Introducing myself

hi I’m Adam! I’m 28 years old and live in New Mexico. A little about me, I like to cook, work on cars and play video games. My journey started 4 years ago I started to eat healthier and eat less, I started at 305lbs and in a course of 8 months lost 142lbs bringing me to 168lbs body weight, I thought I was done but that was just the beginning, over the next year I would develop a horrible anxiety and panic disorder and ultimately, agoraphobia. The doctors switched my medication and the cravings mixed with the stress and weight gain of the medications caused me to gain everything back and more over the course of two years, my end weight was 308lbs. In January I started to diet again, only finding myself failing at almost every corner. I am currently 295lbs so I’ve at least made some progress, and I’m not giving up! Any tips and recipes would be greatly appreciated!
