September Cycling Challenge - 150 + Miles, 1 month



  • I was feelin' pretty good about my 129 until I saw carbonboy's 374 lol

    makes ya sick, doesn't it! :)

    i lil. :)

    I'm just lucky to have the perfect commute to work and a schedule that lets me do it.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    [1st] = 6miles - work commute
    [2nd] = 9miles - work commute plus cycle around town at lunchtime
    [3rd] = 0 - ill
    [4th] = 0 - ill
    [5th] = 0 - ill
    [6th] = 0 - ill
    [7th] = 6miles - work commute
    [8th] = 6miles - work commute
    [9th] = 9miles - work commute plus cycle around town at lunchtime
    [10th] = 22miles - cycle to nearby Abingdon for a baby shower/picnic. Cycle to pub in evening
    [11th] = 25miles - Cycletta South race
    [12th] = 0 - rest day

    =Total so far = 83miles
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    9/8 18.53
    9/10 37.73

    Since my goal for the month is only 100, I am over halfway there. Even then, I am not sure my time constraints will allow me to meet my goal but I am giving it a go!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 42.2

    week 2:143.4

    total september: 185.6
  • week 1 42.2

    week 2:143.4

    total september: 185.6

    woah, you killed it last week! good job!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Wow - so many of you are really racking up the miles! Woo hoo!

    I'm a total rookie and didn't even think I'd make 150 this month... but it's getting easier and I'm starting to think it's maybe... maybe... possible. :)

    9/2/2011 Taylor Rd. Loop 5.1
    9/4/2011 Stationary @ Gym 10.8
    9/7/2011 Stationary @ Gym 14.2
    9/8/2011 Stationary @ Gym 6.1
    9/10/2011 Grocery store trip 5.9
    9/11/2011 Havens Corners Loop 7.8
    9/12/2011 Taylor Rd. Loop 5.1

    Total's in my ticker!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    5 miles to the post office and back. I am now at 107.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Wow - so many of you are really racking up the miles! Woo hoo!

    I'm a total rookie and didn't even think I'd make 150 this month... but it's getting easier and I'm starting to think it's maybe... maybe... possible. :)

    I find that it it easier when I can run errands on my bike like a trip to the post office or the grocery store. Ithelps me get out on days that I might not otherwise exercise.
  • RickinNH
    RickinNH Posts: 73 Member
    Count me in!

  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    I'm almost at 150 now so count me in for 312.5 (500km)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 42.2

    week 2:143.4

    week 3: 25.8//

  • mowrites
    mowrites Posts: 24 Member
    This is a bit late to join up but my brother in law is bringing his old bike to my in laws house today so I can go get and use it for this challenge. I discovered shortly after finding the challenge that i didn't have my old bike. It was so busted up that at one cleansing event we pitched it lol

    so in order to catch up im estimating i need to do 10 miles a day lol hi ho here we go!

    I'll let u know if i can even take 3 miles!
  • This is a bit late to join up but my brother in law is bringing his old bike to my in laws house today so I can go get and use it for this challenge. I discovered shortly after finding the challenge that i didn't have my old bike. It was so busted up that at one cleansing event we pitched it lol

    so in order to catch up im estimating i need to do 10 miles a day lol hi ho here we go!

    I'll let u know if i can even take 3 miles!

    It doesn't really matter what your mileage goal is. Just pick a number you think you can reasonably achieve and then do your best. It's never too late to start. Good luck!!
  • another 20 for me tonight. 133.4 so far this month.
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    In my group ride tonight I pulled a paceline for .5 miles at 23 mph. And then of course got dropped off the back of the line! But hey, I felt pretty hardcore for about 2 minutes there.
  • mowrites
    mowrites Posts: 24 Member
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member

    Woohoo! Bring it!!! :)
  • In my group ride tonight I pulled a paceline for .5 miles at 23 mph. And then of course got dropped off the back of the line! But hey, I felt pretty hardcore for about 2 minutes there.

    Half mile is a long pull. Pull off sooner and you'll have enough left to tuck back in at the back of the pack. But I know it can be fun to sit at the front for a while.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 21 miles tonight; 173 for September now.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    12.3km today, that's a total of 205.3km this month so far. Just another 295 to go...