Ideas for Brussels Sprouts



  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Found it:

    Roasted Brussels Sprouts w/ Honeyed Peanuts

    500 grams Brussels sprouts (about 2 cups), outer darker leaves removed, stems removed and cut in half
    3 tbsp olive oil
    kosher salt and pepper to season
    25 grams butter (2 tablespoons)
    1/4 (about 84g) cup honey
    1/2 cup (56g) unsalted peanuts, lightly chopped and dry roasted in a hot pan
    splash of balsamic vinegar

    Lay out the Brussels sprout halves on a heavy large sheet pan and drizzle w/ the olive oil and season w/ kosher salt & pepper.

    Roast in a 375F oven for 20 minutes, checking on them so they are not burning.

    Roast the peanuts in a large hot cast iron skillet just until fragrant and set aside (I cheated and did everything in the same pan at the same time and it was fine).

    Heat the butter in the cast iron skillet and add in the honey. Once it starts bubbling, add in the roasted Brussels sprouts and stir for a minute or two until coated w/ the nice syrupy sauce.

    Add a quick splash of balsamic vinegar to the pan and the chopped peanuts.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited January 2021
    I love brussel sprouts!

    If u live anywhere near the SF Bay Area in CA, I'd be happy 2 drive over 2 pick them up.

    Short of that, if you be willing to pack them in dry ice and ship them to me, I'd be happy to receive them

  • Safari_Gal_
    Safari_Gal_ Posts: 1,461 Member
    Love Brussels sprouts!

    My vote is also to roast them. Make them crispy on the edges. I also had them awhile back at a restaurant with a chili sauce and they were amazing.

    Try a recipe for Thai chili sauce or of course they also sell versions in the grocery store. A few minutes after roasting .. toss it in a big pan with the sauce and it carmelizes... 😋

    Ps - Love that you didn’t want to waste it. 😉 Hope you found a recipe you enjoyed.
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    acpgee wrote: »
    Another option if you like colelaw is to slice thin in the food processor and use as coleslaw.

    This woks great .. If you are not a mayo fan it makes great German slaw

    I'm vegan and I like them. My favorite go to is pan fry them with shallot or a bit of onion with a TBLS or2 of olive oil.. in another pan I dry roast some pumpkin or sunflower seeds sprinkle on top of cooked sprouts.. adapted original recipe call for some well cooked crumbled bacon..
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I agree with making a slaw or salad with them. They do not taste like traditional brussel sprouts that way. Prepare with a spanish cheese like manchango and dried cranberries. Very good.
  • Runner5Lulaica
    Runner5Lulaica Posts: 4 Member
    Hullo fellow imperfect-er 🤣 send me yer sprouts.u husband and I love them, but that is after massive trial and error with cooking them. We usually slice in half or smaller, do a basic light olive oil (1Tablespoon), salt, and pepper and just oven roast them for 20-30 minites. If we're being naughty, i get the bacon ends and pieces and cook that and cook the sprouts with them in the oven.
  • AsthmaticHippo
    AsthmaticHippo Posts: 62 Member
    Roast them! Trim them, place on a foil lined cookie sheet, spray with Pam olive oil cooking spray, a little salt, then pop them in a 350° oven for 20-30 minutes.

    You could also try combining 1/3c sriracha and 1/3c brown sugar as a “glaze” to mix them in after roasting.

    Add some garlic and 😋
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,204 Member
    5 days later - I hope the sprouts have been eaten by now 😁 curious to know what the result was though!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    edited January 2021
    I was looking for sprouts recipes Friday, they're still in season so received some in my veggie box from farmers, I made Sprout and Blue Cheese soup (2 onions, 2 garlic cloves, 2 celery stalks and a large potato chopped and softened with butter or oil and add 60ml of water and drop heat down whilst you prep the sprouts, add around 600g Brussell Sprouts trimmed and halved with 1.5 litres of chicken stock, salt & pepper to taste and bring to the boil and then simmer for 15-20 mins, blend with 150g blue cheese and serve/store.

    I find I have to blend mine a bit at a time as don't have a huge blender so I strain the stock off into a jug, and blend about a third of the veggies with a 3rd of the stock at a time.

    I'm also planning to roast some with aubergines and courgettes (eggplant and zucchinis for the non-UK folk) this evening to go on the side of my steak. Athough I am tempted by making coleslaw now after reading this thread.
  • SJRangelo
    SJRangelo Posts: 3 Member
    So easy!
    1.5 lb brussel sprouts, trimmed and halved
    2 Tbs olive oil
    .33 cup parmesan cheese
    I tsp garlic powder
    .5 tsp salt
    .25 tsp pepper
    Heat oven to 425
    spray cookie sheet
    toss sprouts with everything else in a bowl
    spread on sheet
    roast for 16-20 minutes
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    hmmm, I love SPROOTS! Interestingly you can boil them in your kettle too. I have roast sproots with fake tatties (radishes), garlic and honey and have them either alone as a small meal/snack or with a steak.

    note: not a typo, I'm Scottish.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Chopped fairly fine they can he hidden in a vegetable stir fry for those that don't particularly like them. Good with leeks, celery, pepper, etc.
  • Jeeplet18
    Jeeplet18 Posts: 57 Member
    Halve, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast halved side down. Roast at 450° for 26 minutes.

    This 👆 It's how I cook mine too. Then i typically drizzle with a little balsalmic vinegar.
    I love brussle sprouts but i can understand how they can be an acquired taste. LOL
  • Bgosch69
    Bgosch69 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2021
    I made a brussels sprout salad for some friends who were on a keto diet. I shredded the brussels sprouts, very thinly, then added fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Added pecorino cheese, pine nuts and dried cranberries. I didn't think I was going to like it, but it was actually very delish!

    I asked anyone if they wanted the left over brussels sprouts, as I wasn't going to eat them, yuck. My friend said ohhh you should roast them! so she took some and roasted them with a little bit of olive oil drizzled over them. The leaves that fell off got brown and crispy and were actually very good.

    So ..I took a leap and bought some on my own. I took some with other veggies, and roasted them in a very hot oven, and drizzled with olive oil. Mixed with other veggies they were fantastic. I seasoned with salt and pepper and put some feta cheese over the top. Now, it's one of my go-to's and I actually DO like it. I've not tried with some of the suggested garlic, and others that people have mentioned, but I will. The veggies that I mixed in with them were: Mushrooms, green beans, carrots, peppers and whatever else I had on had, cauliflower, broccoli... Just make sure not to roast too long or they'll all get mushy, and I don't think mushy roasted veggies taste very good.

    Give it a try maybe you will like them!! :)
  • gigius72
    gigius72 Posts: 183 Member
    Slice them thin and throw a handful at the time in your salad. You will not even notice they are there.
    Actually cooking them enhance their flavor.
    I personally eat them any way you make them, but usually either I steam them and eat them with no dressing or cut them in small pieces and add them to salads.