April 2021 - Daily or Weekly check-in



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    4/13 - 298 (Need 8 more lbs. to hit my April goal. l keep saying to myself I can do this!!!)

    You totally can do this : - )
    Great progress so far, 8 pounds this month! Yay you!
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Highest Weight Ever: 145.4
    MFP Starting Weight: 135.5
    Goal Weight: 112

    December starting weight: 132.9
    January starting weight: 129.8
    February starting weight: 126.3
    March starting weight: 122.8
    April starting weight: 121.7
    April goal: 118.5

    I've only been weighing once a week on past months of this challenge but because this is the lowest amount I've lost since October I'm giving daily weighing a chance this month.

    4/01 - 121.7
    4/02 - 121.4
    4/03 - 121.5
    4/04 - 121.4

    4/05 - 121.6
    4/06 - 122.0 :(
    4/07 - 121.6 Not sure this daily weighing is the best thing for my sanity! :D
    4/08 - 120.4 This may be related to not having my ususal late night snack :o
    4/09 - 120.4 No change from yesterday
    4/10 - DNW
    4/11 - 121.5 No surprise since we had dinner out last night and I ate well and drank a few glasses of wine
    4/12 - 120.5

    4/13 - 120.3
    4/14 -
    4/15 -
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    April starting weight: 190.8 oh dear Lord:#:(
    April goal: be more intentional so I can end the month lighter than where I start:
    - more intentional movement throughout the day
    - plan meals ahead
    - WATER
    - run 3x/week and walk the other days

    4/1 T - 190.8 Going to try a run today after some yoga stretches; haven't ran for a week so fingers crossed my calf muscles have improved. Dinner: beef roast and veg. Update: ran 10min, legs started cramping so walked 5, ran 5, walked 5, ran 5. Total 20m run, and I'm ok with that.
    4/2 F - 190.8 Updated with yesterday's run info. Today planning on a walk, will run again tomorrow.
    4/3 S - 190.6 ran 10, walked 5, ran 10, walked 5, ran 5; total 25m run. Feeling much better in the calves since I'm not running two days straight. Sometimes I forget my age...
    4/4 S - 193.8 ugh Chinese from Friday hit

    4/5 M - 190.6 3 rounds of 10min runs, felt good. Egg & avocado for dinner.
    4/6 T - 188.2 walk today, planning to run again Thursday. Beef roast & broccoli salad.
    4/7 W - 188.2 walking with the dogs today, loving the beautiful weather! dinner is egg/avo/salsa
    4/8 T - 186.4 surprised at this number but not holding my breath that it'll stick around tomorrow. I really pushed water yesterday, made good food choices; will do the same today. Planning a run today of 3 rounds of 10m along with walking the dogs in between rain spells. Dinner is beef roast and veg.
    4/9 F - 185.2 what???? Perhaps the fresh air walking with the dogs is helping? I don't know - maybe it's because I walk with the dogs am, noon, and evening so the burn is spread thru the day? No clue...I really hope I can hold onto the number thru the weekend, which is by far my weak point. The husky is yelling at me right now for the morning walk, so off I go!
    4/10 S - (run)
    4/11 S -

    4/12 M - (run) 188.2 so I've proven that logging on the weekend is critical, and also that gluten is my enemy. If I want to succeed I have to change what I'm doing (or not doing).
    4/13 T - 187.8 good run yesterday, reduced my walk intervals and amazingly enough struggled more with breathing than I did with my legs. Walked 2 miles with the dogs outside, and another 3 on the treadmill.
    4/14 W - 189.2 absolutely no idea why, guess it's my dear friend water retention again. zumba tonight and hope to get the dogs out.
    4/15 T - (run)
    4/16 F - heading out of town with my sister Fri & Sat, need to stay focused on my goals
    4/17 S - no weigh in since out of town
    4/18 S - (run)
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    January Starting Weight: 168.2 (Jan 15)
    February Starting Weight: 163.8
    March Starting Weight: 155.6
    April Starting Weight: 151.8
    April Goal Weight: 146.8
    April Ending Weight:

