Women 200lb+, Let's Be Marvelous This May!!!



  • kelMee2
    kelMee2 Posts: 203 Member
    @sandielewis2001 have you recalculated your calories since you began in January? Chances are that with the weight you've already lost your calories will have gone down, it may be worth resetting your goals just to see if the allocated calories change.
  • whkl1
    whkl1 Posts: 21 Member
    @kelMee2 I get what you are saying about eating your meals, then having hundreds of calories at the end of the day. I had about 500 calories to go last night at work (3rd shift ugh). They had an ice cream bar. I had some because I knew I had the calories to use up. I do feel a little guilty, but it was within my calorie limit. Leaky bathrooms are no fun, congrats on not eating emotionally.
  • Getthisoffbyxmas
    Getthisoffbyxmas Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I’m looking for an accountability buddy. Someone just to send/receive daily food journals. I did this years ago in a random Facebook group and it worked well. I log in Fitbit now but have no problem using MFP again. I’m 32, female from New England.
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 477 Member
    @kelMee2 sorry about the flood but great NSV! Way to go!

    @topathemorning good luck with your traveling!

    Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. At least we’re all still here and trying. One day at a time!
  • kelMee2
    kelMee2 Posts: 203 Member
    @girlinkaz when I find my mindset changing I remind myself of my goal and how far I've come and that usually helps me. I also have a weight loss chart and I find seeing that gives me a boost and reminds me that with every pound I lose I get closer to my goal and feeling happy and more confident in my own skin. For me getting in the right mindset to start again and lose the weight I regained was one of the hardest parts because when I was in binge mode I really didn't care, even though I hated how I looked and my weight was impacting my health it was very much a battle with myself to start again. You can do this.
  • girlinkaz
    girlinkaz Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks ladies, for taking the time to share your thoughts and encouragement.

    @goal06082021 , that’s great advice. It hadn’t occurred to me to separate weight loss and fitness in my mind but you are exactly right! I think that mindset is what I need for the next week or two (or however long until I can workout the way I want to again).

    @kelMee2 thanks!! I spent some time looking at my weight loss chart today just to remind myself how significantly the numbers have dropped (closing in on -35lbs!). Yes, I’m not where I want to be yet but that is a significant loss! I appreciate the encouragement.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 211 Member
    @trinati2001 That would be an interesting experiment. I don’t think he’d go for it without thinking I’m judging his weight, although I’ve already brought up the topic with his pop usage and such. I probably should do his numbers just to see though for myself. That was a discussion I was going to bring up tonight at dinner though so maybe a way for him to understand what I’m doing and why I get the anxiety. He certainly has seen my travel anxiety when things change, etc that throw me off.

    @girlinkaz I remind myself that weight loss is 90% about the food. You can do all the exercises but if your food isn’t at a deficit then the exercise doesn’t really matter. For me this thought is very easy to then not do exercise but it’s helped me that if I can’t get it in for whatever reason, it’s not the end of the world. It’s much more for health – heart, muscle, mood, stamina, flexibility, etc.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    I have had the fructose intolerance since I can remember, but since I started counting calories I've stayed away from a lot of the more concentrated sweets; I have a mini KitKat sometimes, sometimes some shortbread cookies, but not much else. It's really more about not feeling deprived. Well, my girlfriend had four cupcakes left from her birthday and as today is the day she's done with her semester, we had them out, and I had one. The icing made me sick enough that I suspect I will not be having icing again. I will have to lie down this afternoon and get over the headache, and that's despite taking the pill that's supposed to help with the fructose intolerance. And calorically, it really wasn't worth it. I'd rather have a homemade banana muffin; it doesn't whallop me over the head the way cake does and is tastier for about the same amount of calories, or a little less.