Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 135



  • kmort009
    kmort009 Posts: 271 Member
    Round 135

    Age: 39
    Height: 5’ 3”
    SW: 163
    CW: 136.6
    GW: 125

    GW for this round: 135

    Round 126 (1): 156 to 153.2 (-2.8 lbs)
    Round 127 (2): 153.2 to 150.4 (-2.8 lbs)
    Round 128 (3): 150.4 to 148.0 (-2.4 lbs)
    Round 129 (4): 148.0 to 146.0 (-2.0 lbs)
    Round 130 (5): 146.0 to 144.4 (-1.6 lbs)
    Round 131 (6): 144.4 to 139.6 (-4.8 lbs)
    Round 132 (7): 139.6 to 138.8 (-0.8 lbs)
    Round 133 (8): 138.8 to 137.0 (-1.8 lbs)
    Round 134 (9): 137.0 to 136.6 (-0.4 lbs)

    Goals for this round:
    - Continue to do yoga nightly
    - Lose 1 - 1.5 lbs

    12/13 - 136.8 - Feeling incredibly bloated and yucky today. Not a great start. I managed to get up and make myself do 45 minutes of Just Dance, which helped me feel better but obviously the scale is still high. I’m going to try and relax as much as possible for the rest of the day - as much as the kids let me!

    12/14 - 136.8 - Yeah, so much for resting yesterday. I was on my feet all day long chasing kids, doing curbside pickups or making my meal prep for the week. I’m happy to get back to the meal prep though - it makes it so much easier to stick to my daily calories when I’m not figuring out on the fly what to eat.

    12/15 - 135.6 - So excited this morning, and not even because of the scale (though I’m very happy to be under 136 again). Last night my husband surprised me with my Christmas present early - a Series 6 Apple Watch! I’d been using his old Series 1 after he got a new one last year; it worked fine and I really liked it, but I was really interested in the new Apple Fitness + that was coming out and you needed a Series 3 and up to use it. So Apple Fitness + launched yesterday... and he got me the new watch so I could get it! I tried two workouts this morning - a HIIT and a Strength training - and LOVED it. It was absolutely adorable with the kids trying to do it with me too. I’m not going to stop doing Ring Fit and Just Dance, but this is an awesome new option for me.

    12/16 - 134.4 - That’s a nice whoosh! I needed that this morning. It’s so much harder to resist all the cookies and candy when you aren’t seeing progress on the scale.

    12/17 - 134.6 - I always seem to have a tiny bump up after a big drop. I guess it’s just my body adjusting. I did a HIIT workout this morning and I definitely felt it! Hopefully mixing it up with new workouts and higher intensity will help me keep up a slow decrease until Christmas.

    12/18 - 134.0 - Woke up sore this morning- still feeling the HIIT workout, I guess. So I started this morning with yoga and core workouts, then switched to dancing for about 20 minutes of cardio. Picking up the big grocery order this afternoon - everything we need for cookie making, Christmas Eve, Christmas breakfast and dinner - oh, and food for the rest of the week!

    12/19 - 134.0 - Perfectly happy to hold here; I honestly expected to go up after we had takeout Mediterranean food last night. It was delicious, but I ate a little more than I should have and while I stayed just under maintenance, I’m sure the sodium was sky-high. We’ll see if it shows up in the next few days.

    12/20 - 134.0 - Still holding, still happy! I had a really rough day with the kids yesterday; the 5 year old is having so much trouble with the updated stay at home order. I let myself have one of the chocolate mint cookies I’d made and a glass of amaretto last night - took me up to maintenance, but not over. I did pay for it though - I normally have a Yasso or Clio Greek yogurt bar after dinner each night. It’s a nice dessert that gives me a good amount of protein. Since I skipped it for the cookie/drink instead, I woke up at about 5 this morning absolutely STARVING. The power of protein!

    12/21 - 134.8 - Not happy about that bump up, but not going to let it get to me. Nothing is going to get me down today! I was hiding presents in the closet last night when I found an old favorite dress - one I haven’t been able to wear in years. Certainly not in the last 5 since having kids. I figured, “why not, let’s try it” and tried it on.... and it fits, it fits, IT FITS!!! It’s a size 4!! I have nowhere to wear it now, of course, with the shelter-in-place order, but I was in tears last night realizing I could actually zip it up. It really helped me acknowledge how far I’ve come, no matter what the scale says.

