☀️Just for July Logging and Exercise Challenge



  • Kelli_Ann0313
    Kelli_Ann0313 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning!! I recently did my “mid-year” check in and realized I’m nowhere near my goals so this group spoke to me! As I get older (44), it becomes harder to lose and easier to gain. I’m hoping this challenge will keep me accountable and start moving me in the direction of my goals. Thank you!
  • Byrdsgran
    Byrdsgran Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning
    I’m hoping this challenge will spur me on. I’m a 67 yr old diabetic trying to get my BG normal. I did fairly well the past 6 months with a loss of 35 pounds, and “was” in Onederland for a couple days for the first time in over 20 years!! Now I’m really struggling to stay on plan food wise. I do walk my one dog about a mile pretty much every day, and combined with my walking at work I average 5+ miles a day . BUT the minute I get home, my will power goes to heck in a hand basket🙁. It’s almost like I’m deliberately self sabatouging (sp) my efforts🙁
    With you all’s help, I can overcome this by having accountability
  • krose4514
    krose4514 Posts: 72 Member
    I’d love to join! The past 6 months have been really rough so I need a push to get back into healthier routines. My goals are to log my food and do some form of exercise at least 3 days a week. Also love the sentiment of this group to not wait until July 1, but start today!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    KakoHikes wrote: »
    Nice, am glad she past her test. Thankfully I wasn’t tested on parallel parking or I would have failed.

    I was over calories yesterday during to going to Costco and getting a slice of their pizza. Haven’t had pizza for a month and have been good otherwise… it was worth it.

    Did some cooking this afternoon for my lunch/dinner/snacks next few days. Kitchen doesn’t have ac and I’d be too hot and whiny to do in the evening. Made turkey meatloaf, roasted onions, cooked a spaghetti squash, put together my salads and tried a simple recipe for low sodium spaghetti sauce. Only 50mg sodium per serving vs 300-500mg in store bought sauces and tasted pretty good, am looking forward to experimenting with different ingredients in it.

    I love your cat! 🐱

    I’ve gone over my calorie goals too, but that’s why we start in June…so we can get back on track by the time July starts.

    I love your meal prepping. I’m going to prep my veggies today so it’s easier to throw together lunch on my way out to work tomorrow. Today I’m cooking down some sloppy joes for the weekend… plus it gets me out of cooking after work. I’ll also grill some chicken on my Ninja Foodie grill… it makes amazing chicken… so I’ll have it for salads.

    Prep is key!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    Good morning!! I recently did my “mid-year” check in and realized I’m nowhere near my goals so this group spoke to me! As I get older (44), it becomes harder to lose and easier to gain. I’m hoping this challenge will keep me accountable and start moving me in the direction of my goals. Thank you!

    Welcome to the team Kelly_ann0313!

    I agree with you. I turned 51 in February. It takes persistence and patience. We’ll make it fun!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    Byrdsgran wrote: »
    Good Morning
    I’m hoping this challenge will spur me on. I’m a 67 yr old diabetic trying to get my BG normal. I did fairly well the past 6 months with a loss of 35 pounds, and “was” in Onederland for a couple days for the first time in over 20 years!! Now I’m really struggling to stay on plan food wise. I do walk my one dog about a mile pretty much every day, and combined with my walking at work I average 5+ miles a day . BUT the minute I get home, my will power goes to heck in a hand basket🙁. It’s almost like I’m deliberately self sabatouging (sp) my efforts🙁
    With you all’s help, I can overcome this by having accountability

    Welcome Byrdsgran!

    Congratulations on making it to Onderland! That’s a great accomplishment that I’m working toward… I’m at 211 as of this morning.

    I too am good at self-sabotage…. Art we all to some degree? I am a constant snacker. Chips are my vise.

    As long as I’m consistently tracking, I can have some chips, but not ALL of the chips.

    Welcome to the team!!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    krose4514 wrote: »
    I’d love to join! The past 6 months have been really rough so I need a push to get back into healthier routines. My goals are to log my food and do some form of exercise at least 3 days a week. Also love the sentiment of this group to not wait until July 1, but start today!

    Welcome Krose4514!

    Love your goals! We’re going to have fun and get more fit, active, healthy, and feel good about ourselves.

    Glad you’re here!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    I am a sweaty mess! I just finished mowing the grass… one of my favorite cardio workouts… I’m at 7800 steps so far. Now to tackle cleaning bathrooms!

    Jill 🏠
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    I'd love to join, I'm starting fresh as I've realized I've packed on a few too many pounds over the past year. Hoping this will help push me through the summer! :)
  • krose4514
    krose4514 Posts: 72 Member
    Day 1: tracked my food and stayed under my calorie goal. Didn’t get a proper exercise in, but dug out my old Fitbit and got a few extra steps in this evening. But it’s a start!

    Hope you all had a great day.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    I'd love to join, I'm starting fresh as I've realized I've packed on a few too many pounds over the past year. Hoping this will help push me through the summer! :)

    Welcome randilynn113!

    We’ve got this. Glad you’re on the team!

    Jill 👍
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    krose4514 wrote: »
    Day 1: tracked my food and stayed under my calorie goal. Didn’t get a proper exercise in, but dug out my old Fitbit and got a few extra steps in this evening. But it’s a start!

    Hope you all had a great day.

    Great progress, Krose!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    Mini milestone this morning…
    I’m under 210 today… 209.8 to be exact.
    Feeling great. 🏅
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Mini milestone this morning…
    I’m under 210 today… 209.8 to be exact.
    Feeling great. 🏅

    I love this feeling of hitting a new decade... congrats!
  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Mini milestone this morning…
    I’m under 210 today… 209.8 to be exact.
    Feeling great. 🏅

    Congrats! Keep up the hard work! I’m now under 230 for the first time in three years, 229.3 today. I like Ashley’s comment of viewing it as another decade :smiley: I’m getting younger!

    I like using the walking lawnmower, it is getting a chore done and exercise.
    I’ve logged everything, been under my calorie goal last couple days and spent at least 30 minutes exercising. Trying to extend that time a bit, stamina is slowly getting there. Some moves feel a bit easier, and am not as sore afterwards. Squats and I are still not friends though.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    We are walking back the years! Thanks ashleycarole86 for the fun analogy. :)
    Way to go KakoHikes for your mini milestone. Together we can achieve anything!

    Happy Friday friends!

    Jill :smiley:
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    Happy Saturday friends,

    I'm working today, but thought I'd say hello!
    I have been logging for 4 days in a row! The exercising consistently and working on healthier foods is a work in progress. I'm looking for progress and not perfection. I need to cut myself some slack sometimes.

    From looking at my logging, it reiterates the fact that I am a mad snacker... If I keep the snacking in better control, then I can lose weight.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Jill :)
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    Things are going well here.. it's very hot this week so we are trying to stay active and then cool off. Just played a fun game of catch.. I love getting y exercise by playing sports.
    I've had to make some tough choices about food the last days but my goals are clear and I'm choosing sticking to them over making easy oversights.
    Agree that progress and not perfection will lead us all to long term success!
    Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy weekend :)
  • HappySunflower68
    HappySunflower68 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m in. Ready to take on July!!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,810 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    Things are going well here.. it's very hot this week so we are trying to stay active and then cool off. Just played a fun game of catch.. I love getting y exercise by playing sports.
    I've had to make some tough choices about food the last days but my goals are clear and I'm choosing sticking to them over making easy oversights.
    Agree that progress and not perfection will lead us all to long term success!
    Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy weekend :)

    Well said!