

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @KJLaMoreKJLaMore I might be into the gingerbread geography once I've finished with Phd. (in one year max)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Morning again ladies
    Took a little nap,and called the hospital they have a bed but will call when its ready. Getting a bit nervous because if im in this much pain 2 months post surgery,here is hoping they can give me something for nerve pain after this one..
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Lisa…. Thank you. Yum pinion nuts… The chicken quesadilla is my drive through choice at Taco Bell. Good luck with your Chicken Cordon Blue lasagna. I love swiss cheese.

    Tracey…. Prayers for Dillion and your cousin. Wonderful she confided in you. Wow on the dishwasher and wonderful kindness from your coworkers. Says lots about you.

    Katla…. Hope your glasses come soon and your Covid vaccination becomes possible sooner rather than later.

    Allie…. Prayers and hugs. So sorry you are in pain… Thinking of you

    Barbie…. Income tax is on my agenda now… I think I will try “a bit at a time” and not stress.

    Kylia…. your view from your desk … I could get lost in that view.

    Beth…AWW. Cute personified!

    M in Oz… your kitchen and the window over the sink. Peaceful..

    Kylia..Michelle….. We are on septic. Our garbage disposal rusted out and we took it out… I noticed after we took it out I didn’t have to clean the septic screen as often. Now I clean the screen every spring and it isn’t even clogged badly. We have our septic pumped about every five years .. unless my son and wife and six kids visit for holidays and then we pump right after their visit. Ha! Now with Covid they haven’t visited and I can’t wait until life is back to “normal” so they come share space again.

    Flea,,,, I’m in love too. What cuties both Jayson and Harley.

    Barbara….Thanks... I love to get together with some of the woman from the Yoga class I used to attend…. We bring our lunch and camp chairs and social distance in a park a couple times a month and talk. We freeze our buns off and catch up with each other. We talk about meeting at outside dining or the outside Pub but haven't done it yet. That sound like fun.

    Heather… Beautiful pictures.

    Woke up to no snow today...so had a nice walk with Ella. She keeps me on track every morning. Today saw a barred owl in the field and watched it glide and hunt. Also saw two coyotes in the field. Walking feels so good in the morning and helps me sort out my priorities for the day. Seems impossible it is almost the end of January. I'll enjoy the football playoffs today.

    Hope everyone had a good day,
    Betsy in NW WA

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Good things done in last 24h
    1. little (very little) walk
    2. sorted out some work things
    3. corrected 2 papers
    4. uncluttered bedroom 15 min (mostly desk) :#
    5. uncluttered closet in living area 15 min (2 top shelves in entrance closet. so messy and so easy: old tests for 100+ students, that I keep for a year. in case of issue, and many "spare" paper handouts that I often give to students. We will surely not meet live frequently before next September, so I'll stick to online, and toss out the "spares". Also found some useful items: wool beanie, 2 pairs of little-worn gloves, undergloves...
    6. Made pea-chard soup, had w broken up airy corn crackers in it, and pea-based, maple-sweeneed 1/2 brownie for late lunch.
    7. load of laundry
    8. a few work mails.
    9.calculated and entered grades for 100 students in 4 classes, with comments for half of them.

    1. can walk without much problem
    2. pleasant woman at the bakery
    3. quiet
    4. green tea
    5. teapot
    6. electric kettle
    7. toaster
    8. washing machine
    9. some colleagues that are supportive to others with high integrity
    10. new, much-needed coloured jeans, very quickly bought, seem rather ok fit and relatively comfy

    To work on
    1. move forward on thesis work, especially presentation next Friday.
    2. Pay 2 bills
    3. at least 15 min on the recumbant today (due to heavy, wet snow at the time, walk was very short today, and now it's 6pm curfew! :/
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2021
    Heather: The photo is amazing, The colors in the sky are beautiful. :star:

    Lisa: I had a psychic cat in the past. Her name was Peter, and she was murdered by a cat poisoner in the neighborhood. My next-door neighbor revealed it the day we were moving away. The poisoner’s wife was her best friend. :cry:

    Machka: I love the satisfaction you enjoy from your cycling. Your kitchen is lovely. I really like the yellow walls and blue valance over the kitchen window. :flowerforyou:

