Half Marathon training support group?



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yup, I'm slow too.... my slower runs are around 8km/min (I think that's about 13mile/min) but I'm working on getting faster for my shorter runs and I'm managing around 7 km/min now (can't remember how that converts to miles!).
    I would really like to be faster, but I'm aware that I'm risking injury if I push it too hard, so I'm working on finding a balance between speed and endurance.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Just thought I would say hello as I am training for my first half marathon on the 30th October. Its been going really well up until a few weeks ago when I twisted my ankle getting off the bus (of all things!) this seems to have impacted my foot in some way and it still hasn't come completely right.
    I iced it, rested it, etc but whenever I return to running it seems to start hurting under my foot. I went for an 8km run today and about 3km in it started to hurt again (last time about a week ago this happened after just 500 metres) so not wanting to make things worse I stopped and walked but that was hurting a bit too. Then I tried running on the balls/front of my feet and that felt much better, so much so that I actually completed the run. I had been wondering about heal striking for some time now but figured that I might reassess my running style after the half, now however I think I might change straight away. It feels a bit strange but I think I'll get used to it, and I like the idea that less jarring occurs. My last concern now is my running shoes. I have a pair of "traditional" shoes they have average support and are relatively inflexible in the base. I have the impression that if I am going to change from heal striking that I may need to change shoes. Thoughts? advice?
  • runrogrun
    runrogrun Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all,
    Well i did my first half marathon in 6 months on Saunday, I have another three over the next three months, so this was my trial run. My training had gone well but I had only been up to 10-11 miles.
    On Sunday I went round in 2 hours and 50 seonds which is a PB by over 5 minutes!! (My PB was 2 years old). The route had a few hills and was quite congested near the start, and it was very windy so I was chuffed :smile:

    So my next target is to go uner 2 hours! One half next month I know will be slow as I am doing it with a friend who has never run that far but I am hopeful that one of the other two may just do it!
  • Wow did this post just explode. Well i ran 8 and a half last week on wedensday and then did some speed work over 5 miles on friday. I havnt ran since then due to nursing a hurt hammy. Was able to bike 11 miles yesterday and its feeling better this morning then it has all week so i'm thinking i might try a easy run tomorrow to get back into things. Looking for a half marathon in sprring to do but having trouble finding one in michigan. Any suggestions?
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Jon ~ Check this site out: http://www.halfmarathons.net/race_calendar_michigan.html It doesn't have the 2012 dates listed yet, but you can get an idea of what happens in the spring in MI by looking at past races!

    Runrogrun ~ Sorry your run wasn't as good as you hoped! You will get that goal over the next 3 races!! Good luck!

    Electriq ~ I don't think you need a 'special' shoe in order to run on the balls of your feet. I have always run that way and where regular running shoes :) I am planning on making the switch over to Merrill gloves or Vibrams after the marathon (and over the winter when I'm not running as much) The important thing is to work yourself up to it, only do the new style for a mile, and slowly add until it comes naturally to you!

    The girls and I had our iron-on shirt party last night, and everyone's shirts look so awesome! I love it :) Hopefully we can get a good picture of all us together (8 total)

    Happy running!
  • Hi,
    Just thought I would say hello as I am training for my first half marathon on the 30th October. Its been going really well up until a few weeks ago when I twisted my ankle getting off the bus (of all things!) this seems to have impacted my foot in some way and it still hasn't come completely right.
    I iced it, rested it, etc but whenever I return to running it seems to start hurting under my foot. I went for an 8km run today and about 3km in it started to hurt again (last time about a week ago this happened after just 500 metres) so not wanting to make things worse I stopped and walked but that was hurting a bit too. Then I tried running on the balls/front of my feet and that felt much better, so much so that I actually completed the run. I had been wondering about heal striking for some time now but figured that I might reassess my running style after the half, now however I think I might change straight away. It feels a bit strange but I think I'll get used to it, and I like the idea that less jarring occurs. My last concern now is my running shoes. I have a pair of "traditional" shoes they have average support and are relatively inflexible in the base. I have the impression that if I am going to change from heal striking that I may need to change shoes. Thoughts? advice?

    I am not sure if you need to change your shoes, BUT I do know that great running shoes make all the difference! You said you had traditional ones, not sure if they are just running sneakers. I had bought running nike sneakers from lady foot locker and was wondering why my feet would be COVERED in blisters by the end of a 5 mile run!
    Then I went to the Running Company and they had me run around the store, and they checked out my foot and I got an awesome pair of Brooks running shoes. They are 395820385 times lighter, and no more blisters!

    If you haven't been to a place where they assess your running to find you a shoe match, I recommend you go! It's totally worth it and it might help with your new running style, and you can always ask them about it too.
  • So woke up this morning, my tire was flat right in my driveway. I have a run planned, but I also need to drop off my car, and I have no idea how long that will take. SO, I looked up a route by the tire place for 5 miles, and I plan on running while my car is in the shop! I am pretty proud of this multi-tasking!

    anybody listen to Pandora while they run? Any good recommendations for stations?
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    I ran with a friend last night. It was hard. The friends I usually run with are at a 9:45-10:30 pace. On my short, easy runs I am usually around 10-10:20 pace. We ran slow last night and I knew it. It was tough for me. I didn't take my Garmin but my friend had us at around 11 mm. I hate to admit but I barely was sweating and felt like I had wasted my time a little. I'm glad for calories burned and a running buddy though.

