☀️Just for July Logging and Exercise Challenge

jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
Ready for a restart? I know I am!

I’m taking July to refocus on logging everything I eat, eating more fruits and veggies, and exercising consistently.
What do you want to accomplish in July?

Set your daily or weekly goal and make a plan to stick with it. Weigh in daily or weekly. Check in daily to celebrate your successes and encourage friends. We can accomplish this together!

Everyone is welcome to join anytime.
Welcome to the team!


  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    Welcome friends!

    Today I weighed in at 211.7. I know it’s not July yet…but who says we can’t get a jump start!

    This morning I walked my dog for 15 minutes and logged my breakfast. Great start to the day. What are you up to?

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    Just logged Lunch....feeling good about logging!
    I bought lots of fruit and veggies at the grocery store yesterday, so I'm getting my ducks in a row for July!

    Happy Tuesday!

  • Teesorific
    Teesorific Posts: 7 Member
    edited June 2021
    Just what I need!!! #EarlyStart... 45mins of cardio and logging in everything I consuming. Working with resistance bands next.

    My weekly goal is to finish the next week out with at least 5 more cardio sessions and tracking all food.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    Teesorific wrote: »
    Just what I need!!! #EarlyStart... 45mins of cardio and logging in everything I consuming. Working with resistance bands next.

    My weekly goal is to finish the next week out with at least 5 more cardio sessions and tracking all food.

    Welcome Teesorific!

    We’re going to have a terrific July!

  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    edited June 2021
    Just rediscovering the forums today and feel weird joining a June challenge, like the idea of an early start :) Got a kick in the pants needed to be good again after drs appointment/Labs. Have high bp/Triglycerides/fatty liver disease and want to be start eating healthy again.
    Am 230lb today, have lost 10 pounds in last month mainly by actually cooking real food instead of having fast food/freezer stuff, having more fruits and veggies and a bit of exercising. Ideally would like to lose a pound a week but main focus right now is just getting used to healthier habits, figuring out low sodium options and exercising more. I have been playing ring fit adventure on the switch a few days a week and with my fitness level have been getting a good work out from that. I love walking outside but been to hot to do that, and am not getting up earlier before work to walk when is cool out so ring fit makes a nice alternative.

    Goal for this week is trying out a new recipe, Salads for lunch and exercising every day rest of the week(mon/tues are normally my non-exercise days due to longer days at work)

    With that long intro, hope you guys have a great week!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,184 Member
    Hi all, happy to join in for some additional accountability. I have been tracking diligently since January and am down 53 pounds... set an original goal of 125 pounds so just marching my way along.

    Husband and I bought bikes this week and have added that in as a new form of exercise.

    Looking forward to a productive July!
  • Teesorific
    Teesorific Posts: 7 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Teesorific wrote: »
    Just what I need!!! #EarlyStart... 45mins of cardio and logging in everything I consuming. Working with resistance bands next.

    My weekly goal is to finish the next week out with at least 5 more cardio sessions and tracking all food.

    Welcome Teesorific!

    We’re going to have a terrific July!


    Thanks Jill. 😊
  • Teesorific
    Teesorific Posts: 7 Member
    This mornings cardio is done! I'll do some toning/strength exercises during the day.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    KakoHikes wrote: »
    Just rediscovering the forums today and feel weird joining a June challenge, like the idea of an early start :) Got a kick in the pants needed to be good again after drs appointment/Labs. Have high bp/Triglycerides/fatty liver disease and want to be start eating healthy again.
    Am 230lb today, have lost 10 pounds in last month mainly by actually cooking real food instead of having fast food/freezer stuff, having more fruits and veggies and a bit of exercising. Ideally would like to lose a pound a week but main focus right now is just getting used to healthier habits, figuring out low sodium options and exercising more. I have been playing ring fit adventure on the switch a few days a week and with my fitness level have been getting a good work out from that. I love walking outside but been to hot to do that, and am not getting up earlier before work to walk when is cool out so ring fit makes a nice alternative.

    Goal for this week is trying out a new recipe, Salads for lunch and exercising every day rest of the week(mon/tues are normally my non-exercise days due to longer days at work)

    With that long intro, hope you guys have a great week!

    Welcome KakoHikes,

    Congratulations on your recent 20 pound loss! You’re ready for this challenge. It’s good to have both inside exercise and outside choices to mix things up.

    Glad you’re on the team!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hi all, happy to join in for some additional accountability. I have been tracking diligently since January and am down 53 pounds... set an original goal of 125 pounds so just marching my way along.

    Husband and I bought bikes this week and have added that in as a new form of exercise.

    Looking forward to a productive July!

