10 Things YOU Hate About Being Overweight



  • Ladymomo9
    Ladymomo9 Posts: 35 Member
    I too am one to look more at the positive stuff but I am going to throw what I hate about being overweight out there!

    I don't mind being a bigger girl, I haven't known anything else. I am 5'9" so I an quite tall, and even in my thinner of bigger times I have felt and looked sexy there are things that I can't stand.

    PLANTAR FASCITIS!! Although, I am not completely down and out...it does make it easier for me not to work out.
    BIG CHONIES! I wanna wear the cute little bikini underwear instead of the boy shorts.
    Amusement parks and airplanes! I have had to ask for an extension belt on a plane before...I was super humiliated.
    SPANX!! WTF!! Seriously!?? They work ,yes, but come on now!!
    Knowing almost every diet known to mankind...I can help everyone lose weight and I think I should be some kind of food counselor...but I can't lose my own...what is wrong with that??
    I hate that my boys say, you are not fat mom! I want them to say, you look great mom and when I look in the mirror that is true!
    I want my husband to be able to throw me around in bed... MEOW!! LOL
    Clothes too, obviously!

    Let's not forget my white bikini!!

    We got this people!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    12. I hated how my thighs rubbed together when I walked.

    13. I hated having a double chin.

    14. I hated what I saw in the mirror (and I'm still not happy with parts of myself in the mirror).
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    HELLOO!!! stop focusing on the things you hate about being fat, and focus on the things you LOVE about being THIN! If you focus all your energy on being fat you will stay fat, if you visualize and dream about being thin and have positive feelings about your perfect body, you will achieve it. Throw all your 'fat hates' out the window and only have POSITIVE THIN thoughts from now on. 'THINK THIN', it works! And just be happy!!! :D

    It's more of a WAKE UP call for others...I hated being 200+. Telling myself about the things I hated and loved got me to where I'm at today. Yes you should love yourself overall but sometimes kicking your butt and talking it out can help you mentally.

    What I hated the most is looking at myself in the mirror and seeing a completely changed person who gained 80+ pounds.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I hate that I'm now worried my younger daughter is going to get a negative body image (doesn't want to be as big as mom). She's already naturally very thin and has a high metabolism, but I realized the other day she wants a lower BMI. I think that watching me work to get my numbers down on the Wii makes her think that she needs to as well. I told her that once her goal resets in a week, she needs to shoot for a higher BMI. She's only 9! She needs to grow!
  • 1 - Not being able to wear the clothes I want to, mainly in Summer! I.e, skirts, shorts, swimmers, singlets etc

    What are swimmers and singlets????

    Swimmers are togs like swim wear and singlets are how do you describe haha wifebeaters sort of . boob tubes with straps

    so swimmer just a swim suit and singlet do you mean like a cami?

    yeap exactly!
  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    1. Not feeling happy in any of my clothes, belly bulge :(
    2. Not liking having photos taken as they are EVIDENCE!
    3. Feeling unfit when walking quickly and getting sweaty
    4. Not being able to fit into my clothes
    5. Being sad of all the years I felt sad even when i was two stone lighter
    6. Feeling awkward in my underwear and thinking I don't look sexy
    7. Feeling less inclined to go out to a club because I think I look too fat in my clothes
    8. Not enjoying shopping anymore :(
    9. Not being very flexible at all! Too much flab in the way
    10. My mum constantly commenting on my weight and wondering if she does it then everyone else must think it!!!

    So glad I'm not the only one thinking these things :S

    Good luck to everyone! We WILL get to where we want if we do actually want it enough :D xx
  • 1. Not being able to wear clothes I want to
    2. Going out and having people looking at me and whispering. It makes me feel so bad about myself.
    3. Looking at pictures I have taken with friends and seeing how skinny they all are compared to me.
    4. Not wanting to look in mirrors because of my fat.
    5. Feeling so out of place all the time.
    6. Not being attractive
    7. Feeling self conscience all the time.
    8. Not wanting to ever wear a bathing suit in public.
    9. Worried about how guys think of my weight.
    10. Not being able to feel comfortable in my own skin.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I just hate being overweight. Period.

    Specific details... Let's see.

    1. Thighs rubbing.
    2. Getting tired more quickly than I would without the excess weight.
    3. Looking older than I'd like to look!
    11. Feeling like I'm the fattest person in this country, and getting stares because I probably am. (I live in South Korea, most people are stick thin here.)
    I grew up in South Korea and their attitude towards beauty annoys me BIG TIME!!
  • lauraallover
    lauraallover Posts: 28 Member
    I grew up in South Korea and their attitude towards beauty annoys me BIG TIME!!

    Definitely. I know I'm a mammoth compared to them. I'm not EXTREMELY self conscience, because I know at the end of the day, I'm a beautiful person, BUT, I've had Korean women hit on my husband IN FRONT OF ME, because they think I'm too fat or something. It's upset me so much before. :/
  • 11. Feeling like I'm the fattest person in this country, and getting stares because I probably am. (I live in South Korea, most people are stick thin here.)
    I grew up in South Korea and their attitude towards beauty annoys me BIG TIME!!