    (((Allie:))) Sending good wishes and prayers your way, always! :star:

    Tracey: I am so sorry that you’re in pain from your right hip. I hope the pain disappears & you‘re feeling better soon. :heart:

    Kylia: We hosted friends & family for dinner here for the annual Christmas Ships Parade in the Columbia River beside our house for many years. This year we watched alone due to the Covid Pandemic. :ohwell:

    Flea: CONGRATULATIONS on your new fur baby! What a beautiful pup!!! No wonder you are head over heels. :bigsmile:

    Betsy in NW WA: Thanks for your good wishes. :flowerforyou:

    Re: Favorite room in the house—Ours is a part of our bedroom. We have bookshelves, and an electric fake wood stove that keeps us toasty. We have a sitting area with a picture window that looks out to the Columbia River. We can see wildlife, an island, and the Washington shore on the other side of the river. There is shipping traffic that is often interesting as tugs push barges up river to Portland, and large ocean-going ships that go there as well. We feel very lucky to live here. :heart:

    Katla in beautiful & rainy NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Kylia - migraines suck, hope it goes away quickly.

    Flea - what a cute pup. My brother’s name is Harley.

    Heather - I love your writing ability. I always feel I’m going on trip with you.

    Lisa - monkey mind is a good way of describing it. I am having the same thought process today.

    Machka - you intrigue me with the riding. I haven’t been in a bike in probably 35 years but keep thinking I would like to have one.

    Kelly - I love your gingerbread man geography. I bet the kids will remember this for a long time to come.
    How frustrating that you have to sit with Tim to do the course.
    The favourite room in my house is also my kitchen. I am from NB and they are known for their kitchen parties. I miss having people just stop in for a coffee or tea and maybe a sweet. People don’t visit like they used to even pre Covid.

    Allie - I hope you get in and get a good nights sleep. It doesn’t seem possible that’s it’s already two months since your first surgery. My MIL has had heart surgery and she said it was 6 months before she started feeling anywhere near normal and 18 months before she felt what she would call good. It is going to take some patience and a lot of self care I imagine. She is a lot like you as far as taking care of others and was not happy with the recovery phase. You are in my prayers.

    I am going to clean a new to us couch today and tidy the rest of the house. I am tired of not having a lot to do so may break out a puzzle or the diamond dots I bought. The diamond dots is a little intimidating to me.

    I am hoping to hear from my cousin today, in other ways I’m hoping she is talking to a counsellor more than me.

    I may go but some meat to make burgers for supper.

    Tracey in Edmonton where we are experiencing the coldest temperatures in a year.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited January 2021
    We Zoomed the grandchildren this afternoon. It seemed even more chaos than usual, but it's so much better than nothing. I think they were tired after a long walk in the park. They are all at school, in tiny classes, without teachers. Their mother is a key worker, but most kids are in lockdown and not able to go to school. They have online learning to do in class and teaching assistants. Max said only one friend was in his group. Edie said a few were with her, and it was difficult to get much sense out of Bea because she spent all the time showing us her Fart Pot. (Putty that makes a farty noise)!!!
    We feel blessed to be able to see them, but it was hard work, so we needed a drink afterwards!
    My son showed me his haggis he had bought for tomorrow, from the best butchers in the world, in Hove, homemade, so I lamented my lack of haggis and he said he would go down tomorrow and get me one and deliver it at midday. Alleluja! Burns night is saved! :D I hope they have some left. How nice of him. <3

    Celeriac and potato mash tonight (will keep some for tomorrow) with bacon, fried egg, and tomatoes. I will have chilli sauce with mine.

    Great Pottery Throwdown tonight. :D

    Done masses of language learning today as DH has been watching football all day. He is in his study watching it now!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Hi. Just checking in, I haven't had much to say lately.

    Annie in Delaware
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @cityjaneLondon and @Machka9 I happened upon this. I think it can be good for learning French. it seems to be made more or less with that intention but is kind of natural. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDqYtSHHw0A
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ** Might try a little challenge in February ... just for fun. **

    Walk, run, cycle, canoe, swim, exercise ... to somewhere, or at somewhere, starting with each letter of the alphabet.

