

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 43min, 81ahr, 109mhr, 3.15ap, 5.97mi= 573c
    Strava app = 670c
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: I love your patio furniture. It looks inviting and attractive. :star:

    I have a city meeting this evening. It is a continuation of the previous meeting and I expect it to last for a long time. It involves a neighborhood conflict between two households. The last time we met on this issue, we didn’t finish until after midnight. I anticipate that both sides will bring a lawyer. That may make it easier. I hope this will go well. We’ll see.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    pip - love the furniture.

    Michele NC
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,084 Member
    I got an email from an old boyfriend - the One that Got Away....Sigh. Doesn't look like I will meet anyone new anytime soon. But maybe I can lose some weight meanwhile. And improve my cardio endurance. I've been better at avoiding the cookies lately.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    To all the newcomers here ... jump in when you feel like it. Tell us a bit about yourself. Chat about exercise, food and whatever else. :)

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,612 Member
    Sleepy in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    So sorry for those of you with spouses with cognitive issues. Kate UK, it must be a real worry for you and it may be time to start looking for support and help. Doctor, charities and the like. The more information you can get the better prepared you will be. Have you done your LPAs for example. I have started mine and hope to persuade a reluctant DH to do his.
    It is very frightening and frustrating to be facing this, but you are not alone and you can reach out for help.
    My DH is having very bad nights and getting anxious about it, but he is fine in the daytime and not showing mental deterioration. I try to reassure him about the night problem. Doctors here are overwhelmed with post covid log jams, but if you don't apply for attention you can't move up the queue.
    Love to all , Heather UK xxxxxx
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka the instant gratification you mention of clean floor after vacuuming lasts only moments until the dogs come back inside. Cleaning is effort that just must be made over and over and over again. Think Sisyphus. The satisfaction is so brief, the dissatisfaction so immediate, I’m happier ignoring the spruce needles and dog hair until they stand up and demand eviction :laugh: You look so happy cycling! You’re right about the right mattress and pillow making me reluctant to get up in the mornings.

    My goal(s) for 2021 is/are to get these things organise and to simplify as much as I can. So on my list are things like putting together medical binders of information on both of us, finding appropriate medical care should neurodegeration become an issue, etc.

    Also on my list is simplifying our house. If I could (but I can't because I rent), I would pull out all the carpeting and put down laminate flooring (or hardwood if I suddenly came into a lot of money!). I would also insulate under the floor. That would almost eliminate the vacuuming (I'd still do edges because clean edges are a particular point with me) and I would just have to sweep now and then, and go over the floors with a damp mop from time to time.

    Meanwhile, I have put most ornaments and things into closed cabinets so I don't have to dust them (much). Later on my list, I'll go through and try to get most of the rest into a cabinet ... means I have to get another closed cabinet, but that's OK. There's not much point in having a whole bunch of ornaments and things out if they are just going to collect dust!

    @bananasandoranges ... I want to go over the kitchen floor on my hands and knees with a scrub brush, but I will have to do it when my husband has gone to bed. He gets upset when he sees me cleaning. It's complicated ... he thinks it is something he should do, but he doesn't do it, then if he sees me do it he thinks I'm upset so he gets upset ..... it's just easier to wait until he's asleep and try to scrub quietly!

    Machka in Oz

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,468 Member
    Machka, along those lines, I just developed this for myself and my family. When I was quite ill last summer, I had to help my daughter help me keep my medications straight. Luckily, I was OK mentally, and was able to do that. However, I'm now dealing with heart, thyroid and gut issues, as well as just the stuff that keeps me from falling over, so I figured it was time to do something about it. This can be made up on Word or Excel, whatever makes it easy.


    My point for anyone who's thinking about this is that you're not just doing it for yourself, you're doing it for those who might end up taking care of you. So I set this up for me in the sense that I can literally place each pill or set of pills on top of the number noted for it when I organize my morning, and see visually that I have all of them before I swallow them. Then I can check them off--when you do this stuff automatically, you start not remembering whether you've taken it. So it helps me, but it also helps those who love me know what I need, how much I need, when I need it and if I've taken it. It also helps me hand it (or email it) to a medical professional to make sure I'm not dealing with dangerous interactions.

    I remember I burst out crying when I got the diagnosis that I needed thyroid medication five or six years ago, because I knew I'd be taking pills for it for the rest of my life. For whatever reason, that just got to me. Now it's more like a big shrug and hey, one more pill.

