Anybody eat junk food fairly regularly and just work it into calorie budget?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,867 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Had onion rings yesterday from A&W as a snack.
    Last week! I did too! With a diet root-beer!
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    Yeah I eat candy, cheesecake, bbq etc etc. However it’s all in limited quantities and I track it. If it’s cals it counts. Healthy or not. Balancing it is just getting the fuel your body needs. Of course exercise is always part of the equation. I don’t do soda and only fried food is maybe 8 wings I may have in a week from Wingstop. Don’t really do a lot of eating out or fast food. Don’t do any type of sodas and only thing I gave up since 2019 is delicious Indian Food (creams, carbs, fried and sodium) to much deliciousness to really know what I’m putting in. And checking in with a Dr for annuals is a must. Full bloodwork to keep tabs on what the insides are doing.
  • anna_lowe
    anna_lowe Posts: 39 Member
    mrmota70 wrote: »
    Yeah I eat candy, cheesecake, bbq etc etc. However it’s all in limited quantities and I track it. If it’s cals it counts. Healthy or not. Balancing it is just getting the fuel your body needs. Of course exercise is always part of the equation. I don’t do soda and only fried food is maybe 8 wings I may have in a week from Wingstop. Don’t really do a lot of eating out or fast food. Don’t do any type of sodas and only thing I gave up since 2019 is delicious Indian Food (creams, carbs, fried and sodium) to much deliciousness to really know what I’m putting in. And checking in with a Dr for annuals is a must. Full bloodwork to keep tabs on what the insides are doing.

    oof wingstop, the only place that makes wings hot enough for me :smiley:
  • AvaEBerry
    AvaEBerry Posts: 161 Member
    Me. I've been restrictive in the past and that kind of lifestyle only led to binging. Now I eat a pretty balanced diet, but I will NOT give up chocolate. Add chocolate chips to my oatmeal, my waffles, my yogurt, I don't even care. I just log it into my diary like everything else.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    I don't eat fast food or drink soda because i don't care for it, haven't had for years. But i love chips, pretzels, chocolate, cake, cookies, candy bars and eat those every day. I have pizza here and there, because wife loves it and i join in. I have lost about 80 lbs, and in maintenance for 4 years. So just manage the calorie intake. Other than my junky snacks i eat a lot of veggies and fruit, overall a good balanced diet.
  • Mellouk89
    Mellouk89 Posts: 469 Member
    I don’t eat junk everyday, but every now and then I’ll head down to Taco Bell and get some beefy laxatives and work it into my calories.

    I know a lot of you are health nuts and don’t ever eat “junk”, but I’d really like to hear from other people that eat whatever they want, work it into their calories and still lose weight.

    For me anyway, the more restrictive I am the more I tend to fall off the wagon. So when I’m able to work in the foods I like, I tend to stick to it longer

    It depends on what you mean by junk food, some people might consider what I eat junk and others not. I eat dark chocolate everyday, I also eat croissant with butter, homemade milkshake with added sugar etc.. I don't if those are considered "junk".
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    I do, but I also pay a LOT more attention to how certain foods make me feel physically, not just their effect on my waistline. I don't feel well if I eat a heavy meal or too many sweets or fried foods and our family just doesn't get fast food a lot, anyway. Anymore, that's the main reason why I choose more nutrient-dense foods over ones that aren't so much.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm trying to make this process as easy on myself as possible, so yes, I budget for "junk" because I like food that tastes good. If I cut out pizza and beer and pasta and ice cream and wine and chocolate until my body is an acceptable size, what happens then? Do I pick up where I left off with all of those things? No, if I do that I'll gain it all back, and I don't particularly want to do this again, thank you. I'm learning to coexist with treats and junk, budget for them and be OK with turning them down when necessary. This is not my Last Ever Opportunity to eat a crappy grocery-store cupcake; there will be cake again next month for next month's birthdays. Just because work bought us some mediocre Italian food for lunch doesn't mean I have to eat it. If I want a cupcake that damn badly I can go buy one on my lunch break or after work. If I want to have a beer with dinner, I can plan for that and pre-log it.
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 454 Member
    I just used a leftover KFC chicken breast in my wrap so... yup. It's still chicken 🤷‍♀️
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    I guess it depends on what you consider ‘junk food’ and how you define ‘fairly regularly’. But I’d say, I’m in that category.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    For me, a life without chocolate is a life not worth living. Well, I am not really THAT dramatic about it but I do work some some single serving desserts into my plan. I don't always have one but I always have them on hand. Dessert is never off limits. Salty junk snacks don't appeal to me that much but sweets do for sure.
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    Most of the time I cook everything from scratch, get more than 5 fruit and veg a day, and include some sort of sweet snack or dessert on a daily basis. I don't restrict any type of food but generally eat a balanced diet. Now and then I'll have what I consider an "eating like crap" day but it's never like what I used to eat before I started logging food and being mindful about what I was eating. I think that's fine. The key is that it is the exception, not the rule.
  • Iwannabeapunkrockmom
    Iwannabeapunkrockmom Posts: 61 Member
    I treat myself occasionally or I'd never reach my goals.