    12/22 - 133.6 - Solid end to the round! Tough night last night with multiple wake ups, so I’ll have to be careful not to fall into eating lots of carbs/sugar today. One more round to end the year - hope to see you all in the next thread!

    Total round loss: 3.0 lbs


    Goal: At least 15 minutes of yoga before bed each night

    12/13 - 15 minutes of yoga and mindful breathing before bed.

    12/14 - Skipped last night - too tired and fussy toddler again. Committing to doing it tonight.

    12/15 - Did 12 minutes of yoga and about 5 of deep breathing before bed. Days have still been challenging with my 5 year old, but I do think this is helping. It’s helping me sleep, at least, which also results in a calmer me during the day!

    12/16 - I had such a better day yesterday. Did 20 minutes of yoga before bed - I hope to find one of the Apple Fitness + yoga programs to be good for winding down for sleep.

    12/17 - Does deep breathing while rocking a crying toddler at 1 AM count?

    12/18 - Yoga stretches and relaxation moves

    12/19 - Found the mindful cool downs on Apple Fitness+; a 10 minute yoga and a 10 minute mindful cool down ending with a meditation looks like a perfect way to meet my challenge.

    12/20 - Too tired to do anything last night; went to bed early instead.

    12/21 - 15 minutes of bedtime yoga last night

    12/22 - 10 minutes of yoga; 10 minutes mindful cooldown (and then the toddler was up from 1-3, and again from 4:30-5, but at least I tried)
  • prehistoricmoongoddess
    SModa61 wrote: »
    @prehistoricmoongoddess Happy birthday! Glad you had a celebratory day!

    Thank you. Yes, I had a lovely birthday.

    Today was not so good though. I have a condition that has means have double vision, but the medication I'm on is not working well, even the prism that's been added to one of the lenses in my glasses isn't helping. Add to that wearing a mask, and my glasses steaming up, and I bashed my leg by walking into something while out shopping which caused me to fall.

    I've ended up with a badly bruised leg and it's stinging. A shop assistant asked if I wanted to see the first aider, but I said I'd be ok. Which I was. But it got worse as the day went on.

    Last year on Christmas Eve, a supermarket worker pushed a cage into the back of the same leg and that caused a lump and bruising. It took weeks for me to recover from that.

    I think I should stay in next year in the run up to Christmas!
  • playhardkf2017
    playhardkf2017 Posts: 875 Member
    29 yo female
    5’2” Small frame according to my wrist circumference
    SW 126.2 (April 14th, 2020)
    Highest lifetime weight: 138 lbs. August 2011
    Goal Weight: 110
    Previous rounds: 125.2 -> 122.8 -> 121.6 -> 121.2 -> 119.8-> 119.4 -> 117.8 ->116.6 -> 117.2 ->117.2->114.8 ->116.8 -> 116.4 -> 114.0 -> 115 -> 115.4 ->115 ->113 -> 113-> 113.8 ->114.6 -> 113.6 -> 115.8-> 116
    Goal weight for this round: Seeing 114 again would be fantastic!
    Another goal: Actually check-in each day and weigh daily.

    Previous days
    12/13 115.2 I’ll happily take the one pound woosh because it’s been a while since I’ve seen a decent drop. This is making me feel like 114 could be in sight by the end of this round 😊.
    Today has been a busy one in the kitchen. I started out by making whole grain apple carrot muffins, then I peeled and chopped up some sweet potatoes to throw in the freezer because some were starting to turn, and then I roasted a sugar pumpkin and 4 butternut squashes (for easier meal prep in the future). For the squash I cooked the bottom rounded part by just halving it and roasting it, then scooping out the flesh and pureeing it and for the easier to peel top half I peeled and diced it up and to put in the freezer for soups or roasting in the future. To top it off I also made some macadamia nut butter because it has been on my to-do list for several weeks now. The bag of macadamia nuts has been in my pantry for a long time and nut butter seemed like a healthier option than making cookies with them.
    Tonight’s dinner will be pork chops with roasted brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, and apple sauce.
    12/14 115.6 NSV for the morning, even though the number is up, I woke up not feeling puffy in my face like I had been all last week. So hopefully this extra water I had on me is working its way out. Dinner tonight was kale massaged with a sesame dressing topped with roasted sweet potatoes, hakurei turnips, purple potatoes, beets, brussels sprouts, and chickpeas. Then, a cup of broth on the side.
    12/15 Didn’t weigh yet, but woke up feeling good again puffiness wise 😊. Food was on point yesterday. My breakfast today will be one of the apple carrot muffins, an apple, egg, slice of cheese and toast. When I just had a muffin, macadamia nut butter and a large apple yesterday for breakfast, it didn’t really satisfy me. So I’m seeing if I notice a difference by switching up the composition a bit today. Dinner will be the Thai red curry with veggies and brown rice tonight.

