Women 200lb+, Let's Be Unafraid This August!!!



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited August 2021
    SW 9/14/20-255 lbs (Heaviest wt second time).

    UGW-122 lbs ( lowest wt 2009, kept off about 5 years.)
    My short term goals is to be under 200 lbs by the end of August. 190 lbs by the end of October. Figure my average weight loss will slow down sooner than later.

    5/3/21-240.5 (Emergency Gallbladder Surgery, first and last attack!)
    MFP SW 5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    10/31/21 GW-190 lbs

    8/1/21-212.0 lbs
    8/8/21-209.2 lbs
    8/15/21-207.8 lbs
    8/22/21-204.4 lbs
    MLGW-199.9 lbs

    MLGW-195 lbs

    MLGW-190 lbs

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    edited August 2021
    Doing well. Keeping my calories at 1200 or under. Carbs at 15+/- 3. No hunger or cravings. Walking 5 miles 3x/week on my days off.

    Today (8/22) its raining (and going to most of the day) so I dusted off my Elliptical, I haven't used since I broke my leg really bad in 10/15. Put on a TV show and did 72 minutes. I was sweating and exhausted but I did it! That time was picked as that is usually how long my first walk takes and is 3.4 miles. Elliptical said I was at 4.6 mph and did 5.5 miles!

    I have a question. How accurate is MFP with the exercises? It said I burned 1001 calories! Usually I burn about 530 with my 5 mile, 3x/week walk total. Granted I was more tired than my 3-3.5 mph walks, but I was surprised at that number. I know its based on my daily weight.

    Just wondering what others think, if it's pretty accurate.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I was just curious what people think about the MFP exercise estimates.. I rarely eat back any of my exercise calories. Weight goal came about with my average monthly loss being about 10 lbs. My next 2 months, the goal is only 5 lbs as I figure it will start to slow down sooner than later. :-)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention that MFP gave me an ancient member award. :D Not sure if that is good or bad.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    KeriA wrote: »
    Oh I forgot to mention that MFP gave me an ancient member award. :D Not sure if that is good or bad.
    When did you begin MFP? Maybe you are an original!! Wow! I hope your surgery goes well, and I hope your Mom will be okay. I love my Momma dearly, and I struggle with her being in someone else's care. I try to be okay with it, but you know if I had things my way... I just miss her, that's all. The phone just isn't all that when she struggles with hearing. I tried to video chat with her, but that made it worse as she just kept putting the phone to her ear to hear. So I have learned unless I want to look deeply in her ear no videos lols..

  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @KeriA congrats on your ancient member award!! 🎉🍾
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    August Challenge Weigh In Day

    Age 44
    Height 5'4"
    SW 249 3/2020
    CW 217.6
    GW for August 214
    UGW 145

    8/1: 217.2
    8/8: 217.4
    8/15: 218.2
    8/22: 217.2
    Total month loss:

    Weekly goals:
    -Continue logging on MFP
    -Work out 5x per week – 3 cardio & 2 strength
    -64 oz of water each day

    Water and taking vitamins had been lacking with the uptick so working on them this week seemed to help. Weight back to where it was. Saw a preview 216 on Saturday.

    Cat is doing okay on the med. Since she's always been a chunky cat - kitten to 16lbs really, I don't know what a normal weight for her is. She's lost a bit more weight so I'll need to check it after I weigh one day. She's eating but trying to get her to eat more. Makes me nervous.