    Same here in the Philippines. I don't know if its an Asian thing or something that if you got curvy body or a medium-large frame, they consider you fat & ugly. There was one time I felt like the fattest girl in this country.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Really, nattiepeach, because I find these reasons I dislike being overweight more of motivation than anything. In fact, one of the more inspirational things for me was writing this lisr down, because I could take a step back and think "Okay, these are the reasons I'm aiming to lose weight."

    It's not even necesarrily about things you hate about YOURSELF, it's about things you hate about being OVERWEIGHT.

    Sorry if I'm coming across as rude, but I think this is good for some people. :) Maybe not for YOU, but for some people it is. :)

    bwhaha seriously what i was thinking she said basically the exact same **** twice in the same thread
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Here are the things that suck to me about being over weight!

    1. not being able to cross my legs when sitting!

    2. feeling insecure about myself and feeling depressed about it and my weight!

    3. not being able to fit into cute clothes!

    4. Not having men check you out while walking by etc.!

    5. Always feeling exhausted and more tired than i am now...still tired all the time though even with my big loss!

    6. always feeling like the fattest person in the room or in my family!

    7. not being able to feel or act sexy when I see a cute guy and flirt with him!

    8. bingeing on so much food at one time that i feel horrible, stuffed and fatter than ever!

    9. having people stare at me because of how fat i am and feeling ashamed!

    10. not caring about myself and just exsisting instead of living!

    i'm sure there are more but this should do!
  • 1. Not going shopping with friends because I don't want them to see what size I am
    2. Holding up a pair of jeans and thinking "these are HUGE"
    3. The constant fear that my wonderful husband will be embarrassed by me
    4. the obsession over my weight
    5. the ED that never goes away, but now gives me panic attacks because I'm not skinny
    6. the fact that I was 117 pounds and a size 2 and I would have told you I was obese and meant it 100%
    7. Never feeling good enough/feeling like I'm letting everyone else down.
    8. The guilt of slipping off my diet, even for something as small as a piece of chocolate.
    9. my thighs touch
    10. the "shadow" that shows up under my stomach in pictures.
    11. the stretch marks and the cellulite.
  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    1) Having to replace your jeans on a semi-regular basis because your thighs rubbing together has caused holes in the jeans
    2) Spraining my ankle because the excess weight I have is stressing my bones and joints
    3) Hearing the chair creak under you at work because you have moved and the chair doesn't seem to want to support your weight
    4) Not being able to jog or run because after one block you are so out of weight
    5) Shopping in the Woman's department and only have a very limited selection
    6) Having to sit in the middle seat of a plane and crunching yourself in so you don't touch those around you

    Those are the ones that come to my mind right now but hopefully soon they will be a thing of the past. :-)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Don't hate being overweight..so many things people have posted have made me feel quiet upset. I guess what i am trying to say is that making the move to becoming healthier is a huge step, and the day to day adjustments in making your life healthier should really make you feel better about WHO you are and not how you LOOK...because if you keep at it and stay true to yourself, you will find all sorts of things to LOVE about who you are.

    That said, it was the worst self-loathing that motivated me in the first place.
  • almi90
    almi90 Posts: 1
    I know this reply is about three years late, but dammit, I need to write this!

    1. Having rolls on my stomach that poke out when I sit down. I used to not have these.
    2. Not wanting my boyfriend to put his arm around me while spooning because I'm afraid he will feel my belly fat spill over his hand.
    3. Not wanting my boyfriend to see the insides of my thighs because of stretch marks.
    4. CELLULITE!!!!!!! I know skinny people get this too, but I feel like mine is worse because I'm fat.
    5. My fat wrists and forearms.
    6. When I type on the computer, I feel my upper arms jiggle. I never experienced this until I became overweight.
    7. Crying because I need and want to lose weight, but it's so f***ing hard.
    8. My legs. They look like fat little vienna sausages.
    9. The fact that NONE of the extra weight I have put on has gone to my boobs. None. I have a BMI 26 and a completely flat chest.
    10. I don't have a full on double chin yet, but my face is definitely rounder and fatter. I think it makes me look unattractive.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    12. Shopping. NOTHING i put on looks good.

    This is how I feel. Even as I get into smaller sizes. I wish I could just feel good and it would be great to feel pretty and even better to feel sexy...I hope one day.
  • meb74
    meb74 Posts: 18
    I hate that I can not find clothing in my size that looks right on me. I see all these clothes in misses that look really cute. Do they have anything that kind of resembles them in my size. Of course not. I can't wait to be a size 12 or a 10 so that I can get the really cute clothes too.
  • 1. Not looking/feeling good in my own skin

    2. Always wearing maxi dresses because it covers my out of shape body

    3. Having no energy

    4. Avoiding events because I feel too "fat" to go

    5. Being self conscious when making love to my husband

    6. Shopping for myself

    7. The depression associated with it

    8. People commenting on my weight
  • AsiasMommy
    AsiasMommy Posts: 64 Member
    1) hating being on top, self conscience about all positions
    2) feeling uncomfortable
    3) bad example for my kids
    4) tired
    5) depressed
    6) unhealthy