    12/16 115.0 Dinner last night really hit the spot and was super satisfying. I even had a little bit of leftovers in the pan that will be perfect for my husband to have with his lunch today. Today’s breakfast will be 2 slices of whole wheat toast with macadamia butter and a large apple with cinnamon on top. My snack will be one of those apple carrot muffins and some crunchy hakurei turnips and kohlrabi for some added volume but low calories. Dinner will be chuck roast cooked in the croc pot with white sweet potatoes, carrots, kohlrabi, maybe some kale, and a couple of white or purple potatoes. It’s supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow, so I figured a stew type dinner would be nice and comforting with the cold snowy weather.
    We also decided to not eat at my in-laws home for Christmas this year. We will stop by and exchange some gifts and food outside but then head home and hangout virtually. Although we are quarantining, my husband has several appointments coming up before Christmas and we don’t want to put my mother in law at risk, especially after receiving the amazing news that they couldn’t detect any Lymphoma after only 3 treatments (she will continue the last three treatments to ensure every darn cancer cell is gone though)!!!!!!! Side note: Dana Farber is truly amazing with their level of care and treatments.

    12/17 The roast came out so good last night! I’m very excited for leftovers tonight. I plan on making some sort of Shepard’s pie with it or making up some whole wheat dumpling batter to bake them on top of the stew in the oven. I made sure to have lots of gravy left over, so it’ll be perfect! I weighed out the amount of meat left and there is about 13 oz, so it’ll be the perfect portion for my husband and I to split. Breakfast will be oatmeal with macadamia nut butter, maple syrup, a touch of butter and dried cranberries. I’m really looking forward to that too! I love cozy food when it’s snowing outside. My snack today will be my apple carrot muffins and a big apple.
    Happy almost Friday! Be careful in the snow if your in New England, it looks tough out there!

    12/18 115.6 TOM is surfacing. The bright side is that I don’t feel bloated but the scale bumped up. So it’s whatever 😊. Today’s breakfast was oatmeal again but I indulged and doubled the macadamia nut butter because it was soo good in my oatmeal yesterday. When this macadamia nut butter is gone, I’ll be so sad because it is so yummy!! Tonight’s dinner is going to be baked spaghetti squash mixed in with ground beef and sauce and topped with a bit of mozzarella cheese.
    12/19 did not post
    12/20 did not post
    12/21 Didn’t have a chance to post this weekend. It was a fun weekend but filled with not so great for me foods, but that’s okay. I’m tired today from lack of sleep but I have some healthy food planned for myself. I had a lot of caffeine on Saturday, which I typically don’t have. So, I think I’m feeling some residual effects from it today. I’m tempted to have tea today but I don’t want to mess up my sleep tonight.

    12/22 Still haven’t weighed, but I’m not worried about it. 😊 I made baked chicken legs last night with a jerk style seasoning and roasted sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts along with it. Tonight we are getting Chinese food take out for dinner to celebrate a little for Christmas, so I expect some water weight gain. My food has been great so far today, my breakfast was two eggs, two slices whole wheat toast with cream cheese topped with everything but the bagel seasoning, and sliced apple on the side. Then, I had another apple with some peanut butter for a snack. Tomorrow night, I’ll cook what I planned on doing for tonight (stuffed spaghetti squash with lean ground beef, tomato sauce, mushrooms and a couple other veggies, then baked for a bit with mozzarella cheese on top).

