
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    How much is corned beef(that you have to cook) in your area?
    I found three stores that have it on sale right now for $1.88 a pound, limit of two. Yes, I did get two at each store. Last year we couldn't find any so wanted to make sure we have plenty.
    I have two in the pressure cooker now so they can chill and I can slice thin for dinner tomorrow.
    The other two are in the freezer.
    They are not very big and will shrink to about half I am sure so that is why I cook two plus I really want left overs for sandwiches and to make some hash.
    The guys don't like it usually but found that if I do it the day before, let it totally chill so I can slice it thin, they all like it- Even my mother in law likes it and she says she doesn't like corned beef.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Morning ladies
    Well another weird night especially with the time change , I slept for a little bit then was awake until 2 am ,woke up at 6.. maybe thats the way my body clock is working.. but know I will need a little snooze later ,or not ,have laundry going and did my walk,will take the laundry when done down to the dryer and come back and do dishes...then i will feel like i accomplished something... enjoying watching the birds coming for the meal worms

    Allie- what birds like the meal worms?
    I just put out wild bird seed and black sunflower seeds.
    I have sparrows, house finch/linnets, dove

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Yes Carol, I could use new shoes. Time to get off my *kitten* and get to the store. I hate to spend the money, but this hurts more. And it's cheaper than a doctor or physical therapy.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,707 Member
    edited March 2021
    Today I was dragging my heels waking up! But I got myself in gear, finally. Love waking up deep into fasting 20 hrs. Ate some vanilla Icelandic yogurt, sour and creamy, with some of my (overly) browned coconut, blueberries, and plain almonds. Then warmed up some leftover spaghetti, added diced tomatoes, some black olives, and some sauce. Then at 1pm I had some sour cream and (healthy) barbecued chips and coffee. Opened my window at 11am and closed it at 1:00pm. It should be no problem tonight fixing dinner because they're having chicken tenders and fries. Nothing that appeals to me. I have the brownies that I couldn't fit in the oatmeal container, in my fancy tin on the counter. I might have one this week, but they're for the guys.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member

    Kate - I am going to be struggling in retirement I’m sure. My husband has never had steady long term employment. When you live with those gaps you never have much of a safety net.

    On another note why is there not a cent sign in the keyboard options on my phone?


    Tracey in Edmonton

    My first hubby had trouble keeping a job the first year out of the military(seemed to be common). He had 8 the first year he was out. It was so stressful when he would come home and just not go back. He would find something else and then quit. That is when I started stashing money away, just in case.He finally settled in with Circuit City until he left me. Still do it now, even when current husband has worked at the same company since he was 17, retired from there after 35 yrs and then went back part time while still getting his pension.
    It is my "just in case fund" that my mom knows about but he doesn't. I also keep extra cash here, he knows about it but not how much is in it.

    There in no "cent sign" on my desktop keyboard either.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    The clocks are now set to daylight time!!! YAY! I love to spring ahead to daylight time and would be happy if it was year around. My computer was smart enough to set itself. I have been told by members of my family that people who are born in long days of summer crave sunlight. It is true for me. :bigsmile:

    my computer is NOT smart- It set itself TWO hours ahead. Did it last time too.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Kim - that’s total, by the time I bought the ingredients for what we had I would have spent close to $30 if I even knew how to make ginger beef and egg rolls.

    I am not a cook, I can keep us from starving and I haven’t killed anyone yet. That’s about the sum of my cooking skills. I absolutely hate having to figure out supper and meals each day and don’t find it pleasant in any way. I do however, like and enjoy making a big meal for all of my family, like lasagna, turkey dinner, roast beef dinner and the like.
    It’s the day to day I dislike.


    egg rolls are simple to make and freeze really well. Mom and I used to make big batches of them. 100-200 at a time. One mess then quick snacks later. The basic recipe I use I have been making it since I was in high school- that poor cook book is well worn/grease stained.

    A great trick I learned from a Chinese cook to make your beef for ginger beef/broccoli beef super super tender, they slice the meat thin while partially frozen then soak it in water w/ baking soda in it for 15 min, then rinse, and rinse, and rinse-if you don't rinse well enough you will taste the baking soda. After I rinse it the last time I let it soak in cold water until I am ready to cook. It will foam up a little from the last of the baking soda. The sauce I use is just plain oyster sauce(regular or vegetarian) and add extra ginger and garlic. Super easy and fast.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,009 Member
    Debbie- alot of birds,robins,cardinals wrens,blue jays ,squirrels ,i sit and watch them.but I just put it on retaining wall as i get nasty grams from board because they say it attracts rodents
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Debbie- alot of birds,robins,cardinals wrens,blue jays ,squirrels ,i sit and watch them.but I just put it on retaining wall as i get nasty grams from board because they say it attracts rodents

    There are all kinds of birds at my mom's place(still so hard not saying mom and dad's place) but no cardinals.
    This is the first year I have had my feeders out, kind of in memory of dad- he LOVED his birds and would sit in his recliner for so long just watching them, telling me what kind they were. TONS of wild canaries.
    I do have two humming birds that come to their feeder and if I start getting more, I will put up more- have two extras, ready to hang. Mostly, I just have the sparrows and house finches.
    I love to watch them and great entertainment for the cats. They all hang out at the window, watching them.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited March 2021
    Annie I agree with Carol. Also it might help to do stretching exercises before walking and after. I had a knee issue and the physical therapist who was helping me with exercises noticed my shoes and said that was part of my problem. I needed shoes with better arch support. I am also starting to get some bunions and I have learned having tight calf muscles can contribute to this problem. The bunions started when I had to wear boots with yaktracks. I now have inserts and no longer had to wear the yak tracks and I am feeling an immediate improvement. I need to follow my own advice on the stretching...

