Women 200lb+, Let's Be Unafraid This August!!!



  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member

    Man, I wish I liked hard boiled eggs but I cannot get a hard yolk down.
    They're something I try every so often to try to acquire the taste but it hasn't stuck yet!

    Try taking the yolk of the egg out, mix with a little bit of avocado, then have "deviled" eggs with it. you can add any spices you like. The avocado will take place of the mayo, be heart healthy and gives the yolks a much better texture!
  • patriciafoley1
    patriciafoley1 Posts: 137 Member
    Well, I've finally gotten off my plateau for the last ten days
    SW 212
    August starting weight 189.8

    8/1 189.8
    8/6 186.8
    8/7 186.4
    8/8 185.4
    8/21 184.6

    total weight loss since 8/1 5.2
    total weight loss since 6/1/21 27.4

    Was hoping to get below 180 this month, but with just ten days doesn't seem likely, but will try.

  • 57pattycake
    57pattycake Posts: 29 Member
    Age: 61
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 260 June 2021
    CW: 233.2 August 1, 2021

    8/07: 230.8
    8/14: 228.4
    8/21: 225.4
    GW for August 225lbs -8.2lbs
    UGW 160ish

    I’m having a great month with a loss of 3# for the week. I still have so much to lose but am celebrating each loss. I’m trying to look at the trees and not the whole forest.

    I finally go back to work in September which I’m thrilled about but also where sweet, salty, starchy deliciously bad temptations are ever present. I can’t complain because I used to be the one bringing them. My plan is to avoid the break room and pack my own treats daily.

    Thankyou ladies for your kindness and encouragement to all who join this group. I read something every day that makes me motivated and accountable for my own journey.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    I like to make Sunday's special and bake the hubby special keto treats :) I try to make his diabetes a little less burdensome. Today was yellow (keto) cake and sugar free icing for me, calorie free caramel drizzle for me ... so freaking goood!! But - I learned something really important. I WILL NOT think next time that we will have a treat then eat lunch and be fine. Treats are not equal to food. So next time I will eat a salad or whatever I have planned and have said treat, and I will not have to pull cake pans away from the hubby and strong will it (are those a thing?) myself. It just ends up a train wreck. So salad first (or whatever you are going to eat) then when you are full (this includes the hubby - ignore his I'm not hungry), having a treat will be really special and it will be very easy for ALL involved to have 1 serving for me, and maybe I can get the man down to 3 servings.. Cuz he was about to get a fork, and was very very sad that I told him it was time for lunch. I can't handle those pretty brown eyes, and I don't really have enough will power for one - much less two!! So lesson learned, plan accordingly and this will be wonderful every time. Promise and pinky swear!!