    12/13 My husband and I went for a 4 mile walk in this crazy 60-degree weather in MA today. I also did a 30 minutes of yoga this morning to help my hip muscles.
    12/14 I did a quick 15 minute yoga routine this morning.
    12/15 I did a 45 minute yoga video focused on core work and plan on doing a 30 minute spin bike ride later today.
    12/16 I got the 30 minutes of spin done last night. I started this morning with a 40 minute vinyasa flow and plan to do 20-30 minutes of spin at 3:30ish today.
    12/17 Started the morning with a 40 minute yoga vinyasa flow. I was impressed, I even got a touch sweaty for the first time. It was a fun one filled with poses to help open my hips that like to stay tight between sitting all day and using the spin bike. I might do a 20 minute spin workout today or some strength training. Not quite sure yet…or maybe both because dinner won’t take long to cook tonight.
    12/18 I started my morning with a gentler 30 minute vinyasa yoga flow and I plan on doing a 30-45 minute spin bike workout this afternoon. For the spin bike workout, I think I’m going to go a little lighter on the resistance though to give my legs a little bit of a break. I didn’t end up doing the strength training yesterday.
    12/19 I did a killer 60 minute spin bike workout Saturday morning.
    12/20 Too dizzy and bleh to do any physical activity.
    12/21 Started my day with a 30 yoga video to help my hips. I’ll probably aim for a 30 minute spin bike workout after work today.
    12/22 I squeezed in a 30 minute bike ride during my lunch break today and then my husband and I went for a short walk at a nature reserve near us when I was done with work today. Tomorrow I already plan on doing a 30 minute Pop Christmas themed spin workout.

    I think I'll just stick with saying that I maintained this round, which I'm happy with :smile: .
  • prehistoricmoongoddess
    Starting weight 179lbs
    Goal weight 126 lbs

    Round 123 174.0lbs
    Round 124 172.8lbs
    Round 125 170.0lbs
    Round 126 168.2lbs
    Round 127 165.2lbs
    Round 128 163.2lbs
    Round 129 161.0lbs
    Round 130 158.0lbs
    Round 131 156.2lbs
    Round 132 155.8lbs
    Round 133 154.0lbs
    Round 134 152.2lbs

    Day, Weight, Comment

    12/13 152.2lbs
    12/14 152.2lbs
    12/15 152.0lbs
    12/16 151.6lbs
    12/17 151.8lbs
    12/18 Did not weigh as I had an early start and I did not eat well today. Tomorrow will be the acid test
    12/19 152.2...oops
    12/20 151.6
    12/21 153.0 Please excuse me for this weight gain. It was my birthday yesterday! It's a disastrous time for me with my birthday and Christmas 2 days apart.
    12/22 Did not weigh

  • playhardkf2017
    playhardkf2017 Posts: 875 Member
    @SheilaBoneham @prehistoricmoongoddess Happy birthday! I hope you both had/have an awesome day despite the insanity in this world!
  • playhardkf2017
    playhardkf2017 Posts: 875 Member

    12/22 195.4 I had no workout this morning less and than 8 hours in 2 days. I have been up since before 2am. Could not fall back to sleep. This is increasing my appetite. I really considered calling out I am at work not working because my brain feels like pureed food. Mama needs some sleep.

    Lack of sleep is the worst! It does insane things to your appetite, those are usually the days I end up saying **** it all and eat whatever I want. I hope you get some sleep soon! If you can, I think you should take a day for yourself and try to get some rest, it'll do your body good and your work when you go back feeling a little more refreshed.
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,885 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    @prehistoricmoongoddess Happy birthday! Glad you had a celebratory day!

    Thank you. Yes, I had a lovely birthday.

    Today was not so good though. I have a condition that has means have double vision, but the medication I'm on is not working well, even the prism that's been added to one of the lenses in my glasses isn't helping. Add to that wearing a mask, and my glasses steaming up, and I bashed my leg by walking into something while out shopping which caused me to fall.

    I've ended up with a badly bruised leg and it's stinging. A shop assistant asked if I wanted to see the first aider, but I said I'd be ok. Which I was. But it got worse as the day went on.