    Welcome Ashleycarole86!

    You have already had an amazing journey so far, and we’re so glad you’re here to inspire us with your 53 pound loss. Have fun on your new bike… I have to get my flat fixed.

    Glad you’re here!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    Teesorific wrote: »
    This mornings cardio is done! I'll do some toning/strength exercises during the day.

    I like to work out in the morning, too, when everyone is still asleep. It sets you up for success!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    Today is a huge day for my daughter. She passed her drivers test… on the first try! I’m so proud of her… she even rocked the parallel parking part….

    It took me 3 times to pass it back in the ‘80’s.
    I was such a nervous driver then. 😰
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    I logged everything yesterday and went over… but I’m logging everything and refocusing…getting ready for July.

    Today is a “reclaim the house day” from laundry, dishes, groceries, clutter, and general mayhem— mostly the kids rooms.

    I shall dance as I tornado tidy and clean the house… unfortunately I can’t sing, since my husband and son are working from home.

  • handejune
    handejune Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning! I just joined MyFitnessPal and I am looking for inspiration to get my life back - starting with my health and fitness. I think doing this July challenge will help motivate me.
  • Zoomie402
    Zoomie402 Posts: 260 Member
    I could totally use motivation to log daily. I'm pretty good about checking in, but I will be on vacation until the 5th. I do plan on allowing myself to enjoy my vacation, so my food logging will start when I get back home.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    handejune wrote: »
    Good morning! I just joined MyFitnessPal and I am looking for inspiration to get my life back - starting with my health and fitness. I think doing this July challenge will help motivate me.

    Welcome handejune!

    You’re joining the right group! Pop in and post whatever and whenever you’d like.

    Glad you’re on the July Journey with us!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    Zoomie402 wrote: »
    I could totally use motivation to log daily. I'm pretty good about checking in, but I will be on vacation until the 5th. I do plan on allowing myself to enjoy my vacation, so my food logging will start when I get back home.

    Enjoy your vacation, Zoomie402!
    Join us when you get home. 🌼
  • tarunnurat
    tarunnurat Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys. I managed to log for the last couple of days, and have stuck to my calorie goals on all of them. Currently trying to lose weight. I got a bit frustrated with the weighing scale never moving, so I had my partner take some measurements of my neck, chest, belly, etc., and plan to check those again in a few days to see how I'm doing.

    On the exercise front three's basically nothing I can do right now, since I'm recovering from a surgery and am quasi-bedridden and find it a bit too painful to do much walking. But things are improving everyday, and I hope to be able to go for a short walk tomorrow. Hoping to just stay consistent with logging and calorie goals for now!
  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    Nice, am glad she past her test. Thankfully I wasn’t tested on parallel parking or I would have failed.

    I was over calories yesterday during to going to Costco and getting a slice of their pizza. Haven’t had pizza for a month and have been good otherwise… it was worth it.

    Did some cooking this afternoon for my lunch/dinner/snacks next few days. Kitchen doesn’t have ac and I’d be too hot and whiny to do in the evening. Made turkey meatloaf, roasted onions, cooked a spaghetti squash, put together my salads and tried a simple recipe for low sodium spaghetti sauce. Only 50mg sodium per serving vs 300-500mg in store bought sauces and tasted pretty good, am looking forward to experimenting with different ingredients in it.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,788 Member
    tarunnurat wrote: »
    Hi guys. I managed to log for the last couple of days, and have stuck to my calorie goals on all of them. Currently trying to lose weight. I got a bit frustrated with the weighing scale never moving, so I had my partner take some measurements of my neck, chest, belly, etc., and plan to check those again in a few days to see how I'm doing.

    On the exercise front three's basically nothing I can do right now, since I'm recovering from a surgery and am quasi-bedridden and find it a bit too painful to do much walking. But things are improving everyday, and I hope to be able to go for a short walk tomorrow. Hoping to just stay consistent with logging and calorie goals for now!
    tarunnurat wrote: »
    Hi guys. I managed to log for the last couple of days, and have stuck to my calorie goals on all of them. Currently trying to lose weight. I got a bit frustrated with the weighing scale never moving, so I had my partner take some measurements of my neck, chest, belly, etc., and plan to check those again in a few days to see how I'm doing.

    On the exercise front three's basically nothing I can do right now, since I'm recovering from a surgery and am quasi-bedridden and find it a bit too painful to do much walking. But things are improving everyday, and I hope to be able to go for a short walk tomorrow. Hoping to just stay consistent with logging and calorie goals for now!

    Welcome Tarunnurat!

    Logging and staying in your calorie range is perfect… exercise will come after recovery!
