Just Give Me 10 Days ~|~ Round 145



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    @kmort009 In the past I shared a link to why women SHOULD weigh daily. Hormones, as well as what we eat, change daily and can account for the fluctuations. Unless you track daily, you might miss the pattern. The video was (if I remember correctly) by a James Smith, PT.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    Female 5’0” Age 71 years
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel - no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    OGW 137 (set by WW 2008, WW goal 1985 was 126)
    UGW 125 (HS weight 1968)
    Rnd 7 167.0 to Rnd 17 155.5
    To Rnd 27 146*
    To Rnd 37 139.0
    To Rnd 47 133.5*
    To Rnd 57 131.5
    To Rnd 67 128.0
    To Rnd 77 125.0
    To Rnd 87 121.0*
    To Rnd 97 121.0
    To Rnd 107 122.0
    To Rnd 117 116.0
    To Rnd 127 117.0
    Rnd 127 SW 117.0 AW 116.2
    Rnd 128 SW 115.5 AW 115.65
    Rnd 129 SW 115.5 AW 116.85
    Rnd 130 SW 116.5 AW 115.9
    Rnd 131 SW 116.5 AW 116.4
    Rnd 132  SW 118.5  AW 116.95
    Rnd 133 SW 117.5 AW 118.7
    Rnd 134 SW 118.5 AW 117.6
    Rnd 135 SW 117.5 AW 118.45
    Rnd 136 SW 118.5. AW 117.94
    Rnd 137 SW 117 AW 119.1
    Rnd 138 SW 117.5 AW 118.2
    Rnd 139 SW 119.5 AW 117.85
    Rnd 140 SW 117.5 AW 116.8
    Rnd 141 SW 117.5 AW 117.9
    Rnd 142 SW 118.5 AW 118.85
    Rnd 143 SW 120.0 AW 119.05
    Rnd 144 SW 119.0 AW 118.75

    We ALL have good rounds and bad but that is part of life. Don’t stay away, stay accountable. We don’t judge, we support.-Jpv,2/13/19

    What we need to succeed is a sustainable way of eating, not a DIET we go on and off.

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    **Comments and steps apply to previous day**

    Rnd 145 SW 119.0
    3/23 119.5
    3/24 117.5 I cracked down on myself.
    3/25 117.0 Fasting for 39 hours, so far, and I feel fantastic!
    3/26 116.5 I fasted for 46 hours. I wasn’t really hungry but DH expected a meal. Today I have labs drawn. My appointment WAS for 7:30 but they called yesterday and changed it to 11:30. A couple of years ago I would have been freaking out at not being able to eat until lunch. Now it’s my normal.
    3/27 117.0 I ate a dozen small pimento stuffed olives at 9pm. Salt? Coincidence? It’s all good.
    3/28 116.5 Spent yesterday with friends, went to a quilt shop, played cards and sipped samples of 3 different vodkas - about 1.5 oz total. My first alcohol since 3/19
    3/29 117.5 Ate Chinese yesterday so this makes me very happy. Leftovers today or tomorrow. Kung Pao Chicken and steamed veggies.
    3/30 119.5 Finished Chinese for brunch, rib eye and broccoli for dinner. Planning to fast from this afternoon until sometime Thursday. I’m trying to make this my weekly routine. No TMI, AF
    3/31 119.0 OMAD was Golden Corral and started my 42 hour fast when we were done at 3:33. I can’t believe tomorrow is the end of another round! Thank you again, @GrandmaJackie cqs1zhkpeeac.jpeg Results of previous day
    3/22 2680
    3/23 2558
    3/24 4854
    3/25 2120
    3/26 2995
    3/27 3732
    3/28 2226
    3/29 3135
    3/30 3896
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    *ROUND 145 ( March 23- April 1) Increase electrolytes, no grains

    Seeking lower bodyfat%
    My name is Tish.
    Age: 64
    Height: 5'7.5"
    USW: 260
    2021 Start Wgt:215 (Jan 1)
    CW: 215
    RGW: Lose 1/2 to 1 pound
    FGW: 175
    *It's easier for me to think 10lbs ahead at a time*
    (Lowest weight 171.2~March 17, 2019)
    {Round 136 - 215 EW}Dec 31 2020(1/01)
    {Round 137-209.8 EW}Jan 11 2021
    {Round 138- 209.5 EW}Jan 21 2021
    {Round 139- DNW EW}Jan 31 2021
    {Round 140- EW}Feb 10 2021
    {Round 141- 211 EW}Feb 20 2021
    {Round 142- 215 EW}Mar 2 2021
    {Round 143- 215 EW}Mar 12 2021
    {Round 144- 215 EW}Mar 22 2021

    ✔Day1▪︎Tu•3/23- 215 (Mo/22- 7:30pm, hrs) 47g carbs Well, can't shake this 215. I can't stop eating bread and crackers, because I'm just not eating enough food. I just don't want to eat. Bread fills me up and I don't have to think about it. My joints aren't happy though. Lol. I'm not worried. I go through this cycle periodically. I think I reached 1400 calories once or twice this month. Not eating enough is a common thread with the women in my family. I can go all day without eating, except I gain weight when I don't eat. Anyway, I will correct it. I've gone back to having a green smoothie every day. That seems to help me give up the bread.

