Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 159



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,166 Member
    @deepwoodslady You have had a great round! Take care of your knee. Remember it’s not an excuse for bad choices. Keep up the good work and be safe!
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I'm moving over to measurements since they are not salt sensitive and if you take enough of them, major fluctuations get smoothed out.

    15th 107 109 107 110
    16th 105 108 107 111
    17th 105 110 107 111
    18th 104 109 109 112
    19th 104 109 108 108

    Plugging these into my spreadsheet I get a trendline of 108.32 - 0.0301*(per reading) which means I lost weight for the 5 days I did this round.
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    Age: 62 5’6”

    SW: 261 (6/3/21)

    CW: 240 (8/9/21)

    UGW: 175
    End of 10 day challenge goal: 238

    Drink a minimum of 64 oz water a day
Swim, Circuit, Hike (5x week minimum)

Previous Challenge 156: 245.4 (-1.8)

    Previous Challenge 157: 242.0 (-3.4)

    Previous Challenge 158: 240 (-2.0)

    SW - 240.0

    8/10 - 240.4 (+.4) I usually try to eat before 6pm, but yesterday was a really busy day so I didn’t eat until after 8pm. That usually impacts my weight the next day. Looking forward to swimming in a few hours. My sister and I take weekly progress pictures. It was really inspiring to see the changes in the last 3 weeks.
    8/11 - 239 (-1.0) Yay! Into the 230’s for the first time in several years. Yesterday’s swim was wonderful I’m recovering faster after each lap and able to keep moving the full hour. I swam 825 yards which is the most so far. Still a bit awkward with my strokes, but getting better. :)
    8/12 - 238.4 (-1.6) Another nice drop. In the last two weeks, after my weight loss slowed, I lowered my daily calorie goals and that’s seemed to have an effect. My goal is 2 pounds a week so if it goes over that, I’ll bump the calories up until it balances out. I’m back to the pool today in between painting sessions.
    8/13 - 237.0 (-3.0) Wow! I had a good swim yesterday. My endurance is getting better and I’m not using the kick board as much. I ate back less than half my exercise calories. I probably need to eat back a few more. Today is my indulgence meal, so I’ll gain back a little over the next two-three days.
    8/14 - 237.6 (-2.4) A little bump up from my indulgence meal. I may have another bump up tomorrow. I did my workout at Orange Theory Fitness For some reason I was really tired yesterday. I haven’t felt that way for weeks, but after a nap, and a good night’s sleep, I’m back on track.
    8/15 - 237.6 (-2.4) Yesterday was my rest day as far as exercise goes. Today is another hike with my sister. It should be a beautiful day!
    8/16 - 237.6 (-2.4) Stuck for a few days at this weight. I ate late yesterday and didn’t eat up to the exercise calories I burned during my hike yesterday. But I am down from my starting weight and very happy with that.
    8/17 - 237.8 (-2.2) I’m a bit disappointed and surprised, but I’m expecting a whoosh any day. I’m staying within calories. I have very busy days and am not eating on my previous schedule. Who knows…staying the course.
    8/18 - 237 (-3.0) Back to my low weight. I can definitely live with that. Swimming was good yesterday. I swam 900 yards in about an hour. I’m slow, but steady. Leaving for a trip to see my son tomorrow so the next week is going to be a bit of a challenge.
    8/19 - No Scale - On vacation visiting my son and won’t have access to a scale. I’m still trying to log my food and will probably eat at a maintenance level. My goal is to return at the same weight I left at. If not, I’ll be back on track by early next week.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Round 159 starting weight: 71.7 kg!!!
    Round 159 goal weight: < 71.7 kg 157.74lbs

    8/9 71.9 158.18

    ROUND 159
    8/10 71.7. 157.74
    8/11 71.9. 158.18
    8/12 71.7. 157.7
    8/13 71.7 157.7
    8/14 71.7. 157.7
    8/15 71.9. 148.18
    8/16 72.5
    8/17 71.9 158.18
    8/19 71.9

    Round 159: 157.7 ➡️ 158.2
    Round 158: 158 ➡️ 158.2
    Round 157: 158.6 ➡️158
    Round 156: 158.8 ➡️159
    Round 155: 158.6 ➡️159
    Round 154: 158.5 ➡️158.8

    August’s Goal: get back under 71.5 by Sept 1!!!! rounds 158, 159 & 160!