    Day 1: Go to and/or exercise at a place starting with the letter 'A', then the next day 'B', the next 'C' and so on and so on.

    Pick a street name, or shop, or town, or building, whichever you like. Your choice.

    So for example, Argyle St is near where I work, so on Feb 1, I could walk to Argyle St. On Feb 2, I might cycle near the Beach. And so on.

    The alphabet has 26 letters and February has 28 days, so there are 2 free days just in case.

    And I might even take photos. 🙂

    M in Oz

    Machka I like this idea - I might try this myself. I like things like this that make you "think". I also think it would help with the winter doldrums and give me something to "look forward to". February always seems like such a long month (because of the cold). :neutral:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi friends. We are supposed to get 6-8” of snow tomorrow and I have a funeral to go to. Hmmmm. I should go to the vigil tonight instead, but don’t want to get dressed, do hair, etc., at this point. I may think about it some more. This is for the mother of a co-worker who signed up to sit with my parents a couple of days when we made those trips to Russia to adopt the girls. She also had food delivered when I had Covid.

    Kylia: beautiful photo! We have two couple we routinely have dinner with, but of course not in about a year now! I love to host dinners and parties.

    Allie: best wishes and good healing thoughts for your operation

    Tracey: thank goodness for benefits! Hope the therapy works.

    Machka: I would definitely miss the upper cabinets! The wall tile is pretty!

    Heather: I loved the pic of the Chapel. Is it a working church? The pics of the sunrise are spectacular!

    Did I tell you all I lost a cat a couple weeks ago? He had lymphoma and we took him to Des Moines, IA for chemotherapy. He died a couple days later. He was the one always in my lap and in bed with me. Well, for the first time last night, he slept with us. On the very edge of the foot of the bed, but with us the same. Sweet. He’s getting his teeth cleaned tomorrow, so he’ll probably hate us for a while!

    Favorite room in the house: right now it’s an upstairs bedroom we turned into a library and craft room. It’s not finished yet, in fact the tags are still on the chairs, but it’s still and peaceful. I journal and meditate in there.

    OK got to get some work done on the test bank and consider funeral options.

    Take care, stay well. Meg in Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Meg - That is a pump engine for the old tin mines. Tin has been mined in Cornwall for thousands of years. The Phoenicians used to trade it! I love the way the old historic industry is still there in the beauty of the coast. I'm always attracted by that mix.
    The chapel we used to stay in was used by the nonconformist staff at the local stately home - Lanhydrock. There are old photos of the congregation up at the house.
    If you ever come to the UK, please pay Cornwall a visit.
    And Brighton and Hove. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Did you get a new cat when the one with cancer died. I think I misread what you wrote.

    Carol in GA
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    edited January 2021
    Dee: Wow, I don't think I could make a 10 minute video just talking about myself! Well not for interview purposes anyways. Lol. Best of luck to YOU tho, I'm sure you'll do fine! I was an AF brat - born in Denver, CO - but travelled a lot while dad was in the AF (including living in Okinawa for a couple of years). Then dad came here to the Newark AFB when I was 10. He retired here and eventually they closed this AFB. (Boeing owns that facility now). I've lived here all my life except for travelling for a couple of years with my 2nd husband (he travelled around the country for 2 years for his job with COSI). I homeschooled my two boys (ages 9 and 12 then) and we lived in Seattle, LA, and Lubbock, moving every 4 months. When the kids and I came back home for Christmas, hubby had an affair while we were back here for the month of Dec…. so that was the end of that! I have a 2 year degree from CSCC and am a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist).

    Barbie: Wonderful how thinking about your "dream home" made you realize your enormous gratitude for your current home - I too need to learn to be more grateful for what I have.

    Heather: I love that you now live in the city and it's "lovely and quiet". That might be something worth thinking about! Lol. I also loved your friend's photo of Chapel Porth. It looks like a super cool place to walk/hike! And hallelujah Burns night is SAVED! (Not that I have any idea what that is, but I'll google it!) Haha. Following your Burns night lamentations has peaked my interest! 💚

    Tracey: Thanks for the update on Dillon! I too hope that his progress continues and will keep him in my prayers! I'm glad your cousin confided in you, and have her in my prayers as well. So often we have no idea what people are really going through (mentally OR physically!)

