Looking for friends (ladies only)



  • debq3
    debq3 Posts: 42 Member
    So yesterday I had the follow up with my cardiologist in regard to the heart surgery and how I was doing good the first few visits in Cardiac Rehab and then I hit a wall of fatigue, short of breath and dizzy. I had to stop the rehab until I saw the doctor to avoid falls or other injury which I understand. The doctor adjusted my medications, had me stop the Atenolol due to low heart rate again. I am trying not to panic because any time a doctor tried to stop the Atenolol my blood pressure would spike to well over 200/100 so I am apprehensive but have stopped it as of today. He is sending me to the neurosurgeon to consult about the carotid arteries and whether they should be stented or not. He told me they probably won't because of the danger of blood clots to the brain. On the up note I lost 5 pounds, I can go back to cardiac rehab and my heart sounds good when he listened to it. So tea and oatmeal for breakfast today and then a nice walk at the park. Hope you all have a great Saturday.
  • vottav21
    vottav21 Posts: 84 Member
    My Ladies team ! I need to change what I’m doing ! I almost went & signed up for WW AGAIN but I don’t want to lose the nice friends I’ve made here ! Does anyone else here have any advice . I’m not sure this high protein low carb thing is for me . It’s great when you lose but if I deviate ( & I have ) wow the bounce back weight is crazy ! Summer & no corn or fruit is kinda of sad . Maybe a better more natural weight loss program would be better . Looking forward some suggestions
  • debq3
    debq3 Posts: 42 Member
    vottav21 wrote: »
    My Ladies team ! I need to change what I’m doing ! I almost went & signed up for WW AGAIN but I don’t want to lose the nice friends I’ve made here ! Does anyone else here have any advice . I’m not sure this high protein low carb thing is for me . It’s great when you lose but if I deviate ( & I have ) wow the bounce back weight is crazy ! Summer & no corn or fruit is kinda of sad . Maybe a better more natural weight loss program would be better . Looking forward some suggestions

    Did you have success when on WW? I ask because I did WW a few years ago and I still use what I learned there as far as food choices, portions, exercise, etc. There is even a website that has WW points calculator to use free also calculates daily points. I preferred the point system because it worked great for me. You could consult with a nutritionist to find out what would work for you. When I got sick in 2020 and had trouble eating most foods I was very concerned and gained weight because of what I did eat and couldn't, when I finally started to tolerate most foods again I met with a nutritionist to find the best solution for me, keeping in mind I needed a heart healthy to my surprise it was pretty much WW eating plan. Portion control is key, paying attention to what and why you are eating, hunger, stress, boredom, or you just want it, all plays a part in eating right and losing weight. I myself tried to avoid carbs for years but found it nearly impossible, so finding the right balance of protein, carbs, veg and fruit etc. It is a struggle and those rebound pounds easily find us. Just logging in and listing my meals and seeing what I have eaten at each meal makes me decide on the next meal.
  • tatsarabi2021
    tatsarabi2021 Posts: 2 Member
    Just rejoined today after getting out of a nightmare relationship, and looking to get back to 'ME' again. Friend requests accepted, support needed and offered.
  • Paradise4ever2020
    Paradise4ever2020 Posts: 6 Member
    MaeesaAHHH wrote: »
    Hello lovely people, I have just rejoined MFP after nearly 7 years and gaining a ton of weight (I gained back all the weight I lost plus more). Friends always help with motivation, support and healthy competition so please feel free to add me if you want 😀 Talk soon.

    Please add me, I can't figure out how too lol
  • vottav21
    vottav21 Posts: 84 Member
    @debq3 thank you for your advice . I did lose weight on WW I was on the purple plan. But I think it was the balance that helped . Including fruit & veg . I’m heading back into the produce aisle !
  • debq3
    debq3 Posts: 42 Member
    First day back at Cardiac Rehab after a week and I kicked butt, every exercise I increased by 2 minutes. It felt good to be back, I'm looking forward to Wednesday's session.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,599 Member
    Found an accountability partner to go to Zumba with twice a week!!!! I really needed to know someone was waiting for me to show up. Otherwise it is way too easy to stay home.
  • Gold6767
    Gold6767 Posts: 145 Member
    @pamperedlinny that's great for motivation enjoy your class!
    @debq3 two minutes is big progress in a short amount of time good for you!
    @tatsarabi2021 I'm sorry to hear you had such a difficult relationship they can take quite the toll, but now on to much bigger and better things!
    Hope everyone has a great week
  • vottav21
    vottav21 Posts: 84 Member
    I think I’m only going to post here in our group . To many dude messages & friend requests . I wonder if people find relationships here . I’m not looking so ladies in my group I’ll be over here & not in the general que . Hope you find me
  • vottav21
    vottav21 Posts: 84 Member
    I’m all jazzed up to start my step bet challenge fir the next 5 weeks . My family is already groaning ! The steps the steps . I’ll grab the mustard , the whatever ! I tend to make them crazy with the talk of steps . But Doggo Bella LOVES it !
  • debq3
    debq3 Posts: 42 Member
    vottav21 wrote: »
    I think I’m only going to post here in our group . To many dude messages & friend requests . I wonder if people find relationships here . I’m not looking so ladies in my group I’ll be over here & not in the general que . Hope you find me