    July’s Goal: Get back to 157’s. (<71.8)🎉

    SW 1/1/2016 228.3
    Maintenance < 160 monthly average
    Preferred main. range < 157.3 (71.5kg)

    In maintenance since Sept 2018 😄

    Switched walking to the AM

    Maintaining 0.4kg above my high weight is working for me. Will keep trying to nudge it down, but I’m confident it will come down over time.
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    Round 152 SW 189 EW 185.4 (-3.6)
    Round 153 SW 185.4 EW 184.2 (-1.2)
    Round 154 SW 184.2 EW 183 (-1.2)
    Round 155 SW183 EW 180.4 (-2.6)
    Round 156 SW 180.4 EW 177 (-3.4)
    Round 157 SW 177 EW 180 (+3)
    Round 158 SW 180 EW 174.6 (-5.4)

    SW: 174.6
    GW: 171.6

    Day 1 8/10: 174.2, Trend 174.4
    Day 2 8/11: 174.6, Trend 174.3
    Day 3 8/12: 175.2, Trend 174.4 WTH?! Sometimes I hate my body😔
    Day 4 8/13: 176.6, Trend 175.0
    Day 5 8/14: 175.0, Trend 175.0
    Day 6 8/15: 175.0, Trend 174.9
    Day 7 8/16: 174.6, Trend 174.7
    Day 8 8/17: 174.2, Trend 174.6. Back to my lowest low for third time in 11 days. Very frustrating.
    Day 9 8/18: 174.2, Trend 174.3
    Day 10 8/19: 173.6, Trend 174.0 new low!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    I'm in! Thank you, @quiltingjaine !

    71 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion... :D...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 145.0
    UGW: 132.2

    08/08 - 147.0 at 8:45 a.m. ...total rest and ice day!!
    08/09 - 149.4 at 5:00 a.m. ...ugh! ...60 min workout w/trainer


    08/10 - 146.6 at 5:00 a.m. ... much better!! ...total rest and ice day!!
    08/11 - 149.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...ugh! ...60 min workout w/trainer
    08/12 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...this is not good ...total rest and ice day!!
    08/13 - 147.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...total rest and ice day!!
    08/14 - 145.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer ...sleepin' in always helps!! :D
    08/15 - 145.0 at 8:15 a.m. ...total rest and ice day!!
    08/16 - 146.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    08/17 - 146.2 at 5:30 a.m.
    08/18 - 147.0 at 5:30 a.m.
    08/19 - 146.8 at 5:00 a.m.

  • sIeepytea
    sIeepytea Posts: 67 Member
    Stats: 5'1", F

    GW: 50 kg
    Goal for round 159 is 56-57 kg

    SW: 58.8 kg
    8/10: 58.8 kg - 30 minute run / 3.20 ish km. Had a pretty big lunch and kind of a small dinner. Forgot to track food on MFP,  but still tried to be mindful of what I ate.
    8/11: 58.2 kg - 30 min run / 3.15 km. Breakfast was egg, cured sausage, and a banana blueberry smoothie. Lunch was steamed veg with white rice and basa fillet.
    8/12: 58.2 kg - around 2k run, was feeling lazy.
    8/13: 58.8 kg - wanted to take a break from running today but still went for 30 mins anyways and did 3.5k! 😊
    8/14: 57.6 kg
    8/15: DNW - was snacking quite often today. went on 30 min run!!!
    8/16: 58.5 kg - 30 min run! Forgot to log in all my food for this day. Oops!!!!
    8/17: 57.9 kg
    8/18: 57.9 kg
    8/19: DNW - missed my run for 2 days. I think tomorrow's weigh in might have an increase. We'll see. Happy with maintenance but I'm getting impatient and wish I was losing weight faster lol :(
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,539 Member
    @frida001 - hope you had a wonderful birthday & celebrated in the way that you wanted to x
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,539 Member
    @schmoyew - don't be down hearted - you've lost 2.1 pounds during the round - you've done good!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,179 Member
    4’9” petite-sm. boned
    Ultimate goal: 98 lbs (subject to change)
    SW (starting over--May 24, 2021): 160.3
    Round 151 Lost 3.1 lbs. EW: 157.2
    Round 152 EW: 159.6
    Round 153 EW 158.6
    Round 154 EW 157.8
    Round 155 EW 157
    Round 156 EW 159.4
    Round 157 EW 158.6
    Round 158 EW 159.2

