where were you at on 9-11 ?



  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I was living in Massachusetts at the time, a junior in high school, sitting in my science class..when suddenly the TV's came on. I saw what was happening with my own eyes. A lot of the students were crying. I was just in complete shock.
  • kwinty37
    I was a senior in high school sitting in advanced algebra class..... left school after first period, went to my boyfriends house and we watched TV all day! such a sad sad day!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    I was in Munich to visit my aunt and cousines! When we first heard about it, we were at a mall. We then went home and watched TV! It was horrible also for non-us-ciizens! It was a real shock! We couldn't believe what happened! Actually this weekend a lot of programs on TV in Austria and Germany were devoted to 9/11.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    I was getting an MRI done on my knee. I came out and the nurse at the desk told me that some pilot accidently flew in the trade center. As i went down to my car it was thinking that can't be right and i was thinking it was a little plane. I turned the radio on and knew what had happened and drove like a bat out of hell back to base. I knew we were going into to lock down.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm an Australian so I was fast asleep, but I had left the TV on - I woke up and saw what I thought was a bad movie on TV with a big building falling. Then I woke up and discovered that it wasn't just a bad movie or a bad dream but terrible reality.
    It got around the clock news coverage here, as in most parts of the world and there has been a lot on TV this weekend too, for the anniversary.
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    I read everyones post and well it looks like in this thread i was the youngest i was ten years old and in 4th grade i specifically remember that day it was pajama day at school so i had worn my favorite pjs and slippers and as i was walking into school i looked at the big screen television that was in the lobby and it had a picture of a waving US flag and two towers i went to class and my teacher had the televisoin turned on and i didnt really understand why a plane would hit it i thought well its pretty big how could he not see it then we watched the second plane hit and immediatley i knew that it wasnt an accident all i could think was about all those people in the towers after that we went out to the lobby and watched the towers collapse on the big screen tv by that time the whole school was gathered in the lobby (small school in a small town we only had third and fourth graders in the whole school so about 100 students) as we watched i remember them showing footage of people falling to their deaths at that point they turned the tv off and had everyone go outside around the flag pole and we all had a moment of silence and a few of the teachers started praying with us

    till this day seeing footage makes me so sad and cry i had some friends who lost family in those towers
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I was shopping for books with a friend. I had just graduated college and was starting a new job a few days later so I was enjoying my free time! Her boyfriend called us on the phone, saying something was happening. We went back to her place and watched TV for the rest of the day. I remember being so sure WW3 was coming!
  • ericjr7210
    ericjr7210 Posts: 40 Member
    I was working in Queens, NY when someone came in my office and said, there has been an accident, a plane hit one of the towers. At least that is what we thought at first. I was looking out my office window and could see the smoke fill the air.. Then the 2nd plane hit and we knew it was no accident. I remember it like it was yesterday. When the towers fell you could barely see the city. Every day for the next 7 years or so I would cross the Whitestone bridge and look at MAnhattan and the skyline was never the same... I will never forget that day and the lives that were taken... My thoughts and prayers go out to all the Friends and Families that lost loved ones that day... God Bless..
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I was in the 10th grade and taking my ISTEP test, which is something we are not allowed to stop for any reason. So when the teacher said something is wrong and we had to stop the test. We were shocked. The teacher put on the tv, but the building was already struck by that point. I'll never forget the freaked out looks on everyone's faces.

    I was in 9th grade and in istep testing as well. They actually postponed ours until the next day. No one could possible focus on those tests when every tv, in every room of the school was showing the coverage..
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I was in my first semester of college. I had an 8 AM economics lecture that was actually in a huge auditorium on the ground floor of my dorm. I was walking back to my room after class, and I noticed a bunch of students gathered around a TV in a sitting area in the lobby, so I knew something was up, but I didn't stop. I got back to my room, and my mom called shortly thereafter and started talking about planes flying into buildings, and I didn't have a clue what was going on. She told me to turn on the news, so I did, and I was stunned. I couldn't even wrap my mind around what had happened.

    For me, it really sort of encapsulated how naive Americans were at that time because I remember asking myself over and over again, why? What did we do to provoke an attack on civilians who were just going about their lives? I don't think we're any less naive now. Just desensitized.