    4/1: 151.8
    4/2: 150
    4/3: 150.8 Expected this to be higher because I ate many, many crawfish last night….yummy!! And I got my 2nd COVID shot today!
    4/4: 148.8
    4/5: 152.2 Result of too much Easter yesterday haha!
    4/6: 150.2
    4/7: 149.2
    Week 1 Loss: -3

    4/8: 148.8
    4/9: 149.2
    4/10: 149.8 weighed earlier than usual so could have been lower
    4/11: 152 Had bad day yesterday. Happens every time I lose weight – I start off great then regress.
    4/12: 151
    4/13: 150.4
    4/14: 149.8 Slowly making my way back down!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    Thanks @nikkit321

    I am Dawn. 60, 5'2"
    MFP Start weight Oct 28.18 - 191
    UGW 110-115-ish
    Daily weighing keeps me accountable, prevents me from a few extra snacks the night before, and shows trends of perhaps what to avoid or limit in order to succeed at weight loss.

    Thursday 4/1: 132.3 - It would be great to touch the 120s this month
    Friday 4/2: 133.8 - wrong direction
    Saturday 4/3: 133.7 - Expecting a woosh, feeling lean today, I had thought that the scale would have been kinder today : - )

    4/4: 133.1 - Not exactly the woosh back to the 131s that I was getting last month, but I will stay at it.
    4/6: 134.3 - No reason for this gain.
    4/7: 133.7 - I have been steadfast, but my schedule is going to be turned upside down today so I will need a new strategy.
    4/8: 132.6 - Almost back to my start weight for the month.
    4/9: 133.2 - 3am weigh in, but I wanted to get on with my coffee and water, so weighed. Maybe I will be less tomorrow if I can sleep longer.
    4/10: 132.1 - Much better

    4/11: - 133.8 - Huge jump. All I can think of is that I had some marinated Prawn Skewers for dinner last night from a deli counter, perhaps they were full of salt? They were low in calorie.
    4/12: 132.4 - Close to my start weight, maybe tomorrow.
    4/13: 133.7 - I have to take these fluctuations in stride. I was very late home from work, thus a late dinner. Calories and exercise were on point.
    4/14: 133.3 - Another very late dinner, but I had to eat. Calories and exercise on track. A couple of more days of this and then some days off from multiple jobs.


  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 60 years old and from the Midwest USA.

    Starting Weight (from March 31st): 208.2
    Goal: 203.2 (Five lb Loss)

    04/01 – 207.6 Off to a better start! Good luck this round everyone! Remember to have some fun too!
    04/02 - 207.6 I definitely made some extra sacrifices yesterday so I’m a little disappointed to see no change. I guess I will just have to trust the process.
    04/03 - 208.6 I am beginning to feel that I may be lactose intolerant based on how bloated I feel after eating cheese or drinking a glass of milk. I will be watching this. Up one full pound after a grilled cheese for dinner that made me feel miserable and pregnant.
    04/04 - 207.6 That is better. No milk yesterday and no cheese.
    04/05 - 206.6 Watching the dairy by weaning down.
    04/06 - 205.6 Down 3 pounds in 3 days. Of course I am getting over 20,000 steps per day with the yardwork which is very helpful but weaning down on the dairy may really be making a difference. I’m going to double-down on those efforts!
    04/07 - 207.6 Two pounds overnight means something else is affecting my weight. I ate healthy but a little too late and close to bedtime. Fell asleep early and woke up after 3.5 hours completely done with sleeping. An early weigh-in. One glass of milk, no cheese.
    04/08 – 208.2 Yikes. I thought a drop was in order. Good healthy eating yesterday and a nice long hike following the river. Had a rare free evening and I jumped on it! The only thing I can figure is that I had 24 oz total of mixed drinks (vodka & orange juice) last night with a friend. I’m not clear on the affects of alcohol on me since I rarely drink.
    04/09 – 207.8 A bit better. Less movement due to rain.
    04/10 - 207.2 If I could hit my goal of 203.2 by the end of the month I would be over the moon! If I could hit 199 point ANYTHING by my birthday May 10th, I would probably faint! However, NEVER say never. Onederland Here I Come! (Can you tell I am in a positive, enlightened and GOOD mood? Happy Saturday Everyone!
    04/11 - 206.4 I skipped dinner (by accident) then ate a handful of cookies because I was so tired last night. No exactly the correct and healthy way to lose weight. I don’t know if it will stay off, but I am going to try to do better today although the house will be full of people who are working on my renovation today. Fingers crossed.
    04/12 - 207.4 Up & Down and All Around! I ate 3 meals yesterday (I usually eat 2). Food choices were good and quantities were fair. I think 3 meals just added up to more carbs than necessary. 11,000 steps and worked on yard clean-up for awhile which helped burn some calories. Rain today.
    04/13 - 207.2 Progress in any amount or form is a plus.
    04/14 - 207.6 Yesterday was a good day. This is likely due to no TMI.
    04/15 -
    04/16 -
    04/17 -
    04/18 –
    04/19 -
    04/20 –
    04/21 –
    04/22 -
    04/23 -
    04/24 -
    04/25 –
    04/26 –
    04/27 –
    04/28 –
    04/29 –
    04/30 –
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    43 year-old female, height near 5'4"
    cancerX2, hypothyroid, menopause, PT