    Last year on Christmas Eve, a supermarket worker pushed a cage into the back of the same leg and that caused a lump and bruising. It took weeks for me to recover from that.

    I think I should stay in next year in the run up to Christmas!

    @prehistoricmoongoddess I'm sorry about your day. That is a lousy, post birthday pre-Xmas way to be ending the year. I'll hope that this shopping injury heals better and faster than last year, and that you stay healthy after that. And yes, maybe next year take advantage of all the delivery services that are now offered. <3
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    - Move 30 minutes everyday
    - Participate
    - Make healthy food choices

    SW: 162.9 (12/12)
    GW: 129.x
    12/13 162.8
    12/14 162.5
    12/15 162.3
    12/16 162.1
    12/17 162.9
    12/18 162.5
    12/19 163.0
    12/20 162.4
    12/21 161.2
    12/22 162.4
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    I'm in! Thank you, @GrandmaJackie!

    70 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion... :D...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    The Shelter in Place has everyone freaked. We need to remain calm and respectful of each other.

    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 146.0
    UGW: 132.2

    12/11 - 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.13 miles in 93 mins
    12/12 - 148.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...3.87 miles in 75 mins and 60 mins workout w/trainer


    12/13 - 147.4 at 7:00 a.m. ...total Rest Day!
    12/14 - 147.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.27 miles in 103 mins and 60 min workout w/trainer
    12/15 - 147.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.09 miles in 95 mins
    12/16 - 146.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.21 miles in 98 mins and a 60 min workout w/trainer
    12/17 - 146.4 at 5:30 a.m. ... total Rest Day!!
    12/18 - 147.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    12/19 - 144.6 at 7:20 a.m. ...4.53 miles in 92 mins
    12/20 - 147.0 at 8:30 a.m. ...total Rest Day! Way too much celebrating last night.
    12/21 - 145.8 at 8:30 a.m. ...4.11 miles in 85 mins and 60 min workout w/trainer
    12/22 - 144.6 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.63 miles in 109 mins

  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    13 95.2
    14 95.3
    15 95.5
    16 95.5
    17 95.4
    18 95.7
    19 96.1
    20 94.8
    21 94.8
    22 95.5

    Choosing 94.8 for this round since I've been having a lot of salt food lately.
  • nedw3
    nedw3 Posts: 379 Member
    Female 50 yrs. 5'2"
    Long term goal 125

    9/23/2020 OSW 170.1
    Round 134 ⬇️ 0.9 lbs. 161.9
    Round 135

    Starting Weight 161.9
    Goal this round 160

    12/13- 161.3
    12/14- 161.8
    12/15- 163.2 Started a night shift last night. Too much coffee and not enough sleep.
    12/16- 164.1 I havent been eating anything or amount that is different with the exception of extra coffee. I think the lack of sleep, and 13 hr shifts overnight is really messing with me.
    12/17- 164.8
    12/18- DNW
    12/19- DNW
    12/20- 167.5 Whoa.. going the wrong way...... Going to have to do something about this.
    12/21- DNW
    12/22- 165.
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    SW: 233.6
    GW: 170

    12/13 - 190.0
    12/14 - 190.0
    12/15 - 191.4
    12/16 - 192.8
    12/17 - 193.5
    12/18 - 194.0
    12/19 - 194.8
    12/20 - 194.8
    12/21 - 195.0
    12/22 - 195.0
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited December 2020
    JGM10D Round 135

    Looking forward:
    You are not stuck at home
    You are SAFE at home
    One word can change your attitude
    ☠️One cough can change your life☠️

    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷

    December focus: improving stamina, strength, flexibility, which may impact the scale
    2020 Focus:
    • Stabilise weight under 150
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • Make sure I have prepared healthy snacks available
    • Cut down on eating between meals by keeping busy

    Never give up! Never give in!
    Recent Back Story:
    • 2018 goal: get back down to 160 ✅
    • 2019 goal: proceed down to 150 ✅ with 2 months to spare
    • 2020 goal: maintain below 150 dropping slowly down to 145 ✅ Working on it. Strength training has slowed progress, but that’s okay.
    • That's a WIN in my book!
    • 2020
    • Focus: maintenance! I might even manage to lose a bit more ever so slowly.
    • (One good thing about Covid is that I don't have to traverse the minefield of family celebration meals.)
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 135