    Day2▪︎We•3/24- 211.6 (Tu/23- 5pm, 8:30pm~ 21.5hrs) 91g carbs This weight won't last. Passover/Unleavened Bread begins this weekend. A ton of carbs. 😆

    Day3▪︎Th•3/25- (We/24- 2pm, 7pm~ 17.5hrs) 49g carbs

    Day4▪︎Fr•3/26- (Th/25- 4pm, 6:30pm~ 20hrs) 135g carbs

    Day5▪︎Sa•3/27- (Fr/26- 11:30am, 7pm~17 hrs) 125g carbs

    Day6▪︎Su•3/28- (Sa/27- 1pm, 8pm~ 18hrs) 57g carbs

    Day7▪︎Mo•3/29- (Su/28- 1:30pm, 9pm~ hrs) 89g carbs

    Day8▪︎Tu•3/30- 213.5 (Mo/29- pm~ hrs) 77g carbs

    ✔Day9▪︎We•3/31- (Tu/30- pm~ hrs) 40 carbs

    ■Bodyfat% using Vanity Planet BF scale
    ■BMI using National Heart Lung & Blood Institute app

    link to: Waist to Height Ratio

    link to: Waist to Hip Ratio

    link to: Cucumber Detox Water Recipe

    SBMI ~ Smart Body Mass Index Link

    Seeking lower bodyfat%

    •3.5lbs lost ✔
    •BMI lowered points
    •BF% reduced

    R137/Jan/2~SW: 212 (new start)
    R138/Jan/12~SW: 209.8
    R140/Feb/01~SW: DNW

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,818 Member

    🐛🌷🦆🐥🐤 MARCH 🐤🐥🦆🌷🐛

    Increase daily steps to 8000
    Looking forward: You are not stuck at home.
    You are SAFE at home. One word can change your attitude
    ☠️One cough can change your life☠️
    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷

    March focus: improving stamina, strength, flexibility, which may impact the scale

    2021 Focus:
    • Maintain weight < 150
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • Make sure I have prepared healthy snacks available
    • Cut down on eating between meals by keeping busy

    Never give up! Never give in!
    Recent Back Story:
    • 2018 goal: get back down to 160 ✅
    • 2019 goal: proceed down to 150 ✅ with 2 months to spare
    • 2020 goal: maintain below 150 dropping slowly down to 145 ✅ Strength training has slowed progress, but that’s okay.
    • That's a WIN in my book!
    • 2021
    • Focus: maintenance! I might even manage to lose a bit more ever so slowly.
    • (One good thing about Covid is that I don't have to traverse the minefield of family celebration meals.)
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 145

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    🔹Age 74;🔹Height 5’2”🔹Female🔹
    🔹SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    🔹1 Aug 2019: 171.1
    🔹GW 2019: < 155 ✅
    🔹GW: 2020: < 150✅
    🔹31 Dec: 145.8
    🔹GW 2021: < 150
    🔹1 Jan 2021: 147.2
    🔹1 Mar 2021: 145.5
    🔹LW: 143.8 (Jan 2021)
    🔹Focus: maintain<150
    I am MINDFUL of making heathy choices
    to MAXIMISE the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    Round 144EW: 145.5
    Round 145 Goal: Maintain < 150

    • 23/03:147.0: Goals 🌟
    • 24/03: 146.4: Goals 🌟
    • 25/03: 144.6: Goals 🌟
    • 26/03: 145.2: Goals 🌟
    • 27/03: 144.4: Goals 🌟
    • 28/03: 144.6: Goals 🌟
    • 29/03: 144.6: Goals 🌟
    • 30/03: 144.8: Goals 🌟
    • 31/03: 144.9: Goals 🌟
    • 01/03: xxx: Goals
    • Round 135 EW 146.8🌻
    • Round 120 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 110 EW 148.2🌻
    • Round 109 EW 147.2🌻
    • June 2017: Round 8 EW 169.9 This was my first round!!! I faffed about for 2 1/2 years before I got back on track!!!
    Daily Goals
    🔹log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    🔹Steps daily > 8000
    🔹30 + minutes intentional exercise
    🔹Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation
    🔹Practice Self-care
    🔹Positively reframe thoughts
    🔹Learn something new
    🔹15 mins Daily Declutter session

    Purple: #ff4968.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!