Bring IT! Part III: Team No Excuses in March



  • sweetapplepi
    Mya- Girl, I totallt understand what you mean It had to go through many frogs to get to my prince. :heart:
    I'm huge on honesty, and keeping promises too though. That's not even alot to ask for. =] Hang in there, I'm sure it's great motivation for working out too. :flowerforyou: I hope you feel better.

    Breakfast: is going to be my usual Oatmeal lol
  • sweetapplepi
    Mya- Girl, I totallt understand what you mean It had to go through many frogs to get to my prince. :heart:
    I'm huge on honesty, and keeping promises too though. That's not even alot to ask for. =] Hang in there, I'm sure it's great motivation for working out too. :flowerforyou: I hope you feel better.

    Breakfast: is going to be my usual Oatmeal lol Then I will probably start the battle with my elliptical machine. :tongue:

    Is it warm everywhere else like it is here today? Hopefully..:bigsmile:

    oops double post! :ohwell:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Glad it's the weekend! I'll be bringing it later today. Not sure with what yet; it's rainy and dreary and around 50 degrees. Off to go shop for a bit (my favorite sport) and then I'll be back to Bring it!

  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Heya all Im back ..not sure if Im still being a witch or not but oh well..I did 2hrs and 40minutes of excercise....I feel ok so Im gonna nap now....we went to public market so we have tons of fresh fruit..woot woot..:drinker:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm old enough to remember when almost all women wore girdles & I can tell you.
    Yes. It helps your posture.
    because if you slump a little, it will break your ribs!!!!!!
    :bigsmile: :sad: :laugh: :wink: :sad:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Im actually glad its raining in NY could this be a sign of good weather to come or a sign of a horrid icestorm ..HMMMMMMMMM.......tomorrow should be exciting for me I have to do some little girls hair for a pageant early in the morning then I will come home and do my 2hr routine....I think I will try the p90x again when i reach 210lbs...Im expecting to be in the teens by Monday so it shouldnt be long before I can Kenpo......everyone still motivated or do ya need a hand geting back on the wagon?:drinker:
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    i need help getting back on the wagon!!!
    i have been sick for a few days so exercise was the last thing on my mind...
    add to that, on friday evening i met with my women's biking group (we bike between 20-40 miles every tuesday evening from april to october!) and we ate out at a big chinese buffet where we paid over $35 per person! it's hard for me to eat buffet style (way too much money/food!) but i figure i might as well enjoy it as i was paying for it! i didn't do too bad, mostly stir fried veggies with chicken and lots of fruit for dessert. (but i know how much sugar is in all those sauces...)
    then yesterday was my surprise bachelorette party!!!!
    it was awesome!!! (and we actually ended up biking about 20 miles plus walking all over brussels!) and then how can you say no to delicious picnic cosmopolitens, pita sandwhiches and creme brulee for dessert??? :love:
    i am still a little sick and i slept most of the day away, but i desperately want to get back on track.
    maybe i'll go try on my wedding dress... that should do it!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    i need help getting back on the wagon!!!
    i have been sick for a few days so exercise was the last thing on my mind...
    add to that, on friday evening i met with my women's biking group (we bike between 20-40 miles every tuesday evening from april to october!) and we ate out at a big chinese buffet where we paid over $35 per person! it's hard for me to eat buffet style (way too much money/food!) but i figure i might as well enjoy it as i was paying for it! i didn't do too bad, mostly stir fried veggies with chicken and lots of fruit for dessert. (but i know how much sugar is in all those sauces...)
    then yesterday was my surprise bachelorette party!!!!
    it was awesome!!! (and we actually ended up biking about 20 miles plus walking all over brussels!) and then how can you say no to delicious picnic cosmopolitens, pita sandwhiches and creme brulee for dessert??? :love:
    i am still a little sick and i slept most of the day away, but i desperately want to get back on track.
    maybe i'll go try on my wedding dress... that should do it!

