February 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,119 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I think I probably know the answer to this, but do you think I should try a gentle run on the treadmill or give it a bit longer? I’m really frustrated at more time off, but I definitely don’t want to make things worse.

    I agree with others who have already chimed in here. If it's swollen/bruised, give it some more time.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo I appreciate the encouragement :-)

    @142jmh what a beautiful dog

    @faebert hope the ankle feels better soon
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Thanks everyone! @skippygirlsmom good to see you and glad you’re healing ok. @Avidkeo - exciting! @SummerSkier brr!! Sounds very cold. We also have snow and ice everywhere so actually not a bad time to be forcibly rested! @polskagirl01 you worked so hard for that 8K! Great perseverance! @martaindale my girls were doing couch to 5K just before the last lockdown but it fell by the wayside. This current lockdown is a lot stricter and they feel more anxious about exercising outside even though it’s allowed. Hoping that by the summer things have eased and we can revive it. They are pushing out the odd treadmill run. But it would be so nice to be outside running altogether. Enjoy your runs with your daughter!

    @142jmh @quilteryoyo @shanaber and all the dog owners, I have such envy. I would love love love a dog, but I’m not home enough for it to be fair. When I retire maybe!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,082 Member
    @polskagirl01 You did so good to take all of those things in stride and get the running in anyway. Knowing me, I would have probably just given up at some point. Do you know why the air quality was so bad?

    @martaindale Sounds like your daughter is doing great and your running together is important bonding time. I hope DH starts feeling better soon.

    @katharmonic The ladder workout always sounds brutal to me. Glad you got the second vaccine today. Hope you are feeling better in the morning.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Hi All. So I dropped into the January thread to only remember it’s February ha ha

    I’m trying to catch up so sorry for some long overdue comments.

    Obviously my mileage for February is zero.
    Just a quick update, stitches came out last week and a new cast is on for the next 3 weeks. After that I start PT 3 days a week for at least 6 weeks to start. Besides that life is boring. I've been going into the office, which can be exhausting (my co worker picks me up), otherwise I've just been sitting at home.

    @skippygirlsmom Glad to hear that the stitches have come out. I hope that it's one of the new Plastic Walking cast's that you can remove - allowing you to get a good soak in a Tub or Shower without the old double Plastic Garbage Bag trick to keep the cast dry. One of the ladies in our little club had a similar break to her ankle last winter ( ironically we were within 500m of the hospital ) and she is back to running and up to 10-15k depending on terrain and weekly distance all ready completed. The pin and screws stay in unless they start to cause severe discomfort after the bones have healed. PT is amazing, especially if the PT is a fellow runner/athlete who understands what your recovery goals are.

    Feeling your Boredom - Pain on sitting at home. We have 3 people in our local shop/office.
    Working from home and rotating in to the office every 3 to 6 work days depending on jobs/projects so if one person gets covid the other 2 are still operational. So if I am champion on a project that takes 3 days then everyone else stays home until my project is completed.
    Missing the Human Social Face to Face contact but the hospitalization numbers prove that the social distancing is working to flatten the infection curves.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,681 Member
    TheMinx89 wrote: »
    Hey Everyone! Just joined MFP, and have been training (since Jan) to run a 4.2 mile run on April 24th,2021. Really looking forward to using these monthly threads as a way to keep me accountable, but also surround myself with some fellow runners!

    I've always been an athlete, but have really never had the self-discipline to be consistent with running. I'd power out a mile, just to get it over with. Over the last month, I've slowly gotten to a point where I'm enjoying running and am trying to increase my distance, rather than just looking at speed and powering through a single mile.

    Currently reading Running on Air, and trying to really master my breathing, as well as increase the distance I can run in each individual running session! :)

    Edit: Feb goal is 60 miles, currently at 10 miles as of 02.10.21

    Welcome. You’ll find all the running support you need right here.

    Keep up the good work.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    February Goal: Hike/Run the "C's" *

    2/1 off
    2/2 3.50 Cote D'Ivoire and Cape Verde Islands
    2/3 off
    2/4 3.35 Cambodia
    2/5 Life
    2/6 3.55 Cameroon
    2/7 4.30 Canada
    2/8 off
    2/9 2.10 (no "travel")
    2/10 3.35 Chad

    Total 20.15

    @skippygirlsmom : glad the stitches are out!


    *So, my 2021 resolution is to hike/run all 193 (or 195 depending on your source) countries of the world this year. This could be difficult, since I don’t have a passport. But YouTube to the rescue! I have been using the site to take train “trips” recently, and have found them strangely motivating. Why not use Youtube vlogs to hike/run the world (and learn something about each country)?

  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Welcome @TheMinx89!

    @quilteryoyo I’m so glad you’ve been able to get in so much walking!

    @katharmonic Hope you feel better soon!

    I ran 2.2 miles around the neighborhood last night. The weather forecast of course keeps changing for Saturday’s race. It looks like it is going to be rainy and in the high 40s. I’ve run in that before, so I feel a lot better than when they said 20 and snow.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Another slow and shortened route this morning. Just taking it easy for now.

    2/1 3.16
    2/2 3.16
    2/3 3.19
    2/4 3.16
    2/5 3.4
    2/6 3.8
    2/7 6.2
    2/8 3.2
    2/9 3.17
    2/10 1.5
    2/11 2.0

    Total 36 / 90 for the month
    107 / 1114 for the year

  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    2-1 6.1k treadmill
    2-2 5k treadmill + yoga
    2-3 6k slow
    2-4 6k easy + yoga
    2-5 5k treadmill
    2-6 6k slow + yoga
    2-7 5k treadmill
    2-8 7k slow
    2-9 6k treadmill + yoga
    2-10 7k slow
    2-11 6k treadmill + yoga

    February Total: 65.1k
    February Goal: 150k

    Had a couple of inches of snow overnight, so rather than dispute with the cars for right of way, had fun on the treadmill.

    @TheMinx89 Welcome to the group!!!

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2021 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs (second attempt)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,082 Member
    @HonuNui When I was in the AF, I had a 3 month class with a guy from Chad - it was a military exchange thing. He was so nice. I found it interesting that, at the time, if you joined their military (which I think was mandatory for some), you were basically in for life and had to serve whether you got paid or not. Also, he was going back to an arranged marriage. So different from our culture.

    Thanks @marisap2010 ! I'm glad the forecast looks better for your run.