How often do you weigh yourself?

Daily, weekly or every couple of days?

I weigh myself on a Friday at 9am weekly


  • Fit_Happens_2021
    Fit_Happens_2021 Posts: 303 Member
    Usually weekly on a Friday. If I know I had a crappy week I don't weigh myself, but I rarely go more than 2 weeks without a weigh-in.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    When I actually care, it is daily, first thing after bathroom. I even travel with a scale at times just to keep my head in the game. To me it is no different than tracking my food. It is data. I have had this habit for enough time (minus my avoidance stretches than invariably resulted in weight gains) that most of the time I can predict scale outcome, even if calories are perfect. By weighing daily, I am seeing the non-body-fat impact yesterday's food choices can have on the scale and be OK with that. If I did not weigh daily, I would not have that learned association. If I were weighing less often and got an "up" then is that actually fat gain, or a temporary response to preceding day. Anyhow, that is me and each person need to do what supports them best for making healthy changes.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    I've weighed myself daily, and noted the result, for probably over a decade, even before I started trying to lose weight. I'm not scale-obsessed in any problematic way, just generally a bit of a data geek, in this and other respects. It doesn't stress me if I get out of routine and miss a day at home, and I don't weigh myself when I'm away from home overnight.

    These days, I put the daily weight in Libra weight trending app. In maintenance (or ultra-slow loss, as I've been pursuing lately) even Libra's trend is misleading sometimes, with its default settings, i.e., it will say I'm gaining or maintaining when I'm actually not (from unusual water weight triggers, for example). But it's 100% true - speaking as someone who's spent some time as a *paid professional* data geek 😉 - that more frequent data points will generally show trends more quickly and correctly.

    The right answer about weigh-in schedule is individual. From an abstract data quality standpoint, daily under consistent conditions is best, IMO. But people who are very stressed by scale fluctuations may be better off weighing infrequently, perhaps even never (relying instead on fit of clothing, say, or occasional tape measure).

    For me, my daily weight is just a snapshot of my body's momentary relationship with gravity, not a metric for my success or value as a human being. I learn a lot from seeing what causes my person random fluctuations, and for me that's been a calming thing.
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    I weigh daily and have for over a year and a half. Like someone mentioned above, I have developed a much healthier relationship with my scale (and food) from the many wise folks here on MFP.

    I do not have hormone effects on my weight, and, to be honest, have never really been able to pinpoint the reasons for my weight fluctuations*, but they don't bother me.

    Here's a screenshot of my Libra recently (each dot represents a weigh-in):


    * For example, I might have an increase and think "that's because we ordered Chipotle yesterday" BUT, I can go back to 3-4 months ago when we last ordered the same thing and my weight dropped the next day. My daily weight is a true mystery to me! 😁
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Probably 5 days a week. Daily, but I forget often, and don’t bother if I’ve already eaten.
  • ExpressoLove11
    ExpressoLove11 Posts: 337 Member
    I weigh most days, daily if I can, and always first thing after my morning tinkle. I like seeing the data and it keeps me on track.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    I care but I do not weigh frequently anymore (maintaining almost 3 and half years). I am more focused on my energy and fitness. I keep an eye on clothes and rings and my intake but putting the scale into hibernation mid last year was very freeing.

    The only times in my lifeI have done that before were when I did not give a kitten but this time it was a very calculated move with other metrics firmly in place to make sure I was not kidding myself.