    Lisa in AR
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited April 2021
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: BP, bank to turn in pennies, made appointment for refi/escrow statement and refi.
    Bonus: reconciled IRA statements, found and report unauthorized charge to Amazon, walk Shadow with T, veg prep.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, find those torture bands, call Wild Rivers (541 247 3514) for dog wash/nail trim appointments, follow up with Chetco Medical re: labs not approved, meeting prep, budget committee and board meetings, call D re: sticky keyboard, Norton and windows updates, call S, fire district: Fri: locksmith to copy mailbox key; ongoing: input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS mutual aid and other missing details, call Credit union re: credit card, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, index mutual aid files; watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Do Your Thing, Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), A Little Less Broken, One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Nothing but You, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove. Reconcile Joe’s EOB’s Thrivent shows only 2263.48 so far, next BGBS ask Terry about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this spring’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers), Wednesday: district board meeting, Thursday: Chiro, Friday: county planning office neighbor’s plans.
    Active April:
    13: Move as much as possible, even if you’re stuck inside:

    Last week I’d prepared but not submitted a charge card payment. Yikes. Submitted 4 days later than usual. Today checked the account to make sure no late fees and found an unexpected charge on my account for an Amazon video purchase (Xmen). Yeah no. Took awhile but finally found where to report it and was immediately forced to logout and change my password. Probably a good idea.

    Julie scrubbing is a great way to burn off the on hold for tech support anger. Well done!
    Barbie if Jake starts scrubbing, you’ll know the computer troubles are getting to him… ;)
    Welcome @letsgetfit4real Gwen from MO! Jump on in, the water’s fine :smile:
    Heather :love: the pics and your advice to Kate. Hate how prices are jumping overnight, feel its gouging but maybe not, there have been virus caused disruptions in manufacturing and distribution. Hundreds of container ships are jammed up in LA waiting to discharge cargo. Your falafel and hummus meal sounds yummy. Alphabetizing my spice jars is the ONLY organizing/decluttering job I really enjoy. :laugh:
    Machka :heartbreak: Thanks for the affairs in order reminders. Time for me to follow Barbie’s “suffer for 15 minutes” sttrategy for difficult tasks.
    Carol this bathtub scrubber saves my knees, not that I use it as often as I should ;)https://www.homedepot.com/p/3M-Scotch-Brite-Non-Scratch-Tub-and-Shower-Scrubber-549x/203088662
    Welcome @KathLeenMVP Where to start? Where you are right now. Log every bite and sip whether it’s a good, bad or indifferent choice. Establish that habit first, then you can start weighing your food, changing food choices, adding fun activity etc. The important thing is start where you are now and then never give up.
    Welcome back @KimShea01 Kim in Central IN. Fingers Xd your DH follows your good example in time.
    Rebecca “…aliens out in Puget Sound…” :laugh: Is your gym “pants optional”? :naughty::laugh:
    Speaking of aliens, hoping Rita @kevrit is just too busy with her new substitute teaching job to pop in here.
    Katla fingers Xd for your family flying in to visit.
    Betsy in NW WA Wow! What a blessing the detachment happened so close to your scheduled eye appointment. Hope you can channel Barbie’s patience while you lie on your side for the next week. Praying for successful surgery.
    Beth sorry to hear of your fall. My fear of falling is one of the things I really hate about ageing.
    Terri :love: the new profile pic. Should we be callin’ you Stormy?
    Debbie how hard is it to get an appointment with a Kaiser specialist? Hope you get on the list quickly!
    Michele “5000 sq ft” O M G. I thought our first Boise house at 3600 sq ft was huge, but we needed the 5 toilets as we were fostering 3 nephews, a rent-a-son, and our brother in law lived with us the first summer. Too big for me to keep clean, was very happy when they all left and we moved into a 1500 sq ft home. Our current cottage-in-the-woods-above-the-sea is just right at 1296 sq ft.
    Tina hope you can insist your MD orders an MRI.
    Pip that bistro set is just the right size for your patio. Does Kirby share his sauce-from-scratch recipes?
    Katla I’d dread your city meeting. Admire your optimism, imho lawyers don’t make things easier, they go for the billable minutes. Conflict makes me queasy. Our fire district’s budget committee meeting is tonight, followed by the board meeting. Fingers X’d there will be little or no drama.
    Annie congrats on cookie avoidance! Remind me of your hobbies, group activities? Sometimes Mr. Right shows up just after you stop looking… :wink:
    CJ ((hugs)) and prayers continue for your DGD. “…Pounding a wall of custard…” such an apt image.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    April: leaner/stronger/kinder than March.
    daily: sit with Joe: 13, weigh/wii: 13/0/0; steps>5627=9043 :bigsmile: vits=13, log=13, CI<CO=12, CI<250<CO=11, Tumble=17, Shadow=16, mfp=13, outside=17 up hill=17
    wkly: BB&B,T’ai Chi or SWSY x3= rx=2 dance=1, clean 30 mins=5.33, packwalk=5, wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/4:140.3 :grin: 4/11: 140.9 4/18: 4/25:
    mnthly: board mtg=, grant=1, 21 plan= bonus: AF=8 play= sew= waist=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HEATHER feelings of anxiety are awful, I had them for the first time last year when I had the cast on my wrist. I tried Rescue Remedy from Holland + Barrett, they really worked for me.

