Women 200lb+, Let's Be Magnificent This March!!!



  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member
    Age: 54
    Height: 5'9"
    Year Long Goal for 2021 to lose 50+ pounds

    Weigh Loss Progress: 9.3/50 pounds lost so far

    3/8 - 1 pound down
    3/15 - .3 pound down
    3/22 -
    3/29 -

    Weight Loss Goal for March: 6 pounds

    Double down day. I've planned my meals for the week. I need to stay on track this week. I got "sidetracked" with candy coated easter eggs last week. EEK. I have put them away for the rest of March. I had enough of them to count as a treat for a whole month.

    I am really enjoying the sunny days and the fact that with the snow gone its easier to get out for some nice walks. Feel so much better with some fresh air filling up my lungs.

    I'm still working my way through the pantry and freezer food that I would like to get down to a reasonable amount before thinking I need to buy more. It was helpful to have things around during lockdown but these frozen soups and prepared meals need to go before the season ends. It just takes planning on my part.

    Love reading everybody's posts this month. Spring is such a time of change for me. The paring down of extra "things" is going pretty well. I've sold some, given some away, passed some on to friends and tossed some. I feel much less burdoned when I am not overwhelmed by too many possessions. Everything can then be useful, beautiful, functional or used. Funny how much this purging of things aligns with purging of excess me!

    @wanderinglight I totally hear you about the celebrity nonsense! I did much the same with that and news in general. Doesn't it all seem a little trivial and meaningless in light of the year we have all had?

    @Spotteddingo I am trying to celebrate any loss as a good loss however small! Those baby steps all add up in the end and it means I'm still here and still trying!
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    Its a year today that I started my healthier life journey, and when I started I had no idea that this time I would actually follow through.

    16 March 2020: Start weight : 104.9 Kgs (230.78 lbs) Today: 62 kgs (136.4 lbs) Total loss: 42.9 kgs (94.38 lbs)

    What have I learnt along the way?
    That I can set goals and achieve them! I can have a rough day and get right back up again the next day!

    That living a healthier life is vital to my whole being, that being able to run and walk and be physical gives me a high that I've never experienced before, yip at the age of 49!!

    I've also learnt that I have a chronic compulsion to binge eat when I'm stressed and that its a default I followed for almost 30 years of my life, and even now its something I am working to change!

    Where do I go from here?
    The next stage of my journey is still to lose the last 5 kgs and to maintain, to build up on strength training.
    To stop fasting at the weekend and maintain fasting Mon-Fri

    @changeforeverlj, you are truly inspiring. You will no doubt lose those last pesky few pounds. You should be so proud of your hard work and accomplishment. Congratulations.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    Challenge Weigh In Day for me

    Age 44
    Height 5'4"
    SW 249 highest 3/2020
    CW 226
    GW for Mar 223
    UGW 145

    3/1: 228 lbs
    3/8: 226 lbs
    3/15: 227 lbs
    Total month loss:

    Weekly goals:
    -Continue logging on MFP
    -Work out 3x per week - cardio & strength
    -64 oz of water each day

    I did well this weekend until I just didn't. Tracking app notified ovulation might be coming up so that must be it
    Not too terrible weight as I was dancing around that last week anyway.

    Gym both days. The one friend is wanting to do longer treadmill sessions. It seems to be bugging my ankle so I have to watch it. Planning for the bike today. The guess pass expires this week so I'll upgrade my new gym so she can try that one and decide which one she likes better.

    Working on planning out a garden. I have a large space that I've always wanted to get started so hoping this will be the year finally. I need it to warm up a bit so I can prepare that space but started to get colder yesterday. Starting seeds inside will have to be it for now.
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    edited March 2021
    Age 34( on Wednesday)
    Height 5’5”
    Starting weight 275.6

    3/1- 267.4
    3/8 - 268.3 (it’s my time of the month, but still frustrating)
    3/15 -264.0 (woo hoo)
    3/22 -
    3/29 -

    Weight Loss Goal for March: 8 pounds
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @changeforeverlj you are AMAZING! To have accomplished all of that, even in spite of the dumpster fire the past 365 days have been, I am incredibly proud of you!

    @holdthefries I love your attitude - we could probably do with a bit of spring cleaning around these parts as well, LOL. Great progress!

    @sarah12277 those pesky hormones! What are you planning to grow in your garden? My MIL grows tomatoes and sweet peppers in the summer, mint year-round, sometimes basil. She also has a lemon tree in the front yard, and the neighbors have a huge mango tree that hangs over the property line and deposits fruit on the lawn for a few weeks every year - the trick is getting to those before the squirrels do.
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @changeforeverlj Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! You've accomplished so much in the past year to achieve a healthier life. Good luck as you start your 2nd year!
  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    @Arralethe @misplaced_mama i love body pump too! i bought a dvd set off ebay and do it at home, it's great. I'm restarting, so only doing it 1-2 times per week until I improve my stamina. What do you use for weights? right now I am using only bodyweight as i am beginning again.
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @changeforeverlj - What a great post! I'm so proud of you and grateful that you let us travel along with you on your journey. You are such an inspiration.
  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    Angief05 wrote: »
    I started this journey January 1st at 265 lbs. I never set any real weightloss goals or time frame, but I am happy to say I am now under 250 lbs. I weighed in yesterday at 247.8 lbs
    I am very happy with my progress. On Friday I made my hubby laugh as I pulled my work pants off without having to undo them. Guess it's time for a belt. lol
    I honestly am doing this mainly thru my nutrition, as I still haven't started a workout regime. I do get my steps in daily and do some heavy lifting of stock boxes at work,so I am sure that is helping. We have also been doing renos in the house.
    I also have been doing reading on physchological aspects of weight issues and their correlation with foods ,it is helping me a lot too.
    Have a great Sunday ladies

    Hi, can you share some of the reading you have been doing? I'm always looking for good sources of learning, and think that would help me tremendously. Great job on your loss and education on how to honor your body with good nutrition!
  • Arralethe
    Arralethe Posts: 222 Member
    @azalea4175 I'd recommend looking at Les Mills On demand (their streaming service), as it give you access to far more releases as well as the full suite of class types.

