Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    My water intake really dropped this past week. Not sure why but just never got it up past about 120 oz most days. I need 150 oz at least. I'm like you about eating too late at night. My husband can eat and go to sleep and still lose weight but for me I need at least 4 hours or I won't lose even with the same calories each day. Our schedule changed up a bit and we are going to bed about 2-3 hours earlier but I'm still eating at the same time. Going to shift the meals starting now.

    I did get more walking this week. So far I have been twice in the last 5 days. I'm trying to walk at least 3 times and hopefully 4 each week.

    I took a sneak peek at a couple of measurements and while my hips are smaller my waist is a tad bigger. I had hurt my feet and stopped doing the dancing and now I need to make sure I get the belly dancing back in. Also, want to try the hula dancing again. I was never very good at it but it was fun and that is the important thing!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    I've probably been drinking too much damn wine to lose anything! :drinker: But I've been absolutely working my butt off! Last week I did 30 Day Shred every day and also ran over 12 miles and fit in a PUMP class. I need to make sure I'm putting up as much work in the eating department as I am in the gym. I haven't got much planned for the next couple of weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to avoid bad eating and drinking for a bit! I'm not sure why, but I have absolutely no problem drinking enough water. I might be part fish. :tongue:

    Come on guys, we can beat 7.3 lbs this week! Add in an extra walk or trip to the gym if you can! Do some jumping jack's during your favorite show's add breaks! With all the zero losses/gains last week, there's bound to be an improvement this week! I found that I'm hitting a bit of a wall in weight loss, but seem to still be shredding inches so that's at least one plus! Hoping for at least a pound this week! :grumble:

    I'm also excited to see everyone's measurements! :wink:
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Today was the first day I really blew it in the calories, but still I was under maintenance, so hopefully it won't hurt me too much. I have seriously fallen off the water wagon, though. I think my goal for tomorrow is to drink 8 glasses of water before I put my one allowed diet soda in the fridge. Then once that is gone, I will only have water. We ate out twice today and I had soda each time, plus we stopped for a drink when we left the zoo and I had yet another soda. All diet, but t sure cuts my desire for water!

    I am nervously anticipating measuring this week. I wore a dress to church that was looser than last time I wore it, just before moving. So I've lost some inches, but when I look in the mirror I look the same! Same shape, even if it's a bit smaller.

    I am HOPING I can find a scale this week - I haven't weighed since before the move, so it will be three weeks this Weds. I have NO idea if I lost or not, but at least I shouldn't have gained.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    The good news is I didn't gain weight on my vacation. The bad news is I have forgotten how to do this.

    My vacation ended on Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning I was back at the gym, but I had lost my fitness edge. So I've made 3 appointments to workout this week.

    Also, getting back into the healthy eating habits is more difficult than I thought it would be. I opened the refrigerator this morning and just stared at the food wondering how to put together meals to take to work (I was back at work today). So, I'm writing menus for this week.

    For motivation, I'm picturing myself 10 pounds slimmer at Thanksgiving, enjoying my family's company, wearing a new outfit, feeling comfortable as I sit in front of the fire, plotting my Christmas surprises.

    It's all back-to-basics stuff and I think that's going to work for me this week. Best of luck to everyone this week.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am struggling, floundering, and generally being a big baby. I have been sick for a few days and busy at the same time, my kids have colds and are whiny and clingy... I have ate out, skipped meals, ate out again - I skipped a workout. DANGER DANGER DANGER I need to find my fitness mojo before I really get into trouble. Seeing as how I slept in 2 hour increments last night I am dying for a nap, sooo my plan for the day is to do some exercise a nice walk I think, eat a salad lunch, and then take a nap. No excuses today - that's my mantra.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Good Morning all.....
    It's almost time to do measurements.
    Be sure to weigh yourself tomorrow morning and don't forget to pull out that measuring tape.

