I am not as concerned about weight loss than I am of getting rid of my binge-eating, compulsive eating, and unhealthy food cravings. My main goal is to live healthily.
    As a secondary goal, I would like to lose the weight I gained from overeating. I have many smaller clothes hanging in my closet, untouched for about 8 months now.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I want to be healthy and look good in clothes. Clothing sizes have changed so much over the years that a size doesn't really mean much to me - I wore a size 12 in high school and now 32 years later I finally am wearing a 12 again but I'm nowhere near the size I was in high school!

    I focus on the weight issue for a totally different reason. My husband and I discussed if I end up in a wheelchair (I have MS) what weight he thinks he can handle to help me move in and out. That's my goal weight. I'm also going to work on strengthing myself so that I won't need as much help.
  • susanb_16
    susanb_16 Posts: 131 Member
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Whatever size/weight my body looks good in. MyY current weight goal is 105-110lbs (I'm 4'11'and 113lbs right now). I'm currently a size 2 and am happy with that. I just want the last bit of belly to go away and I'll be happy.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'm aiming for healthy weight .. in my eyes. I think I'll like to see myself as a size 10, but don't know what that looks like! :blushing: So I'll know when I'm there whether I'm done or not. I think 8/10 is pretty good looking but smaller I think I'd be a bit too 'little'. I'm a pretty strong person and want to keep that aspect too. So toned / strong rather than skinny.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    to me it is important to be a certain healthy. i couldn't care less about weight of size i just want to feel good and strong.

    i don't own a scale and i'm not sure i want to.
  • j3n1096
    Definitely weight! Right now, I am 5'5 and 156 pounds..and the number on the scale is slowly rising due to medicine I've been taking. I still fit in my size 10 jeans, but I wouldn't mind getting out of the double digits. My goal is 120. But, as long as my weight goes back down into the healthy weight, I don't care about it, or what size jeans I'm in. :)