Anyone up for a swimming challenge?



  • @emswanson: my challenge next week is to do 300 hours of butterfly's a very ambitious but i'm up for it.hopefully,i will do you proud
  • Hello everyone! I have been MIA for the past 2 weeks but for a good reason as many of you know. My boyfriend left Friday afternoon for good. It has been a sad weekend but I know we will be okay and why I am able to smile and enjoy my lonesome weekend.

    Anyway, tomorrow I plan on getting back into the water for the first time in 2 weeks. I am sure my feel of th water will have to be found again but I am up for the challenge. I got a new suit in the mail at the beginning of last week so I am excited to try it out tomorrow. I was up to about 2800 so I think I am going to try around 2000-2200 and see how it feels. I will work in 1 of the challenges and see how it goes. I know I HAVE to go tomorrow to get back into it. I don't want to get onto a slippery slope and not get back in. I am determined to get back in and work hard at it.

    Thanks for heading this up Em! You ROCK!
  • Thanks everyone for having me here.
    my weekly challenge was 300 mins of butterfly stroke

    Yesterday Day 1:I have achieved 70 mins and 230 mind to go.
    will update my result as the day comes along.
    Have a good day

    @honestyismydiet:it's good to have back!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry for being MIA lately - first, this week's challenges (a few days apologies!)

    Challenge #1
    8 X 75s free, on a descending interval by 2s. For example:
    2 X 75 @ 1:15, 2 X 75 @1:10, 2 X 75 @ 1:05, 2 X 75 @ 1:00

    I did this yesterday on the intervals above and the last two were touch-and-go, but I made it! Let me know how y'all do!

    Challenge #2
    12 X 50s free @ 1:00, in groups of 4s

    #1 - 4 breaths during the 50
    #2 - 3 breaths during the 50
    #3 - 2 breaths during the 50
    #4 - easy

    repeat 2 more times! I decided to push it on the last one and went 3-2-1. Adjust to what breathing pattern works for you!

    Netty - awesome on your 300 minutes of butterfly challenge. I would drown, but it sounds like you're doing great!

    Meghan - I saw the results of your swim on your blog this morning and you are AWESOME!!! For those who don't follow her blog, she went on 1:20 and held something crazy like 1:11 and 1:12 on all of her 100s, after being out of the water for 2 weeks. You're doing so well :)

    Troy - how are you doing so far towards your monthly goal? I've only done 8,400 so I'm nowhere near on track, but hopefully I'll pick it up!

    In other news - tomorrow is my first day swimming with the "fast" guys at my pool. I'm super nervous, like a little kid before a swim meet! I just hope I don't embarrass myself and it isn't too brutal :) Have a great rest of the week everyone and happy swimming!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm going to join you. I'm just new to swimming (a runner who cycles and wants to do tris). I have been swimming about 2km twice a week for the last few weeks but not really paying attention to my speed, more just trying to get the feeling of the strokes and work on technique a bit (not feeling like I'm drowning when I swim free has been quite the accomplishment!). Anyway, I'll make a number of adaptions on the challenges based on what I can manage (I don't do fly and the no breath thing is out of the question for the time being).
    My next swim this week I will try out the 8x75s free on descending intervals and I think I'll go back to the original challenge and do 4 x 100 free just to get a gauge on where I am at
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Hope everyone's doing well! I'm planning on doing this week's challenge tomorrow and will post the results.

    Last week's 1.5 mile Columbia Crossing went well, I finished with a time of 35:30 which was faster than my previous time in 2007 :). Oh, and for an update on my monthly goal, I'm a little behind at 25,000 meters so far I definitely have to pick up the pace to hit 60,000 this month {sigh}.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    electriq - welcome!!! glad to have you :)

    Troy - great job on your 1.5 mile race!

    update - I swam with the "fast guys" this morning and they killed me! Our main sprint set is below -

    1 X 50 @ :50
    2 X 75s @ 1:05
    3 X 100 @ 1:25
    200 easy
    3 X 100s @ 1:20
    2 X 75s @ 1:00
    1 X 50 @ :35

    I made everything, but just barely on the 1:20s haha...the guys were holding 1:02s on the 100s. HOLY COW. I used to be able to do that, but can't currently, so seeing them go that fast was really motvating. I'm hoping that by swimming with them regularly and losing this weight I'll be able to keep up with them one day. Just wanted to let y'all know how it went - I'm exhausted now, haha.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Em: Thanks!! :-) nice to be here

    I am off to the pool now, will post what I got up to when I return
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Awesome job on your swim Em!