    Make today a great day!
    Come just below your calorie goals, do an extra 5 minutes of exercise, or drink that extra glass of water.
    Every little bit counts!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Woo.. yesterday was intense and my legs are feeling it today! I ran an 8 minute mile as a warm up for my Pump class... I don't know the last time I ran that fast! Pump was intense... the lunge set was OMG killer, same with squats! And then 20 minutes later... level 2 of Jillian's 3DS. Wooooweeeee! Ready to run and shred tonight and weigh in in the morning!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Holy what?!??! Shauna that is some amazing working out!

    I'm hoping to get a walk in tonight. Did some calisthenics this morning along with my stretching. Trying to keep the water up but with when I lost the last 10lbs I found that I'm having a harder time with the water. I'm getting about 120-130 oz a day but before I was getting a good 160. Not sure what is up with that.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Drink H20, Move It, Let's Lose It!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Haha it was intense but felt so good after!

    Anyways, I know water is a big issue for some of you guys and I just wanted to share this awesome link I came across: There are quite a few factors that would affect how much water you need. Your daily intake may vary depending on how much exercise you have and you may need more depending on the altitude of where you live or the weather, etc.

    Try this: <---input your values based on today.

    I weigh about 175lbs and based on what I did yesterday, I should have consumed 104.3 ounces of water, or 3.1 liters. Also, if you eat a healthy diet, 20% of your water will come from your food. You can also reach your daily fluid needs with other healthy liquids like herbal teas, water, 100% fruit juice, etc. Try it out and see how much you need to drink!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    192 ounces of water today, or 5.8 liters.
    If you eat a healthy diet, about 20 percent of your water may come from the foods you eat. If you eat a healthy diet you can drink 153.6 ounces of water today, or 4.6 liters.

    Right on with what I know about how I respond to water. 160-190 is the target that makes me feel the best.

    It also fits in closely with the take your weight in half and drink in ounces. Or for me 318/2= 159 oz. Rounded to 160 for simplicity. Though that would be low for you since you exercised a lot!

    Ok, everyone :drinker: up!

    Good tool!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Haha glad you found it useful! I think it answers a lot of the "how much am I supposed to drink?" questions because it's not a cookie cutter answer at all! I do exercise a fair bit and I also live in a dry region and when summer comes along it will be HOT and I will be required to drink even more!

    It's not really a problem for me for a few reasons: I freaking love water, other beverages are really expensive in Australia so I've lost the temptation to drink diet pepsi 2 times a day like I used to in the states, and when I'm working out I drink water practically the whole time. I stopped counting water because I know I drink plenty. The only days that I fail on water are days that I've been drinking alcohol... every alcoholic drink should be paired with a glass of water!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    It's super dry here and we are at a high elevation. I drink almost nothing but water but still find it hard to get since I need so much. I'm hoping once I lose more weight and need less it will be easier. I don't mind drinking it but dang 160oz is a lot!
  • momof6monkees
    Neck: 15
    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts): 42
    Bust (women across breasts): 44.5
    Waist: 39.5
    Hips: 49.5
    Upper arm: 17.5
    Forearm: 11
    Thighs: 29.5
    Calves: 16.5
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    momof6monkees - great job!! You're down 12.5 inches!
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I lost 2.5 pounds this week!!

    I'm thrilled because that means that my total weight loss since i started this journey over a year and a half ago (only the last few months on MFP) is 50.5 pounds!!!

    it feels great to reach that 50 pound mark!!!

    (i started at 220 and am at 169.5)

    will send you my measurements:-)
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    dajndae - great! just entered in your measurements and saw your weight on here. Good Job!!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Neck: 11,5
    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts): 31.5
    Bust (women across breasts): 37
    Waist: 29.5
    Hips: 34
    Upper arm: 12
    Thighs: 21.5

    down 3# (been 3 weeks since I weighed and I'm on a different scale now, so no telling how accurate it is!)
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    quietlywinning - you have some GREAT loss of inches! Way to go!!! :happy:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Some of you have had really great reductions in your waist. What have you been doing that you think is making the difference?