    Beth: That puppy is SO ADORABLE! I just love him! How cute is it that he likes sleeping right there by the fireplace!?

    Kylia: your view from your desk is wonderful…. This is the view from my back porch.
    Michele: I would be up for an "MFP" visit! I think that's such a cool idea! I know the time difference varies because we are all over the globe, but perhaps we could do one "early" and then in another 6-8 weeks do another "late" one instead. This idea really intrigues me and I would definitely set my alarm and get up to see you all online! 💓

    Meg: I'm so sorry about you losing your cat a couple weeks ago. They are precious members of the family and our hearts have a big ole empty space when they are gone.

    HAVING PEOPLE OVER FOR DINNER: We have 2 different couples (close friends) that we often have over to dinner (not at the same time) and they have us over to their homes as well). We also are co-leaders of a bi-weekly Bible study group that meets in our home every other month. It's a potluck type of meal and we are responsible for the main course when the group meets at our home. There's usually about 6-8 people for the bible study.

    FAVORITE ROOM AT PRESENT: My exercise room/massage room in the basement (although it's colder down there during these winter months). But it's bright (off white carpet remnant) and I have a comfy recliner down there as well. I need to rearrange my upstairs bedroom so that I can go up there when I want to "get away" instead of the cold basement.

    Teresa in OH
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Tracey, my dear - your new dishwasher is proof that good things do happen to good people. Love that someone sees who you are, and that they have done this generous thing. Glad Dillon is progressing, hope things turn out to be minor with your cousin.

    Michele - Just as I read your question, Egg stuck her cold little nose between my fingers on the mouse. She just came back in from outside. If you ever see something from me that looks like gibberish, it is probably her typing. I have a wireless keyboard, and she walks over it frequently. She's purring quite loudly now and rubbing her chin on my monitor. Claiming it, I suspect.

    Insomnia this morning... since just before 2 a.m. There are worse things. I've progressed from PJs to my usual sweats finally, since I gave up on going back to bed. Am beginning to absorb my second cup of coffee, meaning the words are actually available now! :smile:

    The only set plan for today is go get the other five trees that Corey couldn't fit in the truck bed last night, so we'll take the truck back to town and do that at some point. That's really about it - will come back and decide on where each one will be set, but don't know if we'll actually get that done. As usual, they all need some love--they've been sitting at the back of the lot, previously culled out of the beautiful trees--but just need time and care to become beautiful.

    Later, y'all,

    Lisa- I use this for insomnia- works great and fast and doesn't leave me groggy the next morning-

    I have a lot of trouble with insomnia and like this so much better than melatonin.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    In order weight over past month.s2r0u0eb28ia.png

    Better now than 1 week, month, 3 months, or 6 months ago but not than 1 year ago.
    Going slowly in the right direction from where we are now, seems the best one can do. <3<3<3

    great job!! I haven't tracked my food or weighed myself since the week before Christmas. Told myself I would start back Jan. 1, then covid hit and I barely ate anything for two weeks. Have been just eating what ever(still not large amounts) and will start tracking/weighing Feb. 1st.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    great job!! I haven't tracked my food or weighed myself since the week before Christmas. Told myself I would start back Jan. 1, then covid hit and I barely ate anything for two weeks. Have been just eating what ever(still not large amounts) and will start tracking/weighing Feb. 1st.


    @dlfk202000 thank you. I've actually been
    food and weight,
    of late, last 10 days or so it's been on and off.
    I need to get back on the "straight and narrow" :)

    On the other hand I did 28 min on the recumbent while watching ted.com talk. I tried playing online spades on recumbent but really too hard and the talk was more uplifting.

    This one
    The take away for me is that when you have health care issues, a good doctor will give you straight information and not be overly positive and also give you choices based on your own values and priorities. This talks about in the case of terminal illness, but could also be the case for other health situations.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    My favourite room is the living room we had decorated last autumn. It feels 'meant' as opposed to just inherited. We put a lot of thought into it. I do also love the dining room with the view into the garden and the French windows.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx