What irks you today?



  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Contractors. Specifically, concrete contractors.

    I need a new big double concrete driveway, plus walkway. This is not a cheap job. Okay, it's a little messy because the existing ancient concrete driveway has to be removed, but I expect that to be built into the exorbitant price.

    I have called three contractors so far to provide a quote. All three said sure, no problem and then ghosted me. Don't answer my calls, don't return messages. Nada. :s I suspect they only took my first call because I phoned from work and I work for the guvmint and they probably thought they were about to land a biiiiig contract. Sorry, nope. (And don't you people realize that our jobs go to tender?)

    I am seriously appalled that not one of these outfits has the cojones to tell me flat out that they don't want the job, or they're too busy, or whatever, and they think dodging a potential customer is the better option.
  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,326 Member
    I just dropped my soda in my lap, in my car and it’s my lunch break so I gotta go back to work looking like I peed myself. 🧐

    I hate when that happens
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,861 Member
    I just dropped my soda in my lap, in my car and it’s my lunch break so I gotta go back to work looking like I peed myself. 🧐

    Speaking as someone who pees themself regularly, just roll with it. If you can pretend it never happened? Everyone else will also.

    Bonus: You will smell like soda. Which is a definite upgrade from actual pee smell. (I do carry a deodorizer spray in my emergency kit)
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,861 Member
    My pet peeve today is fleas.
    Especially the little buggers who are reminding me I forgot to give the cats their monthly dose.
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    Customer calling me baby girl. He switched to sweetheart when I didn’t respond but like, idk why baby girl was pissing me off so much but I can’t stand that and princess too.
    I’m not busy but he called me over for nothing. Wanted me to tell some guy he had grey in sideburns that didn’t so.🤷🏻‍♀️🙄
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,365 Member
    edited August 2021
    This morning I'm irked by low water pressure in the shower in my hotel room. It's actually more like nonexistent water pressure. 😑
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Customer calling me baby girl. He switched to sweetheart when I didn’t respond but like, idk why baby girl was pissing me off so much but I can’t stand that and princess too.
    I’m not busy but he called me over for nothing. Wanted me to tell some guy he had grey in sideburns that didn’t so.🤷🏻‍♀️🙄

    Gross. It would bother me, too.

    Both do, honestly, but I can tolerate "sweetheart" more since I heard it a lot growing up and having spent the last four years living in a place where "sweetheart" was a weird default for a bunch of well-meaning, polite old men.

    "Baby girl" and "princess" are both ruined for me because of the sexual/sexist connotation and how I hear them most often used. Just.. NO. Sorry you had to put up with that. :neutral:
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Tech support that clearly have never run the machines they feild calls about, but insisit on trying to troubleshoot when they obviously have noooooo idea what they are talking about. Just send me over ot the field engineer alread, for heavens sake!
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    Googling parks near me and it suggests McDonalds and wells Fargo 😩
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,562 Member
    Googling parks near me and it suggests McDonalds and wells Fargo 😩

    @OpheliaCooter that does sound incredibly irksome so I’m sorry I giggled. Perhaps it’s a scavenger hunt? Maybe Google wants to take you on an adventure! 😉
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    Googling parks near me and it suggests McDonalds and wells Fargo 😩

    @OpheliaCooter that does sound incredibly irksome so I’m sorry I giggled. Perhaps it’s a scavenger hunt? Maybe Google wants to take you on an adventure! 😉

    I’m just assuming this city has no parks 😕🤷🏻‍♀️
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    Customer calling me baby girl. He switched to sweetheart when I didn’t respond but like, idk why baby girl was pissing me off so much but I can’t stand that and princess too.
    I’m not busy but he called me over for nothing. Wanted me to tell some guy he had grey in sideburns that didn’t so.🤷🏻‍♀️🙄

    Did he call you from 1980?
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    J_NY_Z wrote: »
    Customer calling me baby girl. He switched to sweetheart when I didn’t respond but like, idk why baby girl was pissing me off so much but I can’t stand that and princess too.
    I’m not busy but he called me over for nothing. Wanted me to tell some guy he had grey in sideburns that didn’t so.🤷🏻‍♀️🙄

    Did he call you from 1980?

    I mean, he was a older gentleman so, possibly.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,861 Member
    Verizon wireless…. ‘nuff said