Arthritis- meds??



  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    I've tried topical options like CBD oil, Aspercream, etc. None of those helped me at all.
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member

    This is the Keto diet

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,473 Member
    Caveat: Keto doesn’t work for everyone, nor does everyone enjoy it. Please research and make informed decisions before embarking on any plan with stringent rules.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,297 Member
    I have arthritis in my hip and back not found anything that works so far but take glacosamine and chondroitin and turmeric also use voltavol and a hot water bottle. I also do daily stretches and try to keep moving where I can.
  • mydogisthebestdogever
    mydogisthebestdogever Posts: 703 Member
    I'm a home health aid and my clients with arthritis take a magnesium supplement and a turmeric supplement and also Cymbalta the antidepressant is said to help arthritic pain as well.
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    I had my video doctors appointment. She thinks I have osteo- arthritis as opposed to rheumatoid, but we are doing blood work and x rays of my hands and ankle today to be sure. For now she prescribed Mobic which is generic for Meloxicam- an NSAID. This drug is helping with the pain and stiffness, but I'm concerned about taking it daily. More after the lab results come back.
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    So the lab results show some osteoarthritis in my hands, but not so much in my ankles. This doesn't make sense since my ankle hurts a lot and I can barely get down the stairs in the morning. So frustrated because I can't get another video appointment with my dr to review for 2 weeks.
  • CindyNRV
    CindyNRV Posts: 4 Member
    READING with interest because suddenly I am suffering with lower back pain due to arthritis and who knows what! I have a doctor's appt week after next because i can't sit, stand, drive or sleep without constant pain! I have used CBD with little effect on pain but does help sleep. Aleve and Tylenol together help because they use two different mechanisms to relieve pain. I was walking, doing yard work, basically anything I wanted to, but now, heating pad and annoyance are my days!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,297 Member
    CindyNRV wrote: »
    READING with interest because suddenly I am suffering with lower back pain due to arthritis and who knows what! I have a doctor's appt week after next because i can't sit, stand, drive or sleep without constant pain! I have used CBD with little effect on pain but does help sleep. Aleve and Tylenol together help because they use two different mechanisms to relieve pain. I was walking, doing yard work, basically anything I wanted to, but now, heating pad and annoyance are my days!

    I have arthritis in my lower back which flares up regularly, I do daily exercises yoga type which the doctor and physio suggested they work but I do have to do them daily, if really bad i do them sitting down.
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    So the lab results show some osteoarthritis in my hands, but not so much in my ankles. This doesn't make sense since my ankle hurts a lot and I can barely get down the stairs in the morning. So frustrated because I can't get another video appointment with my dr to review for 2 weeks.

    I have both osteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis (which is inflammatory/autoimmune like rheumatoid arthritis.) I had a lot of foot/ankle pain and saw a podiatrist who prescribed custom inserts for my shoes. It helped tremendously. I'd suggest seeing a rheumatologist if the labs come back that it's inflammatory, and either way seeing a podiatrist as well. I could barely make it down my steps in the morning. (In addition to my feet/ankles, I have it in my back, knees and hips.) Good luck.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,365 Member
    OP, is gout a possibility? My dad never had the typical toe pain/swelling but did have what he thought were "flare-ups" of arthritis in his hands and one ankle. Even his physician didn't suspect gout. The episodes got longer and more painful over the years until he finally gave in to the pain and allowed himself to become quite immobile. He ended up in a rehab hospital and, while bedridden, one of his knees mysteriously swelled. When they drew off fluid they found the telltale uric acid and were able to finally diagnose gout. He hasn't had any issues at all since being properly treated.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    P.A. can try Ibuprofen instead of Aleve or a prescription NSAID although I caution against using any of them long term and daily as they can have side effects if taken long term or in high doses. If you do opt to take them I recommend taking them with food and with a daily acid blocker like Pepcid. Unfortunately, arthritis is chronic and progressive so there is no easy cure other than a joint replacement if one particular joint gets really bad. Try to eat a diet high in antioxidants.
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    Update: I went to a foot and ankle specialist I found who was highly recommended. There is no arthritis or gout- he believes I "rolled" my ankle or have had repetitive motion that is causing the pain. After discussing my daily activities he thinks it's from my doing Pilates daily, as there is a lot of foot work. Since then, I wear a brace when doing Pilates to minimize the motion, and take Tylenol. I've also started taking a supplement called Curcumin that my brother recommended for reducing inflammation. The combination of all of these has helped, but I still feel some pain and stiffness in the morning. I hope I won't have to stop doing Pilates one day because I love it.