    January starting weight: 185.0
    February starting weight: 182.3
    March starting weight: 178.6
    April starting weight: 172.6
    April goal: 167.0

    04/01: DNW - first full family visit post-Covid!
    04/02: DNW - traveling back from family visit.
    04/03: 173.5 - alright, not too far off track.
    04/04: 172. 6 - Worked 10 hours and was under calories.
    04/05: 171.7 - another 10-hour shift and under calories
    04/06: 171. 4 - under calories.
    04/07: 172.0 - under calories but over carbs.
    04/08: 173.3 - over carbs and calories.
    04/09: DNW - away from home.
    04/10: DNW - away from home.
    4/11: 171.3 - surprised by this.
    4/12: DNW - I somehow am off by a day.
    4/13: 172.8 - Thinking this is a sodium surge.
    4/14: 172.0 - There's going to be a few more higher sodium meals this week while I need to use up pantry items and left over ham. But I also need to tighten up my weighing and measuring. I know I've not been as accurate as I should be.
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    43 year-old female, height near 5'4"
    cancerX2, hypothyroid, menopause, PT

    January starting weight: 185.0
    February starting weight: 182.3
    March starting weight: 178.6
    April starting weight: 172.6
    April goal: 167.0

    04/01: DNW - first full family visit post-Covid!
    04/02: DNW - traveling back from family visit.
    04/03: 173.5 - alright, not too far off track.
    04/04: 172. 6 - Worked 10 hours and was under calories.
    04/05: 171.7 - another 10-hour shift and under calories
    04/06: 171. 4 - under calories.
    04/07: 172.0 - under calories but over carbs.
    04/08: 173.3 - over carbs and calories.
    04/09: DNW - away from home.
    04/10: DNW - away from home.
    4/11: 171.3 - surprised by this.
    4/12: DNW - I somehow am off by a day.
    4/13: 172.8 - thinking this is a sodium surge.
    4/14: 172.0 - several high sodium meals planned.
    4/15: 174.0 - I am logging this as the very first thing I do today. I cannot continue to eat this way. I was trying to save some money and time by using the processed foods we had in the pantry. I also have been a little lax on exactly measuring these foods as well. Today the focus is back to whole foods for me and definitely watching portions for my family if they eat the noodle/rice dishes from the pantry!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    April starting weight: 190.8 oh dear Lord:#:(
    April goal: be more intentional so I can end the month lighter than where I start:
    - more intentional movement throughout the day
    - plan meals ahead
    - WATER
    - run 3x/week and walk the other days