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    🔹Age 74;🔹Height 5’2”🔹Female🔹
    🔹SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    🔹1 Aug 2019: 171.1
    🔹GW 2019: < 155 ✅
    🔹GW: 2020: <150
    🔹13 Sept 2020: 152.2
    🔹22 Nov 2020: 146.6
    🔹LW: 146.0 (Oct 2020)

    🔹Focus: maintain<150
    I am MINDFUL of making heathy choices
    to MAXIMISE the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    Round 134 EW: 147
    Round 135
    Goal: Maintain <150

    • 13/12: 146.9: Goals🎄
    • 14/12: 146.9: Goals🎄I’m on a knife edge here. Trying to keep it down.
    • 15/12: 146.8: Goals🎄
    • 16/12: 146.8: Goals🎄
    • 17/12: 146.7:Go'als🎄
    • 18/12: 146.7: Goals🎄
    • 19/12: 146.6: Goals🎄
    • 20/12: 146.9: Goals🎄
    • 21/12: 146.8: Goals🎄
    • 22/12: DNW:Goals:🎄Out v early to do Christmas shopping.
    End Weights
    • Round 135 EW
    • Round 120 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 110 EW 148.2🌻
    • Round 109 EW 147.2🌻
    • June 2017: Round 8 SW 162; EW 169.9 This was my first round!!! I faffed about for 2 1/2 years before I got back on track!!!
    Daily Goals
    🔹log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    🔹7,500+ Steps daily
    🔹30 + minutes intentional exercise
    🔹Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation
    🔹Practice Self-care
    🔹Positively reframe thoughts
    🔹Learn something new
    🔹15 mins Daily Declutter session

    Purple: #ff4968.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!

  • Su_Rad
    Su_Rad Posts: 39 Member
    edited December 2020

    55F , SW 131.2 , GW 125

    10 Day Goals
    1) Run/walk 10 miles total (2.5 miles x4 runs)
    2) Check in/record weight daily (& trend down!)
    3) Do ONE mobility/strength exercise/set daily

    nothing to say...yet!

    12/13 = 132.0
    Oops. Wrong direction. Too much couch time & snacking yesterday. On-line Christmas shopping has its disadvantages-->no walking involved. Sighhhh...guess that’s why I’m here. : ) Exercise=7 single leg calf raises each side, hip flexor stretch x20 seconds each. (I know it's not much--trying to start a habit!)

    12/14 = 132.4
    Well....harrumph. I think I did better today. I need to be more diligent tracking! I went over my allotted calories yesterday and to the shock of Nobody Anywhere, excess calories = excess pounds. Boo. Exercise today=calf raises, hip flexor stretch, clamshell, supine SLR, side SLR, heel walk. No run today--got side tracked filing away All The Papers. How does the paper pile get so ridiculously large?!!

    12/15 = 131.2
    Did better at logging in MFP. Exercise=run 1.5 miles. Cold outside (feels like 19F) maybe that will help burn some calories haha Need to cover my face better next time--frozen!

    12/16 = 131.2
    Holding steady still --I’ll take it = ) Exercise = TBD Fail.

    12/17 = 131.2
    Exhausted after work, why, idk. Exercise = nope.

    12/18 = 131.4
    Well, not too terrible I guess. I was beginning to wonder if my scale was broken. HA. I do better when I read/log in to this thread in the morning--y'all inspire me! Exercise=none really today again. Steps 5,272.

    12/19 = 132.4
    Ugg. Need to do better at tracking in MFP--apparently guessing amounts/food after I already ate is not the way. Exercise=run 2 miles. Steps 10,722.

    12/20 = 131.6
    Holding steady. Doing a smidge better at tracking in MFP. Will try tracking steps, too--just being aware somehow prods me on.. = ) Exercise = stretching. Steps 6,159.

    12/21 = 132.4...from now on, more daylight!! Curse you, Christmas Cookies... Exercise = none unless I can count vacuuming. Steps 10,054.

    12/22 = 131.2 I'm not sure how I missed recording this...the days are flying by! Exercise = run 1.6 miles. Steps 9,062.