    Siding for the house is finally getting done this week. I'll have pretty much a whole new house once that and the gutter is done. Outside anyway as I had the roof done, that started the insurance claim, in May.
  • patriciafoley1
    patriciafoley1 Posts: 137 Member

    SW 6/1/21 212

    8/1 189.8
    8/6 186.8
    8/7 186.4
    8/8 185.4
    8/21 184.6 Finally after ten days of plateau, had a small loss
    8/23 182.6 And finally the big loss after two weeks of plateau

    total weight loss since 8/1 7.2
    total weight loss since 6/1 29.4

    I might make 180 by the end of the month after all.....
  • pamelar25
    pamelar25 Posts: 197 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi everyone. I stopped in here when I first started on MFP in May of 2021, but just started back doing groups this month. Here to reinterduce myself.
    I'm Pamela. Age 41.
    HW in Nov. 2018 was 321lbs. I lost 30lbs for my sister's wedding in March of 2019 and got down to 265 during lockdowns in 2020. Started to regain in April this year and on May 15th 2021 decided to get back to working on my weight again.
    SW on MFP was 279.2 (Good 'cause I thought I had gained more than that. Was dreading that start weigh in cause I thought I had gotten back up to 286 which was my weight for almost my entire 20s and early 30s)
    June 2021 SW: 271
    July SW: 261.7
    August SW: 253
    CW: Aug 23, 2021: 248.3.
    Hoping to get into the 230s by Christmas.
    UGW 148.
    Hoping to get to know everyone.
    Thanks for reading about me and thank you for this group.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    How's everyone's week going?

    I think I've mentioned it before in these threads but I work for a university, and the Fall 2021 semester starts Monday, so this is our big crunch week to get everyone cleared to start classes in a few days - Orientation starts tomorrow, and we're all working Saturday, too. The extra couple hundred from OT in my next paycheck will almost make up for not being able to get as much household adulting done this weekend as I normally do; thankfully, my freezer is filled to bursting with food, so I don't need to worry too much about not having as much time to cook.

    I skipped my workout this morning. I slept like absolute dog poop, so once I got my husband's coffee and lunch together I just went back to bed for an hour and a half, got up and dressed, ate breakfast and headed out to work. I fully intend to boot up the Switch for some Ring Fit tonight, and I'll get some desk-cycling done this afternoon as well to bump up my NEAT a little.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    I am doing really well with my nutrition, and I see your
    putting a box of the giant sized swiss cake rolls in the shopping cart. put it back on the shelf.
    really amazing, truly! I know that was hard and I think that is wonderful that you were able to do it! For me it's the cheese. You know how alcoholics usually have to quit cold turkey to quit? That is me and cheese. I just can't have any that I like. I have one that I do keep, the cottage cheese. Everything else is just, I can't seem to moderate that stuff - like at all! This is literally why I stayed at 240 for 7 years. I just had to realize that I had to quit the cheese habit, it doesn't work for me, and I can't make it work. It was my diet wrecker. At first, I logged all the things, and I created better habits when it came to "no more all you can eat buffets ever", then the snacks and cakes, eventually cut out the wine -- I did all this, but.... yeah, the cheese. It was my stop in your tracks, hold the phone, shut the front door item in my diet.

  • Jem594
    Jem594 Posts: 72 Member
    I am doing really well with my nutrition, and I see your
    putting a box of the giant sized swiss cake rolls in the shopping cart. put it back on the shelf.
    really amazing, truly! I know that was hard and I think that is wonderful that you were able to do it! For me it's the cheese. You know how alcoholics usually have to quit cold turkey to quit? That is me and cheese. I just can't have any that I like. I have one that I do keep, the cottage cheese. Everything else is just, I can't seem to moderate that stuff - like at all! This is literally why I stayed at 240 for 7 years. I just had to realize that I had to quit the cheese habit, it doesn't work for me, and I can't make it work. It was my diet wrecker. At first, I logged all the things, and I created better habits when it came to "no more all you can eat buffets ever", then the snacks and cakes, eventually cut out the wine -- I did all this, but.... yeah, the cheese. It was my stop in your tracks, hold the phone, shut the front door item in my diet.

    chocolate for me. I hear ya
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    Welcome @ThickMama1988 ! Six kids younger than 14 - WOW! I don't think I can even imagine that.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and the support in this group is amazing. :heart: