Seeking Community Feedback: ‘Change Starts Here’ Challenge



  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Yes, I joined the challenge.
    It was not particularly motivating - the idea of winning a gift card is nice, but it's too easy. 40 meals in 30 days is too simple to hit. Make it harder so people that are really working at it have a better chance of winning and I might be more motivated, but I logged every meal in that time regardless.
    I also think challenges should be accessible from the site. I log most of my meals on the app, but when it comes to exploring MFP and interacting with others, I do 99% of that on the site.
  • TheIncredibleMissE
    TheIncredibleMissE Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah, I joined and fully completed it. I'm curious to see who wins. It would be more motivating for me to see that people actually received the prizes. As it is, at least I get a few fun badges 😊
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    No. Didn’t see it. But looks like it is only for USA. I’m Canadian.

    Generally speaking, I don’t find these sorts of things help me.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    I joined the challenge and invited many of my MFP friends to join me. Several did. And it was fun doing it together. We all consistently log in so we all finished in record time and were left with nothing to do for the last half of the month. That was a bummer. Since we are all consistent loggers I can't say it motivated us to log more, we do that for each other. We like lotteries and prizes, it would be nice to win but with so many participants the odds are astronomical . Maybe you could give away premium memberships as prizes too and have more than just one prize for thousands of people. We all just joined the new Silk Ultra challenge today, I think there should be more overlap so you don't have to wait around for 1/2 a month for the new challenges to start. Or have multiple challenges going at the same time.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Just a couple of suggestions on the challenges in general
    1- Make them available online as well as on the app not everyone uses the app
    2- If you notice many people have finished start a new challenge I finished 2 weeks ago and now I am bored waiting for a new challenge
    3- Make the stakes higher - 20 is not a lot of meals to log in a 30 day period
    4- Have more than one challenge a month or have them simultaneously

    thank you
  • TheRealBigDeal
    TheRealBigDeal Posts: 8 Member
    I joined but unfortunately did not win. I love contacts like this because it keeps me motivated to enter my meals and stay accountable. Just wish I won too. Although, technically I won by staying solid. Would love friends to help me thru this journey. I've done pretty good solo, but some accountability Buddys would be cool.
  • AlleganyGirl
    AlleganyGirl Posts: 12 Member
    It would be nice to know who wins these challenges. Like others I find it easy because of daily logging.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's positive affirmation : It's rainy, and gloomy and will b for the next few days. S be someone's sunshine and be your own sunshine ans remember to smile.4/28.2021
  • Xtianne87
    Xtianne87 Posts: 28 Member
    English girl/ qualified dental hygienist.. can I get your opinions please...
    I truly believe that healthy lifestyle changes are not objective but should encompass all aspects of personal physical and mental care.
    would you welcome tailored support scheme formulated by you and your hygienist regarding oral health, diet advice and tailoring your specific oral hygiene routine including 1-1 Guidance as and when needed, periodontal therapy and then tooth whitening.
    If you went to your hygienist and she proposed this... how would you feel?
  • FemaleFitnessForties
    FemaleFitnessForties Posts: 10 Member
    Can you please add challenges for people in other places like the UK so we can get the full benefit of the app
  • mamareid03
    mamareid03 Posts: 7 Member
    I'll take a challenge.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 818 Member
    Can you please add challenges for people in other places like the UK so we can get the full benefit of the app

    This is so true - a challenge we actually can't join is a bit of a waste of time
  • medee35
    medee35 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Community,
    I am looking for a diet and fitness buddy who lives in the CSRA.If you are interested in creating a support system to help staying accountable while on this journey,Kindly please send me a massage or a friend request .The journey is lonely when you don't have anyone who understands your struggle or who's not on the journey Let's do this 🤗🤗 JOIN ME JOIN ME🙏🙏
  • Deedoyle9721
    Deedoyle9721 Posts: 563 Member
    Hello! I'm looking for support for a technical issue, try as I might I can't find it?
    I have a discussion "What youtube video did you do today?"

    I started it in May of 2020 but now lately I'M GETTING A BLACK SCREEN SAYING MINE (AND OTHERS) "THE VIDEO IS UNAVAILABLE" whenever I/or others post a URL of a youtube video???? I SHUT MyFitnessPal DOWN AND STARTED IT BACK UP AGAIN STILL DID NOT IMPROVE?!

    Can anyone help me with this problem or direct me to help elsewhere?

    Thank You!
  • AwesomeJanice
    AwesomeJanice Posts: 4 Member
    Don't like the mobile app, I am a typist and it takes too long to add foods to the log. I prefer the website. .I've never seen any challenges.