

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Morning again
    I did go back to sleep for a little bit.. then got Dan to work..
    I actually wenr into the grocery store he works at,first time in a store since before my surgeries.. and then went to Walmart to pick groceries and take the car through the carwash,i have laundry going and will take it down to laundry room to use dryer..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited April 2021
    Katla Whatever the verdict I just do not want to see rioting again. I also want the police trained in deescalation techniques and give power to other officers to tell an offiicer they are out of line no matter what their rank. This was done in the air line industry when too many crashed occurred. It dramatically helped.

    It is time to learn from what happened rather than turn it into a major media event. If major changes do not occur this will just happen again with different players. Mayor Frey wanted there to be different training before this happened. He could see the commando approach was not working. He was struck down by the union. There are many others at fault for this not just the main players... what you are watching is what the media wants you to see. What you are watching to some extent is those in power making sure there boxes are checked off so they cannot be held accountable for what happened. Another reason I refuse to watch it.

    What upsets me is this has been made into a race issue instead of bad police policy and training. My son was white and I witnessed police brutality that I had no power to stop. So this could happen to anyone of any race and this is being lost in this rhetoric.

    Having witnessed polive brutality first hand ...My thoughts and prayers go out to the witnesses. I am sorry they have to recount what happened in the eyes of the world because it traumatizes them all over again.

    Justice is the easy part in this play. Doing what is right is what will be far more difficult!

    It is time to go post more flowers on Facebook... and walk Drew before it rains again today.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    edited April 2021
    Sorry Lisa, not posh at all! :laugh:
    I have a slight London accent, but the truth is I unconsciously copy the person I'm talking to, so my accent wanders all over the place. This can be unfortunate if the person thinks i am taking the mickey. :o

    Flea - I've been thinking about you and your husband. Mine has a swollen prostate, but blood tests say not cancer. He is up about five times a night. Men's sense of identity is so attached to their potency. DH'S still works fine at 75, but I always think each time might be the last. Sending my best wishes.

    KJ - Sorry to hear about your husband's decline. You have so much to cope with. <3

    My favourite exercise is dancing, any kind. I love swimming, but I hate all the paraphernalia of getting in and out, so it's mainly confined to holidays. The cruise ship has a heated outdoor pool and a smaller one in the spa.
    At home I like running by the sea, and I find indoor rowing congenial because I can listen to my foreign language films and videos.

    I am writing the story of my life. The first volume was ME I AM, because it is about fighting for a sense of self, and the second is THEREFORE I AM, a skit on Descartes, 'I think ...... ' This is because I credit my intelligence with helping me to survive a turbulent adolescence.
    Haven't decided on a third volume title yet. Yet to be written. :o

    I decided never to have pets as I experienced so much distress as a child when they were sick, or died. My Siamese cat Oscar suffered horribly . So did others. My parents were neglectful of both me and the animals. I don't want to put myself through the pain of losing a beloved pet. So sorry for those who are going through it right now. Plus I am staggered at the cost of vets bills! Wow!

    Did my 5k. Hooray!
    Now to blanch broccoli and broadbeans for pasta and prawns with pesto. Friday night is wine night.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,525 Member
    I do exactly the same thing on the unconscious mimicry of accents--once totally offended someone with a lisp! Bless 'em, it was completely unintentional. When I get off the phone with my family, for hours I sound like I'm deep in the Piney Woods of East Texas again.

    I'm working on this with my husband, but it's a slow process. Every piece of clothing he actually wears this year is hung back up on a black plastic hanger. At the end of the year, I'm going through his closet again, and anything that is not on a black hanger is going to Goodwill. Perhaps, if you put these items in a box, taped it shut and dated it across the tape? Then, if the box hasn't been opened in one year, six months, whatever you choose, it goes to Goodwill? Just a thought.

    My autobiography title has changed a dozen times (I need to update mine to include this last year). It began as "Pigs in the Living Room," then "Rural Terrorist," and the last one I remember was, "From Zero to $100,000 in Just 50 Years," or something like that. Thinking about it now, "Stepmothers Get a Bad Rap," comes to mind, as does, "No Easy Answers, But Hard Ones Are More Fun."

    As for exercise, the elliptical and other aerobic exercises are my favorite.

    Later, y'all,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,170 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    What do you do with a spouse who is a hoarder? I tried to start sweeping out the basement garage area today and piling up a group of things that are never used/will never be used to be put into construction bags for disposal. DH came down and found a reason half the stuff had to stay. I am so tired of the mess! :#:'( End of Rant!

    Carol in GA

    Quickly get rid of the other half ... the half he had no reasons for keeping.

    And then use shelves and labelled bins to give a look of organisation.

    In another 6 months do it again ... pile up the stuff, tell him it's all going, let him give reasons to keep half and pack that half away ... and get rid of the other half.