    Ended at my starting weight. Onward and upward...

    Edited for: typo:/
    ~ Successful outcomes are never the result of a single choice. They are built up through good choices over time. ~

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited December 2020
    JGM10D Round 136

    Looking forward:
    You are not stuck at home
    You are SAFE at home
    One word can change your attitude
    ☠️One cough can change your life☠️

    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷

    December focus: improving stamina, strength, flexibility, which may impact the scale
    2020 Focus:
    • Stabilise weight under 150
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • Make sure I have prepared healthy snacks available
    • Cut down on eating between meals by keeping busy

    Never give up! Never give in!
    Recent Back Story:
    • 2018 goal: get back down to 160 ✅
    • 2019 goal: proceed down to 150 ✅ with 2 months to spare
    • 2020 goal: maintain below 150 dropping slowly down to 145 ✅ Working on it. Strength training has slowed progress, but that’s okay.
    • That's a WIN in my book!
    • 2020
    • Focus: maintenance! I might even manage to lose a bit more ever so slowly.
    • (One good thing about Covid is that I don't have to traverse the minefield of family celebration meals.)
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 135

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    🔹Age 74;🔹Height 5’2”🔹Female🔹
    🔹SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    🔹1 Aug 2019: 171.1
    🔹GW 2019: < 155 ✅
    🔹GW: 2020: <150
    🔹13 Sept 2020: 152.2
    🔹22 Nov 2020: 146.6
    🔹LW: 146.0 (Oct 2020)

    🔹Focus: maintain<150
    I am MINDFUL of making heathy choices
    to MAXIMISE the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    Round 135 EW: 146.8
    Round 135
    Goal: Maintain <150

    • 23/12: 146.0: Goals🎄
    • 24/12: 146.2: Goals
    • 25/12: xxx: Goals6
    • 26/12: xxx: Goals
    • 27/12: xxx:Goals
    • 28/12: xxx: Goals
    • 29/12: xxx: Goals
    • 30/12: xxx: Goals
    • 30/12: xxx: Goals
    • 01/01: xxx Goals:
    End Weights
    • Round 135 EW 146.8
    • Round 120 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 110 EW 148.2🌻
    • Round 109 EW 147.2🌻
    • June 2017: Round 8 SW 162; EW 169.9 This was my first round!!! I faffed about for 2 1/2 years before I got back on track!!!

      Daily Goals
      🔹log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
      🔹7,500+ Steps daily
      🔹30 + minutes intentional exercise
      🔹Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation
      🔹Practice Self-care
      🔹Positively reframe thoughts
      🔹Learn something new
      🔹15 mins Daily Declutter session

      Purple: #ff4968.
      THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
      REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
      • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
      • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
      • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
      • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
      • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
      • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
      • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
      • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
      Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!

  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    This is late but I'm still here!

    - Work out 4 days a week
    - Hit my step goal everyday
    - No fast food

    SW: 209.8 (12/12)
    UGW: 125
    12/13 209.8
    12/14 Didn't weigh - binged fast food
    12/15 Didn't weigh. - Worked out:smiley:and hit step goal
    12/16 211.8 - Cooked dinner and worked out:smiley:hit step goal
    12/17 212 - Cooked dinner, worked out, hit step goal. Feel sad that weight is going up and wanted Taco bell but managed to not self destruct as I usually do when I count calories but weight climbs. Gonna give it another week to go down.
    12/18: 211.8 - worked out, ate within calories, past my step goal with flying colors!
    12/19: 211.8 - omg my weight is actually going down, very slowly but it's going down yay! Worked out, hit step goal and stayed in calories. I feel motivated!! 1200 calories is what works, every time I try and raise it I stop losing.
    12/20: 210.6 worked out, ate within calories and hit step goal
    12/21: 211.6 I worked out a lot, surpassed step count but didn't eat any food this day. Went over board with adhd meds and couldn't eat! Not healthy. Tomorrow will show a huge drop from loss of water weight.
    12/22: 207 - Big drop from water weight from fasting the day before and too much caffeine. Too weak and exhausted to work out or hit step count, got 50% of the way.