    4/1 T - 190.8 Going to try a run today after some yoga stretches; haven't ran for a week so fingers crossed my calf muscles have improved. Dinner: beef roast and veg. Update: ran 10min, legs started cramping so walked 5, ran 5, walked 5, ran 5. Total 20m run, and I'm ok with that.
    4/2 F - 190.8 Updated with yesterday's run info. Today planning on a walk, will run again tomorrow.
    4/3 S - 190.6 ran 10, walked 5, ran 10, walked 5, ran 5; total 25m run. Feeling much better in the calves since I'm not running two days straight. Sometimes I forget my age...
    4/4 S - 193.8 ugh Chinese from Friday hit

    4/5 M - 190.6 3 rounds of 10min runs, felt good. Egg & avocado for dinner.
    4/6 T - 188.2 walk today, planning to run again Thursday. Beef roast & broccoli salad.
    4/7 W - 188.2 walking with the dogs today, loving the beautiful weather! dinner is egg/avo/salsa
    4/8 T - 186.4 surprised at this number but not holding my breath that it'll stick around tomorrow. I really pushed water yesterday, made good food choices; will do the same today. Planning a run today of 3 rounds of 10m along with walking the dogs in between rain spells. Dinner is beef roast and veg.
    4/9 F - 185.2 what???? Perhaps the fresh air walking with the dogs is helping? I don't know - maybe it's because I walk with the dogs am, noon, and evening so the burn is spread thru the day? No clue...I really hope I can hold onto the number thru the weekend, which is by far my weak point. The husky is yelling at me right now for the morning walk, so off I go!
    4/10 S - (run)
    4/11 S -

    4/12 M - (run) 188.2 so I've proven that logging on the weekend is critical, and also that gluten is my enemy. If I want to succeed I have to change what I'm doing (or not doing).
    4/13 T - 187.8 good run yesterday, reduced my walk intervals and amazingly enough struggled more with breathing than I did with my legs. Walked 2 miles with the dogs outside, and another 3 on the treadmill.
    4/14 W - 189.2 absolutely no idea why, guess it's my dear friend water retention again. zumba tonight and hope to get the dogs out.
    4/15 T - 188.0 My run will be 3 rounds of 10m again; this week I dropped my walk interval from 10m to 5m
    4/16 F - heading out of town with my sister Fri & Sat, need to stay focused on my goals
    4/17 S - no weigh in since out of town
    4/18 S - (run)

    4/19 M - (run - this week is 3 run intervals of 11m w/ 4m walk breaks)
    4/20 T -
    4/21 W - (zumba)
    4/22 T - (run)
    4/23 F -
    4/24 S - (run)
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    Thanks @nikkit321

    I am Dawn. 60, 5'2"
    MFP Start weight Oct 28.18 - 191
    UGW 110-115-ish
    Daily weighing keeps me accountable, prevents me from a few extra snacks the night before, and shows trends of perhaps what to avoid or limit in order to succeed at weight loss.

    Thursday 4/1: 132.3 - It would be great to touch the 120s this month
    Friday 4/2: 133.8 - wrong direction
    Saturday 4/3: 133.7 - Expecting a woosh, feeling lean today, I had thought that the scale would have been kinder today : - )

    4/4: 133.1 - Not exactly the woosh back to the 131s that I was getting last month, but I will stay at it.
    4/6: 134.3 - No reason for this gain.
    4/7: 133.7 - I have been steadfast, but my schedule is going to be turned upside down today so I will need a new strategy.
    4/8: 132.6 - Almost back to my start weight for the month.
    4/9: 133.2 - 3am weigh in, but I wanted to get on with my coffee and water, so weighed. Maybe I will be less tomorrow if I can sleep longer.
    4/10: 132.1 - Much better

    4/11: - 133.8 - Huge jump. All I can think of is that I had some marinated Prawn Skewers for dinner last night from a deli counter, perhaps they were full of salt? They were low in calorie.
    4/12: 132.4 - Close to my start weight, maybe tomorrow.
    4/13: 133.7 - I have to take these fluctuations in stride. I was very late home from work, thus a late dinner. Calories and exercise were on point.
    4/14: 133.3 - Another very late dinner, but I had to eat. Calories and exercise on track. A couple of more days of this and then some days off from multiple jobs.
    4/15: 132.1 - That is more like it.