    Tonight is a tempo run..5 miles with only 2 at tempo pace.

    I can't believe how quickly my half marathon has gotten here! It's just over 2 weeks away.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Anyone else run about a 10 or 11 minute mile for long runs? I'm very consistent with my pace, but I'm not very fast and I'm beginning to worry that I'll be the slowest one by far during my race. Being my first half, I wanted to concentrate on just completing the miles and then focus more on speed for the next one.

    On long runs I run at a 10 minute per mile pace. You are not going to be the slowest by far at that pace, don't worry about that. Just get out there and enjoy the run and enjoy the fun of the race!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    So woke up this morning, my tire was flat right in my driveway. I have a run planned, but I also need to drop off my car, and I have no idea how long that will take. SO, I looked up a route by the tire place for 5 miles, and I plan on running while my car is in the shop! I am pretty proud of this multi-tasking!

    anybody listen to Pandora while they run? Any good recommendations for stations?

    Way to multi-task and still get the run in! Waking up to a flat tire could have quickly ruined your day but you've made the best of it! I listen to Pandora some, but have switched to Jango (another free music app) more frequently now...I have found the playlist on Jango to be more intuitive at times and its commercial free. The top 100 is actually pretty good if looking for a variety of newer songs on Jango. When I need to "just lose it" on my runs I listen to Eminem station on Pandora.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    anybody listen to Pandora while they run? Any good recommendations for stations?

    Eminem is awesome for me for running. His beats are exactly my pace. I will also admit to 80s hair bands as a fave pandora station...
  • 27strange...Thanks for the encouragement!!

    Kimert...I can totally understand feeling frustrated when you don't get the workout in that you wanted, but at least you got the miles in. And that's awesome that you were able to encourage a friend!

    kated930...Way to multi-task! You should be proud of yourself :)
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    When I need to "just lose it" on my runs I listen to Eminem station on Pandora.

    Dude, I LOVE Eminem for running.

    Rap and hard rock are definitely genres that are not in my driving/jamming out preferences, but boy are they good for running!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I did my hilly, muddy 10K cross country on Sunday. I told myself if I did it in under 1:20 I'd be OK to do the half, which has a cut-off time for the first 6 miles of 1:30 which is when they re-open the roads. They actively discourage walkers.

    So I managed to conjure up an uphill sprint finish from somewhere and finished in... 1:19:58!!!
  • I did my hilly, muddy 10K cross country on Sunday. I told myself if I did it in under 1:20 I'd be OK to do the half, which has a cut-off time for the first 6 miles of 1:30 which is when they re-open the roads. They actively discourage walkers.

    So I managed to conjure up an uphill sprint finish from somewhere and finished in... 1:19:58!!!

    Congratulations! That's great!! Bring on the half :smile:
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Great job Berry!

    X-training day for me today. Heading to the barn for a ride, and give a lesson to my daughter, then to meet a friend for a 4-5 mile walk.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Katapple: Thanks for that feedback. It's good to know that I probably don't need to change shoes. I think I would also like to transition over to minimalist shoes after the race in October but in the mean time I'll just stick with what I have. That sounds like sound advice about transitioning over gradually. I'll just start with low mileage (which as it happens is all that I can really manage for the time being anyway).

    Man, I am missing my long runs!!
    ...hopefully all this patience will pay off and I will be as good as new soon.

    kated930: Thanks for your comments. The shoes which I wear currently (new balance 1040) were assessed and fitted for me by a specialty shop where they videoed me running etc. I have been very happy with them, you're quite right doing this makes a big difference! I suppose I feel somewhat skeptical about asking for advice from people who stand to gain from what is in my pocket based on what they say, however I will keep this in mind as an option, particularly if I notice I'm having trouble.

    BerryH: Awesome!! nice one
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    5.35 mile x-country hike today, run tomorrow. I was dragging bad today. I think I need to up my protein.
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I am training for a half I am running in the spring!

    7 mile run planned for tonight.

    I am doing a muddy 5k on October 1st.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    5.35 mile x-country hike today, run tomorrow. I was dragging bad today. I think I need to up my protein.

    Sounds like me this week - three shortish runs and I just seemed so SLOW, everything is aching and I just don't have much bounce. Wonder if I need more protein, more carbs, more sleep or less stress? Probably all of those!

    I hope some of my "bounce" comes back for a 10km long run on Saturday. It helps that it will be by the beach on a really flat path, so at least I won't have hills to contend with :)
    Actually it is the route I will be running for my first HM in February - if anyone wants a break from northem hemisphere winter, come and join me in a summer half by the beach in Western Australia :smile:

    Berry, well done with your 10k, that is fantastic, I bet you will do really well in your big race, you have been training so hard and sound pretty well prepared.