    In another 6 months ... do it again.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    edited April 2021
    Carol - You say, "It goes, or I go." And mean it. My sympathy. Why do men have to get old? :/ I like Machka's suggestion too. :p
    With my DH I find it works to plant a seed and give it time to grow. Then he thinks it's his idea. It took a while, but he eventually changed his mind about booking a cruise and pushed for the posh cabin. I'm still waiting on the LPA. ;)

    I am not happy. The whole of our BBC 1 and BBC 2 is taken up all day and evening with Prince Philip's death. It was the same when the Queen Mother died.
    I do not support royalty and am against the whole institution. He was not even a king, just a consort. I do not appreciate all my favourite programmes disappearing at a stroke. Grrrrrr. :#

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,536 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Good evening all, just a quick catch up.

    Pat C-good news on bloodwork. Glad you don’t have to start meds.

    Tracey-thanks for sharing your experience. With my hip replacements and related experiences I know what I should do-but I often don’t listen to myself! Congrats on the pay bonus-well deserved. Sorry for loss of resident.

    Barbara-I have been in touch with my trainer and we are in agreement nothing except normal movement around house for task and moving around at work until back more completely released. It seems to be helping.

    Julie-had inflamed bursa in hip and then fell (two things at once). They believe the bursa came from reaction to second vaccine. However, much better than Covid!

    Sue in Wa-I don’t blame you for your hesitancy to visit friend. Perhaps she could try calling you when she is sober or do a facetime/zoom.

    Rebecca-personally, I believe a mother missing her son should be an emergency for all armed forces.

    Viv Uk-glad dog is on the mend. I would have had no idea what to do.

    Have been going into office every day this week. Feels good to have something back to some sort of normal, even if there aren't many staff present.

    Back and leg showing steady improvement. Sleeping through night now (of course, I don't count the potty trip(s) as part of lack of sleep). I am hopeful this weekend I can do a short walk outside and start getting more movement.

    Unusually warm here this week. Storms started to move through today and temps will be returning to normal.

    Off to bed-have an early meeting in the office in the morning.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    You'd think so!💖. Husband told me if sailors were supposed to have wives, the Navy would've issued them with the ditty bag (seabag).😂
    I suppose all the drama of family is a thing you check at the door. It's still a thing that's a hard pill for me to swallow.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,024 Member
    heading up to mom's for the weekend to work in the greenhouse, hopefully. Hope it is a drama free weekend this time.
    I will try and check in while up there. If not, I will be home Monday morning and check in then.
    Have a great weekend.
    Napa Valley,CA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Happily watching lots of golden oldies. Poirot, Wycliffe, Frost. :D I used to really love Wycliffe. Jack Shepherd. He's 80 now, according to Wikipedia.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Well i guess i just have to keep myself busy to not nap lol
    Been running since 6:30 this morning.. did laundry wash and dry,picked up groceries and put them away.. dropped off tea to Tom and visited with the boys..im so glad Alfie remembers me hops right up in my lap and snuggles in..
    Gave them treats then went and picked Dan up from work and dropped him off
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    edited April 2021
    Frost cancelled. I am livid.
    I went on the BBC Complaints page and they are being inundated with complaints about the blanket coverage of Prince Philip. They have a whole separate section. Enough already! I tried to complain twice, but it wouldn't let me. I got one in.

    I will drink some more wine and go off to watch my foreign films. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
  • Humdinger713
    Humdinger713 Posts: 5 Member
    @Machka9 I like almost all of your activities, except, not really yoga. And I've never tried snowshoeing yet (cuz I'm not a fan of the cold.)
    As for swimming, practice makes perfect?? Thru lots & lots of hours at the local pool, I taught myself how to swim properly once i had decided i was going to do a Sprint Triathlon (wow, that's already 11yrs ago! My how time flies! And pounds ADD!!😂😬)
    I've also been known to jog in place for half hour or more while reading, on days i don't get to a gym.
    Have you ever done any events?
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Heather--I have filed several reports with Social Security and they have never gotten anything done. I have contacted 2 attorneys so waiting to hear back what we can do next.

    Viv--How scary for Leah and you. Glad she is going to be okay.

    Michele--So sorry to hear the news about Bonnie. It's good that you and Vince can agree on the course of treatment.

    If someone wrote a book about my life, the title could be--At least she never gave up.

    What exercise do I like to do? That is the problem there is none, but walking I try.

    Well my person that was to work tomorrow called in. She has called in the last 2 days and they tested her for Covid, which she doesn't have, and I told her I have no one to work tomorrow. We agreed I would come in and work 6a-1200 and she will come in and work 1200-6p. She is not happy, but neither am I. I am on overtime today and having to stay late yesterday and today, does not make me happy. That's the problem with being a 24\7 department someone has to be here.

    Starting to rain and getting cooler. Got to love Nebraska weather.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND NE <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Even my supermarket Waitrose sent me condolences on PP's death. !!!!!!!! I emailed them back telling them what I thought. I've sent two letters to the BBC and one to the Guardian. Disgusted that they are getting on the royalty bandwagon.
    A short tribute would have been quite enough. A whole day taking over every schedule. ????
    He is not the Queen.
    Infuriated in Hove, Heather UK xxxxxx