    I completed challenge #1 today and here's the results:
    2 X 75 @ 1:30, 2 X 75 @1:25, 2 X 75 @ 1:20, 2 X 75 @ 1:15

    I'm planning on adding the second challenge to my swim tomorrow.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Hi again,

    So today in the pool I tried my hand for the first time at the 4 x 100 free challenge. I did it on 3 minutes
    my times were

    I also did 4 x 50 free on 1:20

    All up I swam 2.3km, mostly free with a little breast and back thrown in there for some variety. I watched a few tips online and played around with my stroke and body position. I tried to have high elbows and to rotate my body with the stroke, its hard to know what I am doing without being able to watch myself but it felt pretty good and I seemed to be going faster, or at least moving through the water more easily
  • Hello everyone,

    My butterfly challenge update:

    i have completed 200 mins of my challenge and i have 100 mins left to do.

    It's very hard but i'm sure i will make it.

    everyone is doing a great job!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    So disappointed!
    I was all set to head for the pool but then I had this thought 'Is my nose clip in my pocket?' I checked and it wasn't. I looked EVERYWHERE and no clip. Now I am a bit of a freak and I seriously can't swim without it, just the idea makes my skin crawl. So I can't go to the pool. Waaaaa! I will have to wait until Wednesday as I am a poor student and have no cash until then. Damn it!!
    *sad face
  • I'm not up for a challenge, but I'm looking into swimming at my school. I need to learn better form before I start counting laps.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    I'm not up for a challenge, but I'm looking into swimming at my school. I need to learn better form before I start counting laps.

    That's cool.
    Welcome to the swimming thread. Stay in touch with your progress and feel free to share any new things you learn - I'm a relatively new swimmer myself
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey everyone! And welcome faithsvegworkout - we are glad to have you!

    Quick question - it looks like Troy and I may have been the only people to do the challenges last week. Did anyone else do them and just not post?

    The reason I ask is that it looks like we've lost a few members and I'm curious who is doing the challenges every week. If its just a few of us, I can cater to what we like to do, instead of a group overall. So let me know if yall are still doing the challenges!

    Meghan - I know you're still here so no worries :)

    Have a good week everyone!
  • I did last week's challenge. I made the 75s on the 1:30, 1:15, and on the minute. I also did the 50s--the last few were tough to do with little breathing, but I made them. Way to go everyone who completed this!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    great job stelid!!!
  • Well I am going to try to go swim after work today. I have a sinus headache and as funny as it may seem, I am hoping the water will help. I know when I use to swim the pressure would hurt at first but it would make everything come out and by the end I would feel better. I don't have time for a long work out so I wrote up a quick little 2300 yard practice. I didn't get the challenge in last from 2 weeks ago of the 4x50s and 100 IM fast so I thought I would do that but a 200 IM instead and the 8x75s free from last week.

    Granted if this stupid head cold/ sinuses crap gets worse I don't even know if I will be up for swimming period. I am going to play it by ear and at 5pm on my way home decide. I pass by the YMCA so I figure I will decide then. I'll let you know tomorrow how it went or if I didn't make it. :)
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    I'm still working on the challenges and trying to hit the 60k meters / month goal as well. I'm only at 44,000 so far so next week's gonna be rough. I tried to complete the 50's challenge, but the third set at 2 breaths/50 was a little rough. I completed the first one but from that point on I took 3 breaths. Gives me something to work on and maybe next time I won't feel like I'm gonna pass out. ;-).
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    How did I not know about this thread?? I plan to get in the pool tomorrow. I don't do many sprints - I prefer to do somewhat longer drills, etc. Do we have a challenge for this week? If I don't do it exactly, I will at least try to tweak it to suit my preferences :)