    Kate UK ❤️
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    Machka, along those lines, I just developed this for myself and my family. When I was quite ill last summer, I had to help my daughter help me keep my medications straight. Luckily, I was OK mentally, and was able to do that. However, I'm now dealing with heart, thyroid and gut issues, as well as just the stuff that keeps me from falling over, so I figured it was time to do something about it. This can be made up on Word or Excel, whatever makes it easy.


    My point for anyone who's thinking about this is that you're not just doing it for yourself, you're doing it for those who might end up taking care of you. So I set this up for me in the sense that I can literally place each pill or set of pills on top of the number noted for it when I organize my morning, and see visually that I have all of them before I swallow them. Then I can check them off--when you do this stuff automatically, you start not remembering whether you've taken it. So it helps me, but it also helps those who love me know what I need, how much I need, when I need it and if I've taken it. It also helps me hand it (or email it) to a medical professional to make sure I'm not dealing with dangerous interactions.

    I remember I burst out crying when I got the diagnosis that I needed thyroid medication five or six years ago, because I knew I'd be taking pills for it for the rest of my life. For whatever reason, that just got to me. Now it's more like a big shrug and hey, one more pill.

    Lisa in AR

    Good idea!

    I've done something similar for my husband's pills plus he uses a Webster pack. :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited April 2021
    Penny -
    It's always good to see you, and I would imagine that a 10-year-old's epilepsy diagnosis is rough for everyone to live with. I love the "corral" for the horses!

    CJ -
    Many good thoughts for your DGD, as well.

    Was ripped out of bed at 1 a.m. by the sound of a giant zipper opening, which was the prelude to one massive KABOOM crack of thunder. The lightning must have hit very near, but still stone dark outside, so no telling. The electricity stayed on all night, so there's that. The thunder-boomers were why I was up at 2 a.m. my time posting medication checklist examples.

    Got my centerpiece on the Texas star quilt pieced and quilted, now it's just a matter of adding layers of straight one-foot-strips all the way around. Each will be pre-quilted ahead of time, so final assembly should be reasonably easy. And quilting one-foot wide strips is a LOT easier than quilting a 44 x 60 -inch centerpiece. Appliqued the stars... this is an image of front of the center at left, then the flip side. For scale, that's the back of a chair at bottom right.


    I've been procrastinating on this quilt for my favorite niece for three years. But not unusual for me and a quilt. I did tell her it would take a while.


    Still peeing down rain for the next three hours, so no outside work today. Lots to do inside, though. Last day of antibiotics. Keep a good thought for them working...

    Later, y'all,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka, along those lines, I just developed this for myself and my family. When I was quite ill last summer, I had to help my daughter help me keep my medications straight. Luckily, I was OK mentally, and was able to do that. However, I'm now dealing with heart, thyroid and gut issues, as well as just the stuff that keeps me from falling over, so I figured it was time to do something about it. This can be made up on Word or Excel, whatever makes it easy.


    My point for anyone who's thinking about this is that you're not just doing it for yourself, you're doing it for those who might end up taking care of you. So I set this up for me in the sense that I can literally place each pill or set of pills on top of the number noted for it when I organize my morning, and see visually that I have all of them before I swallow them. Then I can check them off--when you do this stuff automatically, you start not remembering whether you've taken it. So it helps me, but it also helps those who love me know what I need, how much I need, when I need it and if I've taken it. It also helps me hand it (or email it) to a medical professional to make sure I'm not dealing with dangerous interactions.

    I remember I burst out crying when I got the diagnosis that I needed thyroid medication five or six years ago, because I knew I'd be taking pills for it for the rest of my life. For whatever reason, that just got to me. Now it's more like a big shrug and hey, one more pill.

    Lisa in AR

    Good idea!

    I've done something similar for my husband's pills plus he uses a Webster pack. :)

    - Webster paks and ones like them are good, as long as there's no physical interaction between the pills. One thing I noticed years ago is that when I put a day's worth of pills together, anything like a capsule or gelcap started having an effect on any tablets in the same space. Tablets generally don't interact with each other, but I've had tablets soften and crumble when placed in a small container with a gelcap for more than 24 hours. I find that unnerving, so rather than keeping a day's worth of medication in one container or section, I simply scrub off the S/M/T... labels and write in the name and dose of the medication. The list above is honestly because the number of pills taken has outstripped even a two-week container. *sigh*

    I've never noticed that happen!

    His is a 1-week pack and he doesn't have a lot of medication so perhaps they aren't touching each other much.

    I use a storage box I've converted into a sort of Webster pack for my vitamins, minerals, and menopause-relief stuff. There is a combination of capsules and tablets in each square. But you know those "freshener" things they put in bottles of vitamins/minerals to help absorb excess moisture? I have one of those in each square ... maybe they actually help!

    Sorry you have to take so many things.

    M in Oz