    End of challenge went from 209.8 to 207.8. Looks like a loss of 2 lbs but it's not correct. This is water weight, I'm actually settled around 210ish. I gained weight from my binges on the 14th. It's fine, going to keep pushing!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited December 2020
    JGM10D Round 136

    Looking forward:
    You are not stuck at home
    You are SAFE at home
    One word can change your attitude
    ☠️One cough can change your life☠️

    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷

    December focus: improving stamina, strength, flexibility, which may impact the scale
    2020 Focus:
    • Stabilise weight under 150
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • Make sure I have prepared healthy snacks available
    • Cut down on eating between meals by keeping busy

    Never give up! Never give in!
    Recent Back Story:
    • 2018 goal: get back down to 160 ✅
    • 2019 goal: proceed down to 150 ✅ with 2 months to spare
    • 2020 goal: maintain below 150 dropping slowly down to 145 ✅ Working on it. Strength training has slowed progress, but that’s okay.
    • That's a WIN in my book!
    • 2020
    • Focus: maintenance! I might even manage to lose a bit more ever so slowly.
    • (One good thing about Covid is that I don't have to traverse the minefield of family celebration meals.)
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 135

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    🔹Age 74;🔹Height 5’2”🔹Female🔹
    🔹SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    🔹1 Aug 2019: 171.1
    🔹GW 2019: < 155 ✅
    🔹GW: 2020: <150
    🔹13 Sept 2020: 152.2
    🔹22 Nov 2020: 146.6
    🔹LW: 146.0 (Oct 2020)

    🔹Focus: maintain<150
    I am MINDFUL of making heathy choices
    to MAXIMISE the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    Round 135 EW: 146.8
    Round 135
    Goal: Maintain <150


    23/12: 146.0: Goals🎄
    24/12: 146.2: Goals🎄
    25/12: xxx: Goals
    26/12: xxx: Goals
    27/12: xxx:Goals
    28/12: xxx: Goals
    [*] 29/12: xxx: Goals
    30/12: xxx: Goals
    30/12: xxx: Goals
    01/01: xxx Goals:

    End Weights
    • Round 135 EW 146.8
    • Round 120 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 110 EW 148.2🌻
    • Round 109 EW 147.2🌻
    • June 2017: Round 8 SW 162; EW 169.9 This was my first round!!! I faffed about for 2 1/2 years before I got back on track!!!
    Daily Goals
    🔹log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    🔹7,500+ Steps daily
    🔹30 + minutes intentional exercise
    🔹Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation
    🔹Practice Self-care
    🔹Positively reframe thoughts
    🔹Learn something new
    🔹15 mins Daily Declutter session

    Purple: #ff4968.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!

  • antiderivative
    antiderivative Posts: 258 Member
    Round 135
    I'm ready for my Round 13! ⛄🎄

    Jillian Age 35 and 5'1"

    HSW: 179.8
    CSW: 142.8
    GW: 130 changes my BMI from overweight to normal! Take a maintenance break. Celebrate!
    UGW: 116
    Mini GW: 158 changed my BMI from obese to overweight! ✔️

    RGW: Any loss this week will be celebrated.

    Round 123 (1): 179.8 to 176.4 (-3.4)
    Round 124 (2): 176.4 to 170 (-6.4)
    Round 125 (3): 170.0 to 169.2 (-0.8)
    Round 126 (4): 167.8 to 164.4 (-3.4)
    Round 127 (5): 164.4 to 160.4 (-4.0)
    Round 128 (6): 160.4 to 157.4 (-3.0)
    Round 129 (7): 158.4 to 152.8 (-5.6)
    Round 130 (8): 152.8 to 151.8 (-1.0)
    Round 131 (9): 151.8 to 148 (-3.8)
    Round 132 (10): 148 to 147.8 (-0.2)
    Round 133 (11): 148 to 144.6 (-3.8)
    Round 134 (12): 144.2 to 143 (-1.2)

    🏃 12/13: 142.8
    🏃 12/14: 142
    🏃 12/15: 141.6
    🏃 12/16: 141.6
    🏃 12/17: 141.2
    🏃 12/18: 141
    🏃 12/19: 141
    🏃 12/20: 141
    🏃 12/21: 141.2
    🏃 12/22: 141


    My Weight Chart: