JUST FOR TODAY -- Daily Commitment Thread for 2021



  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Saturday 2 January

    I managed to meet yesterday’s goals - needed extra exercise to offset the cheese and port supper 😊

    Stay in the green
    5 fruit and veg
    Fitbit exercise goals
    Weigh 😊 trend ⬆️ Loss of .1 kg in last 7 days and happyscale trend needs to catch up.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,352 Member
    Name: Nikki
    Height: 5’1”
    Weight: 135 + 50 pounds gained in 2020

    UGW: 120

    JFT Fri
    - Officially Weigh❌
    - Finish painting Vs room✅
    - Log food✅
    - 1 act of self care ✅

    Welcome to the newcomers! Yesterday went pretty well. I did decide to wait until after TOM to Weigh in. Not that it really matters, but I’m scared enough of the scale right now. Others I met my goals. I was over on calories, but knew I would be because of t the holiday.

    Today I am helping/forcing my youngest daughter to deep clean her room. E have things piled and shifted about from where I’ve been painting, but honestly it was a hot mess before that. I’m thinking it will take like 6-7 hours. Now that is everyone’s idea of fun, right?

    Word for the year: Forgiveness

    JFT Saturday
    - up by 8:30
    - Cleaning
    - Ride Peloton for at least 30 minutes. Just stay state base miles.
    - Log food
    - One act of self care

    Have a happy day y’all!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    So happy to see so many return JFTers for 2021.

    Welcome newbies! This is a terrific community for accountability, support and inspiration. Glad you have joined us!

    I do not always post my support, but please know that I am cheering each and everyone on.

    Recap 1/1 F ~ short and sweet:
    1) walk treadmill :smiley: 2.35 miles
    2) log all food :p not sure how accurate & net cals RED

    JFT 1/2 Sat.
    1) Workout of some kind
    2) Log all food / net cals zero / 14c water
    3) Read Advent/Epiphany booklet / Calm or Fitbit meditation
    4) Wash dishes / at least one other chore
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / 7:45 alarm (9:00 church)

    Scale on official weigh-in day was not kind, but reflects all that I have been eating and drinking this past week. Good thing holidays are over.

    2021 Goals:
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ remember this year!
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events even if virtual ~ started MapMyWalk You Vs. Year 1021K on Jan. 1 / virtual 50 Mile Frenzy 11.27.20 - 1.15.21 (replaced Frenzy on the Fox for Jan. 2021) 50.37 miles 12.17.20 and continuing to log / Tour de Northeast WI virtual challenge: cover distance from Oshkosh to Gills Rock (139 miles) 1.1.21 - 3.31.21
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together = excellent goal last year that should be repeated
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) = had this goal in 2020 and how ironic
    9) Declutter bedroom, home office and basement = made good progress in 2020 & want to keep it up
    Word for 2021: Gratitude ~ be mindful of & appreciate my many blessings
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    JFT 1/1/21:
    Get a game plan together for accomplishing new goals✅-loose laid plans, but a plan all the same

    JFT 1/2/21:
    Deal with the mail. They don't live here anymore but their mail sure does
    Do a little meal planning
    Get at least 3 bills paid
    Think I want to do a small garden this year. Start figuring out what I am willing to keep up with

    Happy New Year Everyone!!
    Have a great weekend!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,352 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »
    I left this chain at the end of the year for two reasons: I believed I wasn't getting the self accountability I need and I wasn't being supportive of the wonderful people who contribute.

    I was wrong on point #1. While the year was solid overall, December was a high point for calories and a low point for work out hours. Group told me I would be welcome to return.

    I'm not a good friend on this forum and if that bothers anyone it won't hurt my feelings if I need to go elsewhere. The group on this thread is outstanding, very supportive with each other. I don't want to disrupt that vibe.

    My story:

    60.5 years old with only one area of my life not in good shape; food and fitness.

    Wife of 28 years who supports me at every turn, I wouldn't trade our lives for anyone's. Our family is tight and we have a wide circle of friends.

    Don’t worry about our “vibe” we each take what we need from this group. Some folks simply benefit from having a place to record goals, others are more social. You are always welcome and I’m glad to see you are back.

    I love how you love your wife, very touching.

  • annk18
    annk18 Posts: 85 Member

    JFT 1/1/2021
    1. Log everything even if ,for now, it is only approximate calories 🙂(I think I missed a snack)
    2. Drink 8 (or more) glasses of H2O😀
    3. Exercise at least 30 mins 😀(walked in the cold around the neighborhood)
    4. Only 1/2hr at computer solitaire😞
    5. Make blood apt.😀
    6. Pay est. tax🙁
    7. Add self to JFT😀

    I did stay in my calorie range, but only after adding back the exercise. The scale went down, but that was probably water weight from the Chinese food the day before (lots of MSG!!!). Spent way too much time on solitaire, so no time pay est. tax. ( I do give myself a long head start on this, as a know my tendency to procrastinate.

    JFT 1/2
    1. Log everything and try to stay below allotted calories.
    2. Drink 8 (or more) glasses of H2O
    3. Exercise at least 30 mins
    4. Only 1/2hr at computer solitaire
    5. Pay est. tax
    6. Attend small device class from library, on computer
    7. Make meal plan for next 3 days and make shopping list accordingly
    8. Start to organize recipes

    Thanks everyone for being here and propelling me on my journey.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »
    I left this chain at the end of the year for two reasons: I believed I wasn't getting the self accountability I need and I wasn't being supportive of the wonderful people who contribute.

    I was wrong on point #1. While the year was solid overall, December was a high point for calories and a low point for work out hours. Group told me I would be welcome to return.

    I'm not a good friend on this forum and if that bothers anyone it won't hurt my feelings if I need to go elsewhere. The group on this thread is outstanding, very supportive with each other. I don't want to disrupt that vibe.

    Glad to see you back, you are ALWAYS welcome, it doesn't matter if you don't have much to say to us, when you know us all a bit better you'll be able to offer advice, or if you tried something new and want to tell us about it, you never know it might help one of us!

    Im wondering if it's a bit daunting for a man as we're mostly women but literally everyone is welcome, I think I'm currently the youngest of the group? Unless soneones under 28 here?
    So regardless of age, race, gender, religious beliefs, everyone is welcome, and as a group we don't expect anything off anyone, we just want people to come here as a safe place to log their goals and see how they get on :)
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY 1/1/2021
    1) Go to the gym :)
    2) Stay within my calories :)
    3) Take my vitamins :)
    4) Drink 64 oz water :)

    JFT 1/2/2021
    1) Go for a walk
    2) Stay within my calories
    3) Take my vitamins
    4) Drink 64 oz water
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Saturday 2 January

    I managed to meet yesterday’s goals - needed extra exercise to offset the cheese and port supper 😊

    Log 😊
    Stay in the green 😊
    Water 😊
    5 fruit and veg 😊
    Fitbit exercise goals 😊
    Weigh 😊 trend ⬆️ Loss of .1 kg in last 7 days and happyscale trend needs to catch up.

    I’d also like to welcome newbies and say hi to friends from last year.
  • annk18
    annk18 Posts: 85 Member
    JFT 1/2
    1. Log everything and try to stay below allotted calories.😀
    2. Drink 8 (or more) glasses of H2O. 😀 8 1/2
    3. Exercise at least 30 mins. 😀
    4. Only 1/2hr at computer solitaire. 🙁 but was on less than most other days
    5. Pay est. tax. 🙁
    6. Attend small device class from library, on computer. 😀
    7. Make meal plan for next 3 days and make shopping list accordingly. 😐did 2 days and some of the shopping. Will go to Farmer's Market today and hope to find eggs and some produce.
    8. Start to organize recipes. 😞

    JFT 1/3
    1. Log everything and try to stay below allotted calories.
    a) Chew food well.
    2. Drink 8 (or more) glasses of H2O.
    3. Exercise at least 30 mins.
    4. Only 1/2hr at computer solitaire.
    5. Pay est. tax.
    6. Get to indoor/outdoor Farmer's Market early.
    7. Make meal plan for next 3 days and make shopping list accordingly.
    8. Start to organize recipes.

    I again saw a minor drop in the scale (which is good🧡). I think being accountable to you will help me. Being accountable, for me, means eating in a way that makes my body feel good and function well. For me. this is Paleo style eating. Since I am sensitive to gluten, dairy and sugar, this seems to fit. Other than those 3, I am not as strict with the other tenets of Paleo, at least for now. I have also discovered that I have begun to eat very fast and not chew my food well. I am going to try and conscientiously change this

    Thanks all for being there for me. Be safe, healthy and happy.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY 1/2/2021
    1) Go for a walk :)
    2) Stay within my calories :)
    3) Take my vitamins
    4) Drink 64 oz water

    JFT 1/3/2021
    1) Go to the gym
    2) Stay within my calories
    3) Take my vitamins
    4) Drink 64 oz water
    5) Fast until noon