    Round 159 Goals: Stick with my plans as closely as possible even if I have to change them & even with the stress. Go to bed earlier & get up earlier. Drink at least 32 oz of water.
    8/10 159.8 I can & will do better! Yesterday was not a terrible food day, but wasn’t good either. Could have been worse, so did have some restraint on myself.
    8/11 159.8 did better but will see tomorrow morning. And tomorrow is another day. Lol.
    8/12 159.2 again, did much better than I have been, but not really enuff yet—I don’t think. I did remember the article that @quiltingjaine posted the link to re: snacking while I was at work. I did add a few more sips of water before reaching for snack candy. Also, did not have any snacks at all at home last night. None. But didn’t measure my amount of 1% milk & the Hershey’s chocolate syrup that I drank with my dinner last night. Chocolate milk was scheduled but only a certain amount. I got lazy. What an idiot! Lol so we’ll see what happens when I weigh in the morning. Lol
    8/13 159 I guess not bad after yesterday. And forgot to mention that my sweet dog had a big seizure that I woke me yesterday morning. She’s still recovering from it. Needs assistance standing when not on carpet. Poor baby. Her condition improved as the day went on yesterday. But for a few hours afterwards she was very disoriented & bumping into walls & things. And my Mom had a slow motion fall yesterday even with a caregiver. New caregiver wasn’t trained or updated on her condition (poor mgmt & training/communications at the ALF) & wasn’t prepared. Supposed to have supplies ready before getting residents up & don’t leave a resident alone on toilet when they have dementia & can’t walk. So a very stressful day yesterday. Plus extra stressful events at work yesterday. All in all, I did pretty darn good! Lol
    8/14 159 did ok yesterday.
    8/15 159 diet was pretty darn good yesterday. Stressful day tho. Caregivers obviously forgot my mon yesterday. I had to call the ALF for them to get her out of bed. Of course, their excuse was that they get her up later as that’s what they usually do. Well, 11:30m for her to leave the room is way too late & besides they usually get her up at different times ranging from 7:30am to 9:30am. Plus she usually has morning meds with breakfast. Wtf. My dog had another seizure yesterday. She’s not doing well. My Dads eye infection was much worse. Just not a great day fir me, a gain… Today is a new day!!!!!!!
    8/16 158.8 Did pretty good, yesterday. Normal work stress. Was awakened by SNF calling re: my Dad -- at 5am. He required wound care at that time... ghah! Then, noticed that my Mom was having an issue at the ALF. She can't walk anymore & has to be in a wheelchair, but she had gotten herself to a sitting position on the edge of the bed & was trying to get up. A caregiver finally went in there. (Motion sensors alert the caregivers on their pagers...) Luckily she arrived just in time to help my Mom, so no fall, thank goodness!
    8/17 158.2 Did well dieting yesterday. At work this morning, got a terrible no good migraine, wasn't sure if that was all it was since I haven't had one this bad in so long. Was nauseous & had chills, felt incredibly tired, sneezed 6 times in a row & ended very congested. Had to call my husband to come help me at work. My co-worker was kind enough to offer to help when he saw me lying on the floor in my office. He's such a sweetheart. He brought me cold damp papertowels to put on my head & neck. My husband came & helped me do a Covid test -- thankfully negative, no fever, O2 was good, pulse was fine, Threw up, Gradually was better. Stayed at work & when better actually got work done. I haven't had a migraine like that one in a very long time... a couple years! Used to get them very often... they're in my family. Only 2 of my brothers escaped them...
    8/18 157.4 Yay! Yesterday afternoon, my sweet dog had another big seizure. She’s been bumping into things & very discombobulated since then. Actually since the first one last Thursday morning… so hard to watch her like this. Having to help lift her to stand & walk. Sitting next to her on the floor. Holding water bowl for her. Night & day since Thursday. My sweet wonderful puppy
    8/19 158.8 Yesterday, my husband & I had to let our sweet 14 year old Catahoula Leopard Dog go. We had her since just a couple weeks old. Best dog we ever had. so smart & sweet. We loved her so much!

    So, 1 pound loss this round from the first day of this round. Less than 1 lb from the end of last round.

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    @Elbee1 I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet precious dog. It is hard to get over the loss of any family member including our precious pets. No more seizures at the Rainbow Bridge. You shall meet again.
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Elbee1 wrote: »
    8/19 158.8 Yesterday, my husband & I had to let our sweet 14 year old Catahoula Leopard Dog go. We had her since just a couple weeks old. Best dog we ever had. so smart & sweet. We loved her so much!

    So, 1 pound loss this round from the first day of this round. Less than 1 lb from the end of last round.

    @Elbee1 I am so sorry for your loss of your dear puppy. My husband and I had to let our 14 year old golden retriever go about 4 years ago and it was so so hard. I know you are relieved she's not suffering any longer but that doesn't stop you from being so sad and missing them so much. <3
  • dfwgal1
    dfwgal1 Posts: 192 Member
    Round 159

    STATS: 5’6", F

    - Check in everyday
    - Some form of exercise at least every other day
    - Eat within calorie goal
    - Intermittent Fasting (Weekdays) 16:8

    R157(1): SW: 134; EW: 131.8 (-2.2 lbs)
    R158(2): SW: 131.8; EW: 132.6 (+0.8 lbs)
    R159(3): SW: 132.2; EW: 126.2 (-6 lbs)
    UGW: ~115 LBS

    SW: 132.2
    8/10 - 132.2
    8/11 - 130.6. Woohoo! kind of feels like I am circling back here again, but slow and steady and keeping at it.
    8/12 - 130. Worked out today as well and it was a good cardio session. Super tired but felt good,
    8/13 - 129.4
    8/14 - 129
    8/15 - 128.4
    8/16 - 128.2
    8/17 - 127.4. Have been working out most days. Tomorrow should be a rest day. Eating within calorie limit and doing 16:8 IF still.
    8/18 - 126.2
    8/19 - 126.2. Hopefully working out today after 2 days of rest. I think the weight loss over the last couple of days will round itself out by a little gain again. But we shall see.
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,539 Member
    @Elbee1 - so sorry to hear of your very sad loss, she will still be with you in spirit, and you will always have those precious memories. Hugs to both you & your DH xx.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,179 Member
    @fmfdfa2020 @deepwoodslady @musicsax Thank you for taking the time to write such caring and comforting posts.... your thoughts mean a lot to me.