    Get your tush back on this wagon lady!!! and yes go try on the wedding dress for motivation perhaps take a pic of yourself in it I am planning my normal 2hr routine....I had cabbage and ground turkey for Brunch......I wish everyone luck today ..remember spring gloomy weather approaches but if we dont fight it off then we wont be sexy for summer!!!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    We're having beautiful sunshiney spring weather here.
    I have lots of odd chores to do around here today, but the workout is a main part of the plan.

    meisje- Get yourself up & work off those extras! You can do it!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    i need help getting back on the wagon!!!
    i have been sick for a few days so exercise was the last thing on my mind...
    add to that, on friday evening i met with my women's biking group (we bike between 20-40 miles every tuesday evening from april to october!) and we ate out at a big chinese buffet where we paid over $35 per person! it's hard for me to eat buffet style (way too much money/food!) but i figure i might as well enjoy it as i was paying for it! i didn't do too bad, mostly stir fried veggies with chicken and lots of fruit for dessert. (but i know how much sugar is in all those sauces...)
    then yesterday was my surprise bachelorette party!!!!
    it was awesome!!! (and we actually ended up biking about 20 miles plus walking all over brussels!) and then how can you say no to delicious picnic cosmopolitens, pita sandwhiches and creme brulee for dessert??? :love:
    i am still a little sick and i slept most of the day away, but i desperately want to get back on track.
    maybe i'll go try on my wedding dress... that should do it!

    :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Ok, that was a little harsh. :wink: Way to go on the biking. That's a lot of miles!
    I try to stay away from Chinese food in general...but 35 dollars is a lot of money for a buffet! As long as you didn't eat too many fried doughnuts. I forgive you. Does anyone else find it weird that the food they serve at Chinese restaurants and buffets isn't exactly an appropriate resemblance to what real Chinese people eat? There is NO way they eat all those sugar-laden, msg filled sauces on their rice and meat. And they for sure don't fry the food as much as those restaurants would make you believe.

    Ok, was your bachelorette party. You are likely not going to be having another one. We'll let this one slide.:wink: Obviously it's not something you're doing every weekend. And now you know you feel like crap, so you're less likely to do it again. I'd go try on that dress:tongue:

    :drinker: :drinker: Cheers to letting it go and getting right back to it!

    Quotes for the day: People who say it can't be done, should not interrupt those doing it.

    "I REFUSE TO BE DEFEATED"- by life, by food, by nay-sayers

    One is too many and a million is not enough. Describing those foods that are just best to avoid forever and ever.

    Life isn't about finding yourself, its about creating yourself.-Write your own story!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Speaking of Chinese food -
    We had a story in my 2nd graders' reading book about a kid in Chinatown (maybe SF) & many of the kids had no knowledge of the wok/veggie thing....they've been to a Chinese buffet that serves frozen yogurt, red jello & get the picture. :huh:
    So I went to a local Chinese take out run by someone whose family is Chinese & explained. He said the only thing he serves that really is Chinese is the rice & egg rolls!:noway:
    Anyway, he put together a little takeout meal with a bite of everything for each student.
    What an eye opener!:tongue:
  • sweetapplepi
    i need help getting back on the wagon!!!
    i have been sick for a few days so exercise was the last thing on my mind...
    add to that, on friday evening i met with my women's biking group (we bike between 20-40 miles every tuesday evening from april to october!) and we ate out at a big chinese buffet where we paid over $35 per person! it's hard for me to eat buffet style (way too much money/food!) but i figure i might as well enjoy it as i was paying for it! i didn't do too bad, mostly stir fried veggies with chicken and lots of fruit for dessert. (but i know how much sugar is in all those sauces...)
    then yesterday was my surprise bachelorette party!!!!
    it was awesome!!! (and we actually ended up biking about 20 miles plus walking all over brussels!) and then how can you say no to delicious picnic cosmopolitens, pita sandwhiches and creme brulee for dessert??? :love:
    i am still a little sick and i slept most of the day away, but i desperately want to get back on track.
    maybe i'll go try on my wedding dress... that should do it!

