Novice Runner Challenge *100 Miles In September*



  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    today's short 3mi run brought my total for sept to 26 so far.

    (created a new ticker cause i couldn't get my old one to update, and this one seems to be working. YAY!)
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I am doing a 5K Saturday but at a slow pace so I am going to still get my run in for Friday. Older son & DH is running in the 5K as well so it will be extra fun :)
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    9/1-9/7: TH miles 11.62 Fri miles6.37 Sat Miles0 Sun miles0 Mon miles0 Tu miles1.85 Wed miles 13.34 WeeklyTotal 33.18
    9/8-9/14: TH miles 2.26Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/15-9/21: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/22-9/28: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/29-9/30: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total

    Monthly Total so far: 35.44miles
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Great job logging the miles in everyone! For those that may not have heard, our group leader, Jason, had a fire incident at one of the properties he manages. Keep the folks dealing with this tragedy and the displaced folks in your thoughts and prayers. Jason thinks he will be MIA for the week as he deals with the loss.

    Happy running!! and to those with long runs scheduled this weekend, best of luck!!!
  • LongRunner77
    LongRunner77 Posts: 71 Member
    Slow, little, short 2 miler this morning....takin in easy for tomorrow's 9/11 run...
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    that is terrible about the fires ): hope people and properties will recover...

    I ran my race this morning and it was HARD! I went over 30 minutes, but I do feel I accomplished BUT wow Elliptical/Arc workouts or walking does not prepare you enough for pounding the road... it is way harder racing --- even if you do the same milage - I think I may have to switch things up and do more road and less Arc/elliptical - but I will do it slowly not to injure myself.
  • Oplesandbanonos
    Oplesandbanonos Posts: 99 Member
    up to 29.3 miles :)
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I'd love to join! There is a 5k or 10k October 1st so this will be even more motivation to get ready!

    I'm doing a 5k on Oct. 1st, too!

    Me three on Oct 1 :)
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    9/1-9/7: TH miles 11.62 Fri miles6.37 Sat Miles0 Sun miles0 Mon miles0 Tu miles1.85 Wed miles 13.34 WeeklyTotal 33.18
    9/8-9/14: TH miles 2.26Fri miles1.28 Sat Miles1.75 Sun miles3.65 Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/15-9/21: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/22-9/28: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total
    9/29-9/30: TH miles Fri miles Sat Miles Sun miles Mon miles Tu miles Wed miles Total

    Monthly Total so far:42.12miles
  • LongRunner77
    LongRunner77 Posts: 71 Member
    Today in honor of 9/11 I ran for 9 hours and 11 minutes...should say ran/walked and was able to get in 36.5 miles!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Today in honor of 9/11 I ran for 9 hours and 11 minutes...should say ran/walked and was able to get in 36.5 miles!

    That is amazing!!! Was there some sort of local event for this, sounds really cool!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Got in a 10 mile run on Saturday morning. 10:00 minute miles. My furthest run yet. Looking forward to running this week and am getting more and more amped up for the 1/2 Marathon!

    Keep logging those miles everyone!!!!
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Alright - my stern reminder has kicked in the previous 6 is now:
    9/8 -5.5
    9/9 -5.1
    9/11 -5.1

    For a grand total of 21.7.

    Long way to go but really enjoying the challenge! Looking forward to the cool down here in MN starting Tuesday - long runs in 55-60F weather are my favorite!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Some very inspiring running stories on here this weekend. So motivating. I ran my second 5K on Saturday. I shaved 4 minutes off my time which made me feel good. I couldn't run the distance between 2 telephone poles in March so to run a 5K feels amazing. I can't run the entire length, but I finish.

    I'm at 57+miles for the month. Thanks for the motivation this thread offers. You are all amazing!
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I'm up to 25 miles... which means I'm not going to make 100 at this pace!! Time to pick it up!
  • LongRunner77
    LongRunner77 Posts: 71 Member
    Today in honor of 9/11 I ran for 9 hours and 11 minutes...should say ran/walked and was able to get in 36.5 miles!

    That is amazing!!! Was there some sort of local event for this, sounds really cool!

    Thanks! Unfortunately there was no local event, I know there was one in Colorado, Texas and Kansas I think. So, I decided to do my own little run in a small forest preserve with a 1.5 mile loop. It was pretty much self-supported except for my mom, girlfriend and a buddy who helped me out a lot with food, walking a loop or two here and there. Overall, it was an awesome experience.
  • witchymama77
    witchymama77 Posts: 31 Member
    That's amazing!
    good for you for doing that!!

    I'm a lil slow still.. I sprained my foot.. right after the jacked rib got better.. maybe I shouldn't be running.. lol..
    as long as it doesn't hurt too bad, the dr says I'm good to go..
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Some very inspiring running stories on here this weekend. So motivating. I ran my second 5K on Saturday. I shaved 4 minutes off my time which made me feel good. I couldn't run the distance between 2 telephone poles in March so to run a 5K feels amazing. I can't run the entire length, but I finish.

    I'm at 57+miles for the month. Thanks for the motivation this thread offers. You are all amazing!

    Great work!! How amazing to improve your time so much! Wow! You've logged a TON of miles for September, that's an avg of more than 5 miles per day running/walking. Great effort!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Today in honor of 9/11 I ran for 9 hours and 11 minutes...should say ran/walked and was able to get in 36.5 miles!

    Wow! That is pretty wild. My hat's off to you!

    I'm sitting at just under 31 miles for the month.
  • Maris165
    Maris165 Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for the update about Jason, and they will be in our prayers for sure. Hope the family got out safely.
    The 9 hours 11 minutes running....I bow down to you!! WOW!!!
    I'm still treading on. 100 was a lofty goal, but it give me something to shoot for. Lil off pace right now, but I'm still going!!!
    Happy running to all!