Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 142



  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,549 Member
    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS ~|~ Round 142 (round 74 for me ) I''ve proved I need this to help me keep on track! Thank you @GrandmaJackie you so enrich so many of our lives by keeping the challenge going.

    Female age 62 5' 4” - Achieved goal weigh of 125lb in summer 2016 by losing 66lb and have gradually gained between 7 and 11 since then; I don't want to gain any more, but would like to get back closer to my goal weight – I'm working at it – it's a permanent way of life ! Long term goal is to get and then stay under 130; then full maintanace starts and dare I say it is in my sights?

    Challenge for this round (same as last !) – get back into and stay in 120's? Stick with good habits; be mindful of what I eat & drink, try to keep it in moderation, keep walking, no binges; remember keeping the 10 days binge free makes such a difference! Run 4 x during the 10 days.

    Keep calm – we're all in this together! Wash hands, be kind, continue to follow all latest Government guidelines for C-19 virus. Be positive for the vaccine – its here and inoculation has started! Take it when offered.
    End of round 69 134.2 lbs
    End of round 70 133.6
    End of round 71 132.4
    End of round 72 133.2
    End of round 73 132.8
    End of round 74 132
    End of round 75 131.4
    End of round 76 130.2
    End of round 77 132.4
    End of round 78 134.4
    End of round 79 132
    End of round 80 133.6
    End of round 81 133.8
    End of round 82 132.4
    End of round 83 133.4
    End of round 84 133
    End of round 85 131.6
    End of round 86 133.0
    End of round 87 134.8
    End of round 88 132.8 (2 pounds lost)
    End of round 89 138.2 (+5.4 pounds gained)
    End of round 90 135 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 91 132.8 (2.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 92 133 (0.2 pound up from end of last round)
    End of round 93 135.6 (2.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 94 135.8 (0.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 95 134.4 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 96 134.4 (no loss no gain!!)
    End of round 97 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 98 133.4 (1.6 down from end of last round)
    End of round 99 134.4 (1 up from end of last; not bad for Christmas period!)
    End of round 100 133.4 (1 down from end of last round)
    End of round 101 137.2 (3.8 pounds up from last round)
    End of round 102 136 (1.2 pounds down from last round – not bad considering Dad unexpectedly passed away 3 days before end of round & I went totally off plan & no walking!)
    End of round 103 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down from last round – better!)
    End of round 104 – 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 105 – 133.6 (1.4 down from end of last round)
    End of round 106 – 133.6 (same as last round)
    End of round 107 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 108 – 134.2 (0.6 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 109 – 135.6 (1.4 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 110 – 133.2 ( 2.4 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 111 – 133.2 (same as last round)
    End of round 112 – 133.6 (increase of 0.4)
    End of round 113 – 132.8 (0.8 down from end of last round)
    End of round 114 – 136 (3.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 115 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 116 – 133.4 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 117 – 135.4 (2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 118 – 136 (1.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 119 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down)
    End of round 120 – 135.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 121 – 135.2 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 122 – 133.2 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 123 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 124 – 134.8 (2.4 pounds up )
    End of round 125 – 135 (0.2 pounds up) – get a grip!!!
    End of round 126 - 135 - same as last round
    End of round 127 - 133.8 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 128 –133.4 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 129 – 134.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 130 – 133 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 131 – 133.6 (0.6 up)
    End of round 132 – 134 (0.4 up)
    End of round 133 – 134 .4 (0.4 up)
    End of round 134 – 132.2 (2.2 pounds down) see what not bingeing can do!!
    End of round 135 – 131.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 136 – 132.8 (1 pound up – happy at this for the Christmas period & lower than I've been at this time for many a year!!)
    End of round 137 – 134 (1.2 pound up uhh!!)
    End of round 138 - 131.2 ( 2.8 pounds down)
    End of round 139 – 130.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 140 – 132.4 ( 2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 141 – 131 ( 1.4 pounds down)

    End of round 141 – 131 ( 1.4 pounds down)

    SW: 131
    GW: 129.6

    02/21 131 – 10.5 miles walked, good food day; heavy on carbs due to last night's pizza but still within calories.
    02/22 131 – 10.69 miles walked yesterday, Sunday with it's roast dinner and all the trimmings kept within calories.
    02/23 130.2 - 10.2 miles including 17 mins jogging. Stayed well within calories & macros for the day.
    02/24 130.2 – 10.45 miles walked yesterday, good healthy food day within calories & macros.
    02/25 129.4 – yeah hi! Now to not self sabotage and maintain. 9.28 miles walked yesterday. Really craved chocolate yesterday, weighed out 4 squares, ate it mindfully, savouring the taste then got my knitting out so I wasn't tempted to indulge in more/start to binge.
    02/26 129.4 – 8.85 miles walked yesterday, kept well within calories & macros. Not been able to find tinned pumpkin here in the UK yet although Sainsburys do say they stock it.




    L0VE FOR MYSELF – be more positive; half glass full not half glass empty.
    02/25 loving this weight again! It's the lowest weight for as long as my records go on MFP & Libra (only started that app 27.12.18!). Loving it!!
    LOVE FOR OTHERS – Had my assessment to volunteer to help in the Covid vaccination process, all references in, waiting for the call now.
    02/22 -Today the road map to getting back out of lockdown is to be announced – waiting with baited breath to see when we can finally see our families, it will be the first time since Christmas Day !!
    02/23 – Had a wonderful video call with my 2 year old DGD, her talking has so come on!! 29th March lockdown is to be lifted and we will be able to travel to see DD, DS & families, can't wait to see our DGC, we will only be able to meet up outside, but we will be able to meet!! 5 weeks!!
    02/24 – final 3 miles was with an ex-colleague that I have kept in contact with that I met up with.
    02/25 – had invite for 1st covid vaccine, appointment is Saturday! Thank you NHS.

    KEEP SAFE EVERYONE :). Keep calm – we're all in this together!

    ?�゚マᄐ?マᄐ?�゚マᄐ This is NOT A DIET - It’s a PERMANENT LIFESTYLE. ?�゚マᄐ?�゚マᄐ
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,549 Member
    @UTMom81 - what a fantastic NSV, jeans being 2 sizes too big, enjoy buying smaller ones :)

    @starrjulia8 - I really hope things pan out positively and the tests are negative, for you to ease your stress, you don't need anymore!! Sending you comforting hugs <3

    @_JeffreyD_ - funny how it seems that fate is tempted when we make statements! Maybe you'l start to have more consecutive daily weights now ;) .
    Glad I gave you a pumpkin smile :) . I remember one Halloween evening when our children were young we took them to a historic castle which was all decorated up with lighted pumpkins and one of the events there was firing pumpkins from the trebuchet. It was quite fun to watch, of course they smashed to smithereens, but all the kids enjoyed it!!