

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Last year my word was UNLEASH. I unleashed my memories in my book, but I didn’t unleash much else. Out of choice I believe.

    I am a bit wiser now about my hermit tendencies, so this year's word is FRUITFUL.


    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    I've liked this statement since I first read it several years ago and it kind of describes my approach this year. I've got a new year to work with ... I've got a list of things to chip away at. If I just sort the dressing room. If I just finish the patio. If I only make a start at organising the files on my computer. If I just start working, I've made progress. :)

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    Ginny: So sorry about you family’s health problems. (((Hugs)

    I’v been thinking about my aims for this year.
    🔹Word - Balance
    🔹I am in tune with my dreams
    🔹I know what is right for me
    🔹I will pursue my dreams and greatest passion
    January 2021
    Life Affirmations

    🔹I live in congruence with my authentic self
    🔹I am mindful
    🔹I am creative every day
    🔹I foster positivity
    🔹I am compassionate
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,246 Member
    Up to Page 4
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,387 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,041 Member
    Meanwhile, Day 2 of 2021 is just about done and was a lovely day.

    I'm still on holiday, so as I've done for over a week now, I slept in. :) Today was a warm sunny day so I sat out on the deck in the early afternoon and read. Then my husband and I went for a long walk along the beach. It kind of wore him out so our trip to the grocery store next didn't go particularly well.

    But we got back and I made a dozen chocolate cup cakes, he made dinner and we had a very quiet evening.


    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited January 2021
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Happier January:
    1: find 3 good things to look forward to this year: Thought about this and decided to choose things that were more likely in my power to bring to be … since we all know what happened to event planning last year ;) 1. Improved communication with Joe by being really present with him at least once a day. 2: Closer relationship with dogs by investing at least 5 minutes each in daily play training. 3. Feeling stronger with better stamina from weekly BB&B, TC or SWSY and daily walks. [/spoiler]
    Julie so glad to hear of your advisor’s improvement. Would you tell us the general topic of your thesis?
    All in all a fair start today. Wine, yes, but only 1 glass. Pouring down rain so wimped out on the dogs to powerline/go up hill, walked in place while watching YouTube and Livestream instead. Groomed Tumble for almost an hour, needs more. Chose healthy food and activity, even worked on learning “One Margarita” NOT a newcomer dance despite being so categorized.

    Your goals look nice. I would like mine to be more simple. Maybe in 2022!

    Thank you! and thanks for asking. I prefer not to go into the thesis subject right now, but later on, as it is winding up, I would like to.

    Was wanting to do Thesis 1st today (start with hardest is often a good tactic), but I slept very badly this night (just 2 or 3 hours max), went for a walk, then came back and I was actually procrastinating quite a bit. So I figured better than procrastinating do something else.
    So 2x 15 min timer sessions cleaning tidying-
    sorting office shelves (was very messy, now is great, just has to be resorted and dusted from time to time).
    2x 15 min paperwork (sorting desk and filing, tossing, treating some things).

    2x 15 min financial stuff:
    -paid rent,
    -registered renters' finance info so I can reimburse deposit (after 3 working day delay),
    -put cash in envelop to pay cellar (rented under the table from very elderly couple-their choice)
    -prepped doc and scanned and put in envelop requesting tax refund for minor mistake in taxes
    Meeting friend for walk in 1h15.
    May walk to get there! It's a good 30 min walk. I very much need to prep (easy) and eat lunch and rest a bit. The feeling from lack of sleep generally kicks in in early afternoon.

    Well we'll see. We have curfew at 8pm and it's dark out with everything but shops closed at 5:30pm, so that still leaves some evening hours for working.
    I have sometimes worked online in prone position. I have an idea of a not-mentally-demanding task I could do that would take a while, if I'm not totally wiped by lack of sleep by then. (or if I crash and then wake up- very likely).

    I hope I'm energetic enough to enjoy time with walking friend. Time with friends or even with humans has been SO rare these past weeks, since 2nd lockdown started. She tends to be very talkative (but very kind too, and sometimes a good and compassionate listener) so if I'm really tired I can listen more than talk. :D

    I wanted to see if could get some CBD oil (to help with sleep) and replacement sneaks today but that might be pushing it. We'll see. Our walk will very likely be over by 5 at latest, since it's dark soon after and the park closes at about 5:15.

    hugs to all

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Barbara way to go, making me go back and find Lisa's post so that I could see her word. Considering my late grandfather's occupation, I should have thought of that meaning, too, but I didn't. I love the word with Lisa's take on it.

    Michele, your trees are lovely. No way could I handle storing that many Christmas decorations the rest of the year, but it obviously makes you and Vince very happy. My favorite was the tree skirts you made yourself.

    I've decided on TRUTH for my 2021 word. As in, "the truth shall set you free" or "gird your loins with the belt of truth", i.e. "put on your big girl panties, Kay, and face the facts....." My weight is within 1/2 lb of what it was at the beginning of 2020. Yay me, for not gaining, but really????? The truth is that it see-sawed some throughout 2020 and I hung on to onederland by a thread. I need to up my game. I'm going to focus on eating more whole foods, upping my protein intake while lowering my intake of processed foods and sugar, truth journaling daily, especially when I break my food boundaries, exercising daily with strength training 3 times a week. I had let the strength training go with the broken finger but the TRUTH is that I can still do it. I can't do some things, but I can still curl, press, squat and plank, just to name a few. Another truth I need to face is that I am not personally responsible for keeping my MLM friends in business. Neither am I personally responsible for keeping Amazon in business! Shopping, like eating, is something I should do out of necessity - not for entertainment or therapeutic reasons.

    Beth, yes! That is the decluttering group I used to belong to. I loved her challenges, but I always fizzled before she got to the hard stuff. At one time my laundry room was in her hall of fame. I don't know if it's still there or not. She is another decluttering/household organizing blogger that I like, although Dana K White resonates with me more. I actually think she and Dana are friends, because I've heard Dana mention her on podcasts.
  • ladybug2021
    ladybug2021 Posts: 1 Member
    Restarting...getting & keeping my mind in the right place to be successful is the most important element to this healthier me journey.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    Rori - it’s nice to see you post. Do you still get the help with your husband for a little bit of time a week?

    Machka - I’m sorry to read your husband is deteriorating.

    Heather - I never made resolutions or yearly goals until 2019 when both of the groups I follow on MFP started talking about them, I thought maybe that’s what I was missing. I really don’t think I was missing anything though.
    My husband is terrible about throwing things out. I have gotten much better since 2015 when I had to clean my Mom’s house and then in 2016 when we moved from a 3 bedroom townhouse with finished basement to a 2 bedroom mobile home with no storage.

    Katla - I think I’m putting Christmas away today too. I at least am going to start with the tree.

    Lisa - a great word for the year.

    Pip - I love that picture of you and Yogi.

    I am in so much pain from all of my work yesterday, but think I need to just keep at it and get the house back in order today. I can’t handle the mess anymore.

    A coffee is in my near future and I think while that is being made I’ll go get the totes out of the shed to bring in to start warming.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    The doll beds are so cute and I know your granddaughter will love them. Sorry you are hurting from all you had to do to make them possible.

    Cute Calvin and Hobbs cartoon!

    Carol in GA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Well my dear friends I have read all of your "word" for the year comments and I've yet to come up with mine. I will continue to ponder.

    Today I feel particularly "house bound" and going stir crazy. Needless to say it causes me to be unhappy and grumpy. The only positive I see from this is I workout more consistently/longer to help pass the day.

    Janetr OKC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,906 Member
    Read to pg. 3 DH wanted to go shopping.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Well i fell back asleep for a couple of hours... Trudy tried calling me as she was out and I didnt answer.. gee guess I needed the sleep
    Will get going on my PT in a little bit...