Nishi Warriors ~ Finding Strength From Within



  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    hi team,

    i am so sorry to have to do this, but i'm going to have to drop out of this challenge. in looking at the program, it doesn't align with my training program and my goals in weight loss. i am in the process of training for a 10k, and much of the losing weight process for me is focused on arms and losing overall mass in my legs. too much of this challenge program has to do with adding additional miles to runs, squats, etc--stuff that just cannot be done within my training plan. i also have a very extensive lifting plan, so adding onto that lifting with these additional challenges just isn't feasible for me.

    i hope that you can find someone to take my place that will be able to catch up and give the team the points it deserves. i hope that you all will try to understand where i am coming from and that you won't be upset with me. again, i feel terrible for doing this. it's my fault for not looking deeper into what the program entailed before i committed. i really wish you ladies all the best and i will definitely support you as much as i can, i just can't partake in the challenges as they are set forth.



    So sorry to see you go Lauren! In the end, its our own fitness goals we need to stay true to - so I understand where you are coming from. Good luck training and let's continue to encourage each other on our fitness goals!

    ditto :)

    I agree...good luck with everything!
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    Via Gary: Attention TRIBAL WARRIORS! Are you up for a Mini Challenge for this week to get us started? No point involved...but you might notice higher weight loss which will end up in points earned! So here's the challenge. Burn 1000 calories in a workout this week! You can do one day at 1000 or do each day its up to you! REMEMBER THESE ARE OPTIONAL FEEL NO PRESSURE TO DO THEM UNLESS YOU ARE A SURVIVETTE THEN ITS MANDATORY!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Burned 1004 calories today. Just finished the workout challenge for the day. I'm going to be feeling it tomorrow for sure.

    Also, walked 5k for the bonus point.

    Burn it up, everyone!!!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    Did my exercises for today. I had a 1000 cal burn day yesterday.
  • christmre
    christmre Posts: 109 Member
    Did my day three exercises :)
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    Day 3 done. Extra mile done. I or run a 5k pretty much every day.
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    I didn't have a chance to work out yesterday, but I did day 2 and day 3 today, including running about 3.3 miles (bonus for today!) Also I had enough water and was under my calories both today and yesterday. Yahoo!

    PS Burpees will be the death of me. They are so freaking hard, but that means they must be working my body, right? I hope you all are doing well and staying positive!
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    hey team..just found something out about the mini-challenges

    it is a point per day it is done... :)

    Please let me know how many times you did the mini-challenge last week and keep track of how many times you do the mini-challenge this week :)
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Did Day 4 today and the extra point for the 3.1 miles.

    Lauren - what was the mini-challenge last week? Is the mini-challenge this week running extra (1 mile for pygmy or 3.1 miles for bushmen), or is it the 1000 calories in one day thing? Thanks!
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    Did Day 4 today and the extra point for the 3.1 miles.

    Lauren - what was the mini-challenge last week? Is the mini-challenge this week running extra (1 mile for pygmy or 3.1 miles for bushmen), or is it the 1000 calories in one day thing? Thanks!

    the mini challenge last week was doing the bear walk for 3 mins straight...

    this week, the extra mile run/walk/whatever is the team weekly goal, the mini challenge is if you burn 1,000 in a day :)
  • Oh i did the bear walk extra last week! That is by far my least favorite, it just makes my wrists hurt, & i even watched the video again to make sure i was doing it right. I'm going to try to do the extra calorie burn tomorrow for the bonus since i am off work. And if it ever stops raining in pa i will do andp extra walk, but my current walk route outside is under water.. Swim bonus? haha! Great job everyone for doing the challenge so far!!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Hey team! I'll be compiling the points and sending them to Gary this week. On Sunday, please send me a PM with your weight, how many times the extra challenges were done, as well if you met the weekly challenge (water, staying under cal goal), and the daily exercise challenge. Thanks!! You guys all rock!
  • i suppose this is where im supposed to post that i want innn:)
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
  • christmre
    christmre Posts: 109 Member
    wow, did today's exercises, looking forward to that rest day on Sunday :)
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    wow, did today's exercises, looking forward to that rest day on Sunday :)

    You and me both!! I've been getting my sister to do the exercises with me too!! She doesn't have MFP but she's been loving the challenge.
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    First I just wanted to say we are doing fantastic team!!!! I did the bear walk only once last week, but that will hopefully change this week! I have been staying really active this week and have gone over 1000 calories burned twice. I also, although I am not posting every day, am keeping up with the daily challenges!
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    Hey everybody! time to private message me your new weights / if you did the daily challenges/ weekly challenges / mini challenges

    please include the number of times you did the mini challenge since the bonus points for that is based on how many times it is done :)

    great job team!
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Hey guys! I just sent this to Lauren, but I wanted to send all of you my update for the week! Sorry I've been MIA.

    Monday: Did the challenge, drank water water, stayed under calories. Also ran/walked 3.15 miles for a bonus point!
    Tues: skipped the challenge (made up for it on Wed), did water, stayed under calories.
    Wed: Did Day 2 and Day 3 challenge, drank water, stayed under calories. Also ran/walked 3.32 miles for a bonus point!
    Thurs: Did Day 4 challenge, drank water, stayed under calories. Also ran/walked 3.12 miles for a bonus point!
    Fri: skipped challenge, but drank water and stayed under calories
    Saturday: skipped challenge (made up on Sunday), drank water and stayed under calories.
    Sunday (counts as my Saturday): Day 6 challenge and ran 3.16 miles for bonus point!

    Also, I wanted to apologize for skipping the Day 5 workout. Friday I was just exhausted and couldn't do it. Plus the lower body workouts are usually the hardest for me so I wimped out. I think I might make Fridays my rest day and make Sat my Day 5 and Sun my Day 6 for the challenge. Is that allowed?

    I hope you are all doing well on the challenge and let's keep encouraging each other. I can't believe we are halfway done! We can totally do this!!!! Good luck my fellow Nishi Warriors!
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    Hey guys! I just sent this to Lauren, but I wanted to send all of you my update for the week! Sorry I've been MIA.

    Monday: Did the challenge, drank water water, stayed under calories. Also ran/walked 3.15 miles for a bonus point!
    Tues: skipped the challenge (made up for it on Wed), did water, stayed under calories.
    Wed: Did Day 2 and Day 3 challenge, drank water, stayed under calories. Also ran/walked 3.32 miles for a bonus point!
    Thurs: Did Day 4 challenge, drank water, stayed under calories. Also ran/walked 3.12 miles for a bonus point!
    Fri: skipped challenge, but drank water and stayed under calories
    Saturday: skipped challenge (made up on Sunday), drank water and stayed under calories.
    Sunday (counts as my Saturday): Day 6 challenge and ran 3.16 miles for bonus point!

    Also, I wanted to apologize for skipping the Day 5 workout. Friday I was just exhausted and couldn't do it. Plus the lower body workouts are usually the hardest for me so I wimped out. I think I might make Fridays my rest day and make Sat my Day 5 and Sun my Day 6 for the challenge. Is that allowed?

    I hope you are all doing well on the challenge and let's keep encouraging each other. I can't believe we are halfway done! We can totally do this!!!! Good luck my fellow Nishi Warriors!

    that is allowed...that is just what was recommended. you can pick whichever day as your day of rest :)

    and as a general reminder...week 3 exercises are up on gary's blog :)