    I pretty much only post here as well, I noticed not only here but also on Facebook I get quite a few friend request from men. I found this group my first day on the site and it's very comfortable here.
  • debq3
    debq3 Posts: 42 Member
    vottav21 wrote: »
    I’m all jazzed up to start my step bet challenge fir the next 5 weeks . My family is already groaning ! The steps the steps . I’ll grab the mustard , the whatever ! I tend to make them crazy with the talk of steps . But Doggo Bella LOVES it !

    I'm cheering you on for your Step challenge, have fun with it. I try to find ways to get in more steps during my time at home, like making 2 to 3 trips down the hall from bedroom to livingroom when I could have made 1 trip. And every morning I walk around the entire house outside, it may not sound like much but after 18 months most of it in bed every step matter to me.
  • Nette54R
    Nette54R Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been on MFP for several years on and off and it is a very useful too. I have been trying to lose weight for years but I only found out a couple of years ago I was fighting a losing battle because it was the medication I was on that was causing the problem in the first place and now even though I am no longer on it the damage is done ! I did succeed in losing 12 kilos early last year by doing the Fast 800 and it is an amazing diet but I like everyone I have had a bad year but with some extra problems to boot so I fell into bad habits. Today being the first day of Spring I am starting again back on the Fast 800 so please wish me luck as I wish all of your all the best with your weight loss journeys too.
  • debq3
    debq3 Posts: 42 Member
    vottav21 wrote: »
    I’m killing it Y’all ! Putting my $ in for a StepBet has made a huge difference . Last week I was at 6000 steps & look at today ! i1irh8z3ipx8.jpeg

    This is wonderful.
  • debq3
    debq3 Posts: 42 Member
    Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe weekend.
  • ThisTimeNoWine
    ThisTimeNoWine Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Peta.
    I started tracking again a fortnight ago after massive weight gain.
    I reached 88kg (170cm), which is more than what I got to 11 years ago when full term pregnant.
    5 years ago I was 62kg, all but 10kg of my weight gain has been in the last 18 months.
    Working from home too close to the fridge and lots of wine during lockdown resulted in a BMI of 30 for the first time ever.
    First 2 weeks have been great, 3.5kg down. I still have a long way to go so I am putting this message here as I want to remain accountable.
    Some of the "rules" I have made for myself: 1200 cal per day (which I have to track), min 10.000 steps per day. Not even a sip of wine until I have a 7 in front of my weight again (wine is my undoing).
    Best wishes to all.
  • vottav21
    vottav21 Posts: 84 Member
    @ThisTimeNoWine i feel like wine is my undoing too . It sure was Friday night which led me to be a wee hungover Saturday which led to poor food choices . Up 4 pounds from my beautiful low of last week . I’m sick of my weekend behavior but having a problem breaking the pattern . I think I’m bored . I’m going to try and figure out a new plan this week ! I’m glad your here to try and share the journey with
  • vottav21
    vottav21 Posts: 84 Member
    Nette54R wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I have been on MFP for several years on and off and it is a very useful too. I have been trying to lose weight for years but I only found out a couple of years ago I was fighting a losing battle because it was the medication I was on that was causing the problem in the first place and now even though I am no longer on it the damage is done ! I did succeed in losing 12 kilos early last year by doing the Fast 800 and it is an amazing diet but I like everyone I have had a bad year but with some extra problems to boot so I fell into bad habits. Today being the first day of Spring I am starting again back on the Fast 800 so please wish me luck as I wish all of your all the best with your weight loss journeys too.

    What is the fast 800 ? & good luck of course !