Positive Affirmations - For Weight Loss and getting to Your Weight Loss Goals



  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,407 Member
    edited July 2021
    Among quotes , a wish and what we should be for all our friends - a bridge over troubled water , a bridge when they need this

    Song of today Katie Melua version

    Bridge over troubled water - dedicated to my friends here who are
    always my bridge when needed and I wish also to be the same 🌷🌷

  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,407 Member
    Wow Patricia, I am so glad that you are back, you cannot imagine, I was so worried this time , but still hoping!
    I have even tears in my eyes <3
    Yes , all the time I was saying, I have to continue for you and for myself and for what I believe and for all the others!

    These are for u
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    I heard a great one last night. I was at a really challenging bootcamp and some people were starting to rebel because it all felt like too much hard work on a really hot humid night.

    The instructor said, 'Remember why you're here.'

    It helped me focus on working out properly instead of rebelling - what's the point of turning up at bootcamp and then not giving 100%? But this morning I thought it's a good mantra for life generally. What are we here for? Not to sit on a chair and eat pies until we die! We all have goals, aims, people we love, things we want to do, and being super fit and healthy helps with them all.

    Another one a friend told me when I was whining to him that I work out so much but can't shift those last 20 pounds because I don't believe in dieting. He said, 'Cherys, you can't outrun your mouth!' We need a healthy attitude to eating as well as to exercise.

    So those are my two current mantras:

    Remember why you're here
    You can't outrun your mouth
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you're not willing to stay where you are!

    That's a great one. I also love Gain confidence not weight. That has been so true of my weight loss journey so far. Stalled a bit recently but back on track and that is going into my list: Gain confidence and happiness not weight.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am back and the post I am posting today is about Friends - and it is not off topic. No one reaches their goal with support and friends. The journey is made easier with support and having positive affirmations around friends and friendship is important. So I have come up with 5 that I feel are good ones to start with. I hope you find them useful in your journey to your goal. I did on mine. I am in the maintenance phase right now actually I am 5 pounds under. I started my journey in 2018 at 227 pounds and I now weight 122 pounds. But I have had and still rely on all my MFP friends everyday.
    1.) Everyone I meet accepts me for the fantastic person that I am.
    2.) I am a faithful, steadfast friend.
    3.) I have enough time in my busy schedule for a social life.
    4.) I love all my friends even those who disagree with me.
    5.) My friends are exactly who I need in my life.

    And thank you all for keeping this going in my little hiatus.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    Wow Patricia, I am so glad that you are back, you cannot imagine, I was so worried this time , but still hoping!
    I have even tears in my eyes <3
    Yes , all the time I was saying, I have to continue for you and for myself and for what I believe and for all the others!

    These are for u
    pessxx wrote: »
    Wow Patricia, I am so glad that you are back, you cannot imagine, I was so worried this time , but still hoping!
    I have even tears in my eyes <3
    Yes , all the time I was saying, I have to continue for you and for myself and for what I believe and for all the others!

    These are for u

    Thank you so much - I did not mean to worry you. And your beautiful flowers bouquet brought tears of joy to my eyes . And you don't know how much it means to me that you have continued. it's been so long I have forgotten how to answer back I hope I did this right. I remember the @ using your name does something and I think the quote does too. We will see. God Bless you. I did post a affirmation today. I hope you like it. I am still trying to figure out how to post videos and pretty picture quotes like you but all in time. take care my friend see/talk to you tomorrow.

  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    cherys wrote: »
    I heard a great one last night. I was at a really challenging bootcamp and some people were starting to rebel because it all felt like too much hard work on a really hot humid night.

    The instructor said, 'Remember why you're here.'

    It helped me focus on working out properly instead of rebelling - what's the point of turning up at bootcamp and then not giving 100%? But this morning I thought it's a good mantra for life generally. What are we here for? Not to sit on a chair and eat pies until we die! We all have goals, aims, people we love, things we want to do, and being super fit and healthy helps with them all.

    Another one a friend told me when I was whining to him that I work out so much but can't shift those last 20 pounds because I don't believe in dieting. He said, 'Cherys, you can't outrun your mouth!' We need a healthy attitude to eating as well as to exercise.

    So those are my two current mantras:

    Remember why you're here
    You can't outrun your mouth

    Cherys - this is awesome I am going to use this one, it will become my new mantra.
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,407 Member
    Good morning and have a special weekend ahead !! <3<3

    For me it goes well - I am a faithful, steadfast friend
    For what I feel for the others - I succeeded yesterday when I was feeling bad and upset with my stomach - I was feeling this one --- My friends are exactly who I need in my life - cause everybody had a kind word

    Here is my post today:

    Small baby steps today , I think I know what it was but I have to figure how to avoid it , a mix of hot 37 degrees outside , cold water at home and job, Air conditioner at maximum - 10 degrees in the office - well some people u know do not have limits, then out again to outside world of hot beach lol and so on. Some shocks and there I was, felling blue and in misery, my bones were crying we need to be dust lol and the stomach did crr crr singing sad songs
    Well I feel better, I went outside with Dixi my dog, is only 22 degrees now and for the menu today easy baby and be precautious, wish you all a super weekend! Thanks again for being my bridge over a troubled stomach and bones this time lol 🤗🤗🌺🤗🤗🌺

    So my quote of today is --
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    Good morning and have a special weekend ahead !! <3<3

    For me it goes well - I am a faithful, steadfast friend
    For what I feel for the others - I succeeded yesterday when I was feeling bad and upset with my stomach - I was feeling this one --- My friends are exactly who I need in my life - cause everybody had a kind word

    Here is my post today:

    Small baby steps today , I think I know what it was but I have to figure how to avoid it , a mix of hot 37 degrees outside , cold water at home and job, Air conditioner at maximum - 10 degrees in the office - well some people u know do not have limits, then out again to outside world of hot beach lol and so on. Some shocks and there I was, felling blue and in misery, my bones were crying we need to be dust lol and the stomach did crr crr singing sad songs
    Well I feel better, I went outside with Dixi my dog, is only 22 degrees now and for the menu today easy baby and be precautious, wish you all a super weekend! Thanks again for being my bridge over a troubled stomach and bones this time lol 🤗🤗🌺🤗🤗🌺

    So my quote of today is --

    I am glad you are feeling better and I will keep you in my prayers. You are talking Celsius not Fahrenheit. anyway, it sounds very cold. where as we are in the middle of a heatwave I am wishing for some cooler temperatures. my stomach has been bothering me too. It makes me sad that you are crying. Hopefully, this will pass sound and all will be better. Try and have a good weekend.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    I couldn't decide on one Positive Affirmation for today so I have a theme of several that go together. So here they are.
    1. I grow more confident and stronger each day.
    2. I am the architect of my life. I design its structure.
    3. I build my life’s foundation and choose its contents.
    4. I love myself and feel great about myself.
    5. I accept myself unconditionally.

    I decided to say them to myself as I looked in the mirror-like a mantra to boost my happiness quotient for the day. Give it a try. Have a wonderful weekend until we meet again my wonderful friends at MFP. We are all on this journey together and we will succeed. 💪👌👌👌
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,407 Member
    Morning again <3
    Patricia is very hot here also , 37 degrees Celsius, but at the job the colleagues set the air conditioner to 10 Celsius, so due to the thermic shock all the time ,is not fine, I will try to stay just in my office and with the door closed which I do not like and I cannot always , cause I do not know how to avoid this. Also same when you drink very cold water during this heat, this I can take care

    Today walking at shopping and in the park with family waiting for a tough week at job
    This is my quote of today, about acceptance, have a great Sunday!


  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Good Morning Monica, yes I always think about the acceptance when I get frustrated when I am in situations where I get so stressed out and want to turn to food. Instead, I go gardening. I have a mantra to accept the things I can't change and give the rest to God. Gardening gives me the peace food used to. This is for you.
    Have a wonderful day and May God Bless you because you are an awesome person. I am so glad we met and you are a part of my life even though we are continents apart and only virtual friends. Take care, my friend.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Good Morning Everyone - losing weight is challenging and it's not easy. I know I have been at it all my life, but you have to go at it with all your energy and heart and soul. And face the challenge every day with all you have. Today's affirmation -

    "I see problems as interesting challenges. I radiate confidence. I thrive on challenges that bring out the best in me."

    till we meet again tomorrow. thanks for coming to this thread, and good luck on your journey. 😍😍
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,407 Member
    Good morning and thanks for the lovely words <3<3

    My quote of today is the one below, we are asking sometimes too much of ourselves

  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's Positive Affirmation :smile:
    " I have confidence in my abilities and skills., I make sound decisions., I am bold and courageous."
  • janswic
    janswic Posts: 2 Member
    Every Day in Every Way I Am Getting Better and Better
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,407 Member
    Morning!! Wishing you a great day <3<3

  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    pessxx wrote: »
    Morning!! Wishing you a great day <3<3


    Monica - This is AWESOME - loving it.
  • mpkpbk2015
    mpkpbk2015 Posts: 766 Member
    Today's Positive Affirmations are : .😀😀😀

    "I have confidence in my abilities and skills. I make sound decisions. I am bold and courageous. I face difficulty with courage."

    Have a great day, go forth and make your dreams come true.