    I bought a big enough step and barbell weights (generic, not LM products) - currently working with only 2.5kg (baby weights) while I get back into some sort of shape!
  • Spotteddingo
    Spotteddingo Posts: 95 Member
    Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary and amazing weight loss! You are an inspiration and great cheerleader for so many of us!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Its a year today that I started my healthier life journey, and when I started I had no idea that this time I would actually follow through.

    16 March 2020: Start weight : 104.9 Kgs (230.78 lbs) Today: 62 kgs (136.4 lbs) Total loss: 42.9 kgs (94.38 lbs)

    What have I learnt along the way?
    That I can set goals and achieve them! I can have a rough day and get right back up again the next day!

    That living a healthier life is vital to my whole being, that being able to run and walk and be physical gives me a high that I've never experienced before, yip at the age of 49!!

    I've also learnt that I have a chronic compulsion to binge eat when I'm stressed and that its a default I followed for almost 30 years of my life, and even now its something I am working to change!

    Where do I go from here?
    The next stage of my journey is still to lose the last 5 kgs and to maintain, to build up on strength training.
    To stop fasting at the weekend and maintain fasting Mon-Fri

    Congratulations! What an inspiration you are.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    @sarah12277 those pesky hormones! What are you planning to grow in your garden? My MIL grows tomatoes and sweet peppers in the summer, mint year-round, sometimes basil. She also has a lemon tree in the front yard, and the neighbors have a huge mango tree that hangs over the property line and deposits fruit on the lawn for a few weeks every year - the trick is getting to those before the squirrels do.
    I had picked up a bunch of variety packs of vegetables and some flowers. I started carrots, onions, radish, basil, and dill. The one spot is the length of the garage so I can try a bunch of vegetables there. The flowers can be spread-out amongst those or my other areas that I mostly have roses and different bulbs (tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, day lilies) at. Last year I gave up on my front areas so must get those back too. The vegetable area has been a long goal so definitely want to get that started. I started seeds in the past but they didn't get too far. Hoping I get motivated enough this year.
  • misplacedmama
    misplacedmama Posts: 78 Member
    azalea4175 wrote: »
    @Arralethe @misplaced_mama i love body pump too! i bought a dvd set off ebay and do it at home, it's great. I'm restarting, so only doing it 1-2 times per week until I improve my stamina. What do you use for weights? right now I am using only bodyweight as i am beginning again.

    I haven't started Body Pump yet. I've been doing Body Combat in the early morning. But when I do get to Pump, I'll be using dumbbells. I use Les Mills On Demand, and I love having access to all their programs. (And the FB community for it is awesome.)
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    @ladychr0nic Welcome! You'll find this group very supportive, and know that you're not alone in this lifetime journey. I too lost a ton of weight and gained almost all of it back. I could dwell on it, but it's not worth my time. Thankfully, I'm back on track now and feeling better already.

    Side note: My SW (the 2nd time) was almost the same as yours. I was .2 lbs heavier. We could be twins, but I'm not sure how tall you are. 😁
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Name: Kali
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'7
    SW: 232.2 (1/15/21)
    GW: #1 Under 200 #2 180 #150ish

    Weight tracking:
    March 2: 214.1 <--had a jump last weekend after hanging with friends (my tiny covid bubble/daily accountability friends)
    March 9 214.0 <-- haven't been able to stop eating so I'm reavulating my calories and debating about upping them incase what I was eating was too restrictive...plus there was an insomnia cookie situation this week...
    March 16 211.4 <--super happy to see a drop although I did buy a dress that I have to wear on 4/9 that doesn't zip sooo let's see how much work I can put in to make that happen (don't worry there is a backup!)
    March 23
    March 30

    Fitness goals:
    Weigh daily
    11,000+ steps 6x week
    Meal prep as much as possible
    C25K 3x a week
    30 day squat/pushup challenge <--NEW FOR MARCH
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @ladychr0nic welcome! My story may not match yours exactly but it sure does rhyme with it a lot - I've also historically hung around with people who ate a lot more than I could do and not expect to gain weight, and I've also decided that I'll probably need to count calories forever and made my peace with it.

    @kali31337 nice whoosh! It's good you have a backup dress just in case, but here's hoping you can make the original one work. I certainly hope it's a happy occasion, but even if it isn't, you deserve to feel good about yourself when you get dressed up.
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    That's cool that we were the same starting weight! We could be buddies! I"m 5'9. My boyfriend is 6'7 and he weighs 20 pounds less then I do :( Ugh i feel so gross being the heavier one of us. He borrows my sweaters, not the other way around lol.

    Yeah, counting calories forever sounds daunting but if you wrap your head around it, it gets easier. I've really gotten into the grove over the last couple weeks and am getting better at staying within my calories. It's just late night snacking that is hard at times. Plus my serial grazer boyfriend makes things hard haha.