    I forgive you, although there's nothing to forgive really. EVERYONE falls off the wagon whether they'll admit it or not. This is a LIFE change so you're allowed to eat a not so great every so often. Your wedding dress will motivate you to get back on track anyways. :smile: You inspire me as well, I think you overall do a great job.
    The weather is great here, it's bright and sunny. Lovin it! :tongue:
    I can see a huge difference in my body from using the elliptical machine 3 or 4 times a day, so I'm going to get doing that with my weight training. =]
    Have a great rest of the day everyone =]
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    woot ok workout to nap lol today i had to press myself to finish i did 2hrs and 15minutes:drinker:
  • cynn
    cynn Posts: 20
    Thank you for showing me this thread myastyme all of you are sooo way ahead of me lol i hope i can join in and start kicking my own butt back into shape
    My name Cyndi and have three girls I would love to lose this weight for good and show them it can be done and how important a healthy life style is !!
    I need to take control and be responsible for my own actions when it comes to my health and weight
    I am heading to a local gym tomorrow to sign up again I just let it slip by and stopped going :ohwell: and I seriously need to log everything I eat
    I lost alot of weight once before and then when I lost a good amount of it I just stopped trying !!
    So thank you for everyone who can help me kick my butt and I hope I am just as supportive to each of you !
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello everyone! I haven't hardly been on here the last few days!! Busy busy but still at it, no worries! :bigsmile: I got in my 8.5 mile training run y'day and today was a much needed rest day. My 5yo is sick, took her to Convenient care but it is just a bad cold (102 fever, sore throat, non-stop drippy nose, cough). Poor kiddo.

    I signed up for another half marathon!!! Next month! I'm feeling so great training for the half in May that I'm going to do this one too! 2 of my running buddies are doing the full marathon and another buddy is doing the half with me. YAY!

    Hope you're all having a super weekend!

  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    OK, may I ask... what is this thread and how can I join the group?! Someone please send me a message or respond on here. I need accountability and this looks like the place to get it from!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    OK, may I ask... what is this thread and how can I join the group?! Someone please send me a message or respond on here. I need accountability and this looks like the place to get it from!


    Anyone is welcome to join. Just tell us about yourself and your goals...on the first page of the thread i have links to two of our old ones.

    However, we DO ask a few things...and it received some (ok, a lot) of criticism when I first posted it.

    So why are you here? Let us know some about yourself...

  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Thank you for showing me this thread myastyme all of you are sooo way ahead of me lol i hope i can join in and start kicking my own butt back into shape
    My name Cyndi and have three girls I would love to lose this weight for good and show them it can be done and how important a healthy life style is !!
    I need to take control and be responsible for my own actions when it comes to my health and weight
    I am heading to a local gym tomorrow to sign up again I just let it slip by and stopped going :ohwell: and I seriously need to log everything I eat
    I lost alot of weight once before and then when I lost a good amount of it I just stopped trying !!
    So thank you for everyone who can help me kick my butt and I hope I am just as supportive to each of you !

    Hello Cynn!

    Seems like you are here for the right reasons. Health, happiness, setting a good example for your family! Welcome. We have a lot of info in our old threads too so be sure to browse through those when you get a chance.
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA but it doesn't mean I haven't been working hard! My scales aren't moving very much though and it's getting frustrating as it's been a few weeks with only a minimal downward trend. I am super good on my calories and I don't eat junk as part of it. I exercise every day so I'm not sure what is going wrong :-( This week I am going to cut our carbs for my evening meals just to see if that is causing me issues. I've been really careful with the salt and it doesn't appear that that was the issue. Gah!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA but it doesn't mean I haven't been working hard! My scales aren't moving very much though and it's getting frustrating as it's been a few weeks with only a minimal downward trend. I am super good on my calories and I don't eat junk as part of it. I exercise every day so I'm not sure what is going wrong :-( This week I am going to cut our carbs for my evening meals just to see if that is causing me issues. I've been really careful with the salt and it doesn't appear that that was the issue. Gah!

    eat like a poor person at dinner really works for instance tonight i had turkey breast,grapes,pineapple and cheese.....I steer clear of pasta and bread on a day to day basis but i know when i once tried to lose weight before the carbs killed it portion sizes too maybe go for whole wheat