    I saw your reply to Carol after I had written this. Yes I learned to hard way it is cheaper to make sure you have good shoes.

    Rori I was fortunate to be able to make our appointment at our local Walgreen's. It was less than a mile to drive and took 35 minutes. They make you wait 15 minutes after the shot. Other pharmacies are starting to have them to, so this might be an option for you. The other twenty was the drive and getting all the paperwork straightened out and getting the shot.

    I feel almost back to normal today. The arm I got the shot in is redder this time than last. Otherwise good to go. I got the second shot Friday morning. Now I am looking forward to March 26th and then I will be fully protected.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,098 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,478 Member
    edited March 2021
    Machka - I bet if you looked online for an essential oil business or company you could find one.
    I have been taking an ice cold wet cloth into the bedroom and I lay it on my neck when I wake up. It has helped too.
    I too prefer to have quick meals during the week, the weekend doesn’t bother me as much. Rodger seems to think we need supper the minute I walk in the door. I only have a 5 minute commute so am home most nights by 430.
    Will your landlord help with the railings or is this something you have to do at your own expense? Will your WCB cover it as it’s for your husband’s safety.

    Tracey in Edmonton
    Kim - that’s total, by the time I bought the ingredients for what we had I would have spent close to $30 if I even knew how to make ginger beef and egg rolls.

    I am not a cook, I can keep us from starving and I haven’t killed anyone yet. That’s about the sum of my cooking skills. I absolutely hate having to figure out supper and meals each day and don’t find it pleasant in any way. I do however, like and enjoy making a big meal for all of my family, like lasagna, turkey dinner, roast beef dinner and the like.
    It’s the day to day I dislike.


    I'm right there with you!

    Thank goodness grocery stores have a wide variety of quick options these days.

    I also have a rule ... if you stay home and aren't at work all day, you cook, clean and do all the house stuff. So that's what my husband does. I know he can't do as much as I would like done, and that's OK. He does do what he can and it takes the pressure off me.

    One of the things he does is make dinner. I take care of my own lunches and breakfasts (if I eat them) but he makes dinner. Complicated cooking is a bit much for him, so we use a combination of frozen or packaged things and heaps of fresh or frozen veg. A quick one for him is soup (from a tin) with frozen veg thrown in. The other day he added chickpeas as well which was nice. There are several packaged Indian meals I get and they are like the soup. Dump it into a bowl, add heaps of frozen veg, heat and serve over rice and there you are.

    Recently we've been having salad with some things too. I showed him how to make a quick salad and with nice fresh veg available this summer, he has done that a few times.

    He also cleans up the kitchen and loads or unloads the dishwasher ... at his own pace.

    I don't mind doing a meal or two once in a while. I'll create something in the slowcooker which will give us a couple meals maybe every other month and occasionally I'll do something else because I get the sudden urge to try something.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,478 Member
    M yes balusters or here hand rails can get pricey especially if wrought iron. If you can find a good handyman he could build one out of wood. It might be more resonable. Here railings are often code to prevent falls. I installed a short one on our step to the garage. I installed it into the wall. It makes a big difference in going down that step. We also changed the riser of the step. It was 12 inches and I could tell over time it would hurt me knees. We had installed 3" block on top of the concrete step so the rise became 9 and 9 rather than 6 and 12. I am strongly in favor of railings/balusters. If you present it as a safety issue you might have more luck getting the agency on board. Again the 12" riser was out of code. Now it is within code. Sometimes codes are a pain here but they often have safety behind them.

    The first thing I'll do is get a few quotes ... now that I know what I'm looking for! :)

    I would like them in two locations and they don't have to be very extensive.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,478 Member
    How much is corned beef(that you have to cook) in your area?
    I found three stores that have it on sale right now for $1.88 a pound, limit of two. Yes, I did get two at each store. Last year we couldn't find any so wanted to make sure we have plenty.
    I have two in the pressure cooker now so they can chill and I can slice thin for dinner tomorrow.
    The other two are in the freezer.
    They are not very big and will shrink to about half I am sure so that is why I cook two plus I really want left overs for sandwiches and to make some hash.
    The guys don't like it usually but found that if I do it the day before, let it totally chill so I can slice it thin, they all like it- Even my mother in law likes it and she says she doesn't like corned beef.

    Napa Valley,CA

    I don't think I've ever had corned beef (rarely eat beef) however, I looked it up and it's $9/kg. That would be about $4/lb, assuming our dollars are equal.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,098 Member
    edited March 2021
    Stats for the day-

    Other- vacuum, dust, laundry 1hr 28min, 11min= 401c
    Walk- 8min=63c

    Total cal 463
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,478 Member
    Speaking of salads (a few posts above) ...

    What is your favourite salad?

    What is your favourite dressing?

    M in Oz