C25K Beginners Running Group – Week 1 (Closed)

Here we go...
1. CoCoMa
2. hikingmonk
3. pandabear
4. tallen
5. TL136
6. ysmatar
7. lilyinlove
8. khollyk
9. teetoofat
10. angel6191966

Welcome to our first week. A new week will start every Monday, and although this is an abbreviated week, I’m sure we can spare three days, right?

Let’s start with a brief intro:
I’m Felicia. I’m married, with a grown daughter (21) and a 15 year old daughter. I live in San Diego, and originally from Louisiana (New Orleans & Lafayette). I’m not much of an exercise person, but I’m getting there. I’m glad to get my body moving with you guys.

Here is your weekly task:
Workout #1: Brisk five-minute warmup. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging/ 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Workout #2: Brisk five-minute warmup. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging/ 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Workout #3: Brisk five-minute warmup. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging/ 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

YOUR Commitment – After each workout is accomplished, please complete the following:
a. Accomplished: W1D? (week 1 Day ?)
b. The run was: ________________ (difficult, easier than I thought, etc..)


  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    I will be running/walking tonight.

    My name is Laura 33 and mom of 4 boys. I live in the south of England, born in Germany raised in the USA. Always been on the chubby side though my bmi says I am obese. 17lbs to go to get to overweight. Hoping this along with strength training will get me where I want to be. I know there is a slim lady in me somewhere. Feel free to add me.

    I will edit this later for tonight's run.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Laura,
    Nice to meet you!

    I'll be starting W1D1 tonight. Be sure to post a. and b. to let us know. I'll do the same.
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello, My name is Tonya and a mom of 3 children, aged 14, 12 and 7. Ilive in St. Albans, VT. I will be running on a treadmill because winter is fast approaching us here and night comes quick. I have tried c25k in the past, but necver made it through week one. My own lack of commitment. I am so excited to do it with a group of people trying to reach the same goal!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Terri, I am 54 and the mother of three grown children and grandmother of a beautiful 2 1/2 month old baby boy. I love MFP, but have never joined a group before. How do I post from now on?

    I have been a member for awhile but hacn't been "good" for a couple of months. I need to get back on track and hope this helps.

    Monday - 9/12/11
    a. Accomplished: W1D1
    b. The run was: Way more difficult than I thought it would be!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    A. Week 1 run 1
    B. It was fun, and I finally understand what people mean by shin splints... Ouch.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    A. Week 1 run 1
    B. It was fun, and I finally understand what people mean by shin splints... Ouch.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Hello, My name is Tonya and a mom of 3 children, aged 14, 12 and 7. Ilive in St. Albans, VT. I will be running on a treadmill because winter is fast approaching us here and night comes quick. I have tried c25k in the past, but necver made it through week one. My own lack of commitment. I am so excited to do it with a group of people trying to reach the same goal!

    Nice to meet you Tonya! I'm excited too. I'll be headed to the gym soon.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Kudos to Terri and Laura for completing W1D1!!

    I am expecting shin splnts. I did buy some decent running shoes recently, and they seem to have minimized the pain.
    I'll be headed to the gym after work.

    Maybe after week 1 I'll try to complete week 2 outdoors. I figure I'll start at the gym to get used to the idea again.

    Good luck to those who have yet to complete their first walk/jog. I'll post my results a little later.

  • aww i already started this 6 weeks ago, so on week 6 now but would like to join in for some like minded people to help me though to finishing this thing! :)
  • Hey everyone my names Travis and am 23 I live in minnesota with my 4 yr old son I am leaving for the navy in february and need to get my butt in shape! Goodluck to everyone
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Bryonie (or Pandabear_), I'm 19 and a history student living in London. I see people running all the time wherever I go and I always think they look so healthy and fit. So I decided to just try it!

    I go running in a nearby park but it's very uphill most the time, so just walking there is a workout!

    a. Week 1 Day 1 - Accomplished
    b. The run was fun! I had a "week 0" before where I got a headache and thought I'd collapse, but this time I was full of energy, I could of continued going if the podcast hadn't ended! Looking forward to running again on Friday.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Bryonie (or Pandabear_), I'm 19 and a history student living in London. I see people running all the time wherever I go and I always think they look so healthy and fit. So I decided to just try it!

    I go running in a nearby park but it's very uphill most the time, so just walking there is a workout!

    a. Week 1 Day 1 - Accomplished
    b. The run was fun! I had a "week 0" before where I got a headache and thought I'd collapse, but this time I was full of energy, I could of continued going if the podcast hadn't ended! Looking forward to running again on Friday.

    I see the runners all the time down here in Hampshire and would so love to just keep running like they do! We can do it, one day we will be able to run non stop our 5k!!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    aww i already started this 6 weeks ago, so on week 6 now but would like to join in for some like minded people to help me though to finishing this thing! :)

    You can do it!! Do it for us beginners. You can motivate us to get to where you are.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Dave, 41, married and father of two wonderful children (11 & 7). Been trying for 10 years to lose weight and get healthy (mostly stress and snacking I think). I ran for a bit some 20 years ago and lost a lot of weight doing so. Not sure why I stopped. Best of luck to everyone!

    a. W1D1 - Done (Monday)
    b. Pretty good start. 3.5mph walking, 4.5mph jogging. Indoors on treadmill.

    a. W1D2 - Done (today)
    b. Not as enjoyable, but not too bad. Nervous about next week.

    Looking to increase my jogging/running speed by 0.1 every week or other week.
  • khollyk
    khollyk Posts: 150 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Holly. I'm in the Coast Guard and am in a long distance relationship (for another 9 months) with my boyfriend, and am currently a single furmommy to our 1 year old black lab. lol.

    I'm going to do W1D1 tomorrow, because I already had a workout partner for today who didn't want to run, but that's okay. I'll post again tomorrow. I attempted C25K once before and got to about week 4 or 5, and for some reason quit.

    I'm reading that a few of your are talking about shin pain, and I experienced the same thing on my last attempt. My best advice to you is to get some really good running shoes. I went to a running store and the guy there looked at the bottoms of my current running shoes, had me walk in them, then take them off and he looked at my feet and how I stood and had me walk barefoot. Then he brought over a few different pairs of shoes and had me walk around the store in those, and even had me do a test "run" around the building before I bought my new pair and they helped SO much. I think before I was using some Adidas running shoes that I thought were pretty good (and definitely weren't cheap), but they just weren't right for my foot. Anyways, just something to think about, especially if you plan on continuing running....might be a good investment.

    Awesome job to you who have/are running today! Can't wait to post my stats tomorrow. :)
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    A: I accomplished W1D1
    B: Hmmmm was it fun, did I enjoy it. Actually yes. I felt so energized.
  • AngelOiCu812
    AngelOiCu812 Posts: 17 Member
    I think I can !!!! :)
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    I think I can !!!! :)

    Yes you can!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    aww i already started this 6 weeks ago, so on week 6 now but would like to join in for some like minded people to help me though to finishing this thing! :)

    Hi Vikki, there is an open C25K / C210K going on, and I believe that it's open. Everyone is very supportive, so you should definitely check it out!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    a) Accomplished: W1D1 (whew!)
    b) No shin splints, but my ankles started to cramp, and still do. I walked at 3.5, and jogged a 5.7.
    c) My goal for the next run is to increase my walking to 3.7

    (I added a c btw)

    Great job everyone!! Holly, can't wait to hear how it went!