How do you get yourself into right mindset?

I gained the COVID 19 and have not been able to have the self control to get back in a healthy tracking/ intentional mindset. What do you do to kickstart this and how do you create a habit? Any inspiration much appreciated!


  • mirianyusm
    mirianyusm Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a professional dog trainer and a dog sports competitor -- stick with me, I have a point.

    One of the big principals in dog training is basically about laying a strong foundation, and only increasing the difficulty when you have success 80+ percent of the time. Another one is that you make getting it right as obvious and easy as you possibly can - you set up in a way that makes it almost impossible for the dog to get it wrong.

    In weight loss, I am the dog.

    There is no mindset for me, really. I started with a very simple, easy, foundation behavior that I built upon. For me that was tracking my food before I ate it. No restriction, nothing else. Just inputting what I ate into MFP. Everything else there - getting enough protein, getting used to a ceiling on my calories (at maintenance first), creating a deficit - built upon the previous steps and habits, a lot of which are individual to me and my psychology.

    the basics are still just 'lay a foundation of easy behaviors, increase difficulty slowly, add new things only when successful at the previous'.

    everyone wants to results now - in weight loss and dogs, actually - but that 'slow is fast' saying is accurate. You can go slow and lay a really good foundation - or you can rush ahead to try to get the results you want right now, and spend the next several years or decades fixing problems that result from the holes in your foundation.

    breathe. Relax. Look and think about what things you'd like to see your life look like and then take the smallest, easiest step toward that. Get that ingrained. Then add another one. Troubleshoot when you find things getting hard about how you can make success easier.

    LAY A FOUNDATION before you start building.

    This. I would just log my food without the intention of eating at a deficit. You will start seeing what you are eating and you will probably start making changes naturally. Good luck to you.
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,069 Member
    This might sound odd, but I owe a lot of my stick-to-it-iveness to VEVO and YouTube fashionistas. Even though I am nowhere NEAR that universe, watching the perfect bodies in music videos and keeping track of the latest fashion trends keeps my head in the game.
  • ekaplanloring
    ekaplanloring Posts: 2 Member
    Logging my food is key. And walking. Those are two things that help put me in the right mindset. I’ve been maintaining for about a year now. I’m at the higher end of where I want to be so I want to drop a few myself.
    Night time snacking is my downfall so I’m trying to eat dinner a little later and just have a warm beverage in the evening. I walk/run everyday (10,000 steps) and take a few classes a week. I try to keep moving to keep my metabolism up and to help burn additional calories I might be eating. It’s not always easy but every day is an opportunity to do better. You can do this!
  • makethistimedifferent
    makethistimedifferent Posts: 31 Member
    edited January 2022
    I got my master's degree and focused my studies on weight loss maintenance with the intent of learning how to maintain my own weight loss. Along the way, I learned a lot about mindset, including some interesting information on willpower from a book titled Willpower.
    I put everything I learned in a complimentary workshop, but it's a lengthy one. I can share the details of the workshops, which I'm breaking down into bite-sized mini-workshops if you'd like. The next one will be this Saturday and be about 20-30 minutes.
    In short, it's different for everyone, but there are questions you can ask yourself to help you get to your goals.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,320 Member
    Take a front and side picture of yourself in your underwear. That motivated me. Oh.